
be intimate

  1. have sexual intercourse with
    Were you ever intimate with this man?
    This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm
    Adam knew Eve

How To Use be intimate In A Sentence

  • At best, it could be intimate, but in its current incarnation it oozes suburban cosiness right down to the comfy fitted carpet.
  • It wasn't meant to be intimate, but my hand was on his!
  • A lot of the predictors' theories seemed to be intimately connected to their own psychological make-up.
  • I am probably what I consider to be one of the new generations of soft-hearted parents who like to be intimately involved in every aspect of my children's lives.
  • There may be genetic factors at work, but in the case of regressive autism, the primary cause has to be intimately introduced; genetics are secondary.
  • Unfortunately these two characters are unable to take it any further, they can't be intimate or truthful or completely honest and open about their lives.
  • If the relationship is to be intimate, then we will be close together.
  • The bishop himself was known to be intimate with the widow of the former burgomaster of Constance.
  • No, by "people" I mean the EPO: the problem is that the EPO would be intimately involved with all aspects, as the article explains: "If EPO-educated Patent Agents are now entering the judicative branch, this means that this branch is also going to be under control of the European Patent Office. Copying Patent Stupidity
  • That to be penetrable and indiscerpible is as truly attributed to Bodies, as to Spirits; and to be impenetrable and discerpible agrees as well to Spirits as to Bodies; for that the difference is Gradual and not Essential; And that no Creature, or Created Spirit, can be intimately present in any Creature, because Intrinsick Presence only pertains to God and Christ; and therefore that Philosophical Penetration of Created Spirits, in regard of Bodies, is a mere Scholastick Fiction. The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy
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