How To Use Beatitude In A Sentence

  • The ten commandments are the moral covenant of the Old Testament, the beatitudes the moral covenant of the New.
  • It still moves me today to recall that in a secular country, the masses condensed the Beatitudes in the Lord's Sermon on the Mount into two words: No violence!
  • But eternal beatitude, which is the reward of good works, is bestowed by God alone: thus Augustine says Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • Whenever we meet with the positive element of human personality, we experience this feeling of beatitude, which is the aesthetic emotion. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
  • The terrifying aspect of this Self makes Arjuna shudder with fear, and hence the Lord also reveals His most beautiful form that is full of bliss, beatitude, and serenity.
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  • Her favorite Beatitude is " Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth ".
  • Truly then, the Beatitudes test the personal integrity of our lives and of our interpretation of true happiness.
  • I haven't heard one of them demand that the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, be posted anywhere.
  • Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" is one of the Beatitudes.
  • It was important that Rick Warren was able to show the new face of evangelicism -- a faith as concerned with the Beatitudes as it is with the fire and brimstone imagery of Revelation. Saddleback - Swampland -
  • Over the past couple of weeks, my faith community has been looking at the Beatitudes in the Bible at the beginning of Matthew 5.
  • Broderick gave a splendid preamble asking the president to turn back from the god of war to the master he professes to follow, and quoted from the Beatitudes of Jesus, the ‘blessed ares.’
  • Or, like other religions, will the Catholic Church, too, emphasize spiritual beatitude over the passion for justice?
  • It is the condition of beatitude - the divine vision of the person of God by an individuated soul.
  • During the Vienna meetings, His Beatitude said, no progress was made, but a different impression was given.
  • Sometimes our answer to these realities is passive beatitude.
  • As Archbishop of Tirana and All Albania, His Beatitude has presided over the resurrection of this Church.
  • … By the will of God, Your Beatitude became the head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church at the time when Ukraine became sovereign and freedom was restored to our Church.
  • Hence the last beatitude, which is the term of spiritual perfection, fittingly corresponds to hope in point of its ultimate object, while the first beatitude, which involves recoil from worldly things which hinder submission to God, fittingly corresponds to fear. Nature and Grace: Selections from the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas
  • The Beatitudes should be seen, according to Betz, as an exordium for the entire Sermon.
  • Electing to preserve his enormous public from the full force of his opinions, while he drew breath he kept his most God-hostile writing unpublished: the readers who had snapped up Tom Sawyer were not to know that he regarded the Beatitudes as a sequence of “immense sarcasms.” An Atheist Walks Into a Bar …
  • Might not the first of the Beatitudes, concerning ‘the poor in spirit,’ refer to those paralyzed in prayer?
  • Her favorite Beatitude is " Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth ".
  • It doesn't hurt that Murdoch is being played by Dench, who achieves that magical balance of beatitude and pragmatism we have come to expect from her.
  • Please accept our heartfelt congratulations to Your Beatitude on your election to the Patriarchal Throne of the Mother of Churches, the Jerusalem Patriarchate!
  • It simply goes through the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount, explains the essence of each one, and appends a simple prayer for each, asking God to help us cultivate that particular trait of godliness.
  • The blessing upon the merciful seems to flow directly from the previous beatitude in that the merciful are those who have hungered and thirsted for righteousness, and have been satisfied; in other words, they are made righteous through cooperation with the grace of God revealed in Jesus Christ, who shows us what it means to be merciful through his own suffering and crucifixion. Eric Simpson: Those Who Are Merciful Will Obtain Mercy
  • As we saw in Chapter 4, Matthew deliberately chose to open his account of the teaching of Jesus with an interpretation of the Beatitudes which introduced some of his most characteristic concerns.
  • The Sermon on the Mount is, in many ways, an explication of the righteousness of the kingdom, evident even in the blessedness promised in the Beatitudes.
  • Wherefore apprising Your Beatitude of this wish of His Highness I would further advise that the borrowed books will be used only for translation and will be returned.
  • Yet being subtill, crafty, and cautelous, he wrought so on the flexible nature of Ferando, that hee brought his wife with him divers dayes to the Monasterie; where they walked in the goodly Garden, discoursing on the beatitudes of eternall life, as also the most holy deedes of men and women, long since departed out of this life, in mervailous civill and modest manner. The Decameron
  • Your Beatitude, what is the condition of the Armenian Church in Turkey today?
  • In the Beatitudes, the things that bring blessedness are treasures that last.
  • Into this place come the familiar words of Jesus and his Beatitudes.
  • Above the earth are six heavens called Swarga, with increasing beatitude as one ascends.
  • Objection 1: It would seem that the fifth beatitude, which is that of mercy, does not correspond to the gift of counsel. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • After he arrived, a service of thanksgiving was held at St. Andrew's Cathedral and then all the official invited guests accompanied His Beatitude to a formal lunch.
  • But we can return to the Beatitudes, which Richard mentioned earlier, to see how Jesus viewed the moral law.
  • Through its programs, services, counseling, education, love and support, Beatitude House helps them break that cycle.
  • In the Beatitudes, Jesus blesses those who hunger and thirst after justice. I can't imagine that Mr. Gibson's vision or his film will add to the balance of this world's justice.
  • Whereas in the classical account, happiness encompassed the span of a lifetime, Christian beatitude was infinite.
  • Note 2: Beatitude was first published in 1959 on the mimeograph machine at the Bread and Wine Mission on Grant Avenue by Bob Kaufman, John Kelly and others.
  • Remember that line in the Beatitudes: ‘Blessed are the meek, because they shall inherit the earth.’
  • Now all human affairs are ordered for the end of beatitude, which is everlasting salvation, to which men are admitted, or from which they are excluded by Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • And yet that billboard vouchsafes to one of the novel's minor characters, J. Edgar's ghostly Sister, a vision of beatitude.
  • As the boon-giving guru gives the mantra in contentment and beatitude, try to please him with devotion, wealth, your very life.
  • The Archbishop remembered the meeting with His Beatitude one month back during his visit to Kerala.
  • David preached a stirring sermon on the Beatitudes as he reflected on his visit by bus to an African village.
  • That which many do comment concerning the octonary number of beatitudes hath too much curiosity, and little benefit. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • And yet that billboard vouchsafes to one of the novel's minor characters, J. Edgar's ghostly Sister, a vision of beatitude.
  • Someone may counter by saying that traditionally Chinese people prefer to live a long life because longevity is equivalent to beatitude.
  • For the scholastic this is of course a supernatural end, a life of grace in this world and beatitude in the next.
  • In this work of renewal blessed by God, know, Your Beatitude, that Catholics are at the side of their Orthodox brethren in prayer and in their willingness to help in any useful way.
  • The Beatitudes should be seen, according to Betz, as an exordium for the entire Sermon.
  • Standing firmly on the side of the poor (if only because he himself lived in abject poverty), Bloy embraced the Beatitudes ' inversions, rewriting abjection as election.
  • At the end of each chapter, Cook poses soul-searching questions and suggests exercises that will help readers apply the Beatitudes to their lives and their relationships.
  • Not doubting at all that Your Beatitude would want to share these ideas, we beg you to accept the expression of our fraternal and cordial greetings.
  • Life has few direr disenchanters than the morning smells of obsolete tobacco, relics though they be of hesternal beatitude. Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce
  • Swami-like and pedagogical in skullcap, glasses, corduroy blazer, and striped tie, with the first Beatitude (“Blessed are the poor in spirit …”) tattooed on his wrists, Aaron Weiss steps into the street after his band’s sound check and is promptly cornered by a young man wearing a homemade Aaron Weiss T-shirt. Sing to the Lord a New Song
  • Scripture scholars contend that the original language of the Beatitudes should not be rendered as “Blessed are the single-hearted” or “Blessed are the peacemakers” or “Blessed are those who struggle for justice.” Tattoos on the Heart
  • In contrast, the Catholic doctrine of suffering, like the Beatitudes, inverted the oppressive world of nature: the lowly were raised up and the mighty cast down.
  • The only possible object of beatitude is the Party, or what the Party may be supposed to stand for.
  • When Jesus in the Beatitudes says that the meek shall inherit the earth, he repeats the psalmist's wishful thinking.
  • Celebrity is very corrosive of beatitude, so are benzedrine and heroin.
  • At times Watson's poems reek of second-hand beatitude, and his preoccupation with his status of ‘writer’ reminds me of Dransfield.
  • From afar, he saw the Mount of the Beatitudes.
  • They began to talk loudly and at length on a range of topics: the benefits of various air miles and insurance packages; the moral beatitude of wealth creation; their twin enthusiasms for brand development and soul music.
  • Mr. Tritle's wish-list for future projects includes great Romantic canvases like César Franck's "Les Béatitudes" and Charles Gounod's epic oratorio "Mors et Vita," as well as 20th-century landmarks like the Britten "War Requiem" and Janáček's Glagolitic Mass. The Master of Many Choruses
  • With great joy I received the announcement of Your Beatitude's election to the Patriarchal See of Alexandria for Copts and your request for Ecclesiastical Communion.
  • We welcome you just one year after the World Conference on Mission and Evangelism that gathered in Athens, Greece, so generously hosted by Your Beatitude and the Church of Greece.
  • The Delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate then accompanied His Beatitude and His entourage to the Conrad Hotel, where they will be staying for the duration of their visit.
  • For example, it is possible to study the Beatitudes in Matthew's gospel without actually practicing the gestures of nonviolence based upon this gospel.
  • Neither could the needs of any other man whatsoever have merited this union condignly: first, because the meritorious works of man are properly ordained to beatitude, which is the reward of virtue, and consists in the full enjoyment of God. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • Seldom, indeed, was any jealousy shown; they surrendered themselves to a kind of epidemical beatitude, to a contagious hope that they would all be cured whenever it should so please the Blessed Virgin. The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • It was a community that was based on the scriptural principles of the Beatitudes, and it tried to live in a peaceful way with the English.
  • On the first point: a beatitude is the actuality of a perfect virtue. Nature and Grace: Selections from the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas
  • her favorite Beatitude is `Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth'
  • It has been 28 days since His Beatitude the Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje Jovan is imprisoned in the prison Idrizovo, near Skopje.
  • The goings-on and the ideals behind them - love, peace, communality, ecstasy, the beatitude of youth - belong to the Zeitgeist that shaped Lubovitch's aesthetic some three decades back.
  • Now hope seems to correspond especially to the last beatitude, which is: "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God," since it is said in Rom. 5: 2: "we ... rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Nature and Grace: Selections from the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas
  • Those who had come out to see His Beatitude felt even closer after having known him better.
  • All who remember this "beatitude" will be helped to solve many perplexing problems of dress, diet, play, education, philanthropy, morals, and civics. Civics and Health
  • Meditation is the science of bringing inner beauty, inner beatitude, inner benediction.
  • Surely he has not excluded women from beatitude?
  • Observe, again, that the language in which these Beatitudes are couched is purposely fetched from the Old Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • This is how, in His Beatitude's words, unity in prayer develops, both in a family and in the whole Church.
  • The Beatitudes and other teachings in which Jesus exhorts his disciples to put all their trust in God have a special meaning in this context (Neyrey).
  • It gives me great pleasure to meet Your Beatitude in this Primatial See of the Orthodox Church of Greece.
  • Allow me to bend the protocol, Your Beatitude, so that now, towards the end of this address, I may turn my grateful and filial thoughts to you.
  • As I wrote in a personal letter to His Beatitude last November, we in the Church of England deeply appreciate the way in which he opened the way towards fuller co-operation in the diaconal and missionary work of our churches. Archbishop's tribute to His Beatitude Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens and All Greece
  • Thanks be to almighty God for this gift to his Church in the person of Your Beatitude as Pastor and guide of the beloved Greek Melkite community!
  • Christ himself, the objective happiness, is far above a created and formal beatitude, which issueth from him, as the whole is more excellent than the part, the cause than the effect. The Tryal & Triumph of Faith: or An Exposition of the History of Christs dispossessing of the daughter of the woman of Canaan.

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