How To Use Be known as In A Sentence

  • For example, spending problems began to be evident in the early years of the Roman Empire, and they became huge in the third century C.E. Perhaps as early as the third century B.C.E., Rome began minting a gold coin that came to be known as the aureus. News
  • Work is under way at Summerlin Avenue and South Street on a $30 million, seven-story building that will be known as the GAI Building. SplicedFeed
  • The two leading cases on so-called surreptitious entry, or what have come to be known as “sneak and peek” searches, came to very similar conclusions…. Using the Drug "War" to Expand Government Power
  • Because many books were robbed of steel engravings to put into Granger's history, such mutilation came to be known as grangerizing.
  • Around 1850, these started to be known as antimacassars.
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  • The claim that there is a key diachronic element to the justification of memory belief has come to be known as preservationism. Epistemological Problems of Memory
  • This design came to be known as the Oriental style.
  • He wanted to be known as madder than Michael, as even more frightening. Maura's Game
  • And Paris, who already has trouble -- we have trouble sometimes figuring out who she is, or what she is, other than a "celebutante", the last thing she needs to be known as, forever, is a convict. CNN Transcript May 16, 2007
  • The group pioneered a new style of heavy rock, that came to be known as thrash metal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The monarch would nevertheless continue to be known as King, regardless of gender.
  • It was not until the streak following the Women's British Open that Ochoa began to be known as the dominator she now is. SportsFan
  • But three in ten failed to complain as they didn't want to be known as a troublemaker. The Sun
  • We suggested that these cases should be known as miners' elbow and knee symptom-complex.
  • You will be known as a turncoat who supported York. The Red Queen
  • It used to be known as altitude sickness or tropical sickness, but it seems to be more and more prevalent.
  • Intelligible extension, then, is just the idea of geometrical extension and its properties, or what in the seventeenth-century came to be known as the ˜primary qualities.™ Malebranche's Theory of Ideas and Vision in God
  • Wisdom is then knowledge of these two forms, which are studied by the four sciences, which will later be known as the quadrivium: arithmetic, music, geometry and astronomy. Pythagoreanism
  • In theory, what came to be known as the Gulag was a system of forced labor rather than a death machine. The World Of The Gulag
  • For the next 60 days, it will be known as Pom Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, Pa. Marshall Fine: Morgan Spurlock: Mr. Product Placement
  • - to whom, when sickened with the praises of all other men, I could daily betake myself, and be known as the vilest of all sinners, methinks my soul might keep itself alive thereby.
  • That was all before the area, rightly or wrongly, came to be known as a hard and dangerous place.
  • The paper laid the basis for describing one of the two categories of the elementary particles that make up an atom - one was boson, and the other came to be known as fermion, after the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi. IBN Top Headlines
  • Such lines between operators have come to be known as _trunk lines_, because of the obvious analogy to trunk lines of railways between common centers, and such a system of telephone lines may be called a Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
  • a son or a daughter the child might be called Manya, and the father would henceforth be known as Pan-Manya. Negritos of Zambales
  • If not, we can assume that the highly effective lobby that used to be known as the beerage is up to its old tricks. New Statesman
  • The priest shall be known as a Postulant until his reception into the Fraternity.
  • Epicycles worked on paper, sort of, but they did a much better job at keeping astronomers respectable and their models intact than at describing the actual movements of heavenly bodies; they have come to be known as the epitome of bad science. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • The Apis bull, a sacred animal to the Egyptians, came to be known as the incarnation of Osiris, god of embalming and cemeteries.
  • Get it yet; she did not want to be judged on her own name and merits; she wanted to be known as the handmaiden of slick Willie. Video: Obama's South Carolina Victory Speech
  • Just as Coons doesn't want to be known as a bearded Marxist, O'Donnell would rather not be known for witchcraft. Michael Fertik: Witches, Marxism and Mental Anguish -- That's a Spicy Senatorial Search Result!
  • One of her new acquaintances was Mrs. Rayner Mann, a lady who desired to be known as the patroness of young people aiming at success on the stage or as musicians. The Whirlpool
  • Combined with what the late Ernest Mandel called "extra-economic" factors (such as pliant labor leadership and peaceful trade unionism, establishment of the Bretton Woods international monetary system, Cold War ideology and the suppression or pacification of any possible dissent, and relative decline in the price of oil and other raw materials in the immediate post-WW II period), the New Deal and other government-sponsored reforms ushered in a period of rapid economic expansion that came to be known as the "golden years of US capitalism," which lasted until around 1970. CounterPunch
  • So the system came to be known as equable marketing. Discourses On Salt and Iron
  • But the most deadly blow was the constitution of a subsidiary government, to be known as Illyria, by the surrender directly to The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte Vol. III. (of IV.)
  • What used to be known as clickstream data now has a real time element and a location based element. What's Your Age in "Web" Years? - Steve Rosenbaum - MediaBizBloggers
  • Within 18 months, the casino, which will be known as Resorts World New York, will have 4,525 machines, two restaurants and a skybridge connecting it to the A train's stop at the Aqueduct. Casino Plan Clears Final Hurdle
  • We are proud to present the first quadrennial awards, to be known as Lexingtons, for outstanding contributions to primary elections.
  • Though Farrah will always be known as a trendsetter, there are some other mane attractions. Undefined
  • A £16.1m dam will hold back a 2.6-mile-long artificial lake to be known as the Roadford Reservoir.
  • He told us about the numbers in each bank of hibakusha, but there are probably many more as they do not want to be known as hibakusha, even though they get medical discounts, some people fear them and their radiation levels. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • So it is that an untitled Arthurian romance from the fourteenth century, in Middle English, has come to be known as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. A Successful Defiance
  • Do you want to be known as the girl that goes psycho if someone breaks up with her?
  • For one middle-class gentlewoman who understands anything about cookery, or who really cares for it as a scientific art or domestic necessity, there are ten thousand who do not; yet our mothers and grandmothers were not ashamed to be known as deft professors, and homes were happier in proportion to the respect paid to the stewpan and the stockpot. Modern Women and What is Said of Them A Reprint of A Series of Articles in the Saturday Review (1868)
  • From now on, the merged entity will be known as ‘SRCAM ’, obsoleting the old ticker symbols.
  • And you'll be known as a criminal sleazebag who broke the law, tried to cover it up and spent five years in federal prison.
  • This was due not only to economies of scale but also to what came to be known as the experience curve.
  • The typical leisure wear at the ryokan is a blue and white cotton robe known as a yukata provided by the management.
  • The reservation hereby established shall be known as The Santa Catalina Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 2 (of 2) of Supplemental Volume: Theodore Roosevelt, Supplement
  • The numerous filaments came to be known as protoplasmic processes; the other fibre was named, after its discoverer, the axis cylinder of Deiters. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • It is now 20 years since the immunodeficiency syndrome that came to be known as AIDS was first reported.
  • You're just going to be known as the mouthy one who gets in trouble for saying what she thinks. The Saturday interview: Gemma Arterton
  • A growth cannot be known as a fibroid tumour without sense testimony, nor its weight estimated without sense testimony, nor a continuous hemorrhage be recorded, or its cessation known without sense testimony, nor can epilepsy be diagnosed, nor bilious attacks recognized without sense testimony. Modern Religious Cults and Movements
  • There may well be some antis and they're perfectly entitled to come and let their opinions be known as long as they don't break any laws.
  • S. O'BRIEN: You don't want to be known as misspending Warren Buffett's millions ... CNN Transcript Jun 27, 2006
  • Stanton said he did not want to be known as a ballet choreographer, despite his work appearing on major ballet companies.
  • henceforth she will be known as Mrs. Smith
  • JIMMY KIMMEL, HOST, "JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE": Even though Camilla is now technically, she is the princess of Wales, out of respect for Diana, she ` ll be known as the duchess of Cornwall. CNN Transcript Apr 12, 2005
  • By the end of this year I want Apple to be known as the greenest company in the world — not just in tech but in everything. The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs : New resolution: We’re going green
  • The study, which involved 158 mothers carrying babies with spina bifida, found that sealing up the defective spinal cords before they were born also significantly reduced the chances they would need a tube known as a shunt surgically implanted to drain fluid from their brains. Study: Surgery in womb helps babies with spina bifida
  • Taking the oft-used 'FTW' name, these two cards will officially be known as the GTX 480/ Neoseeker News Feed
  • Sensitive, fearful, and morose, he would not go to Europe to be known as the hunchback husband of Lajeunesse, the great singer. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • The term originated in a French culinary tradition that dates back to the nineteenth century when Escoffier, the great chef and writer, modernized the restaurant kitchen with what came to be known as the brigade system. The City Cook
  • It started with the quintilingual MP from Silverton, who originally came from what used to be known as Griqualand East, Armiston ANC Daily News Briefing
  • To be known as All Saints West, it will provide a new home for the university's law faculty, as well as lecture theatres, conference facilities and a galleria with exhibition spaces accessible to all departments and the general public.
  • She wants to be known as a singer rather than as a sex symbol.
  • Mahmud rejected the offer, famously repudiating the idea that he should be known as a broker of idols rather than a breaker of them.
  • The priest awoke the next day, duly penitent and very sore but completely prepared to spread the fame of Saint Nicetius, a fame that became so great that the Basilica of the Apostles came to be known as Saint-Nizier.
  • Only her name irked Susan, and as Susan wrote Clara Colby, "If Catt it must be then I insist, she should keep her own father's name -- Lane -- and not her first husband's name -- Chapman," [404] but the three Cs intrigued Carrie and she continued to be known as Carrie Chapman Catt. Susan B. Anthony Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian
  • Among these guys, all it takes to be known as a hound is to actually touched a live girl. Lance Mannion:
  • Curiously enough, so confident was the belief of the settlers that they were founding towns, that they called their representatives "burgesses," and down to 1776 the assembly continued to be known as the House of "Burgesses," although towns refused to grow in Virginia, and soon after counties were organized in 1634 the burgesses sat for counties. Civil Government in the United States Considered with Some Reference to Its Origins
  • She wants to be known as a singer rather than as a sex symbol.
  • A chorus is beginning to develop against more Fed action, which has come to be known as quantitative easing (QE). Bernanke Preps Markets For Further Fed Action Despite Questions About Impact
  • NFL career, Vick always will be known as the sicko who bankrolled an operation, Bad Newz Kennels, that mutilated dogs. Undefined
  • What has come to be known as the homunculus theory of vision has long been discredited. Detaching the Retina
  • One of the preachers wanting to be known as a licentiate, said in meeting: "I want you to know that I am a licentious preacher," -- which is the truth. The American Missionary — Volume 44, No. 06, June, 1890
  • And Sculley was determined to be known as the architect of that vision.
  • It is contemplated that we have a group of men to be known as "groundsmen" who will be agents necessary to insure the success of this plan. Board of Visitors minutes
  • The collection, something of a sensation, came to be known as Tradescant's Ark and served as the nucleus of what is today the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. How Their Garden Did Grow
  • It used to be known as Elisabethville when Zaire was a colony of Belgium, and it remains a strategic crossroads between all Zaire and the south of the African continent. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • One of the earliest measuring tools was a liquid-filled tube known as a manometer.
  • The "ontogeny" of a single human tribe must not be a recapitulation of the "phelogeny" of the meg-tribe known as a patriarchal state. An Oxymoron: "Marxist Communism"
  • This is the town which surprised the world with an archeological find in 1921 that came to be known as the Broken Hill Man.
  • The yard and the room that he rented are being developed into what will be known as the Mandela Yard Interpretation Centre.
  • In the Roman office the threefold division of Matins was re-introduced even after the vigil service had split into Vespers, Matins, and Lauds, and the divisions came to be known as nightwatches or nocturns.
  • In bureaucratese, the committee will be known as a citizen-and-expert advisory group, and will select new and emerging technologies for disposing of 20 per cent of the city's garbage by 2006.
  • The IUD is a small, plastic and copper device that used to be known as the coil.
  • Cavaliere sang and played keyboards for Atlantic recording group The Rascals, which helped build the sound that came to be known as blue-eyed soul. NPR Topics: News
  • Gaza was populated mainly by Egyptian peasants who evaded the Turkish prohibition on entry, Roumanian gypsy slaves of Maronite priests in Sinai, and latterly Turkish=Muslim peasants transferred from the Balkans after the Treaty of Berlin handed Ottoman holdings in what came to be known as Croatia to the Habsburgs in 1878. The Volokh Conspiracy » Palestinians of African Descent:
  • And it has turned on its head his desire to be known as a batting all-rounder rather than a bowling all-rounder. The Sun
  • One girl, called Lauren, asked to be known as Trucka, following the logic that Lauren abbreviated to Laurie, which sounded like lorrie, which is a kind of truck. 2008 July 15 « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • They hailed the young warrior as Sid, or Cid, and the king, struck by the title, said that Ruy Diaz should thenceforth bear it; also that he should be known as campeador or champion. Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII
  • Some people want to be bullies, want to be known as the baddest guy on the block, '' he says. The New Gangsta On The Block
  • RIDGWAY: I'll be known as the Green River killer that killed them for the money and ... CNN Transcript Feb 18, 2004
  • The player who received the first card from the deal may be known as eldest hand, or as forehand.
  • In 1976, Klein came up with a new kind of jellybean, which would come to be known as Herman Goelitz Candy Company and after slow sales, a little untruth gained the treat national attention.
  • Originally the depot was to be known as Kirby Hall, in recognition of its dual role as an exhibition hall.
  • It used to be known as a sundown town where blacks didn't dare go out at night. CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2006
  • It was the result of conversations which I initiated as chairman of what used to be known as the G10 governors, now the economic consultative committee, among a limited number of central banks," he told a news conference in London on Thursday. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • This design came to be known as the Oriental style.
  • In the mid-60's GMs emphasis on styling was what came to be known as "fluidity" - that was of smooth, round lines that simply "flowed Undefined
  • Bobby Jindal has enough problems in his state to keep him busy for awhile and Mike Huckabee seems to be known as a jovial and cheerful talk show host more than a serious presidential candidate at the moment. Robert Guttman: Palin vs. Obama: It Could Happen and It Could Be a Close Election
  • We want to be known as an ethical firm on Wall Street, and we want to be trusted.
  • Agents used to be known as bloodsuckers, but he gave bloodsuckers a bad name.
  • With our continental café culture, our Easter flower displays and now this festival, York will soon be known as the city of caffs, daffs and laughs.
  • It can also be known as Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome 4S or hyperacusis. Misophonia: When Annoying Noises Send You Into A Rage
  • She wants to be known as a singer rather than as a sex symbol.
  • Meanwhile, what Poynter and Youtube are looking for might better be described as “context analyst,” or what used to be known as a semiotician. The Editor and the Curator (Or the Context Analyst and the Media Synesthete) | Tomorrow Museum
  • Documented evidence is now available to show that there is a correlation between the growth of the forces of globalization, and what has come to be known as the feminization of poverty, worldwide.
  • These fundamentalists want to be known as traditionalists, while they are actually revisionists with no historical backing or facts.
  • In fact, their was a vibrant artistic tradition in America throughout the 19th century, one that mixed what came to be known as lowbrow and highbrow entertainment in the same evening's entertainment, and one that was owned and operated by artists not producers. Theatre Ideas
  • The torn-up note, which would come to be known as the petit bleu, was a perfect example of this incompetence. Emancipation
  • Even terms such as wildlife are dismissed as insulting to the animals concerned -- who should instead be known as 'free-living,' the academics, including an Oxford professor, suggest. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • More significantly, his book articulates - probably for the first time - the emerging viewpoint of what will eventually be known as "copyfight". P2pnet news
  • Almost simultaneously with Finn's development of Automatic Generation of Hypotheses, German mathematicians Rudolf Wille and Bernhardt Ganter were developing an aspect of Galois Theory and lattice theory (the latter being, as was said, Peirce's invention) that came to be known as “Formal Concept Analysis.” Nobody Knows Nothing
  • On May 17, 1917, Col.I. W. Littell, of the Regular Army, was detailed to assemble and direct an organization to be known as the cantonment division of the Quartermaster Corps, whose duties were to consist of providing quarters and camps for the training and housing of the New World's War Events, Vol. II
  • Successive monarchs including the current Elizabeth II have minted gold coins, which also came to be known as sovereigns.
  • The first book, the best known, discussed what came to be known as the Copernican theory and what is Copernicus's most important contribution to astronomy, the heliocentric universe (although in Copernicus's model, the sun is not truly in the center). Nicolaus Copernicus
  • The Eastern Transvaal may soon be known as Mpumalanga (the place of the rising sun) or Simunye (we are one). ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Public money should only be spent in support of our mutual intersts - or what used to be known as the commonweal - in either good or bad economic times. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • : The malwa region once known as cotton belt of the Punjab, then cancer and would soon be known as the AIDS belt if the number of cases of HIV infection being reported from this area is any indication. PunjabNewsline.Com
  • His livestock specialist, whom he had filched from the Federal Government, in England outbid the Rothschilds’ Shire farm for Hillcrest Chieftain, quickly to be known as Forrest’s CHAPTER VI
  • Some people say it came from the Native American Indian tribe known as the Choctaw.
  • Wilkins was one of the chief architects of what would come to be known as the communicative approach: his seminal Notional Syllabuses, building on his work with the Council of Europe, would be published in 1976. March « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • The new project had been given an official cryptonym for use in cable traffic: Henceforth it would be known as HARDNOSE.
  • Back in February, one of Margaret’s many doctors, a short, autocratic Jewish Iraqi émigré, had inserted a flexible plastic tube known as a PEG an acronym of the medical term percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy through her skin and into her stomach to drain everything she swallowed into a bag outside her body. A Happy Marriage
  • Weds Letters), I would suggest the expression for responding to a post, when even as you're writing, you suspect they just put it there to provoke the kind of fusty response you're now drafting, but you're just too pedantic to stop yourself commenting, should be known as post-imprissionism. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • Thorp and the people who use such systems have come to be known as "quants" - it's a reference to the quantitative-analysis techniques they employ - and their stories are told in Scott Patterson's new book The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It. here, and read an extract from the book. Asymptotia
  • MySpace will always be known as a wasteland where kiddies and self-proclaimed web designers subject the world to their design atrocities. Why MySpace Is Really GeoCities 2.0
  • Arrrrr," she shouted, "I say, me maties, we terminate every last one of these cur-mongering, bloated knaves ... dey be known as the 93 US Attorneys. Good News for GOP: Memory Fuzzy on Prosecutor Firings
  • A door thus guarded might be known as a janua foris, that is, a Januan door, and the phrase might in time be abridged into janua, the noun foris being understood but not expressed. Chapter 16. Dianus and Diana
  • In years past, this would be a familiar race between a member of the Albany machine (Mr. DiNapoli entered New York politics at the age of 18) and a young idealist from the lost tribe known as the New York Republicans. The Biggest Race You Haven't Heard Of
  • Julia Roberts may not be known as a partier, but the gorgeous actress still knows how to have a good time. RadarOnline RSS
  • And we've all been agonizing for the past week about whether or not a weird political mutation called Nick Griffin is really Public Enemy Number One, having been ordained as such by the multi-culti, metrosexual, arty-farty literati and Auntie Beeb's Lord High Inquisitor David Dumblebollocks, because Griffin insists that a tribe known as the English still actually exists in England and is worthy of representation in Parliament. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • The Motorola phone we've called the Sholes, the Tao and the Droid, will be known as ... drum roll, please ... the Droid. Phone Arena - Latest News
  • Britain will pledge 20 million over the next four years to manage and enforce the new reserves, which will be known as marine protected areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Typically the collection of nodes maybe known as a cluster (though the term cluster is often misused) Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The committee urged a ban on cameras, expressed in a recommendation that came to be known as Canon 35.
  • The study, which involved 158 mothers carrying babies with spina bifida, found that sealing up their defective spinal cords before they were born also significantly reduced the chances they would need to a tube known as a shunt surgically implanted to drain fluid from their brains. Study: Womb surgery for spina bifida beneficial
  • A highly publicised investigation of Hollywood in 1947 resulted in prison sentences for a group of unbending witnesses, writers and filmmakers who came to be known as the ‘Hollywood Ten’.
  • The typical leisure wear at the ryokan is a blue and white cotton robe known as a yukata provided by the management.
  • Jeanette MacDonald and Archie Leach, a chores boy who will soon be known as Cary Grant, dance a fandango in Boom Boom.
  • Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes. Eugene Cho: God On Lent: 'Umm, I Didn't Ask You To Give Up Coffee. I Asked You To Give Up Your Life'
  • A commission of five persons, to be known as the Provincetown Tercentenary Commission, shall be ap - pointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the council, for the purpose of establishing at Provincetown and in the neighboring towns permanent memorials to com - memorate the three hundredth anni\ersary of the signing of the compact in the cabin of the Mayflower and the first landing of the Pilgrims on American soil. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • The breed became so popular among Queensland ranchers that it came to be known as the Queensland heeler or Queensland blue heeler.
  • Later, one Jethro Simsby, a Mormon deserter, set up his rod and staff on the banks of the creek, home-steaded a quarter-section of the sage-brush plain, and in due time came to be known as the Dry Creek cattle king. The Grafters
  • In that letter, he added five new mysteries to the rosary, and declared that his twenty-fifth anniversary year would be known as the Year of the Rosary.
  • Wednesday in the small Senegalese village of Dal Diam, where he was given a traditional robe known as a boubou to wear, as if to justify the nickname the daily Le Soleil had given him that morning: "Clinton the African. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • For instance, Dick Grayson has since come to be known as the chatty one, and when he's talking to Damian I more take it as him explaining why Bruce was okay with it and didn't stop his natural chattiness than why Bruce would encourage it. Why We Quip
  • Fellow adgrunt Claymore a. k.a Skittles is exploring new market opportunities in the suppositories category, where they shall be known as Skattles. Adland
  • He may public buildings and grounds, shall be known as the commis - Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Lipkin and his colleagues to isolate the virus, which came to be known as the borna virus. NYT > Home Page
  • The masses were, in brief, shortsighted, selfish and fickle, an easy prey to unscrupulous orators who came to be known as demagogues.
  • The term tian has come to be known as a layered dish. The Skinnygirl Dish
  • That was precisely what happened in the U.K. at the start of the last decade, with marketing literature on what came to be known as "precipice bonds" underemphasizing the three-for-one losses on some plans, and resulting in millions of pounds of redress being ordered by the Financial Services Authority. The Structured Promise
  • It's hard to say exactly where it started, but The Beatles and The Byrds often get the most credit for starting the enduring subgenre that's come to be known as jangle pop. Paste Magazine
  • We may have one Van Eyck, [170] who will be known as the introducer of a new style once in ten centuries, but he himself will trace his invention to some accidental by-play or pursuit; and the use of that invention will depend altogether on the popular necessities or instincts of the period. Selections From the Works of John Ruskin
  • One of them suggested that henceforth (Whoever it was who said it, they did not use the word henceforth) they should only be known as Jala, as they had lost their Peno. Survivor Tocantins: Much Ado, in re: Nil
  • Stancliffe, a Lawrence senior who prefers to be known as Anson the Ornery, said the piece illustrated how the theory of evolution led people to place themselves above other animals and to ignore the importance of biodiversity. stories
  • But now she's fighting back and she doesn't want to be known as the meanest Democratic candidate and Barack Obama today has started a Web site cataloging what he calls her negative attacks on him. CNN Transcript Dec 3, 2007
  • The first is that any advance toward implementing a proper commitment on reducing carbon dioxide emissions will again be what used to be known as glacial. Poor must have the burden of global warming lifted
  • Gamba is Italian for leg and so a viola large enough to require support from the legs came to be known as a viola da gamba, or often today just gamba.
  • I was a bit piqued because I wanted to be known as the funny student.
  • In Sagada, Agawa, Takong, and near-by pueblos the a'-to is said to be known as dap'-ay; and in Balili and Alap both names are known. The Bontoc Igorot
  • The establishment of the birth of Christ as an event marking a time from which chronological data should be calculated, was first effected about 532 A.D. by Dionysius Exiguus; and as a basis for the reckoning of time this method has come to be known as the Dionysian system, and takes for its fundamental datum A.U.C. 753, that is to say Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
  • That 100-year period used to be known as a saeculum — the root of our secular and the French word siècle for century: Astrology or Psychohistory? « Isegoria
  • A £16.1m dam will hold back a 2.6-mile-long artificial lake to be known as the Roadford Reservoir.
  • She wants to be known as a singer rather than as a sex symbol.
  • Last year the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry agreed that element 110 should be known as darmstadtium, and that GSI should also be credited with the discovery of element 111.
  • I would suggest that deserted men dying in a dark hole might well be called 'social stratification'; and that soldiers sold into slavery by barbarians might be known as 'the ethnographical permeation policy.' G.K.'s Weekly - The Horror
  • At this time Jerome had translated the Hebrew Bible into Latin and it came to be known as the Vulgate, for the vulgar, that is, the ordinary people.
  • The teacher of this school came to be known as a _grammatist_. The History of Education; educational practice and progress considered as a phase of the development and spread of western civilization
  • The top two teams in each group advance to the final six-nation qualifying round, which has come to be known as the hexagonal, with play starting early in 2013. NYT > Home Page
  • All such states again as exist with stupefication (of the senses, the mind or the understanding) whose cause is unascertainable, and which are incomprehensible (by either reasons or inward light), should be known as ascribable to the action of The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • She will not be known as a milch cow long; she will be a low grade of corned beef, a couple of flank steaks and a few pairs of three-dollar shoes. Goat-Feathers
  • It was back in 1790 that Guinness began to produce what was to become its trademark product, a rich dark porter that came to be known as stout.
  • Guwahati, April 5: Machor tenga, a sweet-and-sour curry which has come to be known as the leitmotif of the Assamese kitchen, has gone global. - Business News
  • That person would merely be known as a mendicant monk or bhikshu. Explanation of The Foundation for Good Qualities ��� Session Two: Further Points Concerning a Precious Human Rebirth, and Death and Impermanence
  • The funds are managed under what has come to be known as the Macquarie model, under which a company manages funds that hold typically staid assets such as toll roads or airports. Macquarie Calms Worry Over Funds
  • Silver-breasted broadbill, Serilophus lunatus (protonym, Eurylaimus lunatus), depending upon where the bird is located, it may also be known as Gould's broadbill, the red-backed broadbill, or the (Nepal/Pegu) collared broadbill, photographed at Thailand. Mystery bird: silver-breasted broadbill, Serilophus lunatus
  • She came to be known as Khir Bhawani or Ragyna Bhagwati as her favourite offerings consist of rice cooked in milk and sugar, and all other vegetarian forms of diet.
  • When the work is completed it will be known as the Chapel of Adoration and will be unique to Abbeyleix.
  • Valentine's Day used to be known as a kitsch, childish and generally innocent celebration where teenagers sent themselves cards and married couples enjoyed biannual conjugal relations.
  • Many of the most popular card games in Switzerland, especially in the German speaking cantons, belong to the Jass group, and are played with characteristic Swiss cards, which have come to be known as Jass cards.
  • I hope as I go on in my career I will be known as a director who can tackle anything.
  • By the end of this year I want Apple to be known as the greenest company in the world -- not just in tech but in everything. New resolution: We're going green
  • Though you are one century short from a cohort, you will be known as the storm cohort, as elite as the praetorians in status.
  • The intense discomfort comes from passing jagged crystalline stones down a straw-sized, exquisitely sensitive tube known as the ureter The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Some people say it came from the Native American Indian try tribe known as the Choctaw.
  • D. 150 and originally called Μαθηματικη συνταξις {Mathêmatikê syntaxis}, came to be known as Μεγαλη συνταξις {Megalê syntaxis}; the Arabs made up from the superlative μεγιστος {megistos} the word al-Majisti which became The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
  • You'll be known as the unelected Prime Minister who traded oil for justice, let down 270 innocent victims of the Lockerbie disaster, did shady deals with a tinpot dictator, and chose a 'special relationship' with Libya over our staunch friend and ally, the United States of America. A New Dark Age Is Dawning
  • It remains one of Polanski's best, and a precursor to themes he would continually dabble in: tortured relationships, bizarre blonde behavior, infidelity, cross-dressing, even film noir via the  stalwart Lionel Stander (best known here for his role in Hart to Hart but who should be known as the blacklisted, veteran hard-boiled American character actor). Kim Morgan: Ten of Polanski's Best...Kitty Cat
  • Day care facilities for the mentally handicapped include what used to be known as adult training centres.
  • Nara, whose companion is Narayana, will be born as Indra's son and indeed, will be known as Arjuna, the mighty son of Pandu. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose Adi Parva
  • In this moderation he has the atavistic sense of the responsibility of what used to be known as'a public services broadcaster '. Times, Sunday Times
  • This, along with a $10 million deal cut with Papua New Guinea and a hoosegow built on Christmas Island, came to be known as the Pacific Solution and was the act that finally aroused some Australians to protest their government's policies.
  • The aircraft, to replace the Boeing 707, will be known as the multi-role tanker transport and will significantly upgrade the Air Force's air-to-air refuelling capabilities.
  • Speaking there, Zuma said: "It (University of Zululand) used to be known as a bush university. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The Democrats in this congress will be known as the sandhill democrats. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • July 10 is Clerihew Day, marking the birth date in 1875 of Edmund Clerihew Bentley, the British writer who invested a four-line rhyming verse, usually biographical in nature and resembling a limerick, that came to be known as a “clerihew.” And Today Is… - Freakonomics Blog -

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