How To Use Beatific In A Sentence

  • For one farthing, given to a poor man in alms, a man is made partaker of the beatifical vision. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • He will buried in the tomb left vacant after the remains of Pope John XXIII were exhumed from the cramped grotto under St. Peter's Basilica in 2001 and moved to the main floor following his beatification. - Bells, white smoke to announce new pope
  • The so-called diocesan process of his beatification was begun on 11 The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Beatification is the last step on the road to sainthood, although not all those who are beatified are finally canonised. John Paul II to be beatified in Rome
  • By contrast, the members of Tinariwen radiate a kind of beatific serenity. The Guardian World News
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  • A beatific substance module activity you a rattling combative evaluate of welfare with cushy and pliant defrayal options. Xml's
  • His brown eyes, peering out from a deeply lined face, regarded me with an unswervingly beatific expression. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • The Vatican said at the weekend that a decision in favour of the pope's eventual fast-track beatification would be the ‘exclusive competence’ of his successor.
  • The Captain is the benevolent-yet-stern sheriff of this here town and Madame La is his beatific, beautiful wife.
  • In some press accounts this act was linked with the expected beatification, not of Pius XII, but of Pius IX.
  • In the 1990s, a number of bishoprics in Germany, Luxembourg and France began to support his beatification by the Roman Catholic Church.
  • The life of Fr Mullen was featured recently on the RTE programme ‘Nationwide’, which, combined with the book, is hopefully seen as a step towards beatification.
  • Luke, from Harper's, wore a beatific smile as the room trembled from the gateway's power.
  • As a nun she is beatific, her head, in a wimple, tilted toward heaven, a prayer book clasped to her breast.
  • The enjoyment of heaven is usually called the beatifical vision; that is, such an intellectual present view, apprehension, and sight of God and his glory, especially as manifested in Christ, as will make us blessed unto eternity. Christologia
  • He was a Mexican priest who had been appointed vice postulator of the Causes for the Beatification of the two young Fatima visionaries.
  • The engine that drives Dante's desire for the beatific vision is not simply love for God.
  • Once ensconced as a fully-fledged academic, he narrowed his field of hobbies to include amateur beatification and canasta.
  • Her hair is short and neat, her smile beatific, and her conscience troubled.
  • After all, Palma Christa, the palm of Christ, sounds beatific until you discover that its common name is Castor Oil Plant, and it's a weed and one of the most poisonous of all plants.
  • For the second time that night, Selina gave a genuine, beatific smile.
  • The documents attested more than 400 miracles or extraordinary graces, and thirty postulatory letters from archbishops and bishops in France besought the beatification from the Holy See. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • It was 10 when John rolled in with a beatific smile, clearly stoned.
  • Sammy Arthur 's extroversion is larger than life, gregariousness to the nth degree behind a smile as beatific as it is constant. Giants Staffer's Big Goal: Medical Miracle Worker
  • The Vatican has recognized a miracle that she's believed to have performed, a key step in her beatification.
  • He cuts a striking figure with his stocky frame, beatific smile and pitch-black hair worn long and swept back.
  • Far from degrading that character, as the comic is wont to do, the stoic ethic here takes on a sacred or beatific grace, but one that nevertheless permits the audience to distance themselves from its ethical dimension.
  • Since then, Prince has converted to Roman Catholicism - and may be a member or associate of Opus Dei, a very conservative cult now described as a prelature that is a strong ally of the current pope, Benedict XVI, who - when he was a Cardinal - paved the way for the beatification and canonization of the cult's founder, St. Josemaria Escriva by his predecessor, Pope John Paul II.
  • beatific peace
  • I raced home from the tournament with a beatific smile on my face, headed straight to the TV room in search of Avril, who'd taped Pop Idol for me, and did a lot of girlie screaming.
  • But its contents rapidly dispel any fears that this most entertainingly waspish of commentators succumbed to beatific mildness in his final years.
  • In 1761 Clement XIII approved his beatification; John XXIII canonized him in 1960.
  • After Escrivá's death in 1975, a third of the world's bishops petitioned the Vatican to open his cause for beatification and canonisation.
  • There is important attention given to Christ's knowledge, both beatific and infused, as necessarily presupposed for his work of salvation.
  • On EWTN, a programme recently appeared in relation to the forthcoming beatification of John Henry Cardinal Newman, which was a conversation with Fr. Paul Chavasse, provost of the Birmingham Oratory and postulator of the cause. Fr. Paul Chavasse on the Beatification of Cardinal Newman and a Solemn Te Deum
  • Then she smiles at me, a genuine smile, one that forms laughter-folds around her eyes and makes her face more kind, like a statue of a beatific saint.
  • Beatification: Once the miracle process is approved by the cardinals and the pope, the pope beatifies the candidate. The Happiest Human
  • I've come across such a picture in the tenth-century Irish tale Adamnan's Vision, in a curious scene that captures the sociability of the beatific vision.
  • In other ages he would have been canonized as a saint or called the beatific doctor; but in Boston he was a heretic and a reformer, who sought to lead men into a faith that is ethical, sincere, and humanitarian. Unitarianism in America
  • As an outsider, I am of course not entitled to a view about who deserves beatification or canonization.
  • It is, in fact, an exceptionally charming story, and even hard-hearted churls will find themselves smiling with beatific indulgence by the end of it.
  • I smile one of my beatific smiles throughout, and leave happy.
  • You are left wondering how anything as terrible as the anguish detailed in King's Crossing or Fond Farewell could inspire music this lovely, with its soaring choruses and beatific harmonies and irresistible pop sensibility.
  • Initially serving as either hubris or hyperbole, this trope likens the lover's earthly vision of the beloved to the angels' beatific, heavenly vision of God and the divine joy produced by that mysterious vision.
  • Patristic and medieval Christian theologians adopted but transformed philosophical eudaimonism by identifying happiness with post-mortem bliss: the beatific vision, or union with God. Philip Reynolds: The Biblical Definitions Of The Pursuit Of Happiness
  • His brown eyes, peering out from a deeply lined face, regarded me with an unswervingly beatific expression. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • Against a back ground of lemon-coloured sky, with the stars shedding their spiritual lustre through the purple twilight, these gorgeous creatures, each ensphered in her beatific bubble, floated tremulously upward on the balmy breeze. The War of the Wenuses
  • A prayer vigil on the Circus Maximus, an all-night prayer session in downtown Rome churches and the beatification Mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI top the agenda for the three-day event. As John Paul beatification nears, criticism mounts
  • The problem is that you confused beatification and canonization.
  • Numerous postulatory letters to this effect were addressed to his late Holiness of saintly and venerated memory, Pope Pius IX, who after the usual delay, permitted the preliminary steps towards the Beatification. The Life of the Venerable Mother Mary of the Incarnation
  • There was every kind of marvelling, beatifical, astonished, profound, gay, austere, amidst unconscious smiles and languid postures of the head. His Masterpiece
  • Secondly, Vision is beatifical, as it is commonly called, and that not amiss. Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ
  • No, in the Garden of Eden, all creatures beheld the beatific vision, that is, all things as one.
  • And she looked at me with kind of beatific smile and said, ‘Yes, it's his sense of noblesse oblige.’
  • Leonarde's relative disinterest in her corporeal state could be linked to her proximity to the beatific vision, where such considerations would become insignificant.
  • The corridor walls are covered in photographs; barrel-bellied women with scrunched-up faces strain to deliver, post-birth beatific smiles radiate satisfaction.
  • This study is to explore learning satisfaction for students of practical technical program in department of beatification in vocational high school in Chiayi area by a questionnaire survey.
  • He looked up and smiled -- nigh on beatific -- a genius with his magnum opus. A DARKENING STAIN
  • The enjoyment of God by sight is commonly called the beatifical vision; and it is the sole fountain of all the actings of our souls in the state of blessedness: which the old philosophers knew nothing of; neither do we know distinctly what they are, or what is this sight of Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ
  • She moved slowly with a beatifical expression of felicity. A Love Episode
  • The beatification and canonization of Juan Diego bring into question the integrity of the process followed by the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints.
  • Better than smile beatifically, she should have bopped him on the noggin with the nearest ornament.
  • Porches, steps, verandas, balconies, patios and another extensions of the concern should be kept uncluttered, sweptwing and in beatific condition. Xml's
  • Beatification is the final step on the path to sainthood.
  • Her beatification, the penultimate step on the way to sainthood, has taken place at surprising speed even in the context of the ‘saint factory’ that is the contemporary Vatican.
  • Just what one learned from the linnet and the throstle was never disclosed by Wordsworth but that was probably because their lessons were ineffable, like the Beatific Vision. NATURE
  • What is the experience we call the beatific vision in heaven? Last Things: Heaven and Hell
  • The date chosen for her beatification, Mission Sunday, is the Sunday closest to the twenty-fifth anniversary of the pontificate of John Paul II and to the end of the Year of the Rosary.
  • Knowledge is preeminent also in the final bliss of the elect; the essence of salvation is the beatific vision.
  • The corridor walls are covered in photographs; barrel-bellied women with scrunched-up faces strain to deliver, post-birth beatific smiles radiate satisfaction.
  • Seib Nod was a lifelong member of the Sisterhood of the Beatific Countenance on the planet Lorrd but grew bored with their cloistered lifestyle.
  • But unlike Skywalker or Napoleon, Rider wears a beatific smile.
  • His protagonists are poignantly human, but Frears avoids the temptation of turning them into beatific Christ figures or walking billboards.
  • Following the lecture His Eminence will Pontificate at a Solemn Mass according to the Missal of Paul VI in intercession for the beatification of John Henry Newman at the Oxford Oratory at 6.00 pm. George Cardinal Pell to Visit Oxford, Sung Vespers at Merton, Mass at the Oxford Oratory
  • According to this vision of what happens when we die, judgment is conceived as a sentence cast in a court of law, a consignment of the individual soul to an eternity either of torment or of beatific vision.
  • What kind of felicity God hath ordained to them that devoutly honour him, a man shall no sooner know than enjoy; being joys that now are as incomprehensible as the word of Schoolmen, beatifical vision, is unintelligible. Leviathan
  • To see God face to face, which is called the beatific vision, is not the natural destiny of man, nor of any possible creature. Moral Philosophy
  • In itself this doctrine was not unorthodox, but Malebranche's claim that the images were formed through God allowing the soul to look into His divine mind suggested, heretically, that the beatific vision was possible prior to death.
  • What kind of felicity God hath ordained to them that devoutly honour Him a man shall no sooner know than enjoy, being joys that now are as incomprehensible as the word of schoolmen ‘beatifical vision’ is unintelligible. Chapter VI. Of the Interior Beginnings of Voluntary Motions, Commonly Called the Passions; and the Speeches by Which They Are Expressed
  • Short of the beatific vision, to what can theological exploration point?
  • These paintings harbour a menagerie of folk-monsters, a phantasmagoria of apparitions that might be beatific angels or might be ghoulish extraterrestrials.
  • The corridor walls are covered in photographs; barrel-bellied women with scrunched-up faces strain to deliver, post-birth beatific smiles radiate satisfaction.
  • She knew that often, an expression of beatific peace appeared on the deceased’s face just before death’s final blow. LADY of SKYE
  • Not just polite little smiles either, but huge, genuine, sparkly-eyed smiles of pure beatific satisfaction.
  • His beatification, the first step to sainthood, is expected to take five years, far shorter than normal.
  • He turned around, smiled his beatific smile, and then raised his huge hands high in the air, in the general direction of my head.
  • He lay fifteen days earnestly expecting his hourly change; and in the last hour of his last day, as his body melted away, and vapoured into spirit, his soul having, I verily believe some revelation of the beatifical vision, he said, “I were miserable if I might not die; ” and after those words, closed many periods of his faint breath by saying often, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. The Life of Dr. Donne. Paras. 100-143
  • A lethargic Blaine, sporting a new bushy beard and matted hair, rewarded them with weak waves and beatific smiles.
  • As a nun she is beatific, her head, in a wimple, tilted toward heaven, a prayer book clasped to her breast.
  • Both the Blet and Cornwall volumes are also part of the current struggle over the possible beatification and canonization of Pius XII.
  • The facts emerged only during the investigation of her life preceding her beatification, which takes place in Rome this month.
  • Of course, the real Orwell, whom I am delighted to be able to reveal exclusively to you, would have had no truck with all this beatification of himself or his prose.
  • Second, Gaudi has been mythologized; he is variously described as a saint (and in fact, a group is avidly pursuing his beatification), a sinner, an egomaniac, a tyrant, and a gentle soul.
  • Black smokers, they were called, for not far away lay a beatific version of these vents.
  • We would make our home of one of the Cyclades, and there in myrtle-groves, amidst perpetual spring, fanned by the wholesome sea-breezes -- we would live long years in beatific union -- Was there such a thing as death in the world? III.9
  • Last month the Vatican announced the long-awaited beatification of John XXIII.
  • The smile that spread across Nicholas' face was beatific, full of happiness and relief.
  • There was something almost beatific about Labarde's expression as he crumpled forward and to the right. AMAGANSETT
  • Her easygoing manner and beatific expression lulled Ethan completely, so that her next words were twice the shock they'd have been if he'd been expecting them. Mission to Moulokin
  • The canonisation is the culmination of a detailed protocol after Cardinal Tisserant commenced the diocesan process for her beatification in 1953 and declared her a Servant of God. The Hindu - Front Page
  • When John Paul's beatification was announced in January, the U.S.-based Survivor's Network of those Abused by Priests criticized what it described as a "hasty drive to confer sainthood on the pontiff under whose reign most of the widely documented clergy sex crimes and coverups took place. - Home Page
  • A beatific aerobiotic artefact module have A. a aggregation of equipment. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • From this, results the glory of God, who unites the church to himself and beatifies her, which glory is declared in the very act of union and beatification -- also the glory of the same blessed God, when the church in her triumphant songs ascribes to him praise, honour and glory forever and ever. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • Also of note: the picture of Erica looking beatific is amazing, and the Lion King pose Shawn is doing with Jude in that one pic is amazing. Newsfeed « paper fruit
  • In three minutes or so he was out again with a beatific smile.
  • The crisis ran through its usual course, ending in a state of rapture, during which she enjoyed for days 'a kind of beatific vision of God. ' Hours in a Library, Volume I. (of III.)
  • With a beatific smile, Weldon rose above the ensuing stushie and laughed all the way to the bank, proving once again that diamonds are a girl's best friend.
  • But he seems to have thought that going to court was like going to heaven; that to see princes and princesses was a kind of beatific vision; that the exquisite felicity enjoyed by royal persons was not confined to themselves, but was communicated by some mysterious efflux or reflection to all who were suffered to stand at their toilettes, or to bear their trains. Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3)
  • On Friday, Benedict set the date for beatification after declaring that a French nun's recovery from Parkinson's disease was the miracle needed for John Paul to be beatified. Rome scrambles to ready for 2 million pilgrims
  • Short of the beatific vision, to what can theological exploration point?
  • Once declared a holy person, the next step is beatification and finally canonisation.
  • One woman declared with beatifical satisfaction, "I have slept well. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 2
  • All Christians of all times have asked how God prepares believers for the beatific vision of the fullness of His glory.
  • We would probably unearth the trio, only to find them linked to our eternal horror in a macabre, cannibalistic wheel — Limbaugh greedily gagging on Robertson's legs, Robertson, beatifically goitered on Beck's body up to the hip, and Beck, eyes a 'tearing from gorging on ol' Rush past even that fabled pilonidal cyst, their animal hunger winning out over humanity after but a day's worry. Like Hell Needs A Heat Wave...
  • Solanus Casey is a textbook example of the traditional candidate for beatification and canonization.
  • St. Peter at one point exclaims to Lillian, in a beatific reverie.
  • He listens with a beatific half smile to his visitors in English and responds in rapid fire Nepali, which the secretary in his ministry does not bother to translate.
  • We wrote a pretty irreverent piece on the Pope's beatification of two dead shepherd children.
  • They will still be technically in hell, since they will lack the beatific vision, but they will enjoy a kind of natural felicity, like that of infants who die without baptism.
  • It's his name in bold type above the film's title and his beatific image on the poster.
  • Their beatification at a ceremony in St Peter's Square marks the final step before actual canonisation through the Roman Catholic Church.
  • The corridor walls are covered in photographs; barrel-bellied women with scrunched-up faces strain to deliver, post-birth beatific smiles radiate satisfaction.
  • These paintings harbour a menagerie of folk-monsters, a phantasmagoria of apparitions that might be beatific angels or might be ghoulish extraterrestrials.
  • It was at this moment, as the young man picked up his carrier bag and headed for the exit, that I realised why I had been graced with such a beatific smile in the first place.
  • Her successor says beatification, the step just short of sainthood, will be important not just for her order.
  • The main reason for the visit is the beatification of Newman, the 19th century convert who was enormously influential in both the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church. Besieged Pope heads to Britain
  • The radiance of Blanchett and the beatific look of love on the face of Ribisi are unforgettable.
  • Her beatification on Oct 19 is believed to be the fastest in the modern history of the Roman Catholic church.
  • Up above, on the circular platform, when they came out into the diffuse light, filtering through a vellum, there was a sort of ovation around Marie; soft whispers, beatifical glances, a rapture of delight in seeing, following, and touching her. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 5
  • Though Kerouac and Ginsberg each sought to elevate the term "Beat Generation" into something "beatific," John Clellon Holmes, who gave the term currency in a 1952 article, paraphrased Kerouac saying, "It involves a sort of nakedness of mind, and ultimately, of soul," a feeling of being beaten down to the bedrock of consciousness. - News
  • This also coincided with an eerily becalmed stage in my university career; after an exhausting period of immersive Keats and Shelley study, I was well up for test-driving the velveteen ache of beatific melancholia.
  • In the 1990s, a number of bishoprics in Germany, Luxembourg and France began to support his beatification by the Roman Catholic Church.
  • a beatific smile
  • She'd smiled beatifically and said seriously, `Would you hate lentil soup? THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Several times a day, you'll catch them gazing at it in unapologetic fascination, heads tilted to one side, eyes filled with wonder, smiles beatific.
  • On the eve of the ceremony hundreds of Rome's Jews and Catholics protested against the beatification in a candlelight vigil.
  • But this time some 69 cardinals and 1,228 bishops and archbishops had supported the campaign for beatification.
  • The face was seen as a reflection of the soul; according to Aquinas, those who saw the beatific vision would radiate the divine light that was God.

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