How To Use Bedspring In A Sentence
Project Diana used a modified SCR-271 bedspring radar antenna aimed at the rising Moon.
Weekend SkyWatcher's Forecast – January 8-10, 2010 | Universe Today
The stab of a bedspring confirmed he was in his old bedroom in the tiny apartment above the music shop, alone but for the ghosts of vanished souls.
Unearthly Asylum
This is difficult to find, but one can cover a conventional mattress and bedsprings with zippered cotton covers.
An Alternative Approach to Allergies
The company, with sales last year of $3.34 billion, got its start in 1883 when two Missouri brothers-in-law began making the first commercially successful bedspring.
Too Early to Hire, Cautious CEO Says
The company has responded by pushing through price hikes, boosting the price it charges mattress makers for its bedsprings by 8%.
Too Early to Hire, Cautious CEO Says
The bedsprings sang like a church choir at the sudden weight—even though I was barely a hundred pounds, and most of that was in my hips, butt, and thighs.
Real wifeys
There were straight-back walnut chairs, a wood lathe, twin bedsprings, and two 75 lb dogs; surprisingly, the two dog houses were gone.
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks (copy)
They are in a state of panic and chaos and . . . they rush for the bedspring and the lingerie the moment the phantom of empty seats rises to clutch them.
Empire of Dreams
A shift in his weight to rouse a moan from the bedsprings or a sigh from the duvet would have him zeroed.
Hudson falls for wife of man he killed, studies, cures her uncurable blindness in bare-chested operation-starts in death, ends in salvation, and updates a medieval mythology of efficacious grace into the apostatic 50s of luxury condos and kultchah, with uneasy overtones of capitalist will-to-power: a full-grown stereotype of moonlit joy rides, canted California beachlight, Swiss oompahpah, the world's best optometrists in labcoats, a hidden desert valley in Arizona that exists only for a hospital that exists only as the bedspring of recovery-emotional and physical-for our cut-out protagonists.
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It is currently replacing older bedspring-making equipment with newer machines that run 20% faster, eliminating the need for one of every five people who run this type of equipment, Mr. Haffner says.
Work Forces Stay Lean After Slump's Cutbacks
And I love that How I Met Your Mother's Barney and The Office's Holly have one thing in common: They can both make us laugh by imitating the naughty sound of a squeaking bedspring.
Matt's TV Week in Review
At Leggett & Platt's sprawling bedspring factory in Carthage—which processes 800,000 pounds of steel wire a day—the more immediate problem is a price squeeze.
Too Early to Hire, Cautious CEO Says
It was as bright as a carrot and as kinky as a bedspring.
The Body Ricardo
Thank you Jamie, for breaking the glass bedspring.
Annabelle Gurwitch: The Year End Round-Up in Marriage
Jeff Hadlock , a quality-systems manager at the company's Carthage bedding plant, helps integrate technology that streamlines factory operations, such as automated equipment that welds metal frames onto sets of bedsprings.
Too Early to Hire, Cautious CEO Says
When the anticipation lapsed into frustration, he relaxed his muscles, the bedsprings creaking under him as he eased over onto his back.
The alcohol in my bloodstream becomes my ally, and my youth gives me strength, and I ride her until the bedsprings sing the Ode to Joy.
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