How To Use Bedspread In A Sentence
That may very well be the fugliest bedspread I have ever seen.
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The bed was a large queen size one, with white sheets and a white bedspread with pink embroidered flowers on it, something my wife Michelle requested.
We make our own sofas, mattresses, windows, treatments, curtains, bedspreads, and valances.
Kurtas, short kurtas, cushion covers, bags, bedspreads, rugs, carpets and a whole lot of other items would be on display at the expo.
In the act of going he stayed to straighten the bedspread.

The stand cloth, bedspread, pillowcase, blind, and lamp...etc. all want cooperativeness on the pattern style, hue.
A large bed with a purple bedspread dominated one wall, covered in stuffed animals in a variety of colors.
The unit is fantastic for shirts, duvet covers and bedspreads and uses only 2.4 feet of space.
There is a double bed up against one of the walls and a single opposite it, covered in shabby bedspreads with even more burn holes than our previous covers.
Mother raised the roof when she saw the dog's muddy foot prints on her new bedspread.
India has beautiful fabrics by the acre - shawls and jackets, skirts and scarves, wall-hangings and bedspreads.
If you'd put David Miliband at the other end of the window, clad only in a candlewick bedspread, it would have been even hotter.
Poor, shy, sweet Diana? Don't make me laugh | Barbara Ellen
Everything has gone,’ said Ms Nkandu who orders blankets and bedspreads from Tanzania.
A single tear ran down his face and onto the candlewick bedspread.
A pity all this was required by ceremony, she thought, laying three strands of pearls, with ruby pendants, on the bedspread.
She walked like a zombie inside the house, up a set of stairs and into a small bedroom decorated with blue floral wallpaper and a bedspread to match.
Bed & Breakfast has thrown off its traditional candlewick bedspread image and moved upscale.
Scattered in front of this painting like an unruly audience were chair sculptures composed of armatures wrapped with everything from plaster bandages to chenille bedspreads bound with rope to endless rounds of thin copper wire.
crochet a bedspread
Painted a vivid yellow that is echoed in the striped bedspread, the wall contrasts with adjacent white surfaces to magnify the room's sunlit quality.
Bedspread of yellow and white seersucker, or a silky yellow sunfast.
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He'll plump up a pillow, smooth out a bedspread, turn on a light, turn down the air conditioning.
I stripped my bed of the familiar black bedspread and trudged back down the hall and to the stairs, after letting a loud yawn escape my mouth.
I would like to know if it is possible to dye a vintage chenille bedspread?
Quilting effect makes it ideal for bedspreads and headboards.
Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
She balanced her public appearances with rest, swathed in a floral wrap and cocooned in a damask bedspread.
Burial for a King
The upstairs bedrooms boast a tigerwood mirror from South Africa, a cut velvet bedspread from Iran, even large framed portraits of some of the residents.
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The moon cast shadows of silver light, which lay in pools on the bedspread.
Then, in the manner described below, put on the bottom sheet, the top sheet, a blanket or comforter or other warm cover, and finally the bedspread also called a counterpane, quilt, or other day cover.
I've got a blue motel room, with a blue bedspread I've got the blues inside and outside my head…
Her flowerbedspread steeps her in a wizardry of floristry where all she could catch without gloves would be
The Nurse's Dream of Flowershops
Some of the other handloom products on display are window curtains, dhotis, shirts, bedspreads, and churidars.
He noticed a stream of fresh blood flowing down the covers of the bedspread and onto the floor.
I'm warm in my striped winceyette pyjamas and soft cotton bedding, my bedspread pulled up tight around my ears.
She lunged and landed on her queen sized bed, which was covered in a pink bedspread.
Looking again she realised there wasn't a mattress on the bed, just a thin bedspread covering a divan, with drawers underneath.
Use red or green coloured pillow covers and bedspreads in the bedroom.
I had just started feeling around my bedspread for the bifocals when Jack said, ‘Looking for these?’
One of the bedrooms had a black vinyl waterbed with a leopardskin bedspread.
Field Sobriety
Julie London selects her favourites 1 Moti-rib 100 percent cotton bedspread in Brick colourway.
Throwing herself across her blue flower bedspread, she cried herself to sleep the first night of her period and many nights afterwards.
Running a hand through my disheveled hair, I upturned the bag and emptied its contents onto my bedspread.
Running a hand through my disheveled hair, I upturned the bag and emptied its contents onto my bedspread.
When you think of seaside hotels, moth-eaten candlewick bedspreads and ferocious landladies usually come to mind.
Julie London selects her favourites 1 Moti-rib 100 percent cotton bedspread in Brick colourway.
Around 50 of the stalls displayed embroidered churidars, sarees, bedspreads, pillow covers, handkerchiefs, bags, foot wear, dry flowers, candles and paintings.
I push back the bedspread and the warm cocoon of brushed cotton sheets.
Then I've got me (in socks), my hot water bottle, and then two duvets, a blanket and a bedspread.
a tufted bedspread
Hand-printed bedspreads, lace and embroidery items from Kanyakumari, cotton cut works of pillow covers, door and floor mats would also be on display.
So it's goodbye to chintzy bedspreads, and hello to pale wood headboards, sultry low-lit bathroom marble, capacious glass walk-in showers and whacking wicker furniture.
He opened it up to reveal navy blue walls, and a bed covered with a thin bedspread.
You might not mind fur on blankets and bedspreads, but the next guest could be allergic to animals.
Behind her, a teddy bear lies on the candlewick bedspread, while downstairs her flatmate is urging their weekly appointment with Dr Finlay's Casebook.
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The ambiguous Iris Murdoch fights back against Kar's female stereotyping, and succeeds in looking intense, lonely, beautiful and desperate, even though she is leaning on a cosy candlewick bedspread staring at a heap of manuscripts.
Portraits of the artists
I curled up on the quilted bedspread, hugging my stockinged legs to me.
Soon they'd have enough money to but the children another mattress, with sheets and bedspreads, too.
She noticed that the button had come off the waist of her skirt and saw it in the fold of the bedspread.
Rochelle tugged at her bedspread so it would fall forward and cover all the junk hidden under her bed.
She shifts on her bed, and starts picking at the loose stitching on her bedspread.
crochet a bedspread
The person opens this Dekesasi when bedspread astonied, immediately calls host the bedroom.
Women who are now in their 50s and 60s were the first to wear mini-skirts, Biba lipstick, tie-dyed T-shirts, hippy dresses made of Indian bedspreads, Laura Ashley sprigged pinafores, and safety pins through our unlined cheeks.
Her bedspread was decorated with all sorts of Asian scripts, which was an impressive sight on her bed.
Make sure you know what size your mattress is before you purchase a bedspread set.
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A collection of antique quilts and bedspreads are pressed into service for those who prefer to lounge on the grass.
Her bed was covered in black sheets and pillowcases with a pink Hello Kitty design on the bedspread.
The bed had a mustard coloured candlewick bedspread
As he passed the bed, he ran his fingers along the silk embroidered bedspread.
Carmen's head whipped around searching for a remnant of comfort before partially hiding beneath the safety of the flowery, pink bedspread.
The bedspread was white as snow, the pillow large and fluffy, the room screamed spring.
The bedroom walls were distempered a dark, shiny green, the curtains were green with spots on and the bedspread an uninspiring khaki.
The huge chandelier came from our city home, and the bed cover was found in a brocante in the south of France and for many years was used as a curtain before an expert told me it was a bedspread.
The accustomed double cat-shaped depression on the bedspread was missing.
The nurse tried to catch drips before they hit the bedspread and wiped his chin after every other spoonful.
The bed was an ordinary bed with a black bedspread and white pillows.
But getting back to something else in your e-mail—I think what your cat Casper did when he was hiding behind that flap of bedspread falls under what I call Feline Physics.
From our distance, their white-flowered bulbs looked like tightly sewn tufts of cotton on an old-fashioned bedspread.
There are beautifully designed bedsheets, bedspreads, carpets, bed covers, pillow covers and cushions.
Come to think of it, I would also avoid acrylic for a bedspread, after all, all that work means heirloom and it should had been done in a much better yarn.
The long blond hair fanned about her on the pillow, across the bedspread.
After years of climbing under worn candlewick bedspreads with the words ‘breakfast will be at quarter to seven’ ringing in our ears, we were bowled over by the cosy and almost chichi surroundings of Seaview.
Towels, lungis, kerchiefs, nine-yard dhotis, bedspreads and ‘angavastram’ are also on sale.
Hugh lay awake in a tangle of candlewick bedspread.
She pulled the first card off the top of the deck and turned it faceup on the bedspread.
Rogue Oracle
I found a lovely bedspread in lilac and goldstrips, but it was mucho expensive.
I want to stay under the protection of the green bedspread and white sheets forever as if it is my cocoon away from everyone else.
It was furnished like the maid's rooms and the bed here was of painted iron with a cretonne bedspread.
So in terms of home furnishing it is expected to have curtain, bedspreads, cushion covers etc.
He falls asleep while praying on his knees and wakes up with his mouth full of candlewick bedspread.
The wallpaper around them was a textured red with speckles of gold, but a gaudy look was avoided with the neutral silk, cream bedspreads, pillowcases and curtains.
When you think of seaside hotels, moth-eaten candlewick bedspreads and ferocious landladies usually come to mind.
Original dark wood panelling and elaborate cornicing are complemented by a patchwork-style velvet bedspread - an original commission by artist Jo Stewart.
Or you'll remember that you still have your grandmother's chenille bedspread in the attic, and it'll be perfect on the bed.
You might not mind fur on blankets and bedspreads, but the next guest could be allergic to animals.
My bedspread and pillows were all dark green and had two black stripes going diagonally across them.
Looking again she realised there wasn't a mattress on the bed, just a thin bedspread covering a divan, with drawers underneath.
An old iron bed was painted butter yellow and set at an angle in one corner, a traditional candlewick bedspread giving it a timeless appeal.
I had a day bed in the corner by the window with a purple bedspread, blue sheets, and a purple pillow.
That night I sat in bed, cloaked in a pure white silken nightgown and sitting upon the layers of bedspreads which made a soft cushion for me.