How To Use Beatified In A Sentence

  • He was beatified by the Church of Rome in 1886, and canonized in 1935.
  • The frail nun, who died in 1997 after spending more than six decades caring for the destitute and homeless, was beatified yesterday by Pope John Paul II at a two-hour long ceremony in Rome.
  • Junipero Serra was beatified for sainthood by Pope John Paul II in 1984, at his grave in the sanctuary of Mission San Carlos Borromeo in Carmel, California.
  • Mother Mary of the Passion, who was beatified on October 20, followed St. Francis of Assissi's evangelical spirit of simplicity, poverty and chastity.
  • In these and hundreds of other cases he uses remorse almost as promiscuously as the adjective "awful" is now often popularly used where a much milder word would do, and in his employment of it in relation to his dead wife, it is his sense of profound and unavailing sorrow that he desires to convey by it or his despairing consciousness of his own unworthiness of the woman he had beatified. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
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  • On Friday, Benedict set the date for beatification after declaring that a French nun's recovery from Parkinson's disease was the miracle needed for John Paul to be beatified. Rome scrambles to ready for 2 million pilgrims
  • To become a saint two miracles are needed, one to be beatified and one to be canonised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Previous entry: Monk who gave cappuccino its name beatified Rich commune exists in shadow of dark roots
  • Once he is beatified, John Paul will be given the title "blessed" and can be publicly venerated. Rome scrambles to ready for 2 million pilgrims
  • Mother Teresa is on her way to sainthood, having been beatified by the Pope in a two-hour ceremony in Rome.
  • Years later, she was beatified and canonized. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Formerly, it took proof of two miracles to be beatified and two more to be canonized. Globe and Mail
  • One such woman was Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who will be beatified today in Rome.
  • {2} The narghile is a water-pipe upon the plan of the hookah, but more gracefully fashioned; the smoke is drawn by a very long flexible tube, that winds its snake-like way from the vase to the lips of the beatified smoker. Eothen, or, Traces of Travel Brought Home from the East
  • Sex is the basic instinct, and with the beatified concept, here comes love.
  • As the only survivor of the trio, she cannot be beatified, only the dead can begin the slow journey through canonical bureaucracy to reach sainthood.
  • 2 The narghile is a water-pipe upon the plan of the hookah, but more gracefully fashioned; the smoke is drawn by a very long flexible tube, that winds its snake-like way from the vase to the lips of the beatified smoker. Eothen
  • In the supposedly drug-free past, children were put to bed with paregoric, old folks beatified themselves with Hadacol, and teetotal housewives contentedly glugged 80-proof women's trouble remedies. Michael Kaplan: Drugs: Losing the Longest War
  • She died in 1887, and was beatified in 1950. Times, Sunday Times
  • It went down soft pulpy, slushy, oozy—all its delicious embonpoint melted down my throat like a large beatified Strawberry. The Fruit Hunters
  • This analysis seems plausible in theory, but it ought to be noted that the most popular person to be beatified in recent years is the stigmatic Padre Pio, who was very much an eccentric, an ascetic, and a prodigy.
  • angelica vestis" of the tertiary order; and the "beatified" Duchess who had sold her jewels to buy corn for the poor during the famine of 1670, and had worn a hair-shirt under a corset that seemed stiff enough to serve all the purposes of bodily mortification. The Valley of Decision
  • On Sunday, the martyr will be beatified by the Vatican
  • levitated" persons, canonized or beatified by the Church of Rome. Lost Leaders
  • _OED_ notices this catachrestic form of "beatified Anti-Achitophel (1682) Three Verse Replies to Absalom and Achitophel by John Dryden
  • It took 351 years before he was beatified. Times, Sunday Times
  • He must next be declared "beatified" (blessed), a title bestowed only on martyrs or those who have performed miracles. - Articles related to Boston Archdiocese welcomes 2 rectors as auxiliary bishops
  • He is expected to be beatified - the last step before fully fledged sainthood - before the end of the year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pope John Paul II has controversially beatified both a German mystic whose gory visions of Christ's suffering helped inspire Mel Gibson's movie The Passion of the Christ, and an Austrian emperor whose troops used poison gas.
  • He now expected to be beatified, the step before canonisation as a saint, before the end of the year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beatification is the last step on the road to sainthood, although not all those who are beatified are finally canonised. John Paul II to be beatified in Rome
  • _OED_ notices this catachrestic form of "beatified Anti-Achitophel (1682) Three Verse Replies to Absalom and Achitophel by John Dryden
  • If the Vatican then confirms a miracle has occurred after John Paul's death thanks to his intercession, he can be beatified.
  • Pier Giorgio Frassati was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1990.
  • Mother Teresa is on her way to sainthood, having been beatified by the Pope in a two-hour ceremony in Rome.
  • On October 19, 2003, Mother Teresa of Calcutta will be beatified in Rome.
  • Instead, the Vatican has only recently beatified a number of senior Church officials who were killed during the Spanish Civil War.
  • In order for a candidate to be beatified, one miracle after death must be proved through the scrutiny of medical and theological experts.
  • Solid though his enthusiasms were in the matter of medicine — his admiration of this city surgeon, his condemnation of that for tricky ways of persuading country practitioners to bring in surgical patients, his indignation about fee-splitting, his pride in a new X-ray apparatus — none of these beatified him as did motoring. Main Street

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