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How To Use Beautify In A Sentence

  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • It seems to me that you're liable to be called a bridezilla if you feel strongly about anything, think your wedding is important, are willing to spend money on any extra details that will beautify or personalize your wedding, actually enjoy wedding planning, expect that things will be generally be carried out the way you planned (and paid for!), feel stressed out by any aspect of the entire process, and aren't planning on giving in to every single opinion and request you receive. Weddingbee
  • Along with the promotion and building of good highways we fell into the idea of beautifying those highways. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Twelfth Annual Meeting Lancaster, Pennsylvania, October 6 and 7, 1921
  • I think it depends on how the notion of beautifying is communicated and parents 'individual values when it comes to younger girls, make-up, nail polish, etc. Anastasia Goodstein: Sweet & Sassy: Do Tweens Need Their Own Salons?
  • Planting flowers along the boulevards will help to beautify the town.
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  • The head of the IOC recently suggested that the Greeks stop worrying about beautifying the city and concentrate on completing the big construction and transport projects.
  • I hope this pageant can reflect women's strong desire to beautify themselves and seek after their own unique style.
  • Eaten alive | Health and wellbeing | Life and Health: Exfoliation is a key part of any skin beautifying treatment. Archive 2007-04-08
  • Then I switch to the computer where I edit and "beautify" what I had written until I'm happy with it. Back to the Grindstone
  • Locals welcome any efforts to beautify the neighborhood.
  • What you can improve and beautify is the mind.
  • All the tricks you would need to "beautify" a struts-config document are embodied in this one. An Actual, Real, Everyday Use for XSLT
  • To achieve control on the button icon, which beautify the appearance of the icon.
  • We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.
  • We're talking onomastics: for generations town planners have mistakenly thought that a street name has the power to beautify and - more importantly - gentrify.
  • In the 1990s, her pictures are invariably hand-held and moving and, never one to beautify, they appear increasingly underlit, overlit or downright blurry.
  • Experts have criticized this practice and said the ‘chop-head trees’ looked ugly and had little effect in beautifying the environment.
  • And see to how little purpose it is for those that have by sin deformed themselves in God's eyes to think by any arts they can use to beautify themselves in the eye of the world. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The British brought in gardeners from the Kew Gardens to help beautify the layout, and added the Glass House, based on the Crystal Palace, London.
  • Sewing, shopping, and beautifying themselves were the only activities that gave well-to-do women any outlet for personal expression.
  • 而西方媒体往往会自己另外编一个故事,让这个故事更符合自己的价值观。 ry1801: My feeling is that Chinese media like to speak in beautifying language with a leading melody (there are some improvement but not adequate). Global Voices in English » China: Dialogue with Anti-CNN
  • Get house-proud, beautify your environment, experiment with new colours and furnishings.
  • They had built a kind of arbor, or pavilion, covered with branches, for dancing, and around this the people gathered while Mr. Brinson talked to them of the importance and necessity of education for every one, and I told them of the helpfulness of a comfortable and attractive school-house and pictures, and how they might improve and beautify the school-house by a little effort. The Woman's Association for the Betterment of Public School Houses in North Carolina
  • Without speaking disparagingly of the city of Ottawa, we all know that the government of our country have expended a considerable amount of money in beautifying the city, the driveway and other things having been constructed by reason of it being the Capital of our noble Dominion. Good Citizenship
  • Druh Farrell, are working to reframe the project into an urban renewal by improving pedestrian access and beautifying the street.
  • Planting flowers along the boulevards will help to beautify the town.
  • We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.
  • They love Malacca, and take a pride in beautifying it. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • The City Council has a manifold plan to beautify the city.
  • He was angry over the idea of Vermont spending $50,000 on rock chipping to beautify a stone formation after a road was cut through it.
  • While the cleanliness of the parks has been raised to the highest level for the Habba, special plants are being used to beautify the entrances and stage areas.
  • The hundreds of chemicals used by farmers to control pests, improve production and beautify fruit and vegetables leave residues that end up on our tables.
  • In addition, planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment.
  • Beauty salons are polluting the water as they beautify people's appearance.
  • The acoustic instruments beautify the noise that surrounds them, and the music is almost triumphant by the time it hits its closing decrescendo.
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Objective : To remove glabellar frown lines and crows lines using brow lift which improve beautify face.
  • He is a learner, albeit a rapid learner, in the art of using the machinery of local self-government to enrich and beautify a State, but he is a past master in the matter of insight into the very core of democratic freedom. Southern Prose and Poetry for Schools
  • The music serves to uplift, beautify, and ennoble some other action taking place, and that action itself holds primacy over the music itself. The Reform is Being Reformed
  • May 29, 2009 7: 16 PM how do you "beautify" a radio tower? Not even a linchpin (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Holes dug ubiquitously in an effort to "beautify" the Indian capital – millions of pot plants were to be planted – have contributed to an outbreak of dengue fever. Does this look ready to you? Chaos in run-up to Commonwealth Games
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Its effort is particularly laudable, for it is aimed at conserving nature as also beautifying the city, without disturbing the natural surroundings.
  • Regardless of what these paintings represent, they are almost always intended to beautify their site or the surrounding area.
  • The planting of the common four-o'clock can beautify the environment while simultaneously controlling environmental pollution, thereby bringing about good ecological benefits.
  • The 'Guerrilla Garderners' work under the cover of night, armed with seed bombs, chemical weapons and pitchforks . Their tactics are anarchistic, their attitude revolutionary. Their aim: to beautify.
  • When it has paid its tribute to the royal pile, and visited its gardens and parterres, it flows down the long avenue leading to the city, tinkling in rills, gushing in fountains, and maintaining a perpetual verdure in those groves that embower and beautify the whole hill of the Alhambra. The Alhambra
  • But their beautifying objects are usually hidden inside dainty purses or roomy bags and the article in question usually comes in milder colours.
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • The family undertakers receive the remains and prepare them, lovingly beautifying them in the white-tiled basement embalming room for the reassurance of the people left behind.
  • They are very important to reinforce administer in construction technology of corrugated bream steeled protection fence, to enhance the construction quality and beautify environment.
  • The Beautifying Association has been hard at work beautifying the town centre with paving and plantings and developing McLean Park where you could stop for a picnic under the beautiful trees.
  • We don't need much inducement to eat, wash, beautify ourselves, or gratify our needs, but for many of us, honoring other people doesn't come easily.
  • Billions of rupiah have been spent to beautify the National Monument Park and improve sidewalks in the center of town.
  • Yet the campaign by the IH to beautify the Irish home by emphasizing the domestic role of women was not met with universal accord by the female readers of the paper.
  • They are very important to reinforce administer in construction technology of corrugated bream steeled protection fence, to enhance the construction quality and beautify environment.
  • The herbs illam and henna were used by women to soften and beautify their skin.
  • Only a few short years ago this handsome Boucherville buck was working as a welder, building the structures that hold all that cute billboard advertising you see beautifying our city and its surrounding highways.
  • There is no doubt that Port-of-Spain could do with cleaning up; but dealing with the perennial, thorny issue of vagrants is a far larger matter than merely one aspect of beautifying the capital.
  • We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.
  • I buy with the idea of beautifying my home with them, and this I cannot do so long as I yield to everybody's request for Amateur Gardencraft A Book for the Home-Maker and Garden Lover
  • The City Council has a manifold plan to beautify the city.
  • Bronze deities to beautify the living room shelves are on display.
  • To introduce a new method of beautifying the second toe to thumb or finger with great toe fibular skin flap.
  • In The Moralists the steps of ascent are defined; from the admiration of beautiful objects we rise to the in - sight that it is art, the beautifying, which is beautiful; from the love of beautiful bodies we pass to the recog - nition that their beauty is founded not in the body qua body, but in a forming power (or inward form), in action and intelligence, i.e., in the mind. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • To be loved and to live in the presence of the adorer is the most beautifying of circumstances. Franklin Kane
  • There they met headmaster Frank Boyden, who enlisted them in his efforts to beautify the town surrounding the private school.
  • bookishness" of some of the panels of incidents from American literature, and several of them went to beautify the great house on the The Development of Embroidery in America
  • This mechanism's research might have some help for the ongoing study of applications of luffa water for beautifying skin.
  • The Japanese donation will support a Kathmandu Metropolitan City project to improve the environment and beautify the site.
  • When it has paid its tribute to the royal pile, and visited its gardens and pastures, it flows down the long avenue leading to the city, trinkling in rills, gushing in fountains, and maintaining a perpetual verdure in those groves that embower and beautify the whole hill of the Alhambra. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 8
  • President Robert Mugabe's government, then - as it has now - wanted to "beautify" the city - although this time around it says the controversial demolitions campaign is also aimed at ridding cities of crime and giving people a chance to lead better lives. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.
  • Do we call beautifying or renovating buildings a form of development? Brudirect News1
  • Cosmetics companies pay a lot of attention to developing products to beautify eyes, such as mascara, eye shadow, eye liner and eyecare creams.
  • beautify yourself for the special day
  • She had read about some of them in her herbology book: a substance called belladonna, which women applied to their eyes to beautify the pupils and which could lead to blindness, and another one called arsenic, which women swallowed in order to improve their skin and which was fatal in large enough doses. Beauty
  • So while many people fret over every detail in the master bedroom - from the rug's knot count to the percentage of satin in the valences - they close and lock the door on beautifying the bathroom.
  • City folks are eagerly awaiting the proposed project to beautify the Putherikandam maidan adjacent to the Gandhi Park, which will add to the beauty of the Fort area.
  • They are at great expense in beautifying and adorning them: They lay them over with gold and silver; because these are things people love and dote upon wherever they meet with them, they dress up their idols in them, the more effectually to court the adoration of the children of this world. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Despite meagre attempts to beautify the grounds with flowers and shrubs, there was no denying that this was a grim and cheerless place.
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Other cities such as Kitwe, Ndola and Livingstone would automatically follow suit and subsequently also beautify their territories too.
  • For instance some people believe shoes and sandals remain unnoticed or that they are the last option required to beautify one's looks.
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • He started the cultivation scheme five years ago to beautify a street often littered with trash.
  • Lawns, shrubs and decks require periodic treatment to beautify their appearance and enhance the beauty and value of your home.
  • Draped in a bright red sari, wearing bangles, anklets, nose ring and donning other items of the solah singaar (16 ways to beautify body) from head to toe, Kailash Nath Tripathi is a man who claims to be Radha - the consort of Lord Krishna. India eNews
  • The idea, says Shih, was to "beautify" dictatorship. Escaping Green Island
  • Her sphere is within the household, which she should "beautify," and of which she should be the "chief ornament. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • a fresh MBA starts in six figures. (median package for Wharton grads is 145K$) I suspect that they assume ulterior motives because they have no other explanation. oracle says: term beautify RealClimate
  • But possibly the managers of the city's credit at that time made more conscience of breaking in upon the orphan's money to show charity to the distressed citizens than the managers in the following years did to beautify the city and re-edify the buildings; though, in the first case, the losers would have thought their fortunes better bestowed, and the public faith of the city have been less subjected to scandal and reproach. A Journal Of The Plague Year
  • They desalinate wars, beautify hardships and portray the life of soldiers with a poetic flavor.
  • Incapacious retail outlets or eating places often beautify their rooms with mirrors on every and every wall.
  • This kind of flasher, along with most animated and large signage along Route 66 in Albuquerque was eliminated as a result of LadyBird Johnson's "beautify America" campaign. Albloggerque
  • The product penetrates the substrate's micropores and chemically bonds to beautify the surface and provide long-term protection from moisture and chloride-ion absorption.

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