
How To Use Be well In A Sentence

  • He urged booksellers to cooperate to form a nationwide chain of ecumenical book outlets that would be well-funded and professionally run.
  • Though a lie be well dressd, it is ever overcome. 
  • The gorillas 'behaviour has strong similarities to the children's game tag, but is perhaps more like a playful exchange of punches that must be well-judged to ensure it does not escalate into a more serious fight. Gorillas learn about injustice and revenge by playing tag
  • Phyllotaxis, which need not be entered into fully here; but in order the better to estimate the teratological changes which take place, it may be well to allude to the following circumstances relating to the alternation of parts. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • In some things it may be well that emotion is greater than logic; but emotion _in logic_ is sad to contend with, sad even to contemplate -- and such is too often the reasoning of the untrained woman. Public Speaking
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  • I congratulated her on taking part in your elocution lessons, and she said you were helping them to be well-spoken tabloid editors. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • The clinician must be well-attuned to the patient when the patient may be in the process of reconstructing schemas, thinking dialectically, recognizing paradox and generating a revised life narrative.
  • The tunnel would be well - ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea - level.
  • Any scholar wishing to understand the future lawmaking challenges facing this African state would be well-advised to read this book.
  • He has been gelded over the winter and could easily be well ahead of the handicapper. The Sun
  • Without him we'd be well and truly sunk.
  • The tunnel would be well - ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea - level.
  • According to the sailor, any animal, whatever it was, would be a lawful prize, and the rodents or carnivora which might get into the new snares would be well received at Granite House. The Mysterious Island
  • Good drainage is essential so the soil should be well prepped. Globe and Mail
  • [146] Johnson's observations on Addison's writings may be well applied to those of Cicero, who would have been eminently successful in short miscellaneous essays, like those of the Spectator, had the manners of the age allowed it. Historical Sketches, Volume I (of 3) The Turks in Their Relation to Europe; Marcus Tullius Cicero; Apollonius of Tyana; Primitive Christianity
  • Greg, that if my father were to tell me that he had changed his mind, and paid your brother's debts out of sheer kindness and uncleship, and the rest of it, I should be well pleased. Ralph the Heir
  • If two leggers are respectful and properly admiring of us for the exotic, superior beings that we are, then we will always be well behaved in return.
  • The glass should be well "bedded" down to the sash bar, in putty containing a portion of white lead, and well secured with small iron nails or glaziers points. Woodward's Graperies and Horticultural Buildings
  • And dammit we don't need to do that to be well armed or be the baddest so-and-so in the valley.
  • Will be well hung in any home. The Sun
  • If matters then be thus put to rights, it will be well; but otherwise burn it, taking care not to touch the place with the iron, but bringing it close so as to dry it up, and apply the flos aeris in the urine. On Hemorrhoids
  • They are likely to be well disposed to an offer of a separate peace deal.
  • And fuzzy control can be well adapted to parameter variation while the steady-state error is inevitable.
  • I'm anxious that he should be well cared for.
  • Once you have found your colour match you will be well on your way to flawless skin. The Sun
  • It was reasoned that this would eliminate lengthy carrier qualification trials as well as providing the Marines with a hard-hitting fighter-bomber that would be well suited to their operational doctrine.
  • So writers would be well advised to take separate advice on the legal position there.
  • Signs of progress are likely to be well received by investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • By which means it is, yet by my courtesy, that scarce any kind of men live more voluptuously or with less trouble; as believing that Christ will be well enough pleased if in their mystical and almost mimical pontificality, ceremonies, titles of holiness and the like, and blessing and cursing, they play the parts of bishops. In Praise of Folly
  • We'd be well rid of the party they supported, but not of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The defendants in the case will be well aware that those who defraud the government of a dollar can be made to pay back three dollars. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tough executives are tacitly understood to be well kempt on the outside, whilst inwardly crumbling, decaying, turning to sludge.
  • There are also some bloggers listed below who may be well-known yet but should be on your radar. Christianity Today
  • I want my email program to be well-behaved, and reasonably secure from the outset.
  • A wide variety of seating, carrels or workstations, and generous tabletops must be well distributed throughout the library, close to research materials, as well as gathered in larger reading rooms.
  • She went on to say that Obama should welcome progressive forces "to counter the establishment forces in this country" and that "he would be well advised in this next period to remobilize a base that he demobilized in favor of an inside-the-Washington-beltway governance, because he's going to need us. Joe Scarborough, Katrina vanden Heuvel Clash Over Obama (VIDEO)
  • If you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue. 
  • We were actively patrolling throughout our area and seemed to be well respected by all sides. Broken Lives
  • All sorts of music will be well represented at the festival, including concerts of Irish folk music, jazz, Parisian chansons and brass bands.
  • Though a lie be well dressd, it is ever overcome. 
  • It will soon be well known that the surest way to inflict pain upon you is to extol the excellences or to dwell on the happiness of others, and your failings will be considered an amusing subject for jesting observation to experimentalize upon. The Young Lady's Mentor A Guide to the Formation of Character. In a Series of Letters to Her Unknown Friends
  • That girl P'ing Erh," she exclaimed, "has gone mad, and if this hussey does in real earnest wish to try and get the upper hand of me, it would be well for you to mind your skin. Hung Lou Meng, Book I Or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel in Two Books
  • The band will soon be releasing a live album, which will be well worth the investment.
  • Wherefore sithence we are committed vnto your charge, you ought in no wise to forsake vs. Then he said: all shalbe well. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Many Hindu swamis advise followers to be well-established vegetarians prior to initiation into mantra, and to remain vegetarian thereafter.
  • The area will be well signposted and tour guides will assist members of the public.
  • When he has the natural parts of the globe well fix’d in his memory, it may then be time to begin arithmetick. Some Thoughts Concerning Education. Sections 171-180
  • He weights about 260 pounds, so the actor playing this part will need to be well padded and made up with prosthetics as he is required to be only 170 pounds in Act Two.
  • Later, after regaining his reason, Quentin worries for Tracy's safety, but she assures him that all will be well.
  • It will be well-nigh impossible to raise that amount of money.
  • It is not that they can not be well integrated even when career opportunities are quite different for them.
  • Such things are no doubt very excellent, but they do not promote intensity of feeling, fervour of mind; and as art is in itself an outcry against the animality of human existence, it would be well that the life of the artist should be a practical protest against the so-called decencies of life; and he can best protest by frequenting a tavern and cutting his club. Confessions of a Young Man
  • The lawn should be well rolled.
  • They'd be well advised to acquire at least a bassist and drummer before they show their faces round here again.
  • Indeed, the new contradictions not only affected the conception of set and logical concepts, they also came to include the notion of definability and its relation with a fundamental issue: the structure of the mathematical continuum and in particular whether the continuum can be well-ordered and whether Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis (CH) holds. Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
  • They have the resources — both external and internal — to be well-satisfied by such a course. New Fiction
  • the population seemed to be well fed and clothed
  • The tunnel would be well - ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea - level.
  • It is a comely thing even for a saint to be well-clothed about with humility, and the deepest valley is safer and seemlier walking for a lame man than the mountain-top; and so on, till Rutherford admitted that Robert Gordon's warnings were neither impertinent nor untimeous. Samuel Rutherford
  • Should anyone require, however, to pass through the district, he must first of all be locked securely in a cowshed beyond the limits of the village, and there his clothes must be well smoked ( 'fumigated' they call it), and he himself well doused in a ducking-tub, and if he has any coin about him it must be rubbed with ashes, which life-imperilling occupation will be duly attended to by the local gipsies. The Day of Wrath
  • At times the book is overly laden with abstractions, but having squatted in refugee camps and watched Los Federales hunt down wetbacks, I felt it to be well anchored.
  • Briant sent word back to King Claudas that Messire Gawain and Messire Ywain began to hold them aloof from the court, and that as for most part of the other he need not trouble him a whit, for he might so deal as that in short time Lancelot should be well trounced, would they or nould they. The High History of the Holy Graal
  • You would be well advised to consult an accountant.
  • It all seems like a colossal waste of time and money which could be well spent elsewhere in the beef sector.
  • it would be well to start early
  • The loaf should be well risen and springy to touch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The outlay would be well worth while in terms of the publicity featuring all the hotel's celebrity guests.
  • Public designations must be well placed and located even when displaying flower wreaths at the mortuary.
  • Industrial exhaust must be well treated.
  • But to come home and be well-received is fantastic. The Sun
  • If you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue. 
  • They tend to be well informed and access data efficiently, they are mindful of special interests, distrustful of governments and disinclined to defer to the opinion of experts who they do not hold in any special awe.
  • I congratulated her on taking part in your elocution lessons, and she said you were helping them to be well-spoken tabloid editors. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • The subject of pasture management is huge and you would be well advised to learn all you can. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • If you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue. 
  • I'm no purist, but I think if you're going to parody the greatest writer in the English language, your takeoff should at least be well written, and stay a lot closer to the form that inspired it.
  • `Strange how I never inferred from their writing that these journalists would be well-spoken. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • Ther cut they out a trenche, broade and diepe enoughe to sette vp another lytle tent in: so that the toppe of the tent maye be well within the grounde. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • The mistake I made was to use the word 'obscurantism' for the common tendency among Orthodox to hold, in my words, that "nothing can be well studied while prescinding from divine revelation. Ever ancient, ever new...arguments
  • I'm going to bed and you would be well advised to do likewise.
  • The southeastern portion of the island of Newfoundland, as may be seen by a glance at the map, may be well described by that expressive epithet of "nook-shotten," which in Shakspeare is applied to the mother-island of which it is a dependent. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 2, No. 14, December 1858
  • Nor should it be forgotten, that in order to be in thorough efficiency the horses must not only be well fed and in good condition, but at the same time so seasoned by toil that they will go through their work without the risk of becoming broken-winded. The Cavalry General
  • Water tanks should be well lagged and the roof well insulated.
  • It all seems to be well put together too, with solid construction and good fit and finish.
  • All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. 
  • The annual premium can be a little steep, but will be well worth it if your dog is injured.
  • I'm going to bed and you would be well advised to do likewise.
  • Their time would be well spent on real distractors and discourtesies, like this one, things that really do get in the way of understanding.
  • Today, the discriminating traveller will still be well rewarded by a summer holiday in this area.
  • C Judicial and prosectorial capacity is also limited in Ghana and would be well served by additional training opportunities. The Guardian World News
  • Visions of blue and white delftware passed through our minds as we entered the old town, which hardly looks as though worldly automobilists would be well received. The Automobilist Abroad
  • The word wassail comes from the Anglo-Saxon greeting waes hael, which meant “be well.” Christmas Feast
  • And now this is the last word: here is a horn of oliphant which thou shalt wear about thy neck, Birdalone; and if thou be sore bestead, or thy heart faileth thee, blow in it, yet not before the onfall; and then, whether thou blow much or little, thou shalt be well holpen. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Special guest will be well-known celebrity Fifi the Clown.
  • These would be well-meaning and concerned oiks.
  • You need to be well organised and flexible to ensure that you meet your deadlines and have good communication skills, as you will be liaising with both guests and suppliers.
  • The line does seem to be well patronized which is good news. Canada Line delivers a smooth ride « Stephen Rees's blog
  • It need not be so thick you could cut it with a knife, but it should be well on the way.
  • He urged booksellers to cooperate to form a nationwide chain of ecumenical book outlets that would be well-funded and professionally run.
  • You'll want to be well-rested for a night of New Year's Eve reveling.
  • All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. 
  • He would be well advised not to look so grumpy when he's being doorstepped. Damp Squib
  • Using the 193 nm scanner and advanced etch tool Lam 2300 depth uniformity can be well controlled.
  • If you use the green code consistently the idea should be well rooted by the time they go to school.
  • Buy-to-let investors would be well advised to take such demographic changes into account. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he'll probably be well chastened, I suppose.
  • The annual premium can be a little steep, but will be well worth it if your dog is injured. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • Many, according to the professor, were taken to the doctor because of an unusual or unexplained event reported by a carer such as turning blue, but on observation were found to be well.
  • It is undeniably true that a good chef must be well versed in all areas of the kitchen, including the bakeshop.
  • Be well, do good work, and keep in touch. Garrison Keillor 
  • Investors will get something back but it is likely to be well below that of their initial investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. 
  • If you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue. 
  • Charlie answered, laughing; ‘we young scamps must be well-content with coarser stuff than thou wouldst have.’ Lorna Doone
  • Some teachers will believe so, particularly since it seems to be well founded on experimental findings.
  • I think Howard's much vaunted political antennae may be well out of tune on this one.
  • Their time would be well spent on real distractors and discourtesies, like this one, things that really do get in the way of understanding.
  • Untinned copper is traditionally used in ‘preserving pans’ for making jam, which should be well scoured before use.
  • Though a lie be well dressd, it is ever overcome. 
  • Note, Those who have been sharers with each other in afflictions and mercies, dangers and deliverances, ought in consideration thereof to unite for their joint and mutual safety and protection; and it is likely to be well with the church when Ephraim and Judah are one against the Philistines. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • You would be well advised to pay attention to what happened next. The Sun
  • A good workhorse, it was always said, should be well put together with powerful haunches as well as being short-coupled, which meant it must have a short back from withers to tail head.
  • We lay up in the stuffy, sweltering heat of the wood all afternoon, listening to the incessant thunder of the cannonading; one consolation was the regular crash of the artillery salvoes, which indicated that Wheeler's gunners were making good practice, and must still be well stocked with powder and shot. Fiancée
  • If the child continues to be "catarrhal," despite a course of this treatment, it would be well to investigate whether any adenoids or adenoid tissue exist in the naso-pharynx. The Eugenic Marriage, Volume IV. (of IV.) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
  • I congratulated her on taking part in your elocution lessons, and she said you were helping them to be well-spoken tabloid editors. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • This weekend it will be well worth going out to look for painted lady butterflies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Space skills will be valuable and firms and people with experience on the Moon will be well able to help develop cislunar and Martian systems.
  • It may be well here to clothe the Latin words of the Pope and the assembled Bishops in an English dress. The Purpose of the Papacy
  • The defendants in the case will be well aware that those who defraud the government of a dollar can be made to pay back three dollars. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be well fit and healthy one does not need to take energy drinks or anything but a healthy diet and maybe a multivitamin caplet everyday. Athletes, Superheroes, and Doping
  • If you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue. 
  • It will be well to note that the two shells of an oyster, which are called _valves_, are held together by a single muscle, known as the _adductor muscle_, that lies near the center, and that this muscle must be cut before the shell will open readily. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 3: Soup; Meat; Poultry and Game; Fish and Shell Fish
  • A glance at a map shows the woodchat to be well distributed as a summer visitor in much of Europe.
  • Poor Mayor Collins must be well and truly dazzled by now from the glare of paparazzi camera flashes.
  • Though a lie be well drest, it is ever overcome. 
  • Shareholders would be well advised to vote against the takeover. Times, Sunday Times
  • Migliore was clearly eager to convey the message that all would now be well, according to Orr.
  • And now this is the last word: here is a horn of oliphant which thou shalt wear about thy neck, Birdalone; and if thou be sore bestead, or thy heart faileth thee, blow in it, yet not before the onfall; and then, whether thou blow much or little, thou shalt be well holpen. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Book festival audiences are inclined to be well disposed towards the writers they come to hear.
  • She is feeling despair and needs to be well so that she no longer feels so depressed. Christianity Today
  • They worship a great force, an entity, which could probably be well likened to Mother Nature.
  • The claim must be well grounded in fact.
  • But she would be well qualified for a judging gig after two No1 singles and a pair of chart-topping albums. The Sun
  • Technical difficulties without number also exist: the most literal accuracy, which is indispensable -- the artful inuendoes, the artistical averments, which are necessary, correctly to shape the charge ere it is submitted to the grand jury, may be well conceived to involve many niceties and refinements, on which the case may easily be wrecked. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 339, January, 1844
  • When she was ready to go up to Muro, she knew that without those letters life in such a solitude would be well nigh unsupportable, whereas, being able to look forward to them, and to answering them, her hours of idleness were already a foretasted pleasure. Taquisara
  • My father would always be well fed, and his spirit would soar.
  • It follows, that the desire to be well must be excited simultaneously with any principle which shall be merely a modification of combativeness, but in the case of that something which I term perverseness, the desire to be well is not only not aroused, but a strongly antagonistical sentiment exists. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 2
  • Selfishly, I have to admit that my fourth of fifth thought, after hearing the lamentable news, was regret that it is unlikely he will be well enough soon enough to campaign for John Kerry.
  • It would be well to describe an actual class I attended in Vienna.
  • A man at first, perhaps, feels a kind of grudging and uneasiness all over his body, a deadness upon his stomach, and a drowsiness upon his senses, and he cannot well tell what he ails; but after a few days these uncertain beginnings come to rage in a burning fever, or to strike him with an apoplex; and then it appears what those symptoms foreboded and tended to all along; and the great question now is, not when or how soon the man shall recover and be well, but whether or no he shall live. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • You'd be well-served in bookmarking and coming back to it. Archive 2008-06-01
  • She's lyin 'abed, and so far from bein' well that she'll never be well again. The Hills of the Shatemuc
  • And now this is the last word: here is a horn of oliphant which thou shalt wear about thy neck, Birdalone; and if thou be sore bestead, or thy heart faileth thee, blow in it, yet not before the onfall; and then, whether thou blow much or little, thou shalt be well holpen. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • The chemical fertilizer should be well dug in.
  • If Hannah were alive now, she would be well employed in writing appeals for animal shelters and Help the Aged.
  • Glugg, geminally about caps or puds or tog bags or bog gats or chuting rudskin gunerally or something, until they adumbrace a pattern of somebody else or other, after which they are both car-ried off the set and brought home to be well soaped, sponged and scrubbed again by Finnegans Wake
  • She said she'd really, really vibe well with a god/goddess who might be prepared to sing this back for her.
  • How can the Minister assure us that that board will be well representative of the profession, and that its members will not simply be the Government's lapdogs.
  • Perhaps contrary to expectations, I'm quite a fan of red meat: it appears to have been a constituent of the human diet for hundreds of thousands of years, and is therefore something we're likely to be well adapted to.
  • Saturday, June 21, 2008 another obit of note • Cody's Books in Berkley closes on June 20th after 52 years. rubbernecking • for those of us who are curious, here's a first hand account of a brand new Kindle and its owner from the Common Craft. off topic • I put a water bottle dohicky on my bike yesterday, so when I die from a heart attack I will be well hydrated. Bibliophile Bullpen
  • Tomatoes should be well established but need their first tie to canes. The Sun
  • “And aha, Mr. Butler,” rejoined Bartoline, upon whom, as may be well supposed, the jest was lost, and all but the sound of the words, “ye said a gliff syne it was quivis, and now I heard ye say cuivis with my ain ears, as plain as ever I heard a word at the fore-bar.” The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • In robot hand systems, the force and torque should be well distributed and applied by the fingers in order to grasp and manipulate the object dexterously .
  • The swellings which arise in the ham, at the foot, or in any other part from the pressure, should be well wrapped in unscoured and carded wool, washed with wine and oil, and anointed with cerate, before bandaging; and if the splints give pain they should be slackened. On Fractures
  • Breeders working to a business plan who market themselves well and who keep abreast of developments in the industry, will be well recompensed for their efforts.
  • Even if I ran out of gas, I'd simply coast back down to Harbourville, where I know I'd be well taken care of.
  • Though a lie be well drest, it is ever overcome. 
  • The tunnel would be well - ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea - level.
  • Active cases must be well isolated so that disease free horses can not come anywhere near infected cases.
  • Though a lie be well drest, it is ever overcome. 
  • But he would be well advised to think hard about going to Villa Park based on this meek surrender. The Sun
  • By now anyone diving on air will be well into decompression, and anyone diving on nitrox will be at their no-stop time.
  • Dhumraketsu on Sep 13, 2008 well … cowboy bebop is actually the only anime i would like to see in a live-action medium. the film noir/spaghetti western/bruce lee meets sci-fi background could all be well translated to film, considering that's where they come from! granted we need the right producer and director and cast. Fox Developing Cowboy Bebop Live-Action Feature Film! «
  • After acceptance speech, President Obama will be well positioned to authorize a disclosure announcement.
  • This is essential listening for guitarists, but fans of left-of-centre music would be well advised to also tune in.
  • The claim must be well grounded in fact.
  • Bearing in mind, then, that the term convent has to do with a corporation of men or women united into an organized society, and that the term monastery can strictly be applied only to the buildings -- the _domus_, in which that society has its home -- it will be well at starting that we should endeavour to gain some notion of the general plan of these buildings first, and when we have done that that we should proceed to deal next with the constitution of the society itself and the daily routine of conventual life. The Coming of the Friars
  • One of the charms of How to Be Well-Versed in Poetry is that it has something for readers at all levels — from beginners to scholars who want to refresh their memories of what a nonet or tanka is. E.O. Parrott’s Witty Guide to the Different Kinds of Poetry « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • They both need to be well organised and complement each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Glycogen stores usually deplete within a couple of days, so 12 days ought to be well beyond the time that the body should have solidly turned to gluconeogenesis for providing blood sugar and fat for providing fuel. 6-Week Cure blog idea | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • A student able to write about the poem in this style would be well on the way to wielding the tools of the trade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Properly understood, then, the desire by unbaptized persons to receive communion may not be well served by the rush to immediate gratification.
  • You would be well-advised to accept his offer.
  • By the definition followed here (and often followed by others), all such behavior is neither rational nor irrational but of a third kind, the pre-rational if one wishes, or normative (goal-formation or clarification), because if goals do not exist or are to a significant extent in flux, means typically cannot be well chosen. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • In making up these recipes, it will be well to note that unless the variety of cheese is stated explicitly, use should be made of American Cheddar cheese, or, as it is often called, _American cream cheese_, or _store cheese_. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 2: Milk, Butter and Cheese; Eggs; Vegetables
  • Cook's beginnings in 1841, as an organizer of temperance excursions on English Midland railroads, may be well known.
  • The computer maker warned early this month that its quarterly earnings would be well below analysts' expectations.
  • I expect this article to be well rated, simply because it is a well expectorated article. Think Diouf is vile? Listen to the fans | Kevin McKenna
  • I'm not expected to be well-educated on modern politics and current events.
  • If we can get that grant from the local authority, we'll be well away.
  • The tip is to be well researched and haggle hard. Times, Sunday Times
  • May I wish that all Jacks shall have Jills,all shall be well.
  • The seasoned fighter would be well aware of this and would take precautionary counter-measures.
  • Workers who depend on the good graces of their employers (regardless of their claims to be well intentioned) are ultimately vulnerable to economic downswings and outright exploitation.
  • Though a lie be well dressd, it is ever overcome. 
  • -- All the wooden parts of an outdoor track should be well creosoted before use. Things To Make
  • An educated person would be expected to be well versed in both natural science and the humanities.
  • Procure therefore, I pray you, that the most holy and religious man that is to be found (if there bee any one at all) may come unto me, and referre the case then to me, for I will deale in such sort for you and my selfe, that all shall be well, and you no way discontented. The Decameron
  • All shall be well, Jack shall have Gill [Jill]. 
  • We expect that the revised structure, which increases our own race planning options and choices for owners and trainers, will be well received.

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