How To Use Beer In A Sentence

  • I just know that one beer bash was fine, two was tolerable, and the third was just a way to eat up time on Memorial Day.
  • Not that I'm denigrating the effort - I'm good for a few quid once I've got a few beers in me later tonight - but the enforced jollity does occasionally grate.
  • A few nights ago, after viewing one of these, I was quaffing beer in Bombay Peggy's and learned that every one of the four women at the table happened to live on the other side of a river, either the Yukon or the Klondike.
  • The conference began with a Wednesday evening welcome reception, held at Chicago's Field Museum, where 28 mostly Illinois breweries had set up beer stations among two stuffed elephants, a couple of totem poles and a tyrannosaur skeleton. Beer: A celebration of craft brewing
  • I've never really got into them that much, so I let other people go mental and bought a couple of beers.
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  • Kaboom, then home for chow, a few beers and a couple of frames of bowling. CORMORANT
  • Of course there's nothing wrong with necking a few beers and getting caught up in the buzz of the World Cup.
  • There was a powerful smell of stale beer.
  • The glass of beer was mostly froth.
  • They run out of beer by about 7pm so we then turned to the wine, which I'm afraid would have stripped the paint off any wall.
  • Mark and Rick were the odd ones out in claiming to like this cherry beer.
  • In the days of yore when beer in pubs was served only in pints or quarts, the serving wenches had to keep mental tabs on who drank pints and who drank quarts to get it right when collecting payment.
  • A table at the bottom compared the calorie content of 100 ml of beer with the same amount of gin, rum, whisky, cognac and wine.
  • Your brand of beer, the artwork on your walls, your choice of dog - a pure-bred poodle as opposed to a mutt - are all potential status details.
  • Similarly, beer and soft drink cans, booze bottles and empty jars can all be recycled.
  • The part that you don't expect is the yellow flavoring on the interior called "lupulin" which is where the bitter for the beer comes from. TreeHugger
  • Grossman's Christmas present, Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale, is a holiday favorite among hopheads and is one of the standouts of The News Tribune's Brew Crew Winter Beer Tasting.
  • Beer is appropriate, but if you decided to offer up tequila, be very codo about doing so. Day of the Holy Cross?
  • Built in the shape of a giant beer glass it is topped with great views of the city skyline. The Sun
  • The presence of hops was what distinguished beer from ale. The Times Literary Supplement
  • People gather to drink both traditional and bottled beer.
  • When I saw it was a beer company, I called my dispatcher and said, ‘I can’t do this. Muslim trucker sues over alcohol load
  • A night smoking pot will cost you far less than a night on the beer.
  • One of them, a baby-faced guy maybe in his mid-thirties, with a black patch over his left eye, smiles and raises his beer at me in salutation. Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • Not far short of the Oregon border, I stopped for a beer at a tiny townlet in a wilderness of sage that had a post office, a tavern and not much else.
  • To ease the week's woes, it's $2 off all draft beer and well spirits and $4 for a glass of house red or white wine.
  • On the other end, there's the opening movement of Faschingsschwank aus Wien, where the lyricism is always being interrupted by a boisterous beer-hall ritornello: Florestan suddenly showing up to shake Eusebius out of his reverie and drag him back to the party. Been there, done that
  • In country districts the agricultural classes have substituted cider for beer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The locals will have to stay resolute in the face of the invading British hordes, but it's hard to imagine they would ever be willing to swap chorizo and fino for burgers and beer.
  • He poured a tankard of beer, and placed it between the acrobat's feet, eliciting an oath as he deliberately spilt some over his crotch.
  • Bringing what little money he had saved after sending Serafina her giros postales, he would burst into the familiar cantinas on Santa Fe Street and buy beer for his old acquaintances. Centennial
  • I had a beer or two with old Norm and some of the other chappies there.
  • Her Moroccan spin on chicken flew past the glazed and cidery take on beer-can chicken.
  • He gestured to the room-service tray of beer and coffee he'd ordered up to lubricate the flow of their conversation. BLACK EAGLES
  • Some fans continued throwing, hurling their souvenirs, drink cups, beer bottles, batteries, portable radios and cell phones onto the field.
  • Is "silage" a positive adjective when describing a beer's aroma? Madison Beer Review Presents Beer Talk Today
  • I gazed in wonder at the chaos that ensued in the beer gardens at night, at the pure unadulterated fun that was going on at all times.
  • In Aberdeen, the licensing board has proposed minimum drink prices in pubs of £1.75 for a pint of beer, cider, premium lager or cocktail.
  • Well it looks like De Beers will relist, meaning you could buy shares in the company. The Daily Reckoning UK RSS Feed
  • And then last night I spilt a glass of beer on my desk and had to grab about a ton of stuff off it and throw it on the floor so that I could mop up the mess.
  • But he said when he wanted to lose weight he switched from beer to wine and whisky. The Sun
  • Molly: Then I suggest you set up a buffet with appropriate finger food and draft beer.
  • A country whose holidays and putsches all take place in beer halls can't be all bad.
  • As he put the glass down the beer slopped over onto the table.
  • He drank huge quantities of beer and vodka and his face was as red as borscht. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • The guy was a chinless wonder, a regular evangelist for the lite worldview of a beer commercial. ABSOLUTE ZERO
  • Jerry smelled the familiar stench of beer as the tube neared his lips.
  • One 'intertextual' moment stands out: Mark O'Halloran and Tom Murphy sit drinking cans of beer talking about their lives, how they got their girlfriends pregnant, and what they'll do next. Everyday, dir. Annie Ryan, written by Michael West
  • Shandy Gaff is made with equal parts of beer and ginger ale.
  • There is also a good drinks chapter including ginger beer and lassi.
  • To celebrate, Facebook is giving its 150 million-plus users a mystery virtual gift, such as bongo drums and beer. Macworld
  • Heavy drinkers were those who had up to three pints of beer or six glasses of wine once a week. The Sun
  • You're relaunching in Britain, withdrawing the weaker beer that was sold for years and introducing the stronger beer brewed in Amsterdam, which is the one familiar to Americans.
  • Pop open the bottles of ginger beer - and add lashings of vodka. The Sun
  • Wash it down with some micro-brewed beer that rivals the brewmasters' of Germany.
  • There, in company with a small piece of cheese and a w sad-looking lettuce, was a single can of beer. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Like me, he was a disillusioned cynic, enjoyer of beer and a great admirer of a pretty face.
  • Newcastle Brown Ale is an outstanding performer in the British beer market.
  • Just as French people enjoy their wine, so the British enjoy their beer.
  • The two childhood friends say they first drew what they call a robotic exoskeleton "on the back of a beer mat" seven years ago. ARN News
  • Many sports fans who would rather watch the Super Bowl with a bunch of beer-swilling buddies than be present at the birth of their first child often recite that fired old saw about hockey being more violent than any other sport.
  • For those interested in yeastier brews, Bambino offers a small selection of beers from the U.S., Luxist
  • Beer followed pizza and we looked round the Roman amphitheatre which had been built by Roman legionnaires 1,800 years before.
  • My usual aftershow posture was a position I call Transcension: prone on bed with bottle (s) of beer and good sounds on the box, friends in the room, TV on, sound off. ɘloЯ
  • So a relatively high price assures that the place will not be overrun by beer drinking mobs and niggards like other places.
  • New levies were imposed on cigarettes, wine and beer.
  • We have tables reserved in the beer garden. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, and there will be beer, too - a kegger, actually - if the promise of skimpy costumes is not enough of a draw.
  • There's also oxtail on the menu, as well as rice pilau, and, if you call ahead, the owner will make ginger beer.
  • The clam pie was hot and the beer, as promised, cold - manna and nectar after a day's hiking. AMAGANSETT
  • He wakes up, downs the backwash left in a cheap beer bottle, and dons his pilot gear.
  • Beer has a very distinctive smell.
  • Here's 300 forints, get half a kilo and a beer for yourself.
  • Webb addresses two of these areas, namely the blue collar whites, the beer track in wanker, and foreign policy credentials. Webb for VP
  • Meat pies would be dished up with sauce squeezed by the lady behind the counter and full strength beers would be served in bottles.
  • My question: who the heck does or will set government policy w.r.t. healthcare if not those who actually, you know, know a stethoscope from a beer bong? More on the Democratic party’s War on Breasts. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Beers being allowed to condition naturally in the cask calls for a certain care in handling.
  • I hated it when Dad and the pot-bellied guys cunted up the place with cigarettes and beery boy belches. Please Cuntinue...
  • Port, red wine and stout beer are the worst culprits. The Sun
  • A beer in which neither the sweetness of the malt nor the bitterness of the hops predominates.
  • It's a day where people celebrate by drinking the worst-tasting beer they can find, wearing ratty blue singlet tops with Australian flags as a cape, eating burnt "snags" from the "barbie" and listening to the Triple J Hottest 100 countdown on the radio from the plush confines of a deck chair placed in a kiddie's wading pool. A List For Australia Day
  • In Germany, there is always the main staple of the country's beer and wine festivals, the wurst.
  • I walked on to the bar, grabbed two beers and ambled back to her towel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides water, beer is made with three basic ingredients: barley, hops and yeast.
  • It's like drinking club soda that has been watered down and mixed with flat light beer.
  • But in his usual noncommittal way he just shrugged and took another slow slurp of beer
  • The bottle can hold a liter of beer.
  • Having hoppy beers early will ruin the taste of less hoppy beers later.
  • ‘Born-on’ dates on kegs will be logged when beer is delivered and again when tapped.
  • I had bread and cheese for lunch, washed down with beer.
  • When I open a beer, I do not want to be reminded of grey-suited, gimlet-eyed executives bludgeoning satire into an early grave.
  • That he already has - courtesy of a knockabout image cultivated in an era when a lunch break durry, card games as you waited to bat, and several post-stumps beers wouldn't put you on the front pages. | Top Stories
  • The camera, re-entering the world of normal gravity, dropped hard beside my shoes. Beer bottles were everywhere.
  • During the orientation picnic, kegs of beer flowed, faculty and students drank together, and I wondered what kind of hellhole I had stumbled into.
  • The inquest was told there was unlimited free beer, wine and water available to guests at the event.
  • Not that I've any issue with gaining the odd pound or two but since I'm guzzling beer and eating chips and chocolate all the time I guess things could only get worse.
  • Here you can snorkel or simply relax with a beer and enjoy the sounds of Neville's calypso and reggae music.
  • It is no longer enough to be a beer pong champion - you must also be proficient in flag football and volleyball.
  • He ordered a cheese sandwich, a three bottle of beer and beered up.
  • Wood provided fuel for domestic heat and cooking, and for industrial processes such as brewing beer or smelting iron.
  • Missing from the AFB's list are premeal snacks for the noshing and grazing you'll do throughout the day—there are three National Football League games on Thursday, after all—and beverages, including wine and beer again, there's football to watch. By the Numbers: 2009 Thanksgiving meal cheaper than last year's
  • When I'm in the area, I'll occasionally duck into the place to have a beer.
  • There's also a notable kitsch factor about the place -- the trashy menu, the lowbrow drink selection (Mad Dog and brands of beer you swore you'd never drink again), the neon band-logo signage and the retro tuneage -- that has prompted some detractors to grumble that the brashness is a little Westword | Complete Issue
  • First we'll run down the basic differences between the more common types of beer.
  • Scottish & Newcastle's production is already near full-capacity in Britain, producing approximately 16 million hectolitres of beer each year.
  • Some of the entries are several-page stories, while others are simply five-word lists that say it all: ‘Beer, meat, dog food, baloney.’
  • I laughed, clinking my beer bottle against his glass.
  • Another loser chocker season for you bunch of beer burping boobs. News -
  • The castle looks cool, though ... and I am curious what butterbeer tastes like. We Could Do a Lot With Two Hundred and Sixty-Five Million Dollars
  • While many people may like to have a few beers before mowing the lawn on a fine Sunday morning, operating a riding mower while impaired is an offence under section 253 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Man Busted for Impaired Operation of a Riding Mower : Law is Cool
  • Jim Koch loves to talk about little companies that take on the Big Guys: artisanal-cheese makers who battle importers, the microdistillers who taunt liquor giants — and, most of all, the tiny microbrewer who elbows aside industry behemoths with a full-flavored beer and a well-crafted marketing pitch. Beer Baron
  • Expect beerhall revelry, stiff-legged dancing and lots of ruthlessly efficient singing.
  • Management multiplied the camera angles, narrowed the strike zone, sodded the diamonds and the gridirons with AstroTurf, enlarged the jumbotrons, shortened the distance to the outfield fences, strengthened the golf clubs, adjusted the rules and the clocks to allow more time for the beer and truck commercials, bulked up the salaries paid to players bulked up to resemble the designated hitters in World of Warcraft. Lewis Lapham: Field of Dreams: The CIA and Me and Other Adventures in American Sports
  • She pointed an accusing finger at the man, who gaped beerily. Not George Washington — an Autobiographical Novel
  • They brew Belgian-style beers as well as import brews from Belgium.
  • A lot of those heavier beers - porters, stouts, bocks and such - are available year round from many brewers.
  • The morning after the party, the whole house stank of beer and cigarettes.
  • A good hour before the fun's due to start and already the place is filling up with punks, teds, skins, student kids, moshers, grizzled old men in sawn-off T-shirts and a horde of beered-up lads baying for blood.
  • Best served with ice-cold beer. Times, Sunday Times
  • light (or lite) beer
  • Whitbread said the lessees of its pubs can keep buying its beer but have no obligation to do so.
  • The cut in the price of a pint of beer. Times, Sunday Times
  • He insists it was an "abstemious" occasion, but warm beer was put in a bucket of ice and then Dr Calder knocked the bucket and one of the corks shot out and hit him in the eye, blinding it. Kiwiblog
  • In fact productivity has increased from 800 to 3,000 hectolitres of beer per employee while the cost of brewing each bottle has dropped by 60 per cent.
  • It was fat and compact, a beer barrel on legs with a sergeant major's snub nose. Food Watch
  • Old-fashioned ginger ale and root beer were lacto-fermented, as is the Russian drink kvass, and kombucha.
  • Without missing a beat, the taller man handed Dickie a beer (apparently it was not too early to drink), and began challenging his opponent to distinguish between the genuine ascetic and what he termed the conspicuously nonconsuming -poverty snob. Villa Incognito
  • The times I was just having a beery laugh with my friends, times when we shared in each other's extrovert abandon, each other's dippy oblivion.
  • Beer is always an excellent choice at a reasonable cost, although Bud Lite, Coors Lite and Millers Lite must be stricken from the grocery list. Guard Poker | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • ‘Hey, what do you say we go to get some beer’? ‘Check.’
  • And, if they don't like it, people are likely to be far less irritated and unsolicitous having shelled out only $2 than being out $8 and have five beers they don't like. Archive 2007-09-01
  • Like her, this beer is some pasty, lanky overrated chick with no boobies.
  • Mother was referring to the infamous story of Helen Potter, daughter of a multimillionaire beer and wine distributor in Hyannis Port who, after she had been engaged to the son of a wealthy Boston builder, was discovered naked in bed with her closest girlfriend. Olivia
  • A classic example of a thirst-quenching summer beer is the German beer known as hefeweizen, which literally translates to ‘yeast wheat beer.’
  • The event also offered cider, perry, imported beers and Lurgashall country wines.
  • Christian Ude, Mayor of the City of Munich, taps the first beer barrel with the traditional cry of "O'zapft is!
  • Recycle beer or other decorative bottles into tumblers by soaking a piece of garden twine in kero and tying around the bottle at the point you want to separate.
  • Taking another swig of his beer, his eyes came to rest on a stumbling figure walking away from the warmth of the large fire.
  • At a beerhouse, Meredith and her friends hold a rally. Kisses Like the Devil-Diane Whiteside « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • So you can scoff and snicker all you like at the shaggy, hangdog 27-year-old next door dressed in a baggy college sweatshirt and cargo shorts, taking empty pizza boxes and beer bottles to the dumpster. Two Cheers for the Maligned Slacker Dude
  • She put in quite a reasonable quantity of time yarning with Norm Purves' good lady, and I had a beer or two with old Norm and some of the other chappies there.
  • My mom had made us taco salad, which we washed down with Northwest beers, and showered & hit the hay for a scant five hours of sleep.
  • Add some water to it, tape on a small blade and a tube of superglue, a spool of fishing line some weights, and a case of beer and a lazy boy (Don't forget to add a 50 inch plasma TV with all the channels,) and you're set. Survival Water Bottle
  • When I finally walked out toward the cliff's edge I was amused by the plentitude of rusted beer caps strewn about.
  • Wisconsin Brewery Tour bells brewery profile cellar series craft fauerbach fresh hops jt whitneys lake louie mbr meet-up news old fashioned pairings point brewery prices pricing rowland's calumet saison thanksgiving thermo refur underage drinking wine altbier aran madden baltic porter barriques beer games best of 2008 Madison Beer Review Presents Beer Talk Today
  • The Chinese do drink - beer, wine and strong spirits - but only when they eat.
  • Instead of hard spirits he was going to be downing shot glasses full of beer.
  • But pitiless producers are defying her wishes and are plying contestants with beer and wine. The Sun
  • We are not just disputing whether a beer glass is half empty or half full. Science, Technology, and Social Change
  • The difference between craft beer and real ale is easy to spot. Times, Sunday Times
  • I fully enjoyed sampling a variety of beer from European Pilsners to stouts.
  • He boiled beetroot to sell and made and flogged ginger beer. Times, Sunday Times
  • We plonked ourselves down in front of the telly and opened a couple of beers.
  • During the whole of the this period the Crown would ban the sale of wheat and barley for beer producation during times of poor havest. Army Rumour Service
  • In order for each batch of beer to taste the same, exactly the same amount of the same type of hops must be added at exactly the same time during each boil.
  • At Falling Rock, for example, instead of offering samplers or beer flights, bartenders help customers choose by asking questions and giving them tastes.
  • Beer is consumed as a typical light alcoholic beverage, while rum is the hard liquor of choice.
  • Kibo and I found him and I never should have told them and I should have kept him secret and had him always and let them stay drunk at the beer shamba. Hemingway on Hunting
  • Salmon, tuna, swordfish, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, pompano, bluefish - they're forgiving in the kitchen and big enough to take on some bigger beers.
  • Hop on at Queen's pier and sail out for a few beers or supper at one of the waterfront restaurants.
  • Revellers relaxed in a tent outside the club, drinking beer and cider and tucking into pig roast.
  • Tam had managed to spill beer across the counter and most of it had gone over Morag Paterson.
  • Systems of this type have been seen in beer production, cigarette manufacture, electrical appliances and soap manufacture.
  • The tailgate continues with beer pong, pop-up tables and chairs and even a DJ to rock your bus.
  • They do have some local beers and whisky and a range of soft drinks and juices, however.
  • Authorities say the suspects made off with thousands of cases of beer and wine before they were caught.
  • The invention, resembling a film prop from the Hollywood sci-fi drama "Robocop", has been unveiled seven years after the pair first sketched the concept on the back of a beermat. Zee News : India National
  • The journey they make from their local watering hole to the sea allows the beer-swilling laddish men to swap stories, memories and reflect on times past.
  • Many Canadians will quickly dismiss Coulter as a goof, which is just as easy as her dismissing Canadians as a bunch of beer-guzzling hosers. London Free Press
  • But this is not the case: a Copehagen beer producer wants to be paid in Danish krone.
  • The bittering hops are usually introduced to the wort say it "wert" and it is the proto-beer early in the boil and is present until the boil is over. Archive 2005-06-01
  • Contrary to popular belief, most dark beers don't have appreciably more calories than light-colored brews.
  • He thinks he's a mainstay of the company, but he's really rather small beer.
  • There will be a beer tent and the kitchen will be open offering hamburgers, boerewors rolls and curry and rice.
  • Grandma is up about then and is found sweeping up the street in front of the family home picking up the beer cans and shoveling away the cinders left from the fires. OK! Now that I know . . . . . .
  • Earlier this year CBN imported Copper Crest, which is touted as a traditional beer made from sorghum, maize, hops and caramel with yeast.
  • And we want to refresh ourselves over some beer. Do you have draft beer?
  • She wrote her number on a beer mat .
  • Take the chance to tour its cellars, where the townsfolk once brewed their famous beers. The Sun
  • Having rinsed and stowed the fishing gear in the after locker, he reached into the icebox for a cold beer.
  • We'd carefully prepared the house (bought case of beer - check, removed all breakables from ground floor - check, warn neighbours - check), and our preparation paid off.
  • A band plays meringue and salsa, people drink beer and pisco sours, eat and dance -- a good time for old and young alike. Paul Stoller: Celebrating The Old And New Year In The Valley Of Longevity
  • The new catchphrase in the brewing industry is'world beer '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, brewpubs continue to proliferate, broadening awareness of the stylistic range of beers beyond the light lagers offered by the mass domestic brewers.
  • While Stephen and Louis sat down on the sand drinking beer and talking, Jessica and Cecilia took turns in barbecuing the yummy food.
  • In England, porter, originally the beer favoured by porters at the market, became the health drink of the Victorians, often prescribed by doctors for convalescent ladies.
  • White bubbles of froth jostle on the head of my pint of beer.
  • And when you see beer, chili, and Buffalo Wings, you know you're probably at a sporting event in the States.
  • Keep talking after his face has pinched up in resentment and disgust, because you are RUINING his day and his BEER and his FUNNY. Valentines, part the first
  • For potential investors, the prospect of enjoying cheap beer is far more appealing.
  • Alice Hawthorne sold ice cream cones and root beer floats to the people of Albany, Ga.
  • It was practically empty - catsup, salad dressing, mustard, beer. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • ‘No planning permission is necessary if the same shop were to be converted into an off-licence selling beer, spirits and wine,’ he said.
  • The girls sat down next to us, we ordered a couple of beers and were given a book each with a list of songs.
  • Beer and rum, including a fairly raw variety known as aguardiente are the most popular alcoholic drinks, although urban elites prefer Scotch whisky.
  • A bouza-like beer is more nutritious than bread made from an equal quantity of grain. Interactive Dig Hierakonpolis - Hierakonpolis 2007 - Field Note 1
  • A piece of hair, a nail clipping, or a swab from a glass of beer could all be used to provide information without the person concerned ever knowing.
  • This factory of a bierkeller is beautifully decorated both inside and out and beer, by British standards at least, is not bad value at just over £2 a half litre. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Jean-Baptiste Canelle, for that was his name, sat behind a table covered with moldy bread crusts, half burned candles, and beer-stains.
  • Everybody cheers and takes another chug of their beer.

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