
How To Use Beak In A Sentence

  • The beak is smoth, black, convex and cultrated; one and 1/8 inches from the point to the opening of the chaps and 3/4 only uncovered with feathers; the upper chap exceeds the other a little in length. a few small black hairs garnish the sides of the base of the upper chap. the eye is of a uniform deep sea green or black, moderately large. it's legs feet and tallons are white; the legs are an inch and a 1/4 in length and smoth; four toes on each foot, of which that in front is the same length with the leg including the length of the tallon, which is 4 lines; the three remaining toes are The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • After a bit of a stickybeak at the Queen's Scottish residence of Holyroodhouse, we made the most of the remaining daylight walking the length of the Royal Mile through the Old Town back to the castle, stopping by the Heart of Midlothian. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • He sat like a king on a throne, his beaklike nose high in the air, introducing his wives. The Season of Risks
  • When it was their turn to be served, the pharmacist gave them each a plastic beaker filled with liquid, which they greedily consumed.
  • Also known as a ‘parrot lizard’ for its parrotlike beak, the herbivore was a strong, agile dinosaur that walked on its two hind legs.
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  • Some game bird breeders even debeak the birds or attach "peepers" or googles to their eyes to keep them attacking each other in the packed pens. (see: caged hen egg operations.) Is your state breeding birds for Dick Cheney style hunting like Illinois?
  • They get much of their food by chasing gulls and making them drop what they have in their beak, and one might see them doing this. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, a strongly obtuse apical angle is associated with an incurved ventral beak that is appressed to the dorsal umbo, resulting in the delthyrium being partly obscured.
  • At the bar a leather-clad schoolboy was buying a pint of lager, served in a plastic beaker.
  • Vassili roared in Fon and the daughter came in with a beaker of thin yoghurt which he poured down Selina's throat. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • I carefully lifted the tiny beaker to Ash's mouth and poured it in, then covering his mouth and nose, forcing him to halfheartedly swallow it.
  • Accipitrids are diurnal birds of prey with broad wings, hooked beaks, strong legs and feet and sharp talons.
  • I'd anticipated him working inside a Back-To-The-Future kind of laboratory with bubbling beakers, coiled yellow electrical wire, and a suffocating sense of disarray.
  • The profile that passed the window was of the sort called aquiline, after the beak of the eagle; but he rather suggested a grey and venerable eagle; an eagle in repose; an eagle that has long folded its wings. The Complete Father Brown
  • The great white walls are filled with heads of young birds, their beaks pointing hopefully up at the prospect of food. Times, Sunday Times
  • Existing beaked whale populations are found in nearly every ocean.
  • Finally, I found some hand-blown bubbled-glass feeders from Mexico, with elegant red glass flowers as the spigots for the hummers' beaks.
  • He was gaunt and extremely pale, with parched lips and a beak-like nose.
  • The ornithomimids' beaked jaws were probably weak; it is thought that they may have been omnivorous, eating small animals and maybe some plant material.
  • Being the incurable stickybeak that I am, I went back thru the archives ’til I found the thread you mentioned. Cheeseburger Gothic » Newly renovated Ladies Lounge.
  • He fed sparrows and grosbeaks on a seed tray mounted on a pole to be visible from his windows.
  • They had little tigerish stripes on them, and distinctly longish beaks. Times, Sunday Times
  •  The bird's silky down began to coarsen and fray, and its beak began to harden and grow. Old Egg
  • They have a long red beak, which may be the first thing one sees of them, as it pokes out of the reeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The beaker was so greasy and filthy that I could not help turning round to the messman and saying, ‘Fellow, get me a glass!’ The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
  • Trim the tentacles to remove the hard beak. Times, Sunday Times
  • The red legs and beak give the bird a touch of style. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are plunged in a solution of ammonium chloride A, contained in a glass phial or beaker, which is closed to suppress evaporation. The Story of Electricity
  • Bath toys - a few cups or beakers for demonstrating how to pour will liven up bathtime.
  • The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak.
  • At 8: 00 Ember sat down at a cold desk in the back of a bright room full of chemicals and beakers.
  • Dolphins and porpoises are examples of odontocetes, as are belugas, narwhals, killer whales, sperm whales, and beaked whales.
  • Mecoptera: long-winged: neuropterous insects with similar, large, unfolded wings; mouth mandibulate, prolonged into a beak: head free; thorax agglutinated; transformations complete: the scorpion flies or Panorpidae. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The birds don't peck away the solid rock with their beaks. Secrets of the Soil
  • A herring gull with a crab claw in its beak stood on the harbour wall, observing me with pale, unfriendly eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Note the yogurt "mustaches" on the chicken's beak and above the dogs noses as well as all the lip-licking going on. La Gringa's Blogicito
  • Apart from the structure of the pelvis they characteristically had an additional bone at the front of the upper jaw, the predentary, which bore no teeth but acted like a beak for cropping vegetation.
  • They lose their yellow beak and are slightly spottier birds in winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bonxie surveyed me coldly, raising dark wings and issuing a harsh double croak from its hooked, halfopen beak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cyril has stuck his beak in controversy throughout his career.
  • Reddish-yellow; the head, apical joint of the intermediate tarsi, the apex of the posterior tibiæ, and the third and following segments of the abdomen black; the thorax and legs with a thin, short, pale fulvous pubescence; the head and abdomen smooth and shining; the head produced before the eyes into a kind of beak, rufo-piceous anteriorly. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Instead of beak-to-feet chicken parts, "yakitori" here refers to a wide range of grilled meats, seafood, and vegetables on skewers; our spongy fish balls were tasty, but the short ribs we tried to order were unavailable, as was Chicago Reader
  • They are looking for acorns, and can often be seen flying by with one in their beak. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the traditional chrono-topological sequence, short-necked forms follow the bell beakers, with the long-necked forms following still later.
  • Tanysiptera galatea, the common paradise-kingfisher, is an arresting bird with the unmistakably huge head and the trowel-like beak characteristic of kingfishers generally. The Song of The Dodo
  • Then he hooted twice, and began to roll it up to fit perfectly inside the little metal tube, careful not to put dents in the side from his beak.
  • Small, thin, birdlike, she wore a pair of pince-nez on her beaky nose. GOODBYE CURATE
  • The bow is long, and curves into a lofty stem, like that of a Roman galley, finished with a beak head, to secure the forestay of the mast. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • It was one inch long and made of paper-thin bone that globed above empty eyes and tapered at the front to a needle of beak. A Year on the Wing
  • Flower buds of the native forest trees, however, open in a progression over a six-month span, starting in April with poplars, willows, alders, and beaked hazel and ending in October with witch hazel.
  • All Morris has done is to give these unpersons an opportunity to demonstrate the fact that they'll do anything to get a chauffeured car, a Styrofoam beaker of tea and five minutes in the green room goofing out with others of their ilk.
  • A nestling's gape, or wide open beak, provides a stimulus to the parents to feed it.
  • It would just sit there, ruffle its clipped wing feathers and continue its neurotic seed shovelling and beak swinging.
  • I saw mockingbirds and bluebirds on my slow drive back, but grosbeaks, tanagers, kingbirds, and buntings are apparently not back yet.
  • Is my enjoyment of Picasso really illuminated, as Dr. Ramachandran claims, by ethologist Niko Tinbergen's demonstration that gull chicks prefer fake maternal beaks with too many stripes to the real thing? The Mind in the Mirror
  • Their bright red beak and legs will also get a bit duller. Times, Sunday Times
  • But its head resembled nothing more than a game bird's, with its pallid pimply skin and pronounced proboscis, or beak.
  • He also worked on virtually every form of vessel, large and small, from salts and cruets to beakers to candelabra, and from tureens to rose water sprinklers.
  • They're despurred and debeaked, but because of crowding and other stresses, they still find ways to harm each other.
  • He pulled down a clear bottle filled with a crystal clear liquid and poured it into a glass beaker while, at the same time, he poured a light blue bottle into the same jar.
  • The beaker in front of the first pitcher is a prize example of Anthony Rasch's New Orleans work, about 1825 to 1835.
  • Some, such as the oystercatchers, redshank and curlew, were still finding food by probing with their beaks. Country diary: Burghead, Moray
  • -- (Fig. 222.) Shell smooth, moderately inflated, thick, beaks prominent, lorsal margin depressed; anterior margin rounded, lunule anceolate. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Normally I would hop on a bus to get me back home, but this time I decide I'd walk, up the hills and down the valleys one day I'll get lucky (or buy the right equipment) The curlew is a bird that has captured my imagination since I was a child, we used to travel by bus each Thursday afternoon (along the road in the second picture) to school swimming lessons and from the bus I could see the curlews with their scythe like beaks striding through the rough pasture, they seemed very exotic to me. Uphilldowndale
  • The shoveller ducks are there, too fishing up with broad, flat beaks little crabs and such creatures as are in the mud, straining out mud and water, but swallowing the rest. Stories of California
  • To their left, under a dome of palms, was a marble basin, on the edges of which four large swans of delftware emitted the water from their beaks. Bel Ami
  • They are looking for acorns, and can often be seen flying by with one in their beak. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is an episode with everyone in beaky white masks that I didn't quite follow, and a jazz-dance divertissement.
  • He had lost his eyesight as well as the sharp edges of his beak so he was unable to forage for food. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last year the groos beak didnt arrive on time an Esther got werried and she got the big boid book, opened it to the grossbeak pichur and held it up to the winder calling fer them. Lolcat twin powers - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • It was black with a white bib, a red tail and an orange and yellow beak.
  • He sits there for a while, as if wondering whether or not to go back to bed, then opens his beak for an experimental chirrup.
  • He might have expected Chopin with a beak: lyrical cascades and liquid melodies that give its relative, the blackcap, the name "northern nightingale". Country diary: Paxton Pits, Cambridgeshire
  • Egg-laying hens are housed in 18-by - 24-inch cages with wire bottoms, often with their beaks removed, because mad chickens have been known to cannibalize each other.
  • The next morning, the salt had apparently vanished, but, of course, when Svetaketu sipped the water he found that the salt permeated the whole beakerful of liquid, even though it could not be seen. Buddha
  • With their hooked beaks they would scoop out small fish and algae and then gobble it up in a hurry.
  • The flower buds, many of which are still to be seen, are like long bird beaks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Watching thousands of these beaked, black-and-white sea birds as they convoy together and travel across blinding white landscapes might come across as a boring, repetitive sight.
  • It is believed that they captured prey with their retractable tentacles and passed it to their mouth where a beak-like jaw tore it into pieces.
  • They are swans with a great dash of yellow on the beak. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mother bird started to peck at me, but I dodged all the pecks and hit her beak with my mace.
  • 'Is father' ad a barrer, thet were what _'is_ father did for a livelihood, an '' is mother were up afore the beaks for poppin 'shirts what she'd took in to wash. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 26, 1891
  • Hence the name ‘crane's bill ’, so-called because of the plant's likeness to the bird's long, slender beak.
  • We saw hundreds, down to the detail of their banded beaks, as we coursed through the rafts of birds floating, I assume for comfort, till they comically bodysurfed and dived out of our way.
  • The chicks began growing wider, taller, more robust beaks similar to those of a nut - cracking finch.
  • A former fêtarde* myself and still a bit featherbrained from it I shake my head and cluck my tongue on hearing those birds, beaks-a-begging, try to get out of jail time by pleading with the French cops, swearing that they are merely scatterbrained and not at all soûlard! étourneau - French Word-A-Day
  • They included a pair of gold earrings, three copper knives, five beakers, two sets of flint tools, two stone archer's wristguards and a number of arrowheads.
  • The designs on Bronze Age metalwork and rock carvings show boats with a beak at the prow.
  • For both species, body size traits (in mm) included mean tarsus length, mean flattened wing chord, tail length, and culmen length (base of cere to tip of beak).
  • The imitations imply knowledge of imported origins and, in fact, the Divari tombs did contain Augustan-period beakers of Italian thin-walled ware.
  • Remove the tentacles, cut off and discard the hard beak at the base. Times, Sunday Times
  • Luckily for Clyde, the beaker had shattered between his sweatshirt and his scrub top. DO NO HARM
  • As many as 100,000 birds can live in each ‘henhouse’ Conditions are so psychologically taxing on the birds that they must be debeaked to prevent pecking injuries.
  • Their bright red beak and legs will also get a bit duller. Times, Sunday Times
  • These items included decanters, beakers, essence-bottles, cruets, wash-hand bowls, sweetmeat saucers, epergnes, vases, lemonade cups, ‘gugglets’, and ‘four elegant cut candlesticks enamel'd mosaik work very rich’.
  • Black oil sunflower seeds are relished by chickadees, evening grosbeaks, cardinals and finches, and are less attractive to non-native sparrows and starlings.
  • They are looking for acorns, and can often be seen flying by with one in their beak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arrow flipped under her and gave her a quick peck underneath her beak.
  • Descent with modification led to this--a clam in a beaker with a strip of elodea, me with a laser pointer and a sometimes functioning SMART Board. Mr. Clam goes to BHS
  • The birds all had black beaks, a sensitive external indicator of the absence of T in the plasma of starlings.
  • North Sea waves, he saw the sharp-beaked fighting galleys, and the sea-flung Northmen, great-muscled, deep-chested, sprung from the elements, men of sword and sweep, marauders and scourgers of the warm south-lands! CHAPTER 14
  • Mayor researched paleontological finds in the Gobi and discovered that some of the most abundant fossils there belong to Protocerotops, a beaked dinosaur.
  • The Pentamerida were biconvex with incurved beaks and were characterized by an internal muscle platform, the spondylium.
  • It is hard to know whether towing a diver a short distance does any harm to a suitably sized turtle, but I heard from one of my very warmwater Leaks some years ago of a diver losing a finger to the beak of a big, quick-headed turtle.
  • A clock ticked, the undrinkable coffee went cold in the plastic beaker.
  • They get much of their food by chasing gulls and making them drop what they have in their beak, and one might see them doing this. Times, Sunday Times
  • I laughed so much with both surprise and delight that I gladly relinquished the bread to gabbling beaks and they went on their way to steam-roller another 'insouciant' picnicker. Ame soeur - French Word-A-Day
  • A flower that goes on blooming is stork's-bill, with its small pink blossoms and beaked seed-pods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Between the prominent melon and the beak was a crease, which placed the species within a distinct subset of beaked whales - the bottlenoses.
  • Sonar initially generated concern when 16 rare and elusive beaked whales beached themselves in the Bahamas after the Navy used a mid-range sonar in March 2000.
  • Avicularia are small heterozooids in which the zooecium and operculum form a beak-like, snapping structure that deters small predators.
  • The hero, Roger, is a knight who rides a mythical animal, a hippogriff (a winged horse that has talons and the beak of a hawk).
  • I'd clearly missed the boat, but being a stickybeak I thought I'd take a peek inside anyway ahead of the official opening that night. | Top Stories
  • However, the rate of increase may finally be beginning to ease, as the beaker is almost full. An Ancient Time Frame
  • One of four species of vulture found in Europe, bearded vultures earned their name from a small tuft of dark feathers below their beaks.
  • Even within our own class, mammals, roughly 300 new species have been discovered in the first decade of this century—mostly rodents, but also marsupials, a beaked whale and a slew of primates.
  • The male bird has a red spot on its beak.
  • She leaned her head back, sent Anna a gentle look down the length of her beaky nose. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • Unfortunately for some, they bolt right into the beaks of waiting birds.
  • There was the vulture, a magnificent image of the bird, the fierce eyes glaring and the yellow beak hooked and spread wide, with each feather ointed. The Seventh Scroll
  • They are swans with a great dash of yellow on the beak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scattered here and there are isolated beaked skulls with testicles in the eye sockets and a penis rising from the forehead like a unicorn horn.
  • The lady at the neighbouring table, with wrinkled skin, a beaky nose and bulging eyes, swathed in netted black, cast her withering glance.
  • The ibis has an exotic air with its burgundy plumage and oddly curved beak.
  • Polynesia gave the short word of command; and like one bird those millions of parrots opened their red beaks and let out once more their terrifying battle-scream. The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle
  • On her face is a domino mask decorated to look like a bird's face and beak.
  • That means the nails curve at the ends, like a parrot's beak. The Sun
  • Cones from 10 to 17 cm. long, short-pedunculate, ovoid-conic; apophyses lustrous brown-ochre or fuscous brown, elevated into thick, often reflexed, beaks with obtuse mutic umbos; seeds with large nuts and adnate striated dark gray or fuscous brown wings. The Genus Pinus
  • Among birds that can be attracted in the summer are brown thrashers, catbirds, robins, thrushes, waxwings, woodpeckers, orioles, cardinals, towhees and grosbeaks.
  • The flageolet was the latest form of the treble, beak, or whistle head flute. Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
  • In September 2002, a group of beaked whales beached themselves in the Canary Islands.
  • Trim the tentacles to remove the hard beak. Times, Sunday Times
  • iz way kewl to has 2 oar moar o doze vidyoes going in fughetta; nawt Bach, but berry amyusink! phillipedbeaker says: Monorail Cat Rush Hour Service - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Home is an aviary, which is not sealed, where the 2-year-old that stands about 30 inches tall and measures about 48 to 56 inches from beak to tail lives with two peahens the female version of peafowl. Proud Escapee Turns Heads
  • So far, tantalizing reports of red and white-winged crossbills and pine grosbeaks remain just that: tantalizing, meaning just out of reach.
  • Their grey cheeks have turned white, and their triangular beak is striped with vivid red, yellow and blue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nestlings use this beak hook in lunging pecks and bites to the backs and heads of their siblings that result in scratches, bruises, and skin lesions.
  • It has a larger beak than the giant squid and has hooks on its tentacles.
  • Patience finally paid off as one hopped slowly, slowly towards me and I felt the peck of a tiny beak in my hand.
  • There were many more items - including beakers, boars' tusks, an antler spatula for working flints, another copper knife and more flints - these would have been tools, some in mint condition.
  • Its taste was foul, but it was cheap, and just a beakerful or two sufficed to ravage the drinker's brain to zombiedom. Hooting Yard
  • The three specimens showing the upper jaw all show a beak-like anterior end of the structure.
  • The immensely how to credit report malachias of protestant indie and unwarmed nuprin crevice were in the halfbeak plasticine. Rational Review
  • Sicklebills have evolved a long, curved beak used to probe for insects in thick moss and tree bark.
  • The doors of Kirribilli House, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's official Sydney home and neighbouring Admiralty House, the governor-general's Sydney home were thrown open to the public for a bit of a stickybeak. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • The volume they get from this sharp rapping of beak against tree is astonishing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, our hypothesis suggests that halfbeaks are relatively basal members of Beloniformes, and the needlefish morphology is relatively derived.
  • We first noticed a beak peeping out from behind one of the beams and before we knew it the bird had tried to fly from the nest.
  • All heteropterans have a beak-like mouth (rostrum) that originates at the anterior tip of the head and lies posteriorly underneath the body when not in use. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • Instead of getting a smooth emulsion, what they have got is a beaker full of clearly separated layers of immiscible liquid.
  • At the far northern end of the beach we come across a dead fulmar and marvel at the size and ferocity of its beak. Wildwood
  • When I was in high school, I was hired to debeak some chickens that were “floor birds”, in a very large barn loose without cages. Think Progress » House Conservatives: $2 For Workers, But Only If Paris Gets Millions
  • On the various shelves were set items of laboratory equipment: retorts, beakers, distilling tubes and burners.
  • His eyes are invariably shown as hazel in colour and widely set apart; his hair heavy, curled, and falling to his shoulders; his lips very full, his nose large and "beaked," and his brow, or "great head," of unusual height and breadth. Shakespeare's Lost Years in London, 1586-1592
  • The former, called by the Chilenos "el Turco," is as large as a fieldfare, to which bird it has some alliance; but its legs are much longer, tail shorter, and beak stronger: its colour is a reddish brown. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • The beakers pictured are a limited edition, made from silver and 18-carat gold.
  • They have long beaks for probing nectaries, extended by even longer tongues. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • There are 100Hevi-Shot No. 2 pellets, fired from a 3½-inch 12-gauge load, in the estimated 30-inch circle I drew around the densest part of this pattern (I used the scoter for scale; they average 19 inches long from beak to tail). The Ultimate Guide to Patterning Your Shotgun for Waterfowl
  • Having pinpointed the exact location, the bird goes in for the kill with an elaborate maneuver, kicking its legs out from under its wings and jackhammering its beak a few centimeters into the soil to nab its wriggling breakfast.
  • Mr Golightly returned his gaze to the mire where a curlew had alighted and was delicately foraging with its long curved beak. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Some people are having a hard time dealing with its intimations of bad luck; the magpie is oblivious, its wings fully flung as if about to leap into flight, its beak dark and glittery, unaware it’s an omen of any kind. September « 2006 « Squares of Wheat
  • The male and female greet each other at the nest by making a loud clattering with their beaks. Times, Sunday Times
  • By coincidence, I saw my first Rose-breasted grosbeak of the season just yesterday, but it was the relatively drab female. Waldo Jaquith - Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.
  • The dromaesaur had a long, beak-like snout; small widely spaced teeth; and a long tail.
  • Less than a year ago, veteran searchers seeking signs of the kokako unsuccessfully searched a valley east of Puysegur Point in Fiordland National Park for signs of the grey bird with orange wattles at each side of the beak. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Also the jabberwockies, this huge beak, I’ve never seen a jabberwocky done before. Interview: Nick Willing and Caterina Scorsone of Alice - Pink
  • It can be recognised by its distinctive yellow markings around the beak and bells on its leg.
  • One of the most common deformities after rhinoplasty is called polly beak - as in parrot nose. Best Syndication -
  • All of them, including people, are carved in the same beautiful but grotesque style, with beaks, staring eyes, outspread wings and gaping jaws.
  • They are medium-sized brown waders with a long, reddish beak and orange legs. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is Mrs Tishell, the biggest stickybeak in Portwenn. | Top Stories
  • The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak.
  • The sides of their beaks are noticeably yellow. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he would quench his thirst, he disdains to apply the earth-born beaker to his lips, but lets the water fall into his solemn swallow from on high, -- a pleasant feat to see, and one which, like a whirling dervis, diverts you by its agility, while it impresses you by its devotion. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • When a tui or a bellbird pops open a bud, all four petals spring back, and as the bird inserts its beak into the corolla to drink nectar, its head often brushes pollen onto the receptive stigma.
  • Presumably you would have to be hauled before the beak and convicted of something before your licence was revoked.
  • It is often first noticed when a very long red beak pokes out from the reeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • It begins with what is called the gapes; that is, the fowl, being unable to breathe through its nostrils, keeps its beak open, with a kind of convulsive yawn; the eyelids then become swelled and close, and there is an offensive discharge from the nostrils. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • I had realised some time ago, after completing my sixth novel, The Juicy Beaks, that I wasn't much of a writer.
  • There is a juv Black-headed Grosbeak on my feeder. Liza Lee Miller
  • There were lots of snakelike creatures, some roundish things as prickly as hedgehogs and some notable beaks and pincers as well as possibly a stinger or two.
  • These birds have heavy beaks with a distinct hook at the end.
  • Birds were chattering from the eaves, and she could hear the clip of the swallows 'beaks as they caught the last insects of the day. Excerpt: Grass For His Pillow by Lian Hearn
  • Here, with the larks, are several curious birds, including the crossbeaks of Europe, the grosbeak of the South Sea Islands, the plant cutters of South America, and the colies of India and the Cape, that sleep in companies each suspended by one foot. How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
  • I needed to pick up an extra pair of binoculars from him, and he also showed me pictures from his recent trip to the Valley… Elegant Trogon, Crimson-collared Grosbeak, ani, jays, etc.
  • Over the years whalers have reported finding a high number of large squid beaks in the mammals' stomachs, pegging sperm whales as primary predators of large squid.
  • The sight that had arrested their attention was hundreds of the smaller squacco herons, standing-long necks curved into an S and long beaks poised to stab at fish-on nearly every single one of the sturdy lily pads that surrounded each fragrant blooming white flower. The Plains of Passage
  • The sky is full of starlings flying fast and direct to their nest with food in their beak for their young. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had a stickybeak around the LJ archives, discovered that I didn't have to have a paid account to set up a community I'm a cheapskate, aren't I? so I set up the community: Done!
  • McLean resigned as a director of the club on Thursday, a move which spares him an appearance before the beaks at Hampden as he has still to be held to account for an incident involving a BBC reporter.
  • And because there's also a ban on juice cartons and glass bottles, children bring drinks to school in reusable beakers ever day.
  • The rich browns, purples and blues of the beak, cheek and eye, all worked into a froth of white, end with the severing of that rather swanlike neck.
  • As a trombone player pulls in the slide to make a higher frequency sound by reducing the volume of the tube, so does a bird open its beak and pull back its head to reduce the volume of its vocal tract.
  • Their bright red beak and legs will also get a bit duller. Times, Sunday Times
  • In any case, Lucy's claims that she'd escaped detection for three years in cramped quarters occupied by 450 men, where the toilets were a couple of open-air perches at the ship's beakhead, and where the regulations of the day required all Marines to strip, bathe, and dress in the presence of a commanding officer responsible for checking frequently on their physical condition, were patently ridiculous. Countdown
  • The upper and the lower jaws were certainly covered with horny beaks in life, like the beak in turtles and, it can be assumed, in the Triassic rhynchosaurs.
  • The flower buds, many of which are still to be seen, are like long bird beaks. Times, Sunday Times
  • A cephalopod is also characterized by a horny beak secreted by the walls of the buccal cavity, and a radula within the buccal cavity.
  • It also has a tiny beak with a large gape, surrounded by stiff feathers called rictal bristles, which help the bird catch its aerial prey.
  • The beak is smoth, black, convex and cultrated; one and 1/8 inches from the point to the opening of the chaps and 3/4 only uncovered with feathers; the upper chap exceeds the other a little in length. Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

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