How To Use Bearskin In A Sentence

  • These foreigners come here, drop notes of assignation into sentries' top-boots, pin fivers on to guardsmen's bearskins.
  • These foreigners come here, drop notes of assignation into sentries' top-boots, pin fivers on to guardsmen's bearskins.
  • Behind them were the Red Lancers in their square czapka headgear and the Horse Grenadiers in their tall black bearskins. Sharpe's Waterloo
  • I don't believe there is a significant change in human behavior since we ran around in bearskins.
  • The blue sleeveless jumper is decorated with marching guardsmen complete with bearskins and red tunics. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The Sathe commander gestured at the impressive bearskin rug lying in front of the hearth.
  • Control of the comedy's timing is now in the hands of an editor, and few editors are as funny as Buster Keaton in a bearskin wielding a knobbly club.
  • Sigmund and the men on the bearskin greeted her as "Sipsu," with the customary "Hello," but Hitchcock made room on the sled that she might sit beside him. WHERE THE TRAIL FORKS
  • Normally, the glossier, smoother pelts from female bears are used for officers' bearskins, while other ranks are given hats made from the rougher pelt of the male animals.
  • Rhyll pushed open the door and led the others into a large room decorated with stags antlers, bearskins, spears, and other artefacts reflecting the hunter/warrior culture of the Kingdom's northernmost tribes.
  • Guardsmen, standing well over 6ft tall in their black bearskins, never flinched in the face of the mini-enemy.
  • The belt, like my bearskin necklace which I am wearing somewhat uncomfortably under my shirt, has spiritual value.
  • He sits on a bench and brushes his bearskin with the rough affection of a man for his dog.
  • At its four corners, four Welsh guards in bearskins and red tunics stood motionless.
  • Perforce, he was compelled to thaw it out in the usual way; that is, taking off his kamik and placing his freezing foot under my bearskin shirt, the heat of my body thawing out the frozen member. A Negro Explorer at the North Pole
  • So Bearskin just rattled away the blows at the dragon -- slish, slash, snip, clip -- until all three heads were off, and there was an end of it. The Wonder Clock
  • Complete with bearskin, he reaches 9ft and cannot fit into the Royal sentry boxes, meaning he has to be replaced by a shorter soldier when it rains.
  • Sigmund and the men on the bearskin greeted her as Where the Trail Forks
  • The Queen came passed in an open carriage accompanied by the Duke in full uniform with huge bearskin.
  • Indeed, as I left Chelsea Barracks this morning, the guardsmen were up and dusting down their uniforms and getting the busbies (ph), the black helmet, the hat that guardsmen wear, (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Canadian bearskin. CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2002
  • stuff a bearskin
  • But the move away from an institution established in 1815, when Wellington's troops took the bearskins from the heads of their defeated French opponents at Waterloo, risks upsetting traditionalists across Britain and around the world.
  • Though relatively sturdy, the synthetic bearskin is unpleasant to touch and too thick to close easily once opened.
  • Although the obligatory Yorkshire pudding (Siebeck's bracketed description of this as a sort of Danish pastry has left us shell-shocked - ed.) seems as antiquated as the bearskins worn by the Royal guards.
  • Guards of honour in their black bearskin head gear and long, blue-grey coats stood to attention facing the presidential party.
  • As usual, the ceremonial of the Nijmegen Company Grenadier Guards, who formed the Guard of Honour in scarlet tunics and black bearskins, was immaculate.
  • Cassandra takes out a small wooded box from her bearskin saddlebag.
  • The Indian also was wearing a bearskin and was rolled up inside a buffalo robe - and he was plainly alive because every now and then there was a puff of steam from somewhere inside the mound of furs.
  • Wrapping myself in my shaggy jacket of the cloth called bearskin, I fought my way against the stubborn storm. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • You should really know your bearskin from your busby.
  • After promising their customers to deliver the paid-for bearskins, these middlemen would hope that the near-future purchase price of the skins from the trappers would decrease from the current market price.
  • As Kulick would have it, Leontes collapses prone downstage left, and an attendant nonsensically tosses a bearskin over him.
  • Its guitars are often Mountain-sized, after all, and a tour featuring people in bearskin cloaks wouldn't be out of the realm of the expected.
  • Nowadays, when out in public, Sir Elton's lush and expensive head of hair reminds you of the bearskin helmets of the Queen's Guard.
  • B.L. I had these passionate blouse-ripping fantasies, the sort where you dissolve on a bearskin rug and explode with ecstasy.
  • The fact you could even get one bohunk on a bearskin rug....but no, you get a choice of colors! Hey, Bebeh
  • Sarah sat gloomily on the bearskin rug in front of the fire in the lesser hall.
  • A bearskin cloak, to be exact, fastened at the neck with a silver-gilt brooch as large as the palm of my hand. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • As the horse-drawn carriages entered Buckingham Palace, the Scots Guard band, dressed in their famous red tunics and bearskin head-dresses, triumphantly blasted out the Russian and British national anthems.
  • He wore a bearskin coat, with the head and paws still intact.
  • The belt, like my bearskin necklace which I am wearing somewhat uncomfortably under my shirt, has spiritual value.
  • She brought herself to her knees on the bearskin mat, her face aglow with true Eve-light, and shyly unbuckled his heavy belt. The Son of the Wolf
  • The palace was floodlit, a full-size Royal Standard, usually reserved for state occasions, was flying and guardsmen in bearskins were on sentry duty.
  • They sneak over the border with something they have taken from the Naga or Kachin tribes - a bearskin shield, a wooden mask - and trade it for salt.
  • Unfortunately, while speeding down the stairs, Lowtax caught his bearskin coat on a gold-plated handrail statue and was flung over the protective barriers, flying headfirst into the bushes.
  • The 411 ft Sir Percivale appears in an online ‘warehouse’ including uniforms, dental supplies, light aircraft and a £150 guardsman's bearskin, all being sold by the cash-strapped armed forces.
  • Flinging himself down in the chair next to me, the large one with the bearskin, and he buried his head into his hands.
  • You talk to me of heat, when we are freezing beneath our bearskins; you recall the broiling rays of the sun when its April beams cannot melt the icicles on our lips! The Fur Country
  • A proper Coldstream Guard, complete with red coat, bearskin, mirror-polished boots and semi-automatic rifle.
  • During warm months the Ojibwa slept on cedar bough mattresses, each person wrapped in a bearskin or deerskin robe.
  • A bearskin-coated policeman stepped prominently to the fore, watch in hand. A DAUGHTER OF THE AURORA
  • The palace was floodlit, a full-size Royal Standard, usually reserved for state occasions, was flying and guardsmen in bearskins were on sentry duty.
  • The officers to be armed with a sword or hanger, a fusee, bayonet and belt, with a cartridge box to contain twelve cartridges; and each private of matoss shall furnish themselves with good horses of at least fourteen hands and an half high, and to be armed with a sword and pair of pistols, the holsters of which to be covered with bearskin caps. The Volokh Conspiracy » Supreme Court Agrees To Decide Whether the Second Amendment Applies to the States
  • The stove door was wide open, the fire inside throwing light and heat upon the massive bearskin lying before it.
  • Three mighty bearskin rugs covered the polished wooden floor. NIMITZ CLASS
  • During warm months the Ojibwa slept on cedar bough mattresses, each person wrapped in a bearskin or deerskin robe.
  • The photo in your story shows a Grenadier guard wearing a bearskin.
  • a bearskin-hatted sentry
  • Let me put on a D' Angelo CD, and I will pull you close, and we'll slow-dance on my white bearskin rug.
  • `If you didn't sell him that bearskin, where would he have got it? FOOLS GOLD
  • You should really know your bearskin from your busby.
  • Soldiers in their striking red tunics and bearskins march past its door for the changing of the guard ceremony and the castle entrance is only a two-minute walk away up Castle Hill.
  • Normally, the glossier, smoother pelts from female bears are used for officers' bearskins, while other ranks are given hats made from the rougher pelt of the male animals.
  • Good lord who thought a statue of some erstwhile Hooters hostess lying spread-eagle on a bearskin rug with a kid’s head popping out of her cooter was a tribute to anything but velvet Elvis high camp. Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: I Can’t Take It Any More
  • He quit a phrase midmost to listen to the something new he heard in her voice, then slid noiselessly across the room to join Leo at full length on the bearskin. CHAPTER XXIII
  • a sufficient amount of rope the last bearskin was cut up into strips, as it was necessary to have nearly a hundred feet, and the bearskin was a much-needed addition to the small quantity of ramie cord which they had on hand. The Wonder Island Boys: Exploring the Island
  • B.L. I had these passionate blouse-ripping fantasies, the sort where you dissolve on a bearskin rug and explode with ecstasy.
  • There were various trinkets all over the room, as well as a bearskin rug on the floor.
  • Two Grenadier guardsmen from the Windsor barracks will be in full scarlet uniform, complete with trademark bearskin headgear.
  • I just wish he would lose the bearskin in the process.
  • Carl had a heavy bearskin coat and he wrapped it around them both.
  • These bearskin jobbers would then hope to purchase the bearskins from trappers at a lower price and then deliver them to their customers for a profit.
  • The hunter made no comment about the bearskin strapped to it, for which Domar was thankful. Caribou House « A Fly in Amber
  • I wince when I recall the bearskin she draped over the sofa in her gubernatorial office. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion

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