How To Use Beat down In A Sentence

  • Dude, I REALLY want to learn some sort of self-defense art … you know, the kind of thing that would ACTUALLY WORK if you got jacked, as opposed to doing Karate kicks and then getting your ass beat down by a big grappler. How to fail at your goals | Johnny B. Truant
  • Thor showed the invincibility of a god as he refused to go down after receiving a few beat downs from the Hulk. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1089
  • Then the road got worse, the shade diminished allowing the sun to beat down mercilessly, and the gradient steepened as the corkscrew twists became sharper and sharper.
  • Beat down the seller to the price that suits you.
  • As the sun beat down on Sicily last summer, there was the traditional water shortage and the luckless residents of Palermo knew who to blame.
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  • But, what's annoying is the notion of Williams as some new racial cause célèbre, that his case was a multimedia Rodney King beat down by a bad blue NPR getting happy with microphone nightsticks. Charles D. Ellison: Juan Williams: Clever Double-Play or Conservative Cause Celebre'
  • As the sun beat down on the showground, tens of thousands of visitors meandered among the stalls, some taking shelter in the shade to enjoy an organic ice cream or one of the tempting local beverages.
  • He swept his long hair back from his face with his hand, perching his foot on the raised edge of the flat roof and resting his elbow casually on his knee as the noon sun beat down upon them both.
  • Then there was the time I called a bouncer a rockstar and it turned out he didn't like being called a rockstar and he beat me up only for me to tell him while bloody as fuck that he just proved he's a fucking rockstar only to get me beat down some more. DrunkenStepfather - Celebrity Gossip, Sex, Entertainment, Good Times
  • Next you hear the rain drum on the broad-leaved hellebore, and beat down the mimulus beside the brook. The Land of Little Rain
  • The sun beat down ( on the desert sand ).
  • The sun beat down with fierce intensity.
  • It is a clip of abate, from the Old French abattre, “to beat down,” and now it means “to moderate, subside, reduce, ebb.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • We hied back to our hotel, where we took refuge under the veranda of the beachfront bar and watched the rain beat down.
  • The sun beat down on the baked earth.
  • The sun beat down mercilessly on the dry earth.
  • Although I was determined to beat down critics with a stick anyway, I can do now quite happily with the confidence that yes, the mistress of rock has done it again.
  • We can celebrate hip-hop when we demand entitlements, we can celebrate rap when putting the beat down on a bitch, we can celebrate hippieness when running from both personal hygene and an obligation to protect the weak. Archive 2007-08-01
  • The Manassa Mauler' Jack Dempsey brutally beat down and dethroned reigning 6'6 champion Jess Willard in three violent rounds at the Bay View Park Arena in Toledo, Ohio.
  • A three-light gaselier beat down on a big table in the centre of the room, round three sides of which were ranged a dozen or fifteen men eagerly intent on the operations of the banker. The Grell Mystery
  • The theme of Kerning City . A polluted urban area in MapleStory, it is beat down.
  • The July sun beat down on them.
  • The sun beat down with fierce intensity.
  • The sun beat down mercilessly on the dry earth.
  • The noonday sun beat down fiercely; dusty air carried the stink of rotting garlic after a prolonged dry spell.
  • The sun beat down mercilessly.
  • In despair, and in a terror which beat down even pride, he glanced his eye over the rolling and rushing crowd; when, right above them, through the wide chasm which had been left in the velaria, he beheld a strange and awful apparition; he beheld, and his craft restored his courage! The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. VI (of X)—Great Britain and Ireland IV
  • You remember the machinery which the federalists played off, about that time, to beat down the friends to the real principles of our constitution, to silence by terror every expression in their favor, to bring us into war with France and alliance with England, and finally to homologize our constitution with that of England. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4
  • Already they were sweating as the sun beat down upon them.
  • The sun beat down mercilessly on the dry earth.
  • Beat down the seller to the price that suits you.
  • Warned by his misadventure, the heavier man no longer tried to win the battle at a rush, nor to beat down an accomplished boxer as he would a country hawbuck at a village fair. The Last Galley Impressions and Tales
  • Readers and other members of the public, sensing a clear impulse to beat down an unfavourable report, must have suspected some truth was giving offence.
  • I used a spade to beat down the mud until it was flat and hard.
  • The rain beat down on the lighthouse, the beacon of which barely managed to pierce the fog.
  • The weaponry is then used partly to beat down the insurgency. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two women tried to beat down the flames on his back.
  • The tropical sun beat down on them mercilessly.
  • The sun beat down ( on the desert sand ).
  • The sun beat down on his bald pate.
  • I used a spade to beat down the mud until it was flat and hard.
  • The sun beat down with fierce intensity.
  • But, what's annoying is the notion of Williams as some new racial cause célèbre, that his case was a multimedia Rodney King beat down by a bad blue NPR getting happy with microphone nightsticks. Charles D. Ellison: Juan Williams: Clever Double-Play or Conservative Cause Celebre'
  • The sun beat down mercilessly on the dry earth.
  • Then the road got worse, the shade diminished allowing the sun to beat down mercilessly, and the gradient steepened as the corkscrew twists became sharper and sharper.
  • I have seen a girl – perhaps not more than 20, also lacking textbooks, exercise books, biros – teach the ABC by scratching the letters in the dirt with a stick, while the sun beat down and the dust swirled. Doris lessing | a hunger for books « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • He looked at it suspiciously, and as he grabbed for it, the thunder only began to clamor loudly, sending more rain to beat down on the mansion.
  • The September rain beat down on the roof incessantly, and the grey, cloudy skies made the whole situation depressing.
  • Readers and other members of the public, sensing a clear impulse to beat down an unfavourable report, must have suspected some truth was giving offence.
  • I have seen a girl, perhaps not more than twenty, also lacking textbooks, exercise books, biros, seen her teach the A B C by scratching the letters in the dirt with a stick, while the sun beat down and the dust swirled. Doris Lessing - Nobel Lecture
  • The noonday sun beat down fiercely; dusty air carried the stink of rotting garlic after a prolonged dry spell.
  • My father had a real anger management problem, so I was steeling myself for a real beat down when I heard him speak. Robin Quivers: I Didn't Tell!
  • Never once do you buy him as a beat down working class stiff who just needs a break to get what he more or less rightfully deserves.
  • If Matt can repeat himself, so can I. Sewing-machine heiress Anne Labouisse Farnsworth Peretz is not descended from Isaac Merritt Singer himself, but from Singer’s intellectual-property lawyer and partner Clark, who beat down Elias Howe’s claim to the seewing machine patent. Matthew Yglesias » Peretz Versus Walt
  • The sun beat down ( on the desert sand ).
  • The sun beat down on his bald pate.
  • The sun beat down on Peter as he toiled away, never going away yet never truly coming out.
  • He looked at it suspiciously, and as he grabbed for it, the thunder only began to clamor loudly, sending more rain to beat down on the mansion.
  • Where the morning had been cold and nippy, the sun had turned the air hot and arid from high in the sky where it beat down on the earth relentlessly.
  • These are just many examples and it is not the intention here, to beat down on modern western flourish or artists that contemporise themselves. > Your Access All Areas pass to the latest in Australian rock music! News, Reviews, Photos, Forums and more
  • The sun beat down on the hikers
  • The sun beat down with fierce intensity.
  • The weaponry is then used partly to beat down the insurgency. Times, Sunday Times
  • D.C. residents should represent themselves and beat down the doors of city government to re-explain the concept of public service. Hitting pay dirt in the District
  • He had "belled" in vain for several days, searched in vain the limits of his wonted range, and at last set out in quest of some little herd whose leader his superior strength might beat down and supplant. The Watchers of the Trails A Book of Animal Life
  • Self-opinion and self-love are the great strong holds which the gospel sets itself to beat down; for by nature we are as prone to overvalue as to overlove ourselves; but in both of them there is a kind of spiritual fulness and repletion, which must be removed and carried off, before the gospel can have its effect upon us. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
  • The scorching sun beat down, and live gospel music blared from the makeshift stage. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: November 27, 2009
  • Unlike June's Royal Ascot meeting which was often beset by showery weather, it was a true summer's day as the sun beat down with not a raindrop in sight.
  • The sun beat down with fierce intensity.

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