How To Use Bear In A Sentence
Intellectual Dublin seemed no longer to consist of writers, but of folk singers, bearded or otherwise.
Beard is rather dismissive of their optical sophistication, shown in the curvature of the stylobate and in the entasis of the columns — the slight outward swelling of a column designed to counter the optical illusion of concavity, were the columns 'sides to be perfectly straight.
Looking for the Lost Greeks
The following years were characterized by rifts with Russia, in which the Ukraine jealously guarded its own independence against its overbearing neighbour.
Moreover, Mr Webb's point about what he calls disinterested management -- that is to say, the management of banks by officers whose remuneration bears no relation to the profit made on each piece of business transacted -- is one of the matters in which English banking seems likely at least to be modified.
War-Time Financial Problems
I had a sirloin steak, with béarnaise and frites, which they contrarily call chips, and a bit of salad.
Times, Sunday Times
Like a lot of boys born in Ireland circa 1979 and 1980, my brother too bears a name that betrays his vintage.
You come along with me and I'll introduce you (he's not what you call a refined sort of feller, yer know, 'he explained forbearingly,' but still we've always been friends in a way); you can't stop?
The Giant's Robe
The Cree syllabics on the glacial till granite boulder base say: ‘I am the big bear.’
He bears misery best who hides it most.
Our staff were asked to be bearers at his funeral service held at St Andrew's Church.
There had been formerly on the pathways of Dardilly calvaries built by pious forebears; destroyed on order of the revolutionary proconsul of Lyon, the famous Fouché, the crosses lay in the grass.
Archive 2008-03-09
The bears are growling loudly.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Welcome to Scotland, laddie,’ growls Getch in his best through-the-beard burr.
The pain is as unbearable as it was a year ago.
Times, Sunday Times
But the bears priced at the bottom level will not be vintage, and certainly will not be by any of these makers.
A short fellow with a refined bearing, Gavaskar consistently got hundreds and double-hundreds against top-class bowling.
No adversely critical faculty was brought to bear.
Times, Sunday Times
The statue's pedestal bears an inscription that reads ‘Love.’
This day wilt thou either bring back in triumph the gory head and spoils of Aeneas, and we will avenge Lausus 'agonies; or if no force opens a way, thou wilt die with me: for I deem not, bravest, thou wilt deign to bear an alien rule and a Teucrian lord.'
The Aeneid of Virgil
I know by my family history that a forebear of mine turned on the gods of Mother India and professed faith to the One True God.
This is a small holopid with rounded whorls, deep sutures and a body whorl bearing coarse collabral threads.
Until that point, you must simply bear the horrible dialogue and two-dimensional characters.
What caught my eye about this is that it bears interesting relation to Bakhtin's concept of the dialogism of the "living word" -- in fact, capitalize that "w" and it would be downright eerie.
Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning...
Also be careful when buying fortified wines and ports as some can be unbearably sweet or acidic.
The channel's viewership is ageing, and attempts to attract younger watchers have yet to bear fruit.
His beard went all round under his chin, and was clipped into the appearance of a stiff thick hedge — equally thick, and equally broad, and equally protrusive at all parts.
John Caldigate
Bear in mind any houses overlooking your stables as you do not want to give neighbours cause for complaint.
Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
Now Tyndareus bestowed me on thy father not that I or any children I might bear should be slain.
These noncancerous growths of the uterus may appear during your childbearing years.
We adopt special lift technology; choose import bearing to entitle products with legerity and agility.
If you delay child-bearing until your mid-twenties or your early thirties, you are far more likely to have a good job, educational qualifications and a stable relationship.
Those cuddly bears, ponies and dogs that show total devotion to their owners.
Times, Sunday Times
A hurricane is bearing down on central America.
In recent years many have forsaken their turbans and beards, claiming it counts against them when trying to find a job.
Times, Sunday Times
He had the strength and power; he meant to bear rule over others and he expected tributes from them.
From his shiny, greasy, biker-looking jeans to his short, greying beard, he was muscle and bone.
Not that he is preening: he is careless about his blond good looks, a scruffy hipster beard giving maturity to his rather angelic face.
Times, Sunday Times
The bear is called grandfather by many peoples and the tiger is alluded to as the striped one.
Exploring language (6th edn)
Workers were paid only for their output, and employers did not have to bear the cost of lighting and heating, nor provide space for the machines which were used.
Whatever the cause, I felt dizzy, and without any bearings or footholds.
When he played poorly, which happened too often, the Bears lost, often in lopsided fashion.
Around the Pac-10 Conference
It's time to get back to basics, so hit the deck and channel your inner grizzly bear.
The Sun
Up until the 1920s, in the mountain ranges of Westmoreland and south into Fayette, many small farmers subsisted on bear meat, preferable to venison, and considered by many to be juicier and better than beef.
Their pleasures derive from fulfilling internal wishes and desires and they find solitude easy to bear.
Know Your Own Mind
Then you start to tuck into your breakfast but have to give in after two or three mouthfuls because the pain of chewing and then swallowing the food becomes unbearable.
So much the better if you have a cache of slightly obscure references that you can dispense, especially if these bear only tangential relationship to what you are discussing.
It's a world where dinosaurs are your next door neighbours, and where some of the most famous feuds in history where actually territorial disputes between apatosaurs bearing grudges...
Susanna Clarke in the NY Times
Festivals that provide a forum for Arab and Israeli art and culture, and universities and academies that offer joint courses in the Qur'an and the Bible, midrash and tafsir, cabbalah and Sufism, thereby placing them in their original relation to one another, are today only feasible in exile -- in the West, of all places, which bears part of the blame for the present-day impossible situation.
He wore a ragged grey beard.
Times, Sunday Times
A famous bearer of the name was Publius Aelius Hadrianus, better known as Hadrian, a 2nd-century Roman emperor who built a wall across northern Britain.
Neth Space
He showed his athletism by becoming the Bearkats 'all-time leader in total offense with 6,159 yards and finished second in the nation in the Football Championship Subdivision with 354.2 total yards per game as a senior.
The graybeards out there will remember that the practice of renting computers is decades old.
This hilch named Weightbearing told me you’re supposed to be a whiz with some guts you designed for yourself that generate high-rev gravity pockets—higher even than Triss coils manage.
September « 2009 « Fantasy Author's Handbook
They put this view into practice quite straightforwardly, avoided ostentatious clothing and wealth, refused to swear oaths in court, to bear arms or to defend themselves.
Few parts of the aerospace or civilian airline industry bear much relation to free market theory.
He had witnessed diminutive bison with semicircular horns; animals "of a bluish lead color, about the size of a goat, with a head and beard like him, and a single horn, slightly inclined forward from the perpendicular"; and "a strange amphibious creature, of a spherical form, which rolled with great velocity across the pebbly beach" of a lunar island.
Kim Kardashian Fails the P.T. Barnum Test
Armantrout's short lines, use of rhetoric, aggressive lineation, disjunctions and juxtapositions, discursiveness, parataxis, and myriad condensatory techniques are all exemplary, but never overbearing.
Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
It is characterized by heavy, load-bearing masonry, the round-headed arch and its derivatives, the groin, and barrel vaulting.
Irving's work bears comparison with the best of the modern novelists.
Just then the door opened and in stepped a wiry bearded man, who was mumbling to himself and skittering around cattishly.
On Sundaye mornynges itt is a fayre sighte to see her going to and fro churche in a _chapeau de Paris de la dernyère agonie_, bearyng a _parasolett a la ripp snap mettez-la encore debout_ style; and whych shee sayes is like a _homme blasé_, because it is Used Upp. Sundaie afternoon yee may find her in ye
The Continental Monthly, Vol 2, No 6, December 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
The upper part of the gablet over the centre doorway is of the seventeenth century, and bears the shield of Sir George Hay of Kinfauns, who rented the lands of the bishopric about the beginning of the seventeenth century, the crozier being added to the shield in connection with the lands of the see. [
Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
That complete dependence on each other, which insures habits of confidence and forbearance, is more easily acquired while the first dream of love lasts; and tastes and tempers amalgamate better in the end when there are no witnesses to observe that they do not quite fit at first.
The Semi-Attached Couple
He falls into a stupor, into utter oblivion of the world about him, becomes in turn excited and confused, his senses begin to functionate in a fallacious manner, and he thus succeeds in shutting out from consciousness, for the time being at least, the entire unbearable situation.
Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
Old dandies with creaking joints tottered along Piccadilly to their certain doom; young clerks in the city, explaining that they wished to attend their aunt's funeral, crowded the omnibuses for Kensington and were seen no more; while my mother tells me that excursion trains from the country were arriving at the principal stations throughout the day, bearing huge loads of provincial inamorati.
The War of the Wenuses
Before being freed, she was fitted with a special leg ring bearing unique identification marks, which can be clearly seen through binoculars.
Quarry workers digging limestone had found bones that they thought were the remains of a bear.
Times, Sunday Times
A man's personality and mental make-up do have a bearing upon his conduct.
Society may be full of poisonous vapors and be built on a framework of lies; it is nevertheless prudent to consider whether the ideal advantages of disturbing it overweigh the practical disadvantages, and above all to bear in mind that if you rob the average man of his illusions, you are almost sure to rob him of his happiness.
Henrik Ibsen
This certifies that the bearer is a Volunteer Junior Assistant Deputy co-operating with the police force of Rocky Beach.
Unprofitable eloquence is like the cypress, which is great and tall, but bears no fruit.
Can you bring your weight to bear on this?
Times, Sunday Times
The journey takes you to Denali, travelling deep into the natural habitat of bears, moose, caribou and wolves.
We have received a complaint from some tourists about a bear being mistreated and kept in deplorable conditions in a snake farm in Pattaya.
It suggests a sense of humour, a willingness to make an effort, an aspiration towards the airy, healthy, beardless Scandinavian lifestyle.
Was it a true bear or did it belong to the same family as the red panda?
The Times Literary Supplement
But it was the bowler's general bearing and neatness which charmed the young writer almost as much as the name he'd been seeking for his newly conceived character of a gentleman's gentleman.
From Jeeves to Herriot: all creatures great and sporty | Frank Keating
The Golden Bears had lost to Arizona and Southern California in disheartening fashion before beating rival Stanford and then the Aggies
The bust of Thales shown above is in the Capitoline Museum in Rome, but is not contemporary with Thales and is unlikely to bear any resemblance to him
The splendor of the ancient calligraphical productions of Greece, [79] and the still later ones of Rome, bear repeated testimony that the practice of this art had spread during the sixth century, if not earlier, to these powerful empires.
Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
His statement won't bear the lawyer's examinations.
Don't bear hard on the pencil, it will break.
Aside from the sanctity of my goats and all I am happy to have coyotes, catamounts, bears and other preditors in the woods, they are hallmarks of a heathy ecosystem with all of its components in place.
The Coyote--to Shoot or Not to Shoot. That is the Question.
I was wearing my Smokey the Bear cap, the one that ultimately shrank to an unwearable size in the wake of an unfortunate sprinkler related accident.
The education system bears / stands no comparison with that in many Eastern European countries .
Millner, keenly aware that an aromatic savarin au rhum was describing an arc behind his head previous to being rushed back to the pantry under young Draper's indifferent eye, stiffened himself against this last assault of the enemy, and read out firmly: "What relation do you consider that a man's business conduct should bear to his religious and domestic life?
The Blond Beast
Tell them to bear up to one another.
The small head is solid gold in colour, with a happy, playful expression, wide square jaw and a red beard.
In truth it was all he could do to contain himself, and he felt that his only chance of bearing up was to say nothing more than was absolutely necessary in short ejaculatory phrases.
Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished A Tale of City Arab Life and Adventure
The corrosion of reinforcing bar can weaken its strength and ductility, and then cause structural bearing capacity to reduce.
It should already be clear that it was Mariana, rather than Suarez, who might be called the forebear of John Locke's theory of popular consent and the continuing superiority of the people to the government.
The bank will bring pressure to bear on you if you don't pay.
If the beard were all, the goat might preach.
According to the way of thinking promoted by Horowitz and the Students for Academic Freedom, however, my forbearing critique would hardly have been enough to absolve the stain of the readings.
We can ourselves bear witness to the "hardness of the pavement" below, which Captain Wentworth feared would cause "too great a jar" when he urged the young lady to desist from the fatal leap.
Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
At the end of six hours, and late at night, we passed to the right, the ruins of an ancient city standing on the declivity of the mountain and still bearing its original name Amata (Arabic).
Travels in Syria and the Holy Land
His eyes and forehead were enlarged; the bearded chin, and his mouth, which she'd thought so fine, almost vestigial.
Too frequently the stories seem to settle for, at worst, an indulgence in superficial whimsy, at best, a cultivation of the bizarre in situation and event that, at least as I read them, can't bear the weight they're asked to bear when left to provide the primary source of dramatic interest.
Genre Fiction
At social gatherings eligible gentlemen would draw lots bearing ladies' names on the eve of St Valentine's Day.
a final leave of great Circe; who by her art calmed the heavens, and gave them smooth seas, and a right forewind (the seaman's friend) to bear them on their way to Ithaca.
The Adventures of Ulysses
The second exception comes into play if the rationale underlying the patent holder's argument bears only a tangential relation to the equivalent.
The soil and the landscape of the Isonzo region in Friuli especially bears these resemblances.
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Moreover, host plant can also affect the growth and development of AM fungi, and produce different infection rate, spore-bearing rate and mycorrhiza effect.
She couldn't bear to throw away anything that might come in useful one day.
That which seemeth to me most likelie, I haue noted, beseeching the learned (as I trust they will) in such points of doubtfull antiquities to beare with my skill: sith for ought I know, the matter is not yet decided among the learned, but still they are in controuersie about it, and as yet Sub iudice lis est.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6) England (1 of 12) William the Conqueror
The death knell could also be sounded for other species dependent on the ice, such as the ringed seal, bearded seal and little auk.
If some extractive natural subsector gets scarce we will just substitute other sectors for it and growth of the whole economy will continue, not into any restraining biospheric envelope, but into sidereal space presumably full of resource-bearing asteriods and friendly highly-evolved aliens eager to teach us how to grow forever into their territory.
From a Failed Growth Economy to a Steady-State Economy
It's that patronizing tone of hers that I can't bear.
The crowd filled, the floor became packed, as a new group of yellow-clad musicians came out---high in an alcove---bearing enormous drums.
The Full Feed from
The surface of the land is scattered with fragments of white silex and fine red jasper, banded with black oligistic iron: this rock, close, hard, and fine enough to bear cutting, appears everywhere in scatters and amongst the conglomerates.
The Land of Midian
The people who actually believe the likes of a Palin could do this are the same people who might let their children hand-feed peanuts to a bear. tc campbell
CNN Poll: Most Americans say Palin not qualified to serve as president
While the market may have still further to fall, the bear case now has to contend with yields on leading company shares that are standing not just in excess of base rate, but also above the yield on long-dated government bonds.
This was the production of bronze vessels bearing beautiful decorations made in toreutic technique.
The ‘amentum’ was the thong, or strap of leather, with which the lance, or javelin, was fastened, in order to draw it back when thrown.] [Footnote 36: _Not used to bear.
The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
He doesn't have the build for the Jackie Chan stunts he uses to repel the onslaught of his friends in crime-fighting, and he doesn't bear himself with heroic presence.
He finally reached Bear Dooley's half-closed office door, which was burdened with numerous layers of thick brown paint.
At the end of the abdomen is the telson, which bears a bulb-shaped structure containing the venom glands and a sharp, curved aculeus to deliver the venom.
To finish the portrait, the bearing of the gracious Duncan was brief, bluff, and consequential, and the upward turn of his short copper-coloured nose indicated that he was somewhat addicted to wrath and usquebaugh.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
There are two forms of accounts, interest bearing (bonds) and non-interest bearing (deposits).
His face was smooth and beardless, a testament to his youth, with high cheekbones and a delicate looking nose and mouth.
The only way "society" can eliminate delays in childbearing is to cause delays in the re-election of our representatives in Washington who oppose eliminating them.
The index also reflects fears that other large funds will suffer the same ignominy as Bear's.
In the pictures his pride and pleasure are almost unbearable to look at.
Puddings are a small pleasure in a sea of grey days, one of those things that make it bearable.
The Sun
I'm pretty sure some of my neighbors would still turn up for bear-baiting or a nice drawing and quartering if it were going on down at the town green.
Where I work...
They are convicted and must, if the US people are to reclaim their until now unchallenged position as torch-bearers for a better world, be booted out of office at the earliest opportunity.
Us ending a barren spell at the weekend and Farsley losing will have no bearing on this match.
My brother-in-law went into another room, and madame de Bearn began to unswathe her foot in my presence with the utmost caution and tenderness.
Memoirs of the Comtesse Du Barry, with minute details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV. Written by herself
The designer whose work can bear such attention successfully is a rare talent indeed.
They couldn't bear to go back to having dull shoes.
The Sun
The bear leader bear-led a group of wealthy young men on a cross-country hike.
Some seeds germinate; and if they are left alone, they will grow into a guinep tree that eventually bears fruit.
He did not like the question but you cannot blame fans for getting carried away bearing in mind the way they are playing.
The Sun
Also bear in mind that probably most shots we take are 200-400 yards which is point blank or near abouts that with any flat shooting rifle.
Best caliber for 600+ yard shots
The sound of a car stopping outside the hotel drew me to the window as the waitress left me, and I was in time to see an old gentleman with a long white beard step from the interior of a Daimler landaulette, the door of which was held open by a dignified chauffeur, whose attire seemed to consist mainly of brass buttons.
The Best British Short Stories of 1922
The evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear.
Perrault's ‘Bluebeard’ is the story of a rich, middle-aged gentleman, named for his swarthy chin and saturnine manner, who marries a young woman.
I reckon good old St Swithin is chuckling in his beard at the sight.
He wore a ragged grey beard.
Times, Sunday Times
The strands of barley's beard can get stuck in an animals mouth because it is sharp.
Mr. Masson's discussions of Milton's English are, it seems to me, for the most part unsatisfactory He occupies some ten pages, for example, with a history of the genitival form _its_, which adds nothing to our previous knowledge on the subject and which has no relation to Milton except for its bearing on the authorship of some verses attributed to him against the most overwhelming internal evidence to the contrary.
Among My Books Second Series
The singing, so difficult to bear for many listeners, never settles into a particular pitch, remaining agonisedly in motion; Jandek presents us with a voice in extremity, and an endless quarrying of pain and related states, in which infinite gradations of suffering are allowed to differentiate themselves.
Archive 2007-10-01
In a sport beset by serious doping problems, he was always regarded as a torch-bearer.
No longer the torch-bearer of iconoclasm, the scourge of intellectual hypocrisy, I had become instead mere target practice for Banner Wavers Anonymous.
To the west of the church is an open cortile, the ancient burying ground, with fourteen pillars in the wall bearing niches for the Stations of the
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
In a quick tour, he points out the pupfish pond, a nature trail, and the cactus and native plants, all labeled so you can distinguish a teddy bear cholla from a beavertail cactus.
The Magistrate smoothed down his beard and inserted a small nip of whisky before replying.
In the apple I have observed leafy shoots bearing terminal tufts of leaves where the flower should have been, so that what, under ordinary circumstances would be a corymb of flowers, is here represented by a series of tufts of leaves.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The straining bearers like a string quartet, taking the burden up in unison, at a nod from their leader?
He had his Mercedes and a Porsche and grew a beard and wore safari suits and a peace sign round his neck.
Times, Sunday Times
I find that a heated bedwarmer and a microwaveable teddy bear go a long way to replace a missing husband.
Left Behind
Such pessimism has led multiculturalists to conflate the idea of humans as culture-bearing creatures with the idea that humans have to bear a particular culture.
Bear left when the road forks onto Lacey Drive, and then get over on the right.
It seems they made a dreadful charivari at the village boundary, threw a quantity of spell-bearing objects over the border, a buffalo's skull and other things; then branded a chamur -- what you would call a currier -- on his hinder parts and drove him and a number of pigs over into Jelbo's village.
Under the Deodars
He'll bear the beautiful girl in mind forever.
Both bearings are founded on what is called canting heraldry, a species of art disowned by the writers on the science, yet universally made use of by those who practise the art of blazonry.
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Once flowering is over, lift and divide overgrown clumps of bearded irises.
Times, Sunday Times
He does not feel a kinship with the countries of his forebears.
Lying on my straw mat, 1 heard the music box playing that song 1 had grown to hate so much. 1 beard Miss Banner's door open, then clow 1 put my hands over my ears.
The secret sense
This week brought signs that their efforts were bearing fruit.
Times, Sunday Times
Grunting, he picked up one sack, bearing it with him as he finished the circuit of the booths.
The thought of seeing 40 faces simultaneously crumple with disbelief was too much for us to bear.
His impassive, bearded face again cracks a smile.
Times, Sunday Times
If this book bears the imprimatur of one person above any other, it is undoubtedly hers.
In the center is Frank, wearing a black tuxedo and looking much younger - no beard then, and certainly no gray in his hair.
The yellow book has seen taxpayers, rather than companies, bear the cost of redundancies as shrinking budgets have shut defence factories across the country.
Times, Sunday Times
I've always had a thing about bearded irises.
Times, Sunday Times
Dressed again in wadmal, leather gloves, leather apron, and wooden shoes, beard and mane full of the soot that blackened his skin, the dwarf gripped a piece with tongs and banged it into shape.
Operation Luna
The salmon fishing, black bear, moose, and caribou sightings, and frequent stops for scouting and portaging easily turn running the Main into a weeklong wilderness adventure.
The bishop is represented as in the act of benediction, with a pastoral staff, and in full pontificals; his head is shown as resting on a cushion, and is surmounted by a trefoil arch with a crocketed gable, and a censer-bearing angel on each side.
Ely Cathedral
The nut on the end of the axle holds on the wheels, and the inside of the bearings are always in contact with the axle.
Did the jury feel that some of the most damning evidence against Scott Peterson was his own erratic behavior, such as dyeing his hair, growing a beard, preparing to leave the country?
CNN Transcript Dec 14, 2004
Don't give up! It's not over. The universe is balanced. Every set-back bears with it the seeds of a come-back. Steve Maraboli
The punishment in this instance is not arbitrary; it bears some relation to the punishable behavior.
She wore a light blue nightgown with teddy bears on it and black wristbands.
Fish are amphibian bearcat animals that are about ectothermic (previously cold-blooded), covered with scales, and able with two sets of commutual fins and several unpaired fins.
MyLinkVault Newest Links
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Times, Sunday Times
The office-bearers have also promised to sustain the movement till the country is freed from the clutches of corruption.
If the Constitution “will bear the examination of the people, who are to be bound thereby, why is such precipitancy used?”
Tait stroked his beard again with long, elegant fingers, appraising her with colourless eyes.
When mixed in among boundary plants it may even enhance security as the branches bear hooked prickles which reduce its tactility.
And in his stable at Ascot the son of Sleeping Dove, from home for the first time, pondered on the mutability of equine affairs, closing and opening his eyes, and breathing without sound in the strawy dark, above the black cat he had brought to bear him company.
Swan Song
Sooner or later,the time comes when we all must become responsible adults,and learn to give up what we want,so we can choose to do what is right.Of course,a life time of responsibility isn'e always easy,and as the years go on,it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear.But still we try to do what is best,what is good.Not only for ourselves,but for those we love.Yes,sooner or later we must all become responsible adults.No one knows this better than the young.
Yes | No | Report from osobear50 wrote 45 weeks 6 days ago jmcctheboss23 you have to be the dumbest SOB on the planet if you think my comment is the dumbest.
The Catch-And-Release Preacher
The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman.
With a mane of shaggy white hair and beard, he looked like the archetypal wild old man of the woods.
A little in this way -- but these similes are very imperfect, and will not bear close application -- the sap rises in a tree, stealing up branch by branch; and it is then called _ascending sap_.
The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
An extra arm placed off-centre wouldn't do, you see, but Medusa-style hair of snakes would be fine (so long as it was balanced by a single of similar scale - say, a large beard).
Your personality, life course and career will have no necessary relation to that of your forebear.
Travel widens horizons in more ways than one, and makes people wiser and more mature, besides developing the qualities of tolerance and forbearance.
A Hun doesn't possess a woman until she bears his child.
I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle just happened to cash lies.
Applause was loudest from the stand bearing his name.
Times, Sunday Times
You probably haven't noticed, but my surname bears a passing resemblance to a certain vulgarity.
According to the dimensional theory, the similitude criteria of lubrication performance in thrust bearing are deduced.
Contrarians might take the view that there is still not enough bearishness or panic in the market to warrant a bottom.
Replied Obayd, No! But whenever I have by me a guest like thee, he complaineth in the morning of the mosquito bites, and this happeneth only when he is like thee beardless.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
A chaier of crimson velvet, the seate and backe partlie embrothered, with R.L. in cloth of goulde, the beare and ragged staffe in clothe of silver, garnished with lace and fringe of goulde, silver, and crimson silck.
A feeling of drowsiness steals over me; that succulent cold chikor, followed by a generous slice of cake upon which I so nobly lunched, clouds somewhat my active faculties, and the article -- "A Bear Battue in the
A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
He's as cuddlesome as a teddy bear, and not a brand new, freshly stuffed one from Build-a-Bear, a well-loved one, missing some stuffing, and maybe an eye, and a button on his overalls.
Finding Amanda, losing Matthew Broderick