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How To Use Beats In A Sentence

  • 'Now this beats a', 'muttered his wife to herself;' however, I shall be obedient for a time; but if I dinna ken what all this is for before the morn by sunket-time, my tongue is nae langer a tongue, nor my hands worth wearing. ' Stories of Mystery
  • The sound is a direct descendant of old skool UK garage, the bumpy beats of yore with rubbery basslines and cutting edge sampling techniques, taking in everything from soul to electro to jazz to blue grass.
  • Git yo 'motherfuckin' ass some help before somebody beats you down like a bad dawg. Unclebob Diary Entry
  • The "aa" means that you hold the vowel sound for two beats as opposed to one. Arabic for Dummies
  • You can feel the beats of their large wings as they fly just inches above you.
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  • Four beats after curtain rises, bump downlights to full wattage; they're boom lights rigged to the top of the stage.
  • I believe that Email, Twitter, and other forms of electronic communication is a tremendous help in communication, but nothing beats “print” form. The golden age of the newspaper this is not « The Book Publicity Blog
  • Most people's pulse rate is more than 70 beats per minute.
  • (Bush and Dr Cheney legacy), not just lock it up in cupboards. another inspiration for my writing is this innovative musician and activist fighting racism, Islamo-phobia and injustice head on through his "Rhythm and beats". although his documentaries and DIY cook book music genre are termed irreverence bordering treason against queen and country and glorifying terrorism among the Pakistani and Muslim youth of Britain, But it is merely exposing the truth about the sentiments of equality, discrimination, integration and assimilation. Pak Tea House
  • [_CATTY sighs and groans, striking the back of one hand reiteratedly into the palm of the other -- rises -- beats the devil's tattoo as she stands -- then claps her hands again. Tales and Novels — Volume 08
  • Her heart beats a purple tattoo in her throat and there's a stitch in her side.
  • The municipal officer demands a bribe from a hawker; the bureaucrat refuses to register a land title or a marriage; the traffic cop beats the rickshaw-driver who can't afford to pay his weekly installment, known as hafta. India's Middle Class Hungers for Undemocratic Change
  • Beats me, but I guess it means a figure of that stature and not, as you say, someone who invented a genre out of his own protean imagination and virtuosity, all of which is just so alien to the idea of electronica to begin with. Hamster; Dance – The Bleat.
  • It's all very much of its time, and sounds a bit dated now, but Beats and Pieces holds up well, as does Find a Way (with excellent vocals by Queen Latifah).
  • We do this because in Africa it is the language of singing, music and drumbeats that we understand more than any language.
  • A pair of superb documentaries offers visitors to Harbourfront Centre's Beats, Breaks & Culture festival of electronic music a chance to geek out whenever they're not enslaved to rhythms elsewhere.
  • We relied on a DAT tape for the beats as Will and Apl threw down the lyrics and I followed their lead, ad-libbing on the back of them. Fallin’ Up
  • These different beats converge into one time, one becoming.
  • A stream of people attest to the fact that it was Bolden's cornet that blasted out over those syncopated beats back in the 1900s that first defined jazz.
  • It beats me how to get him to understand.
  • The beats on Revolutionary Vol.2 might seem a little minimalist to some, but Immortal is that caliber of emcee who needs no distractions when he's on the mic to make his words felt.
  • I do learn that the "do less" or "do no harm" Geithner-Emanuel alliance â¨regularly kneecapped a Romer-Summers "do something" alliance--perhaps â¨because Summers' and Romer's small CEA and NEC staffs could only come up â¨with outlines and proposals rather than plans--which only the Treasury with â¨its ample staff could produce--and, as Geithner liked to say, "plan beats no â¨plan". Brad DeLong: Review: Ron Suskind's Confidence Men
  • It emphasizes the three - step shakes and trembles rhythm and downward strong beats.
  • After another few minutes' silence, they heard distinct sounds of hoof beats.
  • Warm and melty from the oven always always always beats purchased cookies. Chocolate Truffle Cookies | Baking Bites
  • And for those who rarely venture South of the river - this beats every bar in West London by miles.
  • Yeah, well I have two sevens and two sevens beats a frush. Stories / Popular
  • It beats playing canasta, and you never know what you will see.
  • I have been in politics a while - not long enough, obviously - but I have been in politics a while and I have seen some examples of impertinence, cheek, and gall, but that last speech beats them all.
  • The three-quarters of Montrealers without university degrees can be excused for feeling like deadbeats.
  • I love both ... nothing beats the excitement of exploring new hunting territory and hoping that new hotspot is just around the next bend ... still, the knowledge gained by hunting the same piece of country, season after season, is invaluable and only comes with time ... Do you prefer hunting an area you know very well and have hunted often, or do you like the challenge and adventure of hunting ne
  • This instrument monitors the patient's heartbeats.
  • It gives me more comfort and beats staying in hotels all the time.
  • Regards from Beat Gonk one of the Gonks that keep on playing cool ! cinebeats says; December 11, 2007 @ 11:12 am Let’s Go Gonk!
  • In the 31st minute, he beats the defenders to a high ball and races through on goal.
  • It radiates a Goth passion, a combination of lust and cruelness: the metal rounded quarter of an egg shaped, lead-hued metal in contrast to the blood-red transparent glass within which beats the cold-heart of a contemporary vixen. Archive 2009-02-01
  • As the sun beats down on Africa, a woman in a veld in the Eastern Cape of South Africa is hunched over her task - uprooting a species of flowering plant.
  • An average teen like them has 60 to 75 heartbeats per minute.
  • The pulmonic, or pulmonary, valve sits on the way out of the heart between the right ventricle and the main pulmonary artery to prevent blood from leaking back in between beats. Pulmonary Regurgitation
  • Rice carried 39 times for 225 yards to nearly outgain Pittsburgh by himself and put Rutgers in position to make a major move up the AP poll if it can beat No. 6 Louisville at home on Nov. 9 - as long as it beats Connecticut on Oct. 29. - College Football - Rutgers vs. Pittsburgh
  • Ranging from the techno-infused uptempo music in Tokyo X to the jazzy downbeats in Chicago, the musical accompaniment to the onscreen action fits seamlessly.
  • Vocal Studies & Uprock Narratives eschews deep bass and braggadocio, working organic beats and polyrhythmic blasts with electronic effects.
  • To hear them, one must be calm and pay close attention, for their wingbeats are barely audible.
  • As we approached a plateau, the drumbeats grew louder and louder. GYPSY MASALA
  • Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb. 
  • The body has many ways to regulate blood pressure: how fast the heart beats; how hard it beats; total blood volume, regulated by total body sodium content as controlled by the kidneys; caliber of arterioles as controlled by smooth muscle in the blood vessel walls. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Or, maybe he's thinking that if he schmoozes the big contractors with lobbying for the ITAR stuff, contractors who have lots-o-bucks for campaign contributions, then he'll be lined up for a cabinet appointment or something if Palin beats Obama next election? Let's Talk ITAR - NASA Watch
  • The pulmonic, or pulmonary, valve sits on the way out of the heart between the right ventricle and the main pulmonary artery to prevent blood from leaking back in between beats. Pulmonary Regurgitation
  • Adopted from Native American tradition, the drum beats represent the slap of the female coho's tail as she scrapes out a shallow gravel nest called a redd. The Seattle Times
  • On Dig Your Own Hole, Beth Orton's looping lament to wasted comedown mornings gradually elided into one of that record's most assertive beats.
  • His production, scratching, and cuts are more fitting with the sound of the album than most of the other beats on the project.
  • Sakineh, your name beats in my heart, and my heart beats, writing to you. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Letter to Sakineh
  • The Prefuse recipe calls for chunky breakbeats generously peppered with piano, vocals, video game samples and other left-field sounds.
  • And in the front, a group of students are having a rap contest as they make their beats by banging on the table.
  • So, instead of offering thoughtful lyrics that address contemporary concerns both political and social, or easing the audience into a new sound with trademark humor, he keeps the beats simple and the raps simpler.
  • Isolated atrial and ventricular ectopic beats in pregnant women without existing heart disease are usually benign.
  • Most dance music chases its own tail, endlessly regurgitating tired breakbeats and disco samples.
  • But eventually the show about a loving, professional, upbeat clan was eclipsed by domestic comedies about dysfunctional deadbeats, such as Roseanne, Married with Children and The Simpsons.
  • One more locked door, which the axmen following him would splinter in a few heartbeats. Shield of Thunder
  • But underneath all the clamor and the noise, a single heart beats.
  • Such al fresco activity surely beats aerobics in a sports hall or regular visits to a hot and sweaty gym.
  • Dancing to the beats of the drums, the audience of all ages was on its feet.
  • His lyricism has developed, the beats are tighter and there are no dud songs.
  • Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb. 
  • When I started the training, if I pushed myself above, say, 188 beats per minute, I would bonk.
  • my heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words, "i love thee.
  • The mix of eastern melodies with western drumbeats and guitar give the album and the band its very own pedestal in the music scene.
  • A note from the other world will strike upon the chord of my being, and the spirit which has been dozing within me awakens and fiercely beats at its bars, demanding some nobler thought, some higher aspiration, some wider action, a more saturnalian pleasure, something more than the peasant life can ever yield. My Brilliant Career
  • Hacking out that kind of boilerplate is a long way from almost toppling governments, but it beats driving buses, I guess.
  • But part of “making life livable for ourselves” means not turning into the sort of noodge who browbeats friends and acquaintances about their dietary choices — at least until they start ordering the Flipper Tempura Roll at Nobu. Vegan Envy
  • Beats me how anyone could ever expect a politician to deliver on the promise of a national stadium, but there you are.
  • Well, I don't fight, he beats me up - it's my fault, I provoke him.
  • So it beats a ten heart bid, but is beaten by a ten no-trump bid.
  • Their debut, Vegas, emulated the ‘big beat’ sound by pasting hip hop samples and rock riffs atop break beats.
  • Let's say you are 20, thus your maximal heart rate is 200 beats per minute.
  • Yes; but the talk was about rhythm, and cadential six-four chords have rhythmic implications - they determine strong beats.
  • After all, the mugger cannot be too surprised or upset if the muggee beats the snot out of him. Think Progress » VIDEO: The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers
  • It beats carrying round a drawerful of specialised gizmos, and since you're going to be carrying a phone anyway, you might as well have the other functions thrown in for when you require them.
  • Pictures show him mixing beats and playing both the guitar and keyboard.
  • The Montreal native was weaned on hip hop, living and breathing beats and rhymes through his teen years, a devotion that paid off when, as a 17-year-old, he was invited to join Canadian rap pioneers the Dream Warriors.
  • The young student explains to his friend how stingily the old woman conducts her business, how she beats her sister, and how the old woman decides to leave all her money to a monastery.
  • The album is a bombardment of autotuned vocals with loud drums and techno beats.
  • An omnivorous troubadour, he roves from Manchester libraries to Colombian villages to salvage musical traditions – with recordings that move from Berber beats to the raptures of a raga, from the thrilling stillness of an Armenian lament to the sprightliness of an Elizabethan galliard. In praise of … Jordi Savall | Editorial
  • The chants are conducted with drum beats and interspersed with resonating long horns and the clash of cymbals.
  • They perform side-by-side on a barren stage with the beats played by a preprogrammed drum machine.
  • Many people will try to like this album, the second full-length of original music from the D.C kings of swank, suits 'n' stirred Martinis, known for their stoned, trippy, dubby bossa beats.
  • This song started off sounding rather wistful and unobtrusive, but then grew into a psychedelic swirl of beats, voice and guitar that became completely captivating.
  • They marched out in regular formation, peeling off two by two at each main street to patrol their beats on foot.
  • It beats me how anybody could play such a boring game.
  • For the kitchen, nothing beats a beautiful mandoline!
  • They decided that since all the users were part of the ITP community, they would simply make it easy to track the deadbeats, with the threat of public broadcast of their names.
  • Once that clears up, Vainio turns his prey down a dark passage, chloroforming them again until all you can hear is their drugged, staggering heartbeats and the swaying neon of the red-light district.
  • I know politics is all about being two-faced, but surely this one beats most.
  • Miller also virtually invented musical special effects: He made pop records more like a film soundtrack, and utilized extramusical noises, such as dog barks and hoof beats, he said, "to paint a picture in the listener's mind. They Sang Along With Mitch
  • It is appropriate here to repeat the caution often taught in medical school: When hearing hoof beats, don't look for zebras!
  • His debut mixtape, "LIVELOVEA$AP," might not guarantee New York's Second Coming, but it showcases Rocky's immaculate taste in beats, collaborators and fancy clothiers. Sonic Science Projects
  • The band's sound included syncopated drum beats, a prominent bass line that flirted with funk rhythm, and a dirge-like guitar.
  • Between two otherwise equal hands, one made of natural cards beats one containing a joker.
  • Heart tonics and stimulants such as digitalis, strychnine and alcohol should be administered when the pulse beats weaken. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • While such toe-curling confessionals may grate with some, they nonetheless fill its forty-five minutes with a world-weary warmth and idealism to match the boundary-breaking beats.
  • Gone are the grimy beats, the sarcastic vocals and nonsensical lyricism, replaced by inspiring rhythms and lyrics laced with celebration and regret.
  • The drum machine offbeats are still present, but instead of snarky basslines and slow grinds, the song features a wistfully high organ stomp, and shifting tempos throughout.
  • Disco beats and falsetto vocals nestled up to squelchy parps and ghost noises, and all to an accompaniment of flashing light-sabres.
  • He woke up with his heart racing at 200 beats a minute and was rushed to hospital.
  • Having all nine members constantly yelling into distorting microphones over RZA's too-quiet beats is trying.
  • A long handle beats you to death during the vertical jigging motion for the plastic, or the zigzag for the topwater.
  • I know there are some thesauri on line but nothing beats the paper version. Ten Christmas gift ideas for the budding Novelist
  • Fresh milk beats powdered milk any time.
  • How she recovered so fast from last night beats the hell out of me.
  • To the Korean fans, the beauty can hardly draw a clear line with face lifting. But Chae Rim never beats around the bush in facing this sensitive topic.
  • Every day, the enemy takes more hostages, assassinates developing Iraqi leaders and savagely beats suspected collaborators.
  • We want to hear and feel four even, steady beats at the walk, two at the trot or jog, and three at the canter or lope.
  • My heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words, "I love thee.
  • The word pounded in his chest like fierce drumbeats, and I believe he heard me listening that closely, because suddenly, as his mouth spoke on, his eyes snapped around to mine and, like the sound of a gunshot, the pounding ceased, to be replaced by a feeling of uncertainty. Good Fortune
  • I have been in politics a while - not long enough, obviously - but I have been in politics a while and I have seen some examples of impertinence, cheek, and gall, but that last speech beats them all.
  • Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb. 
  • Arrogance is not an attractive trait, but surely it beats passive deference?
  • Beats higher up the river are often more prolific this late in the season with fish running hard to the middle and upper stretches.
  • Any quatorze beats any trio, and when comparing two quatorzes or two trios, the one with the higher ranked cards wins.
  • It beats chains against the ground in a rotating motion to detonate and destroy mines.
  • You've got to break it up into beats and just learn it.
  • When they do take to the air, their size (wingspread is about five feet), their deep wingbeats, and the black patches on their wings and neck make them easy to recognize.
  • In those days Norman Podhoretz dubbed the Beats as “know-nothing bohemians,” and Robert Brustein declared them leaders of “the cult of unthink.” The Typewriter Is Holy
  • Dance of the Hunter's Fire demonstrates the basic African polyrhythm, four beats against six beats. Dance of the Hunter's Fire
  • Biggs is enraged and beats the waiter aggressively. the rogues in the pub come to beat up biggs, but milo effectively uses his wit and manages to teleport biggs to the roof of the pub. biggs slips from the roof and falls facedown on the ground, but miraculously survives. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Avi’s Forum
  • The operation is begun by the todler, who takes a ball of the dough, forms it into a cake, and then casts it on the bakeboard of the trodler, who beats it out a little thinner. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 282, November 10, 1827
  • It has always been irksome to publishers that they actually have to pay money to those weirdo deadbeats who wander in with manuscripts under their arms.
  • I guess I should also apologise to Nick D' Angelo for hijacking the Beats Per Minute show in 1989.
  • THAT'S WHY RAPPERS SOUND SO MUCH BETTER ON THEIR MIXTAPES ... they get to choose the beats, hooks, etc, not some label exec or whoever. SOHH Blogs
  • Although past their commercial peak, The Charlatans almost always put on a good show with a great mix of classic singalong songs and funky beats.
  • Having said that the template of beats, cut up vocals and dreamy melodies remains the same.
  • But between you and me, the less I hear those popguns, the more regularly my heart beats.
  • In the picturesque port city of Bahia, Flor, a lovely young woman, marries the wastrel Vadinho, a compulsive wencher who beats her.
  • Then my husband goes and beats my high score and every competitive bone in my body ignites with a kind of ferocious need to reclaim my lost advantage.
  • Crunching beats, good tune, video of a model having an emotional breakdown in the chemist's … it effectively said to Fenech-Soler, the band who guested on the single, this is how you do it. This week's new live music
  • With a unique take on post-punk dance music, Maximum Joy meld punky choppy guitars, disco-funk beats and basslines, skronk-y jazz elements, reggae and dub effects, polyrhythms and (more!) cowbell. Hit me with your best shot (Music (For Robots))
  • It beats me how she got the job.
  • During the landing phase, pauses and wingbeat frequency increased and wingbeats became shallow.
  • Elsewhere, Jon mixes up elements of dub, jazz and ambient music into the requisite funk beats.
  • Nah, I always cry when Slovenia beats Denmark in team handball.
  • As a symbol of Stein's greatness and a cue for the home fans to go mental, nothing beats the sight of that big silver pot.
  • As a fierce rain beats against them, a struggle ensues between father and son, and Vincenzo drops the revolver onto a catwalk running alongside the bridge.
  • My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you every minute, and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life.
  • Hoof beats sounded up ahead and the two recognized the heavy clop of unicorn hooves.
  • More research is needed to study the exact relationship between alcohol and irregular heartbeats. Times, Sunday Times
  • The traditions will be juxtaposed with Zeta Bar's resident DJ mixing 'electro-tango' beats.
  • The first CD is entitled Beats, comprising a diverse mix of drum 'n' bass, hip-hop, breakbeat, and reggae.
  • Congressman Chris Van Hollen calls companies who don't pay their share freeloaders and deadbeats.
  • Nothing beats a well salted slice of cucumber on a hot day.
  • SoS is into some seriously weirdo electro-based crunked up stuff - MCs Johan, Marcus and Gesan providing bizarre flow over heady, 8-bit electronic beats and vicious synths, and in the case of this track some more strange elements like some kind of (real or synth?) flute ... weird, seriously weird. Music (For Robots): October 2005 Archives
  • If her program beats me, her broker could use that to command higher fees.
  • Nothing really beats waiting down in the slush of mud.
  • No, the march, the work song, the love lyric, the ballad, the sea chantey, the nursery rhyme, the limerick—those are the preeminent forms, and all those have four beats to them. THE ANTHOLOGIST
  • Look at Arria worshipping the drunken clodpate of a husband who beats her; look at Cornelia treasuring as a jewel in her maternal heart the oaf her son; I have known a woman preach Jesuit's bark, and afterwards Dr. Berkeley's tar-water, as though to swallow them were a divine decree, and to refuse them no better than blasphemy. The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. A Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Queen Anne
  • Serotine bats' wing beats are much more fluttery and shallow and their flight is not as fast.
  • It beats self-reporting -- simply asking parolees whether they've violated their parole terms -- a method previously employed by many jurisdictions that have switched over to post-conviction polygraphy. The Polygraph Paradox
  • In the example above, the left meld would get the low card bonus - the fives tie and the six beats the seven.
  • Exotic housey dub flavours dance with strings, jazzy inflections, loungey keys and world beats.
  • This point beats and moves as though endowed with life, and from it two vein-ducts with blood in them trend in a convoluted course (as the egg substance goes on growing, towards each of the two circumjacent integuments); and a membrane carrying bloody fibres now envelops the yolk, leading off from the vein-ducts. The History of Animals
  • When written in [[English]], both types are in iambic pentameter, that is each line is of five beats (iambs), with the stress on the second syllable in each two-syllable beat. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Straw hats are great summer hats with plenty of sex appeal, but nothing beats the feel of a felt fedora in the cold.
  • Many such lyrics were set to music, the basic unit being of three beats, which appeared suddenly in 1150.
  • First let me say this is the whackest anime I've seen, it beats the final two episodes of Neon Genesis because Lain has been whack from the beginning. Who are you?
  • My highest-ever heart rate was 207 beats per minute, 15 years ago.
  • Fluid beats and loosely assembled sound collages colour the third album by Holland's Elisabeth Esselink.
  • At length, all being ready, I rap with a handsome paper _bâton_ on the leader's desk the five or six beats of the "_Make ready_. Classic French Course in English
  • Farther out he can hear hoof-beats and voices, so he edges along westward until he comes suddenly to a depression, a little winding "cooley" across the prairie, through which in the early spring the snows are carried off from some ravine among the bluffs. Marion's Faith.
  • Apparently, the increase in ectopic beats might be related to the increase in vagal tone.
  • So obsessed that he concealed his decidedly uncool secret from all but one or two of his aspiringly cool fellow Beats. Dean Sluyter: It's Official: Nobody's Cool. (Kerouac Posthumously Blows It)
  • Caution: When combined with diuretics, such as lasix, or heart stimulants, such as lanoxin, licorice can cause muscle weakness and irregular heartbeats. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • By the album's last few tracks, the fills outweigh the backbeats to the point where he's pushing fusion jazz territory.
  • Meanwhile, Scotland on Sunday can also reveal that the Beatson, which treats 8,000 new patients a year, has been trying to lure new doctors by offering £16,000 sweeteners.
  • Cleverly put together, his beats carry the sing-songy attraction of ragga, the hardcore baseline of hip-hop, and more importantly, the mass commercial appeal of breaking the mainstream.
  • A ruby-throated hummingbird beats its wings 50 to 70 times per second.
  • This 20-year-old MC is a Wale protege who shows plenty of promise on his latest mixtape, matching imposing beats with some sinister edge on the mike. Catching up on September pop music releases
  • English, both types are in iambic pentameter, that is each line is of five beats (iambs), with the stress on the second syllable in each two-syllable beat. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • When you fade one track into another, you have to hit the beats at the right moment for the sounds to segue into one another effortlessly.
  • Part of Flying Lotus's Brainfeeder collective, Bruder has tapped into the vein established by Lotus's Cosmogramma LP of last year; a continuum where breakbeats and solo extemporisation are paired with abstract sounds, and use of the word "astrality" is encouraged. Thundercat: The Golden Age of Apocalypse – review
  • So the top-rated fullback is West Virginia tough guy Owen Schmitt, a fourth-round prospect who has overcome odds his entire life, so don't be surprised if he beats this next challenge. Best after McFadden? RB contenders aplenty in NFL draft
  • The pulsation may be described as tricuspid; that is, it consists of a strong beat, preceded and followed by lesser beats. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • The blend of contemporary beats with the ageless sound of the oud, vocals and bansuri flute is entirely convincing and unforced.
  • Armed with flowing harmonica, bass lines and gentle drum beats, and amping it up with a bluesy/roots feel, there really isn't a lot to fault in this guy's work.
  • In her ears echoed the sounds of her beating heart as its beats began to grow weak and slow.
  • Each song is souped up with backing tracks that avoid domination, but power the driving beats of the carefully curated anthems.
  • Think lots of reverb, echo, and all-out intergalactic noise accompanying traditional reggae beats and vocals.
  • Audi Beats Peugeot At Paul Ricard -- The duel of the diesels is the motor racing equivalent of Ali vs. Frazier. news
  • We stared at each other for a few beats then I shook my head.
  • It's a dark and compelling mix ending in a brilliant death disco anthem; Sonar Tim, freed from his usual position behind the drum kit, is on his knees on the floor, tuning and detuning his guitar as he beats the strings.
  • Gary reaches for a drum and beats it briefly and harshly.
  • His usual slo-mo beats and spoken-word flow show up eventually, around four minutes in, but his eclectic point has been made.
  • There have been hi-fi units equipped with hard drives, but nothing beats a personal computer for ripping and managing an audio collection.
  • The paper provides no URL to the i-doser sites allegedly peddling these aural intoxicants, so there's no way for the reader to investigate the psychoactivity of the beats themselves. Slate Magazine
  • Rapper Rob B and the band funked it up through a beats and bass driven set and got the audience well into and out of it.
  • Beats the hell out of stripping or working the streets like some whore doesn't it?
  • Whenever an election turns into a three-ring circus, I cast my baleful eye upon the proceedings and wonder what's really going on in the heart that beats beneath the fright wig.
  • It's hard to argue with the point that it beats "disappear" and "vanish," which "suggest dematerialization, which is rare. IsThatLegal?
  • Closer inspection reveals, however, that this is simply tepid wallpaper music that's been dressed up with a few modern beats.
  • At the heart of the CR-V beats Honda's lively new 2.0-litre i-VTEC engine with power output upped in 2002 to 150 bhp.
  • A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent. William Blake 
  • So, toward the end of the play, when Handke hurled insults at ‘us,’ we were more delighted by the word play (‘You bubbleheads, you atheists, you butchers, you deadbeats’) than hurt or shocked.

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