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How To Use Beat In A Sentence

  • Hale and hearty, though aged, strong-featured, with the tough and leathery skin produced by long years of sunbeat and weatherbeat, his was the unmistakable sea face and eyes; and at once there came to me a bit of Kipling's A Winner of the Victoria Cross
  • And in a way I want to make my language as mimetic as possible, as sensual as possible, so that you can feel the treetops, taste the lamb chump chops, and hear the wind and the sound of the surf beating on the beach.
  • Indianapolis beat out nearly 100 other cities as the site for a huge United Airlines maintenance center.
  • Rihanna is real clingy, a bit two clingy saying he cant talk to other women, even though there just friends! but he is also in the wrong for doing it!!!!! like ye dnt go round beatin up women no matter how bad they are! gooddd like … buh i LOVE chris brown so im natt sayn nethn! Chris Brown Rihanna Break-Up Following Alleged Assault
  • The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
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  • High-frequency waves broadcast by the radar bounce off a person, scanning the in-and-out movement of the chest and more subtle, but also detectable, motion of the heartbeat against the chest wall.
  • Looking through the casement was the visage of the mariner, no longer stern, but moved with unutterable emotion, and tears, yes, tears trickling down his weather-beaten cheeks. Edward Barnett; a Neglected Child of South Carolina, Who Rose to Be a Peer of Great Britain,—and the Stormy Life of His Grandfather, Captain Williams or, The Earle's Victims: with an Account of the Terrible End of the Proud Earl De Montford, the Lamen
  • They were comprehensively beaten in the final.
  • Somehow, they gathered themselves to beat Limerick in the first round of the qualifiers but the core discontent hadn't been addressed.
  • He wanted to scream and shout, beat the wall and call down the forces of destruction.
  • Smith enforced a highly unpopular no-guns policy in the cowtown, and for the most part, made the law stick by beating the hell out of people with his bare hands. The Four Toughest Men of the Old West
  • The sun beat down with fierce intensity.
  • I will loveyou with every beat of my heart.
  • It was hard to believe that something so simple could be so tasty, a creamy potato flavour that was concentrated by long slow cooking in olive oil, seasoned with the sweet tang of long cooked onions all morticed with beaten eggs. At My Table
  • Tyson pays his respects to the last guy who beat him and Britain's undisputed world heavyweight champion.
  • Miss Prue and her pa do argufy to beat the band," Nancy remarked to The Little Red Chimney Being the Love Story of a Candy Man
  • Her words came so fast that I cannot attempt their semblance here, and her voice rose and fell in a kind of querulous chant to which sometimes she nodded her head, as if she was beating the time. The Fool Errant
  • He beat on the man's muscular arm, trying to pull himself free as the man opened up the door.
  • The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
  • You know, when the Beatles started there was a record company guy who said electric guitar music was finished.
  • NEWPORT, Wales — Phil Mickelson came to the defense of Rory McIlroy on Wednesday, calling him one of the classiest players in golf and his desire to play Tiger Woods is the goal of every player who wants to beat the best. Phil Mickelson Addresses Tiger Woods Feud
  • The sound is a direct descendant of old skool UK garage, the bumpy beats of yore with rubbery basslines and cutting edge sampling techniques, taking in everything from soul to electro to jazz to blue grass.
  • Beatle news briefs: Paul poll jumping; EMI makes another move; Cilla Black may be 'coronated' - Articles related to Ace Frehley Shouts It Out Loud at the Nokia Theater
  • It is sad, very sad to watch a great champion being beaten in a one-sided fight where he cannot offer any meaningful counterpunch, which is what boxing is all about. Undefined
  • Wrapped in slick vocal layering and multi-tracked veneer, the disc is more upbeat than previous records and features an old-country twang.
  • He remained in hospital for two nights whilst prescribed medication re-established a regular heartbeat.
  • Oh, damn the lousy tribe of them!" cried he, beating his palm upon the table; "what's Long Davie the dempster thinking of to be letting such folk come scorning here? Doom Castle
  • He left with few regrets, happy that his game on clay had never been better, although disappointed that, yet again, his best was not good enough to beat a slightly underdone Nadal. Rafael Nadal boxed clever to beat Roger Federer in French Open | Kevin Mitchell
  • They have to turn aside resolutely from the beaten track. For Whom The Big City Tolls
  • Ky nodded, and pulled out a beaten coin - a copper coin, not wood, I think.
  • Her great wings beat restlessly against her back as she waited for the others to join her.
  • The ancestors of these boys were "whupped" by the ancestors of their beaters. - Articles related to Public transit systems contribute to weight loss and improved health
  • Beat well until completely combined and cover with a tea towel or cling film. The Sun
  • Bell was also a sycophant, a Yes man, who could shift his political stance in a heartbeat, talk in circles and dodge any important decision making.
  • Additionally, FDA officials decided the drug must carry a warning on its label stating, "An increased rate of stroke was observed following Xarelto discontinuation in clinical trials" in patients with the faulty heartbeat known as atrial fibrillation. FDA Approves Anticlotting Drug
  • When she had said this she looked at Vinicius with astonishment and regret, for he had disaccustomed her to similar outbursts; and he set his teeth, so as not to tell her that he would have given command to beat such a brother with sticks, or would have sent him as a compeditus Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero
  • An irregular heartbeat or a blood clot are suspected by the coroner. The Sun
  • he could beat the best of them
  • Please get to the point. Don't beat about the bush.
  • When he fell from the cliff, he beat his brains out.
  • ‘You must be joking,’ I wanted to say, but choked on my words as I looked at the moving conveyer and spotted my long-awaited weather-beaten backpack.
  • The wet mixtures for millboard, paper, and asbestos-cement products are prepared in a beater, as used in paper mills.
  • He pressed his palm against Rob's chest, felt his heart beating slowly beneath the smooth, tanned skin and taut muscles.
  • It seemed that every bar, no matter how tiny, had wedged a trio of musicians into a corner - one singing, one playing guitar and another scratching out a raspy beat on the guiro, a hollow gourd played with a stick.
  • My father had a real anger management problem, so I was steeling myself for a real beat down when I heard him speak. Robin Quivers: I Didn't Tell!
  • He was as eager as his Captain to beat the record.
  • The shop is the first chippy in the borough to get the Heartbeat Award, given by the council to firms which try to help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Git yo 'motherfuckin' ass some help before somebody beats you down like a bad dawg. Unclebob Diary Entry
  • However, I think that Hillary is more "beatable" in the general election so (1) weighs in her favor there. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Beat the eggs whites briskly until soft peaks form.
  • Angry Reader has a point about "spill," and while I can see Joel's point about it being what people call it, I respectfully suggest that it's that logic which got us to the point where we called chaining people to walls, beating them, freezing them, blasting music and noise at them at decibel levels high enough to inflict pain, electrifying their genitals, humiliating them and then drowning them repeatedly "enhanced interrogation techniques. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • A dirty orange glow escapes from half-open hatches, grilled vents, and small square windows of grimy glass, and the clangour of beaten metal can be heard far out into the endless snowstorm. Weapon Of Choice short story – excerpt « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
  • I remember spending as much time reading the contents of the books in Deus Ex and Fable, and reading the pads in Doom 3, as I ever spent actually trying to beat combatants. Some Thoughts, Part Seven – Games « The Graveyard
  • This loveable rascal is probably best known for the Jamaican ska beat that is the signature of much of his song-writing.
  • The "aa" means that you hold the vowel sound for two beats as opposed to one. Arabic for Dummies
  • The approach to Broad Street was silent but for the sound of a beating drum.
  • The Golden Bears had lost to Arizona and Southern California in disheartening fashion before beating rival Stanford and then the Aggies
  • There are so many ways to beat boredom without going near a slots game of any sort. The Sun
  • Ah! that was Sit-cum-to-ha, shrilly anathematizing the dogs as she cuffed and beat them into the harnesses. THE LAW OF LIFE
  • There's every chance of a real Bukhara rug with its 'lozenge' design in ruby and cinnabar that gleams when taken out to be beaten. Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
  • Blend at lowest speed 30 seconds and then beat at medium speed 3 minutes.
  • All who remember this "beatitude" will be helped to solve many perplexing problems of dress, diet, play, education, philanthropy, morals, and civics. Civics and Health
  • You can feel the beats of their large wings as they fly just inches above you.
  • Four beats after curtain rises, bump downlights to full wattage; they're boom lights rigged to the top of the stage.
  • Crawfish King and Hot Space attempted to challenge their unbeaten rival on the backstretch but were no match for Lost in the Fog, who was ridden out after gaining a commanding five-length lead entering the stretch.
  • Sources say that in city divisions such as Howdenhall, which covers a large part of south Edinburgh, there can be as few as four beat officers available on day and night shifts.
  • I believe that Email, Twitter, and other forms of electronic communication is a tremendous help in communication, but nothing beats “print” form. The golden age of the newspaper this is not « The Book Publicity Blog
  • For disappearing acts, it's hard to beat what happens to the eight hours supposedly left after eight of sleep and eight of work. Doug Larson 
  • These included repeated punchings, kickings, beatings with a baseball bat and truncheon, being urinated on and threatened with a syringe and blowtorch.
  • The 7lb age allowance he gets makes him the one to beat. The Sun
  • And that desire to foster a copacetic synthesis between carbon-based life forms and artificial devices can be heard in every blip and digitized beat played.
  • Most people's pulse rate is more than 70 beats per minute.
  • The clanking sounded systematic somehow; not rhythmic like a drumbeat in music, yet purposeful.
  • This enables great whites to detect a heart beat of prey buried in sand from a faint electrical field or the action of a gill or a swimming muscle of another animal. Dr. Reese Halter: Protecting Great White Sharks
  • (Bush and Dr Cheney legacy), not just lock it up in cupboards. another inspiration for my writing is this innovative musician and activist fighting racism, Islamo-phobia and injustice head on through his "Rhythm and beats". although his documentaries and DIY cook book music genre are termed irreverence bordering treason against queen and country and glorifying terrorism among the Pakistani and Muslim youth of Britain, But it is merely exposing the truth about the sentiments of equality, discrimination, integration and assimilation. Pak Tea House
  • As for the remaining four songs, 'Wrapped Around Your Finger' and 'Tea In The Sahara' are doomy ciphers, the former possibly about marriage, the latter open to a handful of interpretations, none of them exactly upbeat, while 'Synchronicity I' is a trifle explaining the title concept and the monster hit 'Every Breath You Take', is ostensibly a trite love song with it's icy and obsessive core just barely concealed. Synchronicity
  • By beatifying him, Pope Benedict is holding up to the whole Church the life and teachings of Cardinal Newman as a sure guide for us to follow, and as an inspiration for the Church today. " Te Deum Laudamus "
  • Their actions today beat the Dutch.
  • [_CATTY sighs and groans, striking the back of one hand reiteratedly into the palm of the other -- rises -- beats the devil's tattoo as she stands -- then claps her hands again. Tales and Novels — Volume 08
  • A TEN-year-old schoolgirl yesterday told a hushed court how she had seen the man accused of murdering and dismembering another man beat her mother.
  • No quibbling about the derivation of the word rakia, which is literally something beaten out, [122] can affect the explicit description of the Mosaic writer, contained in the words ‘the waters that are above the firmament,’ or avail to show that he was aware that the sky is but transparent space. Essays and Reviews: The Education of the World, Bunsen's Biblical Researches, On the Study of the Evidences of Christianity; Seances Historiques de Gen��ve; On the Mosaic Cosmogony; Tendencies of Religious Thought in England, 1688-1750; On the Interpr
  • The pulse of war that beat from the West suggested the companionship of battling thousands; here was naught but silence, and himself, and possible death-dealing bullets from a myriad ambushes. War
  • The fix might be as simple as installing a controller to cut costs, increase prices, and hound deadbeat customers.
  • The crow remained still until it suddenly beat its wings but soon settled again watching Ari closely.
  • She shifts effortlessly from folk and blues to upbeat tangos and haunting instrumentals, all interspersed with humorous tales of her life on the road.
  • Coat chicken breast with flour, then dip in beaten egg, finally coat with bread crumbs.
  • I thought we had a good system that couldn't be beaten but we had to rejig the company away from stationery and into bespoke printing services.
  • One week after this story was written, the top 20 pop albums in the United States included records by fresh-faced adolescents the Beatles, teen sensation Bob Seger, twentysomething heartthrob Frank Sinatra, a barely-postpubescent but preternaturally-talented Bob Marley, recent high school graduate Rod Stewart, former boy band member Johnny Cash, newly-discovered youth sensation Barry White, and a band whose name is synonymous with "teenage rebellion": Pink Floyd. Sirilyan Diary Entry
  • Patients may feel palpitations or a thump in the chest when a beat compensates for a prior missed beat.
  • Indian sweets are traditionally decorated with a very thin layer of beaten silver.
  • I knew that if I didn't say no straight away he would browbeat me into saying yes, or make me feel so guilty that I'd be practically begging him to stay.
  • And then there's the absolute joy and freedom of letting your body move uninhibitedly to the beat, and flexing muscles you never knew existed!
  • Kartel favors the beat-driven fusion of reggae and rap known as dancehall that has stoked controversy across the Caribbean. Undefined
  • He had a troubled childhood, being frequently beaten by his father and uncles who disapproved of his artistic interests.
  • Such away swingers have beaten the best batsmen from both teams.
  • In defeating the champions, Robson's team extended their unbeaten run to 13 matches since May.
  • The brant and bernicle beat their way North against the roaring winds, and man with a different instinct pressed on towards the West. The Girl from Keller's
  • He beat his wing veins again, his scarlet eyes burning brightly from out his metal skull plating.
  • I will attribute this to the greed of the Beatles and their feeling that their crumby old music is worth more than a buck. During recession, Apple iTunes price hike
  • So to lead off the first inning, Jeter knocked a dribbler into the grass by the third base line, and beat out what was effectively a swinging bunt for his 2,995th hit, and his first since June 13. Jeter Gets It Going as Sabathia Wins His 12th Game
  • He has always liked to stitch his folk songwriting to a muted electronic backbeat, and he retains that sense of cautious experimentalism here.
  • The death and torture camps, barbaric prisons for political opponents and routine beatings for anyone suspected of disloyalty are well documented.
  • Ava beat the rug with a vengeance, watching the dust fly through the air and circle in the late summer breeze.
  • Arizona can win the title outright by beating Oregon at home on Saturday. The Seattle Times
  • As product endorsements go, it's a tough one to beat. Times, Sunday Times
  • This year, the honorees were: Warren Beatty, Ossie Davis & Ruby Dee, Sir Elton John, Dame Joan Sutherland, and John Williams.
  • His dramatic solos and stage hops also fired up the fans during "A Favor House Atlantic" and "In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3" -- both 2003 opuses that often sounded like Rush homages, with drummer Chris Pennie on the beat and everywhere else, and lyrics that only a CIA cryptanalyst or college-age C&C fan could decipher. Prog rockers Coheed and Cambria take on 9:30 club in Washington
  • The smaller shopkeepers ganged together to beat off competition from the supermarkets.
  • Off set deals are looking particularly appealing given that no easy access accounts currently beat inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • New stellarators beat the confinement problem by creating a quasi-symmetric field - trading fiendishly complex magnetic fields for fiendishly complex magnets.
  • No little heart has beat so strong a rhythm into us.
  • I listened to my feet making a steady rhythm on the paved stones, as regular as a pulse beat.
  • The four persons who were beaten and burned not only were homeless, but were reported by police to be drug addicts.
  • He beat the egg whites until they are stiff.
  • Before the night was over he was going to beat the shit out of that no-good, fucking drunk.
  • A large number of sermons and pious treatises were also written in Latin during this period, by Aelred of Rievaulx for example, and by others: "Beati Ailredi Rievallis abbatis Sermones" (and other works) in Migne's "Patrologia," vols.xxxii. and cxcv. A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • Since divorcing their drummer last year, the trio adopted samplers and beatboxes and has been steadily gaining a reputation as one of the best live acts in town, albeit with one of the shortest sets.
  • The terrifying sound of the lion's roar made his heart beat with fright.
  • Though Cook was a seasoned campaigner known for beating the odds, he could not overcome a severe loss in public confidence at the end of a quarrelsome and often hostile primary campaign.
  • Her heart beats a purple tattoo in her throat and there's a stitch in her side.
  • Pure gold can be beaten out to form very thin sheets.
  • I can almost hear my heart beat in time with their intense swimming strokes.
  • For one farthing, given to a poor man in alms, a man is made partaker of the beatifical vision. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • Similarly, in ‘Darska,’ Rimbaud overlays a stuttering beat with the rising chords of a church organ and voices.
  • Then there was the case of George Godman, whose widowed mother went to the authorities when his master, a tailor by the name of Money, beat him with a horsewhip and knocked him down.
  • At the time records were becoming so aggressive, like with rave and hardcore breakbeat, and I wanted something warmer and softer.
  • Next beyond the barbershop, which is two doors beyond the general store and postoffice, was a little one-story building, weather-beaten and badly in need of paint. Thankful's Inheritance
  • From the opening song, with its heavy guitar and upbeat rocky riff, you can see that she loves her fanbase and wants to show it a good time.
  • Shopping by mail order lets you beat the queues.
  • They beat a Lions side which barely put up a fight; this is the weakest Australian side for many years; and a Springboks side still in transition came very close indeed to beating them in New Zealand and won the two games on aggregate.
  • Also used were pin beaters, long pieces of bone with a central swelling and pointed ends for beating down individual threads.
  • The editorials and breast-beating must look quaint and mystifying at the very least.
  • This is as dark and downbeat as they come, the occasional lighter moments of banter notwithstanding.
  • Lightly beat the egg white and brush over biscuit tops.
  • Also its not really a ass kicking perse but certainetly a beatdown since TDK was in its third weekend. The Dark Knight Kicks The Mummy's Ass - Headed for $480 Million! «
  • The noonday sun beat down fiercely; dusty air carried the stink of rotting garlic after a prolonged dry spell.
  • Rick Rubin's severe, thrashing beat to proper effect; Hov courteously brought his instant-quotation A-game for his label founder's return to rap. NPR Topics: News
  • The understanding that these diseases are genetic in origin, and different, has for the first time given humanity powerful tools with which to beat them. Times, Sunday Times
  • We follow the sandy road that was once the sea and pause by a huddle of weather-beaten shacks.
  • But before he could reach the door he heard the steady beat of the life moderator, and at the sound of this he ran to the window.
  • On their way to the 1991 African Cup Winners Cup triumph over BCC Lions of Nigeria, Power beat Rivatex 4-3 on aggregate in the first round.
  • Trinidad reverberates to soca, and Martinique to the racing double beat of zouk.
  • Despite the skill with which Jellicoe and Beatty had enmeshed the High Seas Fleet, Iron Duke had fired only nine salvos when Scheer turned his ships around and vanished into the mist. Castles of Steel
  • Beat the January rush to the gym and try it out now for free. The Sun
  • With great joy I received the announcement of Your Beatitude's election to the Patriarchal See of Alexandria for Copts and your request for Ecclesiastical Communion.
  • The inside gatefold of McCartney, the former Beatle's first recording apart from his legendary group, was festooned with a collage of family photos.
  • The bar is a seething mass of bodies writhing to the disorienting beat.
  • Petrova had no complaints about the final result, as she magnanimously admitted that she had been beaten by a better player on the day.
  • In his hands he carried two sticks" Father Sticks, they were called" which he beat against the tree in a compelling, arhythmic pattern all the while he climbed. Speaker for the Dead
  • The municipal officer demands a bribe from a hawker; the bureaucrat refuses to register a land title or a marriage; the traffic cop beats the rickshaw-driver who can't afford to pay his weekly installment, known as hafta. India's Middle Class Hungers for Undemocratic Change
  • Sampdoria lost their unbeaten record with a 2-1 home defeat against Genoa.
  • The last pack remembered was killed about thirty-five years ago; and within these ten years one solitary greyhen was sprung by some beagles in beating for a hare. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 1
  • Crafty collars made of beaten metal, neckpieces of wood and macramé, great big pendants and crosses are all back from the wilderness.
  • The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far.
  • Lord North stopped at the chalybeate springs in 1606 when on a trip from London.
  • The 21-year-old student from Venice, Calif., beat out Chase, a 24-year-old pro race car jackman from Fairview, N.C., by one vote. Survivor: Nicaragua Winner Revealed
  • He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick. 
  • Severe vomiting, diarrhoea, rectal tenesmus: unable to keep standing, she urinates under herself; the pupils are dilated, the eyes haggard; complete mind-blindness, near-total failure of reflexes, deep unconsciousness, breathing dyspneic, heart-beat faint and very fast, pulse barely perceptible; dead in thirty-six hours. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
  • There are a handful of real tech stormers (like "A Roboter"), a handful of really pretty, nearly beatless minimal compositions (see "Awaking Naked"), and another few, like this one, that find the line between the two and hop back and forth between both worlds. Slippy (Music (For Robots))
  • Gradually whisk in beaten egg and vanilla essence.
  • A one-time fishing village, it has a beat-up, raffish looking downtown surrounded by new, big marinas.
  • A scampering noise beat across the ceiling before a little trapdoor opened with a dull thud, previously completely invisible to all in the bar.
  • I have seen a girl, perhaps not more than twenty, also lacking textbooks, exercise books, biros, seen her teach the A B C by scratching the letters in the dirt with a stick, while the sun beat down and the dust swirled. Doris Lessing - Nobel Lecture
  • The quirky documentary strand returns with another typically offbeat film. Times, Sunday Times
  • In recent years, the man who was once beaten down by a firestorm of criticism has transformed himself into a political kingmaker and a celebrity icon.
  • Beats me, but I guess it means a figure of that stature and not, as you say, someone who invented a genre out of his own protean imagination and virtuosity, all of which is just so alien to the idea of electronica to begin with. Hamster; Dance – The Bleat.
  • Verdict An unbeatable combination of small size and big illumination, but it is expensive. Times, Sunday Times
  • His heart skipped a beat with joy and he then wondered if it made him pathetic.
  • They browbeat my sister to order my execution, virtually to the moment of her final breath. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • Then I turned and told the shopboy he had beaten to hand him the bundle of clothes, and said to him: Here are all the clothes I gave you; take with them your discharge, and go where you like. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
  • It's all very much of its time, and sounds a bit dated now, but Beats and Pieces holds up well, as does Find a Way (with excellent vocals by Queen Latifah).
  • a great artiste's rendering of that story of fierce passion and aching desire so brilliantly enacted under the white sunbeat of a country of cloudless skies. Wyoming, a Story of the Outdoor West
  • Some of these songs have a varying beat and indications of some intelligent musicianship, not like the penetrating bass that thunders out from cars and flats wherever you go.
  • We do this because in Africa it is the language of singing, music and drumbeats that we understand more than any language.
  • We beat a hasty retreat to the nearby town of Petersfield. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Romans had the biggest and the grandest gladiator fights in the colosseums where one always beat the best.
  • Twinkling flashbulbs lit up Centre Court like fireworks in the night when Sampras kissed the trophy once again, his eyes glistening from the tears he had shed moments earlier after he whacked his final service winner to beat Patrick Rafter 6-7 Sampras wins historic Wimbledon title
  • The William Haggas-trained filly was sent off favourite on her debut in a maiden race at Salisbury, but ran green and only got going late before being narrowly beaten into third.
  • The Beatles, as many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool.
  • These New Puritans, an English band that has just released its debut album, “Beat Pyramid” (Domino), played rock that was spikier than a bushel of sea urchins. SXSW: 15 Minutes With These New Puritans - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • The Doppler frequency can be obtained as a heterodyne or beat effect.
  • A pair of superb documentaries offers visitors to Harbourfront Centre's Beats, Breaks & Culture festival of electronic music a chance to geek out whenever they're not enslaved to rhythms elsewhere.
  • He moved my hands and made the sticks pound against the drumheads and beat out a rhythm.
  • In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until firm but not stiff, and fold the two mixtures together.
  • We relied on a DAT tape for the beats as Will and Apl threw down the lyrics and I followed their lead, ad-libbing on the back of them. Fallin’ Up
  • Readers and other members of the public, sensing a clear impulse to beat down an unfavourable report, must have suspected some truth was giving offence.
  • By releasing Tectonics, Freeland showed the world that UK breakbeat meant much more than the cheesy sounds of Fatboy Slim, Chemical Brothers and the completely horrible Bentley Rhythm Ace.
  • It was also the introduction of distrust, a sentiment that had only before been embraced by radicals and beatniks, and the realization that all was not well.
  • These different beats converge into one time, one becoming.
  • So Nur al-Din abode awhile, eating and drinking and making merry and bidding and forbidding those who tended the horses; and whoso neglected or failed to fodder those tied up in the stable wherein was his service, he would thrown down and beat with grievous beating and lay him by the legs in bilboes of iron. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Go in the first week of the holidays to beat the monsoon season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gasol showed more aggressiveness from the start on offense, pushing the ball to the basket against rookie Andreas Glyniadakis, at one point beating him off the dribble from the foul line for a dunk. - Basketball - Seattle vs. Memphis
  • The September rain beat down on the roof incessantly, and the grey, cloudy skies made the whole situation depressing.
  • Seven men were involved in the beating, which left one of the victims with head gashes.
  • A brace of £60,000 races highlight a cracking card at Haydock, where Time Ahead will surely take all the beating in the bet 365 Lancashire Oaks.
  • The 22-year-old then bettered her three previous performances at the French Open by beating the 10th seed en-route to the third round.
  • After a fierce struggle, he got a beat on his opponent.
  • She thought her little five-year-old heartbeat came to a dead stop in the silence.
  • A stream of people attest to the fact that it was Bolden's cornet that blasted out over those syncopated beats back in the 1900s that first defined jazz.
  • What, man! there are ways to recover the general again: you are but now cast in his mood, a punishment more in policy than in malice; even so as one would beat his offenceless dog to affright an imperious lion: sue to him again, and he is yours. Othello

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