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How To Use Bear in mind In A Sentence

  • Bear in mind any houses overlooking your stables as you do not want to give neighbours cause for complaint. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • Society may be full of poisonous vapors and be built on a framework of lies; it is nevertheless prudent to consider whether the ideal advantages of disturbing it overweigh the practical disadvantages, and above all to bear in mind that if you rob the average man of his illusions, you are almost sure to rob him of his happiness. Henrik Ibsen
  • Also bear in mind that probably most shots we take are 200-400 yards which is point blank or near abouts that with any flat shooting rifle. Best caliber for 600+ yard shots
  • It is as well to bear in mind that laughter is a great releaser of tension.
  • You need to bear in mind that your judgment is not always infallible.
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  • As generation gap exists, we must bear in mind that the younger people might not like that idea.
  • Also, you have to bear in mind that a pullout cannot just be a chaotic one, a helter-skelter.
  • I know, I know… But seriously: get very caned, watch it, and bear in mind that it's not a film about gay glam rockers that uses faerie imagery, it's a film about faeries that uses gay glam rock imagery.
  • Just bear in mind that the longer your story is, the chancier it gets that it will be selected for publication. Spreading the word
  • Bear in mind that this rule applies even in the case of extreme digitigrade organisms in which a ‘ventral’ or ‘plantar’ view of the ankle in a natural life position requires one to look down on the tarsals and see the top side of the foot.
  • There is definitley a school thought that the "stone of scone" that was blagged by eddie longshanks was simply a lump of local sandstone subsituted by the monks at scone Abbey, as they knew edward was coming to get it, as he reckoned that Robert the Bruce could not be crowned legaly or at least traditionaly without the "STONE "you have to bear in mind that to the monks, this stone was in fact "Jacobs Pillow " of biblical fame. Filmstalker: Stone of Destiny theft gets filmed
  • Although bear in mind, too, that we don't want to overpromote the benefits of shouting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bear in mind that petrol stations are scarce in the more remote areas.
  • It's expensive (285;, but bear in mind it is a pure parfum rather than an eau de something. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bear in mind, too, that the rosy pink colour of this product is produced by feeding the fish chemical dye.
  • And while that would seem to leave Jen open to offers, bear in mind that she can be a difficult customer.
  • As generation gap exists, we must bear in mind that the younger people might not like that idea.
  • Bear in mind there's a lengthy one hour plus taxi journey from the airport into town.
  • The purchaser of stock, of course, who must always bear in mind that stocks are never foreordained to go up or down.
  • But bear in mind, I'm not a sensitive, I'm a perceptor. The Dragon Lensman
  • But in groping for and moving into the sunlit plateaus of a better society we must ever bear in mind the necessity for adherence to one of those principles which are the underpinnings of society, a more ample and readily available justice. Law Reform in a Changing Society
  • Bear in mind that little annoyances do not recede with time; they just become bigger annoyances.
  • This second use is very important to bear in mind as we try to assess the critiques of globalisation that have been recently aired in different forms.
  • It's encouraging to bear in mind that, for most Linux users, the expectation from beta software is generally tempered by a reasonable expectation of finding--and more importantly, reporting--bugs.
  • Bear in mind that the viruses causing flu change annually and no two flu epidemics are identical.
  • We should bear in mind that we have to annihilate the enemy.
  • Also bear in mind that what really matters is the maturity value of the policy.
  • Bear in mind that we do not give a premium or open an account for less than _two_ subscriptions (one of which, however, may be your own); but, _after the account is opened_, you may add one subscription at a time if you choose -- never omitting to state in your letter _that it is to go to your credit for a premium_. The Nursery, January 1877, Volume XXI, No. 1 A Monthly Magazine for Youngest Readers
  • Bear in mind that hedging had its value in maximising income in a falling market, with high contangos, neither of which, if current sentiment persists, are likely to be present for a while.
  • In a margarita the flavors are quite similar; it really comes down to how "boozy" you want your drink to taste (bear in mind that a stronger-tasting drink may be less likely to be heedlessly guzzled). Chris Hall: The Perfect Margarita
  • I bear in mind the snippets of evidence that we have already got from you, that some managers are clearly appalling.
  • Just bear in mind the distinction between assertiveness and aggression if you have to jolly them along.
  • Kurita had one more major factor to bear in mind.
  • Things to bear in mind: for some lenders there is a minimum amount you are allowed to overpay. Times, Sunday Times
  • But before you rush out to buy luridly coloured shag piles or geometric plastic furniture, bear in mind that he believes this will be retro with a twist.
  • I hope you will bear in mind all I am saying.
  • Bear in mind that I'm no longer a child.
  • Bear in mind these very same recording companies are making mega millions off the n-word, but would never consider doing the same with the k-word or other more pressing issues. Nas, Genius or a Classic Ninny?
  • But first, let me make an observation about pricing digital books higher than printed ones: Bear in mind that you can imbed video and audio in an ebook. The Price of Pleasure « Write Anything
  • We must bear in mind these lessons paid for with blood.
  • This is a highly relevant point to bear in mind as we look at the actual play. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you will bear in mind that a playlet is only as good as its plot, that a plot is a _story_ and that you must give to your story, as has been said, "A completeness -- a kind of universal dovetailedness, a sort of general oneness," you will have little difficulty in observing the one playlet rule that should never be broken -- Unity of action. Writing for Vaudeville
  • Things to bear in mind: for some lenders there is a minimum amount you are allowed to overpay. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is as well to bear in mind that laughter is a great releaser of tension.
  • Bear in mind, though, that premium rate numbers are also used legitimately for chat lines and for voting on some popular reality television shows.
  • If you wish to attempt to do so, you must bear in mind that a dictator is a ruler having absolute authority and supreme jurisdiction over the government of a state.
  • Bear in mind that, at any given price, this choice involves a trade-off with playback performance.
  • His sufferings [De Wette, Stier, Alford, &c.]; that is, "Be not carried off your feet by all this grandeur of Mine, but bear in mind what I have already told you, and now distinctly repeat, that that Sun in whose beams ye now rejoice is soon to set in midnight gloom. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Bear in mind that most white wines are high in acid, while reds are usually high in tannin.
  • And bear in mind I mean no disrespect and that the term used is definitely not derogatory in any way.
  • I'm not asking for £30, a market stallholder will say, holding aloft some Chinese-made electronic good – but that is the figure he wants you to bear in mind. David Willetts has got his maths badly wrong on tuition fees | Aditya Chakrabortty
  • Bear in mind that I never bathe my Westies.
  • Before playing these three cards, one should bear in mind two powerful caveats. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other thing to bear in mind is that in a long-term marriage of 30, 35 or 40 years, long term alimony often doesn't mean "long term" for the simple reason that people in their mid- to late 50's are often approaching retirement age. Henry Gornbein: When is Alimony Appropriate?
  • You must bear in mind that many of those solvents are poisonous.
  • None of the problems with the picture are going to make the film unwatchable, but viewers should bear in mind that this will not look like a big-budget flick.
  • It’s not a must-have kitchen item because you can use a plain bundt pan instead of a ring pan - as long as you bear in mind that whatever you’re baking will not fill up the pan - but it is easy to work with, doesn’t take up much space and makes a great change in presentation for smaller baked goods like banana bread. Ring Pan vs Bundt Pan | Baking Bites
  • Bear in mind that what you think is what you are.
  • Bear in mind that the church was completely full on each of these days, and to have the entire congregation chant psalms and antiphons from books with 'square notation' is quite an achievement. Tenebrae at Blackfriars Oxford
  • Please bear in mind that I have seen a lot of therapists who try different kinds of therapy.
  • Bear in mind, though, that there are financial implications to importing goods from abroad.
  • If you decide you want an income, you usually have to buy an annuity from the reversion company so you have to bear in mind that if you pop your clogs soon after, then you won't get the full value of the plan.
  • We should bear in mind though that growth is never guaranteed and that failure to deliver expected growth could be severely punished.
  • Avoid by taking travel sickness pills from the chemist - though bear in mind that some can make you drowsy. The Sun
  • Please bear in mind that the train leaves at midnight.
  • It is important to bear in mind that unlike many cities, Bangalore has witnessed growth in all directions, and Metro Rail should be a mega project aimed at connecting all parts of the city.
  • To approach this question, we bear in mind the principle that variability in language is socially functional.
  • Bear in mind that Gwydiona stems from a rather archaic dialect of Anglic, closely related to the ancestral English. Do you ever read writing?
  • One must bear in mind, however, that Benjamin's monadology of the Arcades always reverts to an understanding of language and its role in configuring experience, a deductive regression also characteristic of Leibniz's formulation of monadic substance. Club Monad
  • Bear in mind that the poem is more than 21,000 lines of blank verse - about twice the length of Paradise Lost.
  • So we went shopping for him, bear in mind, that I had three layers on under my thick winter coat.
  • Chiluba said although the backbench was cardinal to ensure delivery of services and provision of checks and balances to the executive, they should bear in mind that they could not exist in isolation.
  • Things to bear in mind: for some lenders there is a minimum amount you are allowed to overpay. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the eminent doctor's manner appears a trifle inurbane of our tastes, we must bear in mind that the doctor may be from a place, or a stratum, not so meticulous in these matters. The Worlds Of Robert A Heinlein
  • You also need to bear in mind that staff using Facebook is the pleasant face of web usage or abusage. Muti
  • Bear in mind that these investments are high-risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bear in mind that all sections must add up to the overall length measurement.
  • Bear in mind that medical reports and birth, marriage or other certificates may also be required by employers in your destination country.
  • This is a highly relevant point to bear in mind as we look at the actual play. Times, Sunday Times
  • We must bear in mind that the clergymen were the early historians of the country; and they put much gloom in their writings. The New England Magazine, Volume 1, No. 1, January 1886 Bay State Monthly, Volume 4, No. 1, January, 1886
  • Whether or not gazumping is still practiced, though, it is important to bear in mind that buyers have no rights whatsoever if they find themselves gazumped before a contract has been signed.
  • Bear in mind that you can buy without a guilty conscience - it's for charity, mate!
  • I would ask you to bear in mind that Broome is a very fly and slippery character.
  • This is one useful simplification for the English reader to bear in mind.
  • One should bear in mind that the media and intellectual elites generally have their particular agendas.
  • There are basically two core issues to bear in mind.
  • As a point of referenced, bear in mind that IP is a member of the TCP/IP protocol suite.
  • Ski fashion presents a unique challenge to even the smartest among us, but bear in mind that no one can really cut a dash in a bobble hat and two-tone anorak.
  • Bear in mind, I'm responding to this as a lowly Bachelor of Arts (essentially, I have a very small wergeld in the academic community) -- but I found the diagram to be quite helpful. Drawing a Dissertation
  • Bear in mind, then, that expressions of regret over the defilement of sacred images are likely to attract rebukes from certain ‘modern’ and ‘spiritual’ types of Westerner.
  • You should moreover bear in mind that your immediate senior managers at that time belonged to the same professional discipline as yourself.
  • Its necessary to bear in mind that monopolism does not exclude competition.
  • Bear in mind that part of this policy is posited on the idea of it being said, that the detention is not punitive, that it is not designed as a deterrent.
  • The nostrum, in fact truism, that countries cannot really devalue their way to prosperity is important to bear in mind. The Down Side of Very Low Interest Rates Over Time
  • You should bear in mind that although wrinkles or scars may subside after only one laser session, more sessions may be needed to complete the therapy.
  • Those other ingredients listed are deadly poisons, but bear in mind that they're not really there; just the ‘vibrations’ remain, as with all homeopathic nostrums.
  • We must always bear in mind that the unique character of science and technology requires the concertedness and convergence of public policies and private actions. Setting the Agenda for a Knowledge-Based Economy
  • In so finding, I bear in mind that the representation must be clear or unequivocal.
  • But do bear in mind those caveats. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film uses only these two narrators, and bear in mind that they are independent in a world which is very limiting.
  • Bear in mind that he might just be friendly and already have a partner or wife. The Sun
  • It is important to bear in mind that there are many other ways to borrow money besides home equity credit lines.
  • Englishmen and exaggerates American civilisation, we must bear in mind first that la vulgarité ne se traduit pas, and secondly, that the foes of our foemen are our friends. Arabian nights. English
  • Also, bear in mind that the fresnel lens both flips the image upside down and has a mirror effect on the text.
  • But you should bear in mind that money can be swallowed up, and that staff rewards organised in this way could prove more memorable and effective.
  • But bear in mind that many people use a digital keyboard not to play sheet music but to add digital accompaniment to other instruments.
  • This is a factor to bear in mind when evaluating specific technologies such as bladed solutions to host virtual desktops on a 'one to one' model, versus more of a shared server type of infrastructure. The Register
  • Bear in mind that petrol stations are scarce in the more remote areas.
  • It is as well to bear in mind that laughter is a great releaser of tension.
  • Below is a round-up of some of the festival's highlights, but bear in mind there are many more shows, interviews and talks on around the city.
  • Bear in mind your future requirements, and consider how extendable your chosen system needs to be.
  • Bear in mind that the consumer is not a moron.
  • Bear in mind, too, that in some states you're required to copy and transfer medical records of patients you "terminate" -- a costly process if you don't have an EMR. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • If you're out there, and you happen to read this, I'm begging you to bear in mind that I'm a Christian, and that a lot of my friends are Christian, and that a lot of people I work with online are Christian -- and that all of us, to a person, utterly shun, and are revulsed by, the perversion of our faith promulgated by people like Keith. John Shore: Christians For A Moral America Pray For George Michael's Death
  • But also bear in mind another important lesson of history - unpopular or barely popular wars can still be prosecuted successfully.
  • You can certainly drink it on its own, but bear in mind that it's a heady 14% alcohol.
  • Although these issues may not affect many of us directly, we should bear in mind it is often our sons and daughters who will probably use the minicabs and may not realise the implications of being driven home in an uninsured vehicle.
  • Before you rush to book a table, bear in mind that lunch for two would cost £150.
  • If you do buy a Pentium 133 notebook PC, bear in mind that you are buying into old technology and that if anything should go wrong with it in the future then it is likely that even if parts were available, it would be uneconomic to repair.
  • In this as in all other aspects of your strategy, bear in mind that change is as change does.
  • Also bear in mind that you will still have to pay an excess should you need to make a claim. Times, Sunday Times
  • To approach this question, we bear in mind the principle that variability in language is socially functional.
  • For any other other seal do-gooders out there, please bear in mind that, according to experts, seal bites can in fact be lethal (if the little blighters go for your throat I presume).
  • Things to bear in mind: for some lenders there is a minimum amount you are allowed to overpay. Times, Sunday Times
  • You must bear in mind that your parents hope to depend on you to become a good doctor.
  • While this no different to any other commercial enterprise, public bodies considering mutualisation will need to bear in mind the risk of failure and the possible need for a buy-back. Overcoming challenges of public sector mutualisation
  • It seemed to him that in spite of his effort to bear in mind that the whole should be greater than any part, his chapters broke up into sentences and his sentences into forlorn and ungregarious words. The Ghost Ship
  • Bear in mind, though, that premium rate numbers are also used legitimately for chat lines and for voting on some popular reality television shows.
  • All should bear in mind an Egyptian curse on a tomb of the second millennium BC: ‘May he who violates my site and damages my grave or takes my body be reviled by the Ka of Re.’
  • Ices we have, and we have Granger's; but here is ice in every variety, from the solid "bombe" -- which we strongly recommend ladies to bear in mind next time -- to the appetizing _Ponch à la Romaine_! The Cockaynes in Paris Or 'Gone abroad'
  • Another point to bear in mind is that all the books on the shortlist have flaws - of course, all books have flaws of some kind, but crime fiction does tend to suffer from cliche, formula and incredulity somewhat more than most, and these downsides canbe applied at times to all the titles on the shortlist, Ithink. Books
  • Bear in mind that this promotion will last for one week only or while stocks last, and then that's your lot.
  • All I have to do when writing a vocal track is bear in mind that the lead instrument will be the voice.
  • We also need to bear in mind that most US students still go to public universities.
  • Another important factor to bear in mind, is the saturation of the media with sexual images, which in itself promotes sexual activity at an increasingly younger age.
  • Nevertheless, bear in mind that before you run your motorcycles, tires must be properly inflated.
  • In speaking of Hume as a determinist, we must, however, bear in mind that this does not in his case carry any pledge of allegiance to a reign of necessity in nature.
  • I think that quite a few people might prefer to drive to work while listening to Couperin or Praetorius or Grainger or Lou Harrison than Howard Stern or Aerosmith (bear in mind, I have myself seen Aerosmith in concert -- Stern I can do without). Work in progress ...
  • There is so much ill-considered use of the word revolutionist, we should bear in mind it is a strictly relative term. Principles of Freedom
  • Please bear in mind that she pled not guilty by reason of insanity at her arraignment hearing.
  • Colour, pattern, and fibre Let colours and patterns, or the weave of fabric such as damask, guide your choice, but bear in mind practical factors also Window Dressing (Tips!)
  • One has to bear in mind also what was said in the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board letter, that, when a ship is unloading, the normal practice is to put the goods in a transit shed.
  • Avoid by taking travel sickness pills from the chemist - though bear in mind that some can make you drowsy. The Sun
  • Bear in mind that the chief ray is now principal ray.
  • Another thing to bear in mind is that if programs are installed and uninstalled regularly then the hard disk will rapidly become fragmented, so it is a good idea to defragment the drive.
  • But bear in mind that self-defeating organizations function according to their own peculiar form of behavioral logic.
  • Bear in mind that working from memory is one of the most common causes of journalistic inaccuracy.
  • Bear in mind that most material invocations for wordly gains will almost inevitably carry some degree of bad luck.
  • And to come to a later instance, the reader may bear in mind that before that ornament of Mr. Crummles's company, Miss Snevellici, took her benefit or "bespeak" at the Portsmouth Theatre, she, in company with Nicholas Nickleby, and, for propriety's sake, the Infant A Book of the Play Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
  • Bear in mind that success depends upon revolutionary drive.
  • Bear in mind this was the school holidays, and when you're not quite thirteen there's not a lot to do except, it seems, revise Latin, read the dictionary and play with your little brother's Scalextrix.
  • One knows that governments have other considerations to bear in mind, including the legislative process itself.
  • We should bear in mind continually that the whole field is controversial.
  • In writing this paper, we have tried to bear in mind both the expert and non-expert user and will no doubt have failed to satisfy either!
  • Bear in mind that the price does not include flights.
  • Bear in mind that dreams work in personal symbols and metaphors; they are rarely literal. Times, Sunday Times
  • As long as you bear in mind that you're dealing with a toy, you might not be too bothered by the less than stellar quality.
  • Bear in mind that you'll have to practice economy.
  • But this is far too facile an appraisal of a composer whose music is far more human than perhaps even he at times would like to admit and bear in mind that there are cabaret songs in his output as well as serialist string quartets. Milton Babbitt RIP
  • The would-be cragsman must also bear in mind that these are large mountains with the usual dangers of rain, snow, lightning and rockfalls.
  • But when you further bear in mind that she had been bred in the ease and delicate refinements of a lairdly circle at home, you can at once conceive the hardships to be encountered vastly augmented, and the moral heroism necessary for such an undertaking to be almost incredible, finding its parallel only in the life of her famous countrywoman, the immortal 'Flora.' An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America
  • One should bear in mind that the media and the intellectual elites generally have their particular agendas.
  • But we must not forget what has previously been pointed out, that the puberal development may begin at a time when nothing of the sort is apparent to the eye of the observer; and we must also bear in mind that the first seminal emission and the first menstruation are by no means so important, as marks of the puberal development, as is commonly believed. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • But bear in mind that keeping a sleep diary may cause you to pay more attention to your sleep than you should.
  • Bear in mind that the MVA is only applied if money is taken out of the fund - if the policy is cashed in.
  • I would suggest that wherever possible you stick to the main autoroutes, though bear in mind that you will have to pay tolls on the French motorways.
  • Bear in mind that dreams work in personal symbols and metaphors; they are rarely literal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if his visit were motivated by his private feelings, he ought to bear in mind his position as prime minister.
  • Bear in mind that success depends upon revolutionary drive.
  • Bear in mind, though, that while I've played a good deal of intramural and pick-up hockey, I've never had any formal coaching, so I'm sure there are others more knowledgeable.
  • If you are foolhardy enough to plan a visit to The Bridge, however, there are a few things to bear in mind.
  • To grasp the intralingual translation of the word Ereignis as Heidegger translates this word into the prefix Er- and the construct eignis, we must bear in mind that this translation does not take its orientation from a dictionary. Archive 2007-07-01
  • You should bear in mind that pro-health care rationing forces have been outspending those against it significantly. Sen. Dorgan (D, ND)… well, he’s ducking and covering on health care. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • But we must bear in mind that he still held his possessions in France as a fief from the French king, whose vassal he was. General History for Colleges and High Schools
  • Bear in mind any houses overlooking your stables as you do not want to give neighbours cause for complaint. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • When deciding this, bear in mind that the law expects people to exercise control over their emotions.
  • Bear in mind, most jurisdictions prohibit the carrying of double-edged knives, and many do not allow concealed carry of fixed-blade knives.
  • You must always bear in mind the vulnerability when deciding how high to overcall.
  • Bear in mind that cheques and debit card payments will usually only require one signature.
  • We must bear in mind that an autobiography reveals more about the mind set of its author than about factual occurrences.
  • The thing to bear in mind when preparing food is that all cooking destroys nutrients.
  • Bear in mind the age of the vehicle when assessing its value.
  • After that there is a glittering world of multiple bays, arched windows, leaded panes, finials and cresting to explore, but bear in mind that increased bespoke detail will radically alter a baseline price for a standard design.
  • Bear in mind I was very tired and emotionally overwrought when I wrote this blog, my imagination may have run away with itself.
  • Bear in mind that part of this policy is posited on the idea of it being said, that the detention is not punitive, that it is not designed as a deterrent.
  • One thing to bear in mind is that like any show, the first few episodes aren't very indicative of what is to come.

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