
How To Use Beaked In A Sentence

  • [CRASSATELLA GIBBESH] "Shell somewhat triangular, thick, concentrically furrowed; buccal side rounded; anal side somewhat beaked, angular, with a longitudinal ridge; umbones incurved; lunule somewhat excavated. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • This critically acclaimed slice of beaked life chronicles the fall and rise of Mark Bittner, a homeless San Franciscan who wrote a bestseller about the flock of talking birds that changed his life.
  • They are the species known as beaked whales - which normally live quite deep in the ocean and far offshore from Oregon's beaches. Oregon Coast Travel, Tourism, Science, Entertainment News - Breaking News from the Oregon Coast
  • A flower that goes on blooming is stork's-bill, with its small pink blossoms and beaked seed-pods. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would stand at least four meters tall, if it had enough room to stand comfortably in, its leathery gray skin was covered in patches of chitin, and its mouth was beaked.
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  • A species of whales called beaked whales are particularly susceptible to harm from sonar, which can cause them to strand themselves onshore, Kendall said. Latest Headlines
  • Dolphins and porpoises are examples of odontocetes, as are belugas, narwhals, killer whales, sperm whales, and beaked whales.
  • Howbeit he abode amid his beaked, seafaring ships in utter wrath against Agamemnon, Atreus' son, shepherd of the host.
  • These include the angulate tortoise (Chersina angulata); parrot-beaked tortoise (Homopus areolatus); geometric tortoise (Psammobates geometricus, EN); and leopard tortoise (Geochelone pardalis). Biological diversity in the Cape Floristic Region
  • Now his sword came out, its point stopping a fingerbreadth from the beaked nose of the fourth man. Conan The Unconquered
  • Common in the understory are chokecherry, beaked hazelnut, a wild rose, red baneberry, thimbleberry, and bracken.
  • Also, looking back over a decade of stranding records from Britain, the researchers found seven dolphins and porpoises and one beaked whale with puzzling gas bubbles.
  • Some have picturesque names, like broad-lipped purple side-saddle flower, cobweb houseleek, lion's tail phlomis, livid hellebore, melancholy toadflax, parrot-beaked heliconia, and warty St. John's wort.
  • The ornithomimids' beaked jaws were probably weak; it is thought that they may have been omnivorous, eating small animals and maybe some plant material.
  • The primary Arms of this branch of Barlows were "Sable, a double-headed eagle displayed argent, beaked and membered or."
  • Other highlights will include the awesome Velociraptor - made infamous by the film Jurassic Park, one of the world's oldest stegosaurs, and a child-sized, parrot-beaked dinosaur.
  • Slowly its two tentacles appear, stretching almost lazily toward a shrimp until, with staggering speed, they shoot out to their full extent and grab the prey, pulling it back into a beaked mouth.
  • Eagle-eyed residents have been craning their necks skyward to catch a glimpse of the beaked bandit but, so far, to no avail.
  • Common in the understory are chokecherry, beaked hazelnut, a wild rose, red baneberry, thimbleberry, and bracken.
  • Every pig farmer knows that if pigs are unhappy they fight (and they can't exactly be debeaked like chickens) so most try to keep them happy.
  • Of those groups only the higher Dicynodontia were to be successful, and in fact these stocky, toothless and beaked animals remained the dominant terrestrial herbivores right up until the Carnian epoch (Late Triassic period).
  • [CRASSATELLA GIBBESH] "Shell somewhat triangular, thick, concentrically furrowed; buccal side rounded; anal side somewhat beaked, angular, with a longitudinal ridge; umbones incurved; lunule somewhat excavated. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • The ‘free range’ hens kept for laying eggs are still debeaked just as the battery hens are.
  • These consist of 10 diadelphous stamens and a bent, bearded, and beaked style.
  • They argue that certain species of marine mammals-such as beaked whales-are uniquely susceptible to injury from active sonar; these injuries would not necessarily be detected by the Navy, given that beaked whales are "very deep divers" that spend little time at the surface., eh? Althouse
  • Two birds, perfectly white, pink-beaked, dark-eyed, pigeons, settled on the ledge outside my window, billing and cooing as birds will in spring.
  • North Atlantic beaked whale with a bulbous forehead.
  • The other American hazel, variously known as the beaked hazel, tailed hazel or horned hazel, was named _Corylus cornuta_ by Marshall Northern Nut Growers Association, report of the proceedings at the sixth annual meeting Rochester, New York, September 1 and 2, 1915
  • In the earliest known post-Tapinocephalus Zone fauna of southern Africa (where the fossil record for late Permian tetrapods is most complete), new groups of big herbivores - the beaked and toothless dicynodonts - appear.
  • At the time 14 beaked whales became beached on the same day that U.S. Navy destroyers where engaged in a sonar exercise.
  • Even elusive, reclusive creatures such as beaked whales are giving up data in previously unthinkable detail. EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed
  • Marlin, sailfish, beaked whales and large artiodactyls and the recently discovered bipedal predatory dinosaur Suchomimus tenenerensis have neural spines that have broad anterior-to-posterior surfaces.
  • The creature has been called a beaked rodent, a government experiment, and a viral marketing campaign for a Cartoon Network show. Nunc Scio » 2008 » July
  • Their burrow was a very roomy and comfortable one, but it was spoiled for them by the presence of those two moon-eyed, hook-beaked, solemn persons sitting side by side in the opposite corner. Children of the Wild
  • The second glume is thinner, dorsally gibbous, keeled, 5 - to 9-nerved, beaked and minutely bifid. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • A species of whales called beaked whales is particularly susceptible to harm from sonar, which can cause them to strand themselves onshore. Home -
  • But it is easier to hear the baleen whale, with its lower-frequency call, than the beaked whales, says Theriault.
  • Dolphins and porpoises are examples of odontocetes, as are belugas, narwhals, killer whales, sperm whales, and beaked whales.
  • In this spectacle thirty beaked ships, triremes or biremes, and a large number of smaller vessels met in conflict.
  • Between the prominent melon and the beak was a crease, which placed the species within a distinct subset of beaked whales - the bottlenoses.
  • A bird becomes pale shells and arcs and slivers, a weightless palmful of light, a blown bubble of beaked skull and thin airy curves for constructing chest and back and wings.
  • Common in the understory are chokecherry, beaked hazelnut, a wild rose, red baneberry, thimbleberry, and bracken.
  • These include the angulate tortoise (Chersina angulata); parrot-beaked tortoise (Homopus areolatus); geometric tortoise (Psammobates geometricus, EN); and leopard tortoise (Geochelone pardalis). Biological diversity in the Cape Floristic Region
  • The 17 sea mammals on gruesome display included porpoises, white dolphins, common dolphins, aa pilot whale, a beaked whale and a pilot whale.
  • His eyes are invariably shown as hazel in colour and widely set apart; his hair heavy, curled, and falling to his shoulders; his lips very full, his nose large and "beaked," and his brow, or "great head," of unusual height and breadth. Shakespeare's Lost Years in London, 1586-1592
  • In September 2002, a group of beaked whales beached themselves in the Canary Islands.
  • Scattered here and there are isolated beaked skulls with testicles in the eye sockets and a penis rising from the forehead like a unicorn horn.
  • Even within our own class, mammals, roughly 300 new species have been discovered in the first decade of this century—mostly rodents, but also marsupials, a beaked whale and a slew of primates.
  • Sonar initially generated concern when 16 rare and elusive beaked whales beached themselves in the Bahamas after the Navy used a mid-range sonar in March 2000.
  • A dark shadow was cast in front of them in the shape of a large, beaked, winged animal.
  • A flower that goes on blooming is stork's-bill, with its small pink blossoms and beaked seed-pods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mayor researched paleontological finds in the Gobi and discovered that some of the most abundant fossils there belong to Protocerotops, a beaked dinosaur.
  • North Sea waves, he saw the sharp-beaked fighting galleys, and the sea-flung Northmen, great-muscled, deep-chested, sprung from the elements, men of sword and sweep, marauders and scourgers of the warm south-lands! CHAPTER 14
  • As many as 100,000 birds can live in each ‘henhouse’ Conditions are so psychologically taxing on the birds that they must be debeaked to prevent pecking injuries.
  • Watching thousands of these beaked, black-and-white sea birds as they convoy together and travel across blinding white landscapes might come across as a boring, repetitive sight.
  • They're despurred and debeaked, but because of crowding and other stresses, they still find ways to harm each other.
  • Flower buds of the native forest trees, however, open in a progression over a six-month span, starting in April with poplars, willows, alders, and beaked hazel and ending in October with witch hazel.
  • Dolphins and porpoises are examples of odontocetes, as are belugas, narwhals, killer whales, sperm whales, and beaked whales.
  • The ornithomimids' beaked jaws were probably weak; it is thought that they may have been omnivorous, eating small animals and maybe some plant material.
  • There are several beaked whale species that are still known from only a handful of specimens (strandings) and some have never been seen alive, " Dalebout said via email.
  • Having plucked and trussed these long beaked birds, leaving the remaining entrails undisturbed, pull out the stomachs and intestines (guts).
  • North Sea waves, he saw the sharp-beaked fighting galleys, and the sea-flung Northmen, great-muscled, deep-chested, sprung from the elements, men of sword and sweep, marauders and scourgers of the warm south-lands! CHAPTER 14
  • In addition, black oak, pignut hickory, white pine, and beaked hazelnut each contributed at least 5% importance to the community type.
  • See Mr. Pennant\ Britifh Zoology Vol. 3.p. 43. where it is called the beaked Whale, and very well defcribed; a drawing is feen in the explanatory table, n. Travels into North America : containing its natural history, and a circumstantial account of its plantations and agriculture in general, with the civil, ecclesiastical and commercial state of the country, the manners of the inhabitants, and several curiou
  • From the veranda he had seen him fling sticks of exploding dynamite into a screeching mass of blacks who had come raiding from the Beyond in the long war canoes, beaked and black, carved and inlaid with mother-of-pearl, which they had left hauled up on the beach at the door of Meringe. CHAPTER III
  • Also known as the Goose-beaked whale, this creature is found as far north as the Shetland Islands and as south as Tierra Del Fuego at the tip of South America.
  • The large beaked nose framed by drooping shaggy eyebrows emphasizes his ethnicity.
  • Additionally, for the students, the potential stress of working with a new material or in a new technique is counterbalanced by the undiluted fun of trying to create a beaked bull or a jewel-encrusted woodpecker.
  • A fellow hemipteran insect, the Fiery Beaked Lantern Bug, like the cicada was resting on another tree trunk. Undefined
  • Existing beaked whale populations are found in nearly every ocean.
  • Whales include migratory humpback Megaptera novaeangliae (VU) and occasional blue Balaenoptera musculus (EN), rorqual Balaenoptera physalis, sperm Physeter macrocephalus (VU), Bryde's Baleanoptera edeni, killer Orcinus orca, false killer Pseudorca crassidens, pygmy killer Feresa attenuata, Cuvier's beaked Ziphius cavirostris, beaked Mesoplodon sp., shortfin pilot Globicephala macrorhynchus and melon-headed Peponocephala electra whales. Malpelo Island Flora and Fauna Sanctuary, Colombia
  • Many species will specialize on certain types of seeds; small beaked sparrows eat small seeds, large beaked sparrows eat large seeds.
  • Beaked whales have a small, falcate dorsal fin, which is set fairly far back on their bodies (well beyond the midpoint).
  • Beaked whales, distinguished by the strange, teeth-like protuberances from their lower jaws, have been around virtually unchanged for 30 million years, but are still the least studied large mammal in the world.
  • Even this beaked bird, with even more direct evidence of feathers, is ‘dated’ to 135 million years, so older than its ‘feathered dinosaur’ ancestor.
  • A bird known as the whaup is, in fact, the curlew, a long-beaked bird which you can find online in pictures.
  • And with new evidence supporting that these dinosaurs were more "rotund" than previously hypothesized, the image sticks in my mind of this little pig-bodied, parrot-beaked reptile, studiously pawing the Early Cretaceous subtropical regions that are now Western Siberia, in search of roots, tubers, or a place in the mud to cool off. Life's Time Capsule: The Ceratopsians Gallery
  • Dolphins and porpoises are examples of odontocetes, as are belugas, narwhals, killer whales, sperm whales, and beaked whales.

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