How To Use Be given In A Sentence

  • · The tailstock quill is brought into working position (Fig. 14) whereby special attention must be given to quill cleanliness. 3. Preparations for thread cutting by dies and taps
  • If an infant's condition is not as grave as was thought, he will live, and he can then be given optimal care if he has any handicaps.
  • Such a cynosure, at least in aspect, and something such too in nature, though with important variations made apparent as the story proceeds, was welkin-eyed Billy Budd, or Baby Budd, as more familiarly under circumstances hereafter to be given he at last came to be called, aged twenty-one, a foretopman of the British fleet toward the close of the last decade of the eighteenth century. Billy Budd
  • It will be given a tender from another departed locomotive and regain its former Sierra appearance.
  • Ministers will be given powers to remove weak heads swiftly if they are unable to provide a blueprint for improvement. The Sun
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  • The Confucius Business School set up at various countries shall recruit students locally, and the recruited local business students will be given face-to-face couching by teachers sent over.
  • The most important practical lesson that can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe – how to observe – what symptoms indicate improvement – what the reverse – which are of importance – which are of none – which are the evidence of neglect – and of what kind of neglect. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
  • We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given to poor people.
  • With the cost of floor coverings over concrete subfloors now estimated at more than a billion dollars a year in the United States, far greater attention must be given to the issue of moisture within and below concrete slabs on grade.
  • An account must now be given of the eustyle, which is the most approved class, and is arranged on principles developed with a view to convenience, beauty, and strength. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed. 
  • You may also be given a drain, to remove any blood and fluid that accumulates around the wound.
  • WORKERS will be given the power to block excessive wage rises for their bosses under plans to be unveiled this week. The Sun
  • It is intended that priority then will be given to obtaining planning consent for this Section.
  • The dose of vaccine is 0.5 cc (25 ug of polysaccharide capsule material from each of the 23 serotypes) and may be given intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
  • Naturally trustful people must never be given a good reason to become cynical, for cynicism is the enemy of every honor system.
  • Antiwar activists shouldn't worry that their concerns will be given short shrift.
  • He'd like "happiness" to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label, to wit "Major affective disorder, pleasant type".
  • It will call for improved career structures to be put in place to attract doctors to rural practices and for them to be given support to keep them in their jobs.
  • If you're calling the polemicist Arianna Huffington a "traditional network star," I demand that status be given to Ann Coulter. Infinite Monkeys - "...a sparkly blog..." - James Lileks
  • However young, he had to be given the courtesies due a dragonrider, so over klah and some of Lady Gana's excellent wine cake, he told us that runnerbeasts also were dying of the plague, and needed to be inoculated. Artichoke
  • One must determine by such marks as these, when sweet, strong, and dark wine, hydromel, water and oxymel, should be given in acute diseases. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • We would be given special earphones to wear throughout. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pocket mask will enable ventilatory support to be given to apnoeic patients (whether due to trauma or medical causes).
  • The inevitable reduction in the amount of time likely to be given to singing challenges the Church to remedy this deficiency.
  • Sources said he will be given seven days to listen and watch the video recording of the meeting and revert to the committee.
  • I will also be given an excess luggage waiver. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among the things to which special and continued attention had to be given by the legation was the Chicago Exposition. [Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White
  • He also spelled out details of powers to be given to the new healthcare regulator to improve hospital cleanliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Should property rights be given precedence over human rights or society's need to protect nature?
  • Shouldn't consideration be given to subsequent events and experiences in construing the Constitution with the passage of time rather than being locked in the time frame of hundreds of years ago? Balkinization
  • The dog can be given more time if preferred, but under no circumstances should anything else be attempted before those five minutes have elapsed. THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
  • One could argue that McNamara is exhibit A in my case against what Thomas Sowell would call the unconstrained vision, which holds that certain people have so much knowledge and moral strength that they should be given great power over the rest. Robert McNamara , Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Traffic wardens were powerless to ticket him because the law says penalties cannot be given out if the lines are obscured.
  • You're too old to be given a job. That's a bitter pill to swallow.
  • Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed. 
  • It is rare for someone to be given this diagnosis so young as it usually affects individuals between forty and sixty years of age.
  • They have no serious side-effects and cannot be given in overdose. PLACEBO: The Belief Effect
  • ‡ The word chauvinism is often used as shorthand for “male chauvinism, ” a term describing the attitudes of men who believe that women are inferior and should not be given equal status with men. Chauvinism
  • I was informed, I believe by the late Dr. Whytt of Edinburgh, that of twenty cows in this situation two had died, and that he directed a pint of gin or whisky, mixed with an equal quantity of water, to be given to the other eighteen; all of which eructed immense quantities of air, and recovered. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Ideally, everyone would be given equal opportunities.
  • The rabies injection has to be given 21 days ahead of a journey, to allow time for the second booster injection. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't get me wrong I'm not a habititual complainer, but I expect to be given a decent service and politeness, not much to ask is it?
  • The title "archimandrite" appears to be given now to abbots of the more important monasteries and also sometimes as a personal title of distinction to others. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • It is said to succeed better than thymol in hookworm (uncinariasis) and, unlike that agent, can be given in association with castor oil, the latter also increasing its efficiency.
  • To lessen the frequency of the pulse, fluid extract or tincture of aconite or veratrum may be given in water, every hour. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • They will be given another loose wristband which they then can choose who to give to. The Sun
  • Preference will be given to those presenting papers at the congress.
  • They should also be given and encouraged to use enforcement powers where necessary.
  • Prentiss, in Science, October 3, 1890, has collected numerous instances of sudden canities, several of which will be given: -- Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Employees usually taken on as temporaries to help with busy periods will be given permanent contracts.
  • The common proverbial maxims of prudence, being founded in universal experience, are perhaps the best general rules which can be given about it.
  • It is obsequious for a reason: a correspondent will not be given stories or even asked to briefings if he does not toe the line. Times, Sunday Times
  • Again, I believe that it will be some months before this retrial can be fixed and we would ask for bail to be given on the same conditions.
  • You will be spilt into groups of five and you will each be given a route around the palace.
  • At the same time, only capital spending projects that deliver significant return on investment or boost innovation will be given the go-ahead. Computing
  • WORKERS will be given the power to block excessive wage rises for their bosses under plans to be unveiled this week. The Sun
  • Better support can be given in most cases if the control is centralized.
  • And even like thanks be given unto our nobility, gentlemen, and others, for their continual nutriture and cherishing of such homeborne and foreign simples in their gardens: for hereby they shall not only be had at hand and preserved, but also their forms made more familiar to be discerned and their forces better known than hitherto they have been. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • Chlorothiazide may be given with furosemide to boost its diuretic effects, depending on the patient's fluid retention status.
  • Guidance must be given as to what tasks the learner should attempt.
  • Two sets are said to be identical when for each element of the one set an identical element of the other set can be given.
  • Each person served with a summons will be given six weeks before they have to appear in the Magistrates' Court.
  • In the old days, servants would be given time-off and worshippers would present offerings to their Mother Church.
  • As a remedy for the violation, the courts ordered that gays and lesbians be given the right to marry.
  • They may show up at your front door, saying that, look, if you don't buy this trust kit, your estate could be nubbed by taxes, it could take years for estate to be given out to heirs. CNN Transcript Sep 21, 2009
  • Environment Minister Elliot Morley told the Commons the public should be given the option of backing moves to have their tap water fluoridated.
  • There's an FDA scientist who says his agcy is not capable of protecting Americans from another Vioxx and that there are five other drugs that should be given a much closer look. CNN Transcript Nov 19, 2004
  • The subject of the appraisal should be given time to prepare and the opportunity to corroborate the report.
  • An alkalizing substance that could alter serum or plasma pH, or concentration of bicarbonates, or carbon dioxide may not be given within 24 hours prior to post time of a race in which the horse is entered.
  • She would have to be prepared to live on her own and had to be given the chance to relearn and hone her survival skills. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • I think all images of 1966 should be banned from now on and anyone who played that year should not be given any airtime. Times, Sunday Times
  • It said staff would be given the opportunity to retrain and work in other parts of the company. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite her status, the Duchess will not be given preferential treatment.
  • Political parties will be prevented from wasting milk, water, etc. which can be given to poor and needy people.
  • For the moment, there is no apparent reason for Railtrack to be given extra help from the government.
  • The oil of cajuput and its preparations may be given on sugar, or mixed with honey, or in an emulsion, or in warm brandy and water.
  • These, he argued, had to be given in the form of narrative without book, which is more accordant with the oriental mode, and decidedly more impressive.
  • I'm not saying they should not be given that opportunity, but do you really think Clinton is ` thinking about the best interest of the Guamnians? aham Obama wins Guam by 7 votes
  • If the function is deprecated, should not be used any longer, then the @deprecated tag along with the version and description of what to use instead should be given. Codex - Recent changes [en]
  • The first 20,000 fans will be given a Reds "fleecie" and the game will be followed by fireworks. Cincinnati Local News Headlines |
  • On-screen graphics require special attention, while issues such as eyestrain need to be given serious consideration. Informitv
  • Asymptomatic people exposed to plague aerosol or people with suspected pneumonic plague may be given antibiotics for the duration of the risk of exposure plus one week.
  • You sense that a friend needs advice, but it must be given with great tact. The Sun
  • Thefe bails may be given hint twice or thrice a day, with three or fojur hoenfuis of the peroral infu*. ft on. Sporting Magazine
  • On appeal the Court of Appeal held that the judge had properly allowed the evidence of the interviews to be given.
  • It is conception of WHO's dedication to wage evidence-based guidelines to decision makers and a acceptance of the antecedency that should be given to cervical cancer display and treatment as an essential factor of some broad domestic cancer curb programme. Xml's
  • Her Majesty had ordered Noakes and his wife Vivien to be given unprecedented access to her both at home and at work.
  • From there, they will be given some rope off the front as the peloton rolls along at a comfortable speed.
  • Manning could be given up to three hours of recreation time and allowed to interact with Leavenworth's eight other pre-trial detainees. Pentagon to Transfer WikiLeaks Suspect to New Prison
  • Conclusion NBE is a stress for the nursing student and student with high trait anxiety score should be given more attention in stress management training.
  • Of course, there will be those who say that the men involved were only doing their duty, that they were fighting an equally bloodthirsty enemy who neither gave quarter nor expected it to be given to them.
  • From what is here stated, it must be obvious, that no more appropriate name than that of "Fenian" could be given to the organization which now holds the destiny of Ireland in its hands, and which has ramified itself throughout almost every portion of the habitable globe. Ridgeway An Historical Romance of the Fenian Invasion of Canada
  • No further chemotherapy or radiotherapy could be given to control this recurrence.
  • Customers must also be given sufficient information about the risks involved in a transaction adequately to assess the merits of that transaction.
  • You sense that a friend needs advice, but it must be given with great tact. The Sun
  • Recommendations will be given on approaches to communicate sensitive information to surgeons.
  • Guidance must be given as to what tasks the learner should attempt.
  • Labour's new leader will not be given that long. Times, Sunday Times
  • He bragged that the course which he claimed to be one of the best in the country, was in good shape and no excuse would be given by any golfer for failing to perform well.
  • Each of the former players will be given the tests and a neurological clinical examination either at home or at a clinic. Times, Sunday Times
  • National News / Slavery Lessons the Anti-White Establishment Will Not Teach Our Children In the anti-white mania which has gripped modern Britain, the Atlantic Slave Trade is to be given wide prominence in schools from this term onwards - but the million Europeans who were enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780 will be ignored. The British National Party
  • The final sanction will be given after completion of the construction only if there are no deviations from the original plan.
  • He said the corporation should also be given some responsibility and authority in the sandmining operations.
  • If and when an abnormality is detected, treatment or lifestyle advice may be given to the patient. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other examples will be given later in the paper when we discuss packings in hyperbolic spaces.
  • The sheer volume of insignia required for public services means that insignia can be given only the appearance of precious metals.
  • If an adult needed to be circumcised, he would be given anesthesia and postoperative pain relief.
  • The gold ring should be given back to the owner.
  • THE biggest tidal energy project in Europe will be given the go-ahead today. The Sun
  • Labour's new leader will not be given that long. Times, Sunday Times
  • By means of the study of literature the best direct instruction may be given, and wholesome lessons may be taught abundantly in that charming way which accomplishes its purpose without a recognition on the part of the readers that they are being _taught_. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 10 The Guide
  • Michael's family called for his killers to be given long jail sentences as a deterrent to 'the feral youths who terrorise our society'.
  • The notice must be of at least the same length as the period of leave to be given. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think it would also be nice for the Saint Vincent de Paul people to provide watering stations so the walkers could stop at chapels and be given cool, non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Praise must be given to noted musician/conductor Erwin for saluting the legendary musicians, but the result is soulless and, at times, overpolished with orchestra and the trimmings.
  • Moreover, these dispensations are supposed to be given motu proprio and with certain knowledge, from which it follows that they are not vitiated by obreption or by subreption. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • THE controversial third runway at Heathrow could be given the go-ahead next week. The Sun
  • Peel no more meant to convey any idea of this kind than did Lord John Russell, when he used the word finality in connection with the Reform Act, mean to convey the idea that, according to his conviction, Parliament was never again to be invited to extend the electoral franchise or to modify the conditions under which the votes of the electors were to be given. A History of the Four Georges and of William IV, Volume IV (of 4)
  • There will be some bumper tips in restaurants and house prices will be given a kick upwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peele's "Arraignment of Paris, a Pastorall" is a court drama in the style of Lilly, intended to flatter the Queen, "poor in action but all the richer in gallant phrases, provided with songs, one in Italian, and with all kinds of love scenes between shepherds and shepherdesses, nymphs and terrestrial gods"; the diction is interesting, because it shows revolt from the prevailing "euphuism," and therefore Peele must be given the praise of first opposing Lilly's affected style. The Critics Versus Shakspere A Brief for the Defendant
  • Wherever it is possible, education should be given in nonsegregated schools.
  • Emphasis will be given to media training schemes and also to considering the establishment of a public broadcasting system.
  • If the serum is used, whisky should not be given in the treatment of one who has been bitten, for the anti-venene is a powerful cell stimulator. The Home Medical Library, Volume I (of VI)
  • If the circumstances are relatively minor, the offender shall be given a disciplinary sanction according to the circumstances by his unit or competent authorities at higher level.
  • A loud-mouthed verbal bully who should not be given any position concerning football administration. The Sun
  • I can think of no better day for her to be given enough rope to hang herself. The Sun
  • All staff will be given a full briefing tomorrow.
  • Pupils should be given a target to aim for.
  • But what the doctors call a diathesis, a predisposition to some given disease, is most certainly heritable -- a fact which Karl Pearson and others have proved by statistics that can not be given here. [ Applied Eugenics
  • Such mysterious things, which we ought perhaps to call the putrescence of the human heart, lie at the base of the greatest revolutions, political, social or domestic; but in telling of them it is desirable to explain that their subtle significance cannot be given in a matter-of-fact narrative. The Celibates
  • But if a benefic planet, that is, Venus or Jupiter, is in favourable aspect to Saturn thus located by night, those things which were denied will be given in another way.
  • If he is found to be suffering from the effects of drugs he can be given methadone and admitted to a detox programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • The training should be provided to all ranks from the highest to the lowest and should be given at periodic intervals, not just at the start of the job.
  • People owning leasehold homes will be given a new right to buy the freehold of their property.
  • Hard to reach communities who are already being reached by these other programmes, such as those to control onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis, could at the same time be given bed nets.
  • Students will instead be given three weeks in which to complete a coursework assignment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Workers need to be given an incentive to improve their performance.
  • Now in the Commission we recommended that the total cost of production, called C2, plus 50% margin, should be given. Questions and Answers: M.S. Swaminathan
  • A couple of the beds will be given more attention, and fennel, mangels and sprouting broccoli sown in them.
  • Careful consideration should be given to issues of health and safety.
  • The ministry of Community Development may perhaps emerge as a more neutral and non-partisan unit that can be given such a task.
  • Only with organization can the wisdom of the collective be given full play.
  • This year, the scent of riches meant little leeway would be given. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sure are imperviable to crumble, putrid, corrosion or insect infestation; be given barrier edifices formed in the Crosby Finance
  • The consultant, Loren Thompson, argued that the price tag of the new fighter should be given as a "unit recurring flyaway" cost, which includes only the cost of producing the aircraft, but does not include what are called nonrecurring costs, meaning the hefty amounts spent on research and development to build the basic technology. Main page collection
  • In order to do this effectively it may be given powers equivalent to those of the High Court to summon witnesses, send for documents, administer oaths, etc.
  • Time to help dumbos like me and give out a small piece of probable text so at least a few of your prizes can be given out.
  • Where other levels of work are being done they will be given up as soon as satisfactory alternative arrangements can be made.
  • They will be given more freedom to give additional rewards and privileges to prisoners who make good progress in areas such as education and training. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is important that the idea the logo communicates is vague and inexact, for we should not be given the opportunity to compare the registers of product and logo too closely.
  • Sometimes human rights will be given a very high priority; sometimes they will have to be subordinated to other interests.
  • The injected IPV should not be given to persons with severe allergy to neomycin, streptomycin, or polymyxin B.
  • I am proud to be given such an opportunity.
  • Today's gate will be given to charity.
  • This October, the entire region will be given the chance to endorse the assembly plans or vote them down in a referendum.
  • Charles also ordered that navy rations stored in the docks in the East End should be given to those who had fled the city.
  • Paul Manville had to be given his due - he could not have chosen a more apt record to convey his message.
  • The first headmistress of Altrincham Grammar School for Girls was once a tutor to royal children and the school is to be given priceless sketches of the Queen Mother and the Prince of Wales by Salford artist Harold Riley to mark the occasion.
  • This paper introduces three designs of the external interrupt port expansion with a MCS—51 chip, and the related program will be given.
  • One can only regret that he will not be able actually to preside at the marriage ceremony and be given the opportunity to interject a number of his jokes into the proceedings.
  • Two of the works produced by the artist in residence will be given to the Central Akademi.
  • He demanded, with some justice, that he should be given an opportunity to express his views.
  • Some good questions were asked by the librarians, though, including the problem with gay secondary characters in fantastical settings (I interpreted this as how much 'weight' should be given to homophobia in these books when the world is new and the individual concerned is not the protagonist) and what book were the panelists currently reading (the audience was entertained by my description of Three Bags Full). Travels and Teeth
  • If, however, qualified privilege is ever to extend to scoops and exposés of this nature, it is difficult to see what fuller opportunity for comment could be given.
  • The idea is that now almost all of its stores will be given a similar makeover. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time, those who render meritorious service should be given due recognition with fitting rewards.
  • Celeste is approaching fifteen, the age when she may be given in marriage to an older man in her isolated, rural commune. The Virtual Bookmark:
  • Discounts will only be given on production of your student ID card.
  • As only eight fellows could be given places on the regular crew in the shell, and Buck's five cronies were all eager to be ranked as members, they electioneered for him most industriously. Fred Fenton on the Crew or, The Young Oarsmen of Riverport School
  • Millions of householders plagued by cold calls and spam texts are to be given respite under new Government plans to pursue the firms responsible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seeds and tools can be given, which allow families to grow food and become self-sufficient.
  • Only half of the list of consultees responded, and members agreed with Rob Lawley, a principal consultant for Capita, that individual shopkeepers and businesses should be given the chance to put in their objections to the committee.
  • Labour's new leader will not be given that long. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pupils should be given a target to aim for.
  • But note, wedding gifts must be given before the nuptials.
  • No experience is needed as training will be given for the belowstairs role. The Sun
  • Even if conditions are met, there is no guarantee that a permit will be given.
  • A graphologist should be given this information beforehand. Handwriting analysis is not a fortune-telling tool.
  • And Jesus said unto them, Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of; and with the baptism that I am baptized withal shall ye be baptized: but to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared. Mark 10.
  • This sums up very neatly his belief that people should be given both responsibility and opportunity, and that they will use both wisely.
  • Why does Hashem feel the need to reassure Yaakov that land, one of the most unspiritual things, will be given to him?
  • Politicians often claim that human life is beyond economic calculation and must be given absolute priority whatever the cost.
  • Once the decision to give ECT has been made and a starting date set, standard orders for the procedure should include treatment days and starting times, a prohibition against eating or drinking the day of treatment to avoid vomiting and aspiration, and atropine (0.6-1.0 mg IV) or glycopyrolate (0.2-0.4 mg IV) to be given immediately before treatment to minimize the risk of vagally mediated brady-rhythmias or asystole and to reduce bronchial secretions. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Additionally, employees with a disability that may cloud their judgment should be given extra leeway. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many other traditionary genealogies of chiefs might be given, but let the above suffice as a specimen of the rest.
  • He was actually going to be given an important assignment.
  • In 1968 the Crofters Commission proposed that crofters be given full rights to the ownership of their crofts.
  • Both the areca nut and santonin may be given with the feed. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • She would have to be prepared to live on her own and had to be given the chance to relearn and hone her survival skills. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • I personally don't think we should be given more powers because it would just antagonise people.
  • This coupon has no cash value and no change will be given. The Sun
  • Afghanistan will be given 200 new patrol vehicles to replace the much-criticised Snatch Land Rovers, it was revealed David Tyacke was the last officer on the staff of the Chindit HQ at Sylhet in - Articles related to New Zealand not to sign trade pact if US shuts out dairy
  • Some casualty departments and ambulance services now recommend giving naloxone intramuscularly or subcutaneously rather than intravenously because it can be given more quickly and results in less violent recovery.
  • The union may require the information to be given in writing but not that any particular documents be produced.
  • People unable to swallow safely after a stroke can be given aspirin as a suppository.
  • From today points can be given to a family member and points can be bought once a year to top up.
  • The myths and rites will be given different interpretations, different rational applications, different social customs to validate and enforce.
  • The latter shall go through necessary procedures, be given "Patent Agent Work Permit" by the former, and register at CAP.
  • Whether it would be right for approval to be given in other cases would depend upon the particular circumstances obtaining in them. Times, Sunday Times

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