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How To Use Bazar In A Sentence

  • He sat there gazing right and left and amusing himself with watching the merchants and passers-by, and as he was thus engaged behold, there came into the bazar a Persian riding on a she-mule and carrying behind him a damsel; as she were argent of alloy free or a fish Balti447 in mimic sea or a doe-gazelle on desert lea. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Tait and I took a boat trip to the Bazaruto Archipelago today with two Mozambiquan boat drivers and two other tourists. Archive 2008-10-01
  • ’ observed Bazarov, pointing to a ginshop which they were passing at that instant. Chapter XIII
  • Tout ce joyeux "bazar" est dans nos vies réelles, pas dans le "cyberespace". Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • The sullage will be treated at Sadar Bazar near Church Baloon Road, powerhouse, Lohali and Kathlag.
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  • Turkey, Austria sent troops into the sanjak of Novibazar. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • When he came to the disguisement and the interview with the girl in the bazar, Mahbub Ali's gravity went from him. Kim
  • I then moved for the enlargement of our privileges, and lessening of our customs, especially at Baroach, and that we might have a daily bazar or market at the water side, where we might purchase beef for our people, according to the _firmaun_ already granted by the Mogul, and because other flesh did not answer for them. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • Following Concept, Hope in the City put on a runway show and fashion bazar at the Skirball Center that offered a little bit of everything. Mary Hall: Los Angeles Fashion Week Steps Up for Fall 2011
  • It is hard to say how this came about; perhaps because unconsciously she felt in Bazarov the absence of anything aristocratic, of all that superiority which at once attracts and overawes. Fathers and Sons
  • “And that is called nihilism,” Bazarov repeated again, this time in a particularly insolent tone. Fathers and Sons
  • And this morning 15 August 2009 I shot the Independence Day flag hoisting in my Bandra Bazar area , organized by blind Ismail Chacha and Rahebar Khan our dynamic local corporator was felicitated.. Archive 2009-08-01
  • bazar" hence Tabzír = circumcision or amputation of such clitoris. Arabian nights. English
  • : I see around Joco what appear to be yard sales and they are referred to as "bazar" ... but I think that is really appropriately used for a place that sells used items. How do you say
  • I lived with him a life of happiness and delight for a full month, at the end of which I asked his leave340 to go on foot to the bazar and buy me certain especial stuffs and he gave me permission. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • You that pictural of consolidation angelically with you and it voidance your own, eurocentric your blending for the screwbean. may be pathogenically archdiocesan for its compelling bazar, but its use of murkily fur is clammyweed the drug hectometer upturned with freebee to smolder. Rational Review
  • His disciples, Prosper Enfantin (1796–1864) and Saint-Amand Bazard (1791–1832), not only systematized and expounded his thought but also, on the basis of his later book Le nouveau christianisme (1825), organized a Saint-Simonian sect on communist principles. 2. Intellectual and Religious Trends
  • The communism of conspiracy, the Blanquism of that time, carries us up through Buonarotti and also through Bazard and the "Carbonari" to the conspiracy of Baboeuf, a true heir of ancient tragedy who hurled himself against fate because there was no connection between his aim and the economic condition of the moment, and he was as yet incapable of bringing upon the political scene a proletariat having a broad class consciousness. Essays on the Materialistic Conception of History
  • On July 18th, it will be conducting a 3 day long eye camp in Boro Chouna Bazar, PS Sakhipur in Tangail, Bangladesh where more than 1000 people are expected to get their eyes screened for cataract problems. 300 patients will be given free eye medication and up to sixty patient will get free caract removal surgery with lens implants. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • Now there was in the bazar a man who was Deputy Syndic of the brokers and was given to the use of opium and electuary and green hashish. 28 He was called Shaykh Mohammed Samsam and being poor he used to wish Shams al-Din good morrow every day. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • If one wants to appreciate the products at a leisurely and unhurried pace, then Crafts Bazar is the place.
  • Beyond Novi-bazar the sanjak is practically solid Serb, Moslem, and Christian – no other race has any justifiable claim to it. High Albania
  • Mangla calls me bhau, brother and is mad about Marziya , I have a great relationship with the Koli fisherwown of Bandra Bazar Fish Market , but when it comes to business they wont give me a penny discount..but than Mangla will tell the person concerned to make the price less he writes about us ..our difficulties our struggle . Archive 2009-07-01
  • His day was spent in roving through the bazar, exclaiming with a loud voice the above word, Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • If thou do this, perhaps the device will impose upon the Wazir and the people, and they will believe that thou broughtest her not to the bazar, but for the quittance of thine oath. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The officials said the board's underground fibre-optic network between Dhaka and Cox's Bazar is often severed by the Roads and Highways Department and other agencies during maintenance work and by cable thieves, resulting in frequent service disruptions. Frequent optical cable cuts worry Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board
  • On hearing that the Hari Singh of the list sent to him of noted Thugs at large in the Deccan was the Hari Singh of the Sadar Bazar, Captain The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
  • She is a Muslim woman from Bandra Bazar Road , and she is unhappy , she votes for the Congress , but she finds that it has not helped her much , she has come to meet Rahebar Khan the local corporator, she cant take life anymore, her electric bill has trebled , prices of all essential commodities has skyrocketed and she is stuck in a groove of discontent. Archive 2009-08-01
  • There are the usual stone-forts and palm-leaved hovels for the troopers, stationed here to hold the place and to escort travellers, with a coffee-shed, and a hut or two, called a bazar, but no village. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • One occurrence each of "bazar" and "twelve-month" have been corrected to read "bazaar" and "twelvemonth", to be consistent both with other mentions in the text, and with the most common usage. Poems
  • Filed under: Firoze Shakir Bollywoods Most Wanted , bandra bazar road, bandra guru nanak park juloos, bandra shia khoja mosque, moharam mumbai 2008, shiasm Bandra Guru Nanak Park Juloos 2008 « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • That sold in the bazars is not the real grey ore of antimony but a galena or sulphuret of lead. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • One morning, passing through Vessory Bazar, I was greatly shocked at seeing the nabob's elephant take up a little child in his trunk and dash its brains out against the ground; the only reason that could be observed was, that the child had thrown some pebble stones at it; and the only redress the poor disconsolate mother could obtain was a gift of fifty pagodas from the nabob, which is about equal to twenty pounds sterling. Narrative of a Voyage to India; of a Shipwreck on board the Lady Castlereagh; and a Description of New South Wales
  • Filed under: Bandra Ram Mandir-Bazar Road, bandra bazar road, ram mandir Gudi Padwa « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • Then I abode three days in Baghdad, without tasting meat or drink, and on the fourth day seeing a ship bound for Bassorah, I took passage in her of the owner, and when we reached our port, I landed and went into the bazar, being sore anhungered. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • By the middle of the afternoon they began to feel hungry, so the father proposed their going to a bazar which was in sight; but between them and the bazar was a channel of stagnant water, very deep, and with its surface covered by a coating of weeds. Folklore of the Santal Parganas
  • During a recent conference featuring government and stock-exchange officials, a businessman named Bazarsad Jargalsaikhan won applause when he wagged his forefinger and scoffed, "We've been given many things in the past—worthless! Mining Boom Fuels New Mongol Hoard
  • We just found a round table at a bazar and now need to find 8 matching chairs to fit around it. Comfortable, wood dining chairs?
  • PHAGWARA: The local police has arrested three alleged assailants including two brothers identified as Arvinder Singh@ Deepi his brother Parvinder Singh @ Pappal and Lakhwinder Singh @ Pappa all residents of local Gaushala bazar and their unknown accompliances on the charges of murdering a youth Vishal Bugga on Phagwara-Palahai road near local Kamla Nehru College for Women late last night. PunjabNewsline News
  • The Gurkhas 'stall at the bazar was the noisiest, for the men were engaged -- to a nasty noise as of beef being cut on the block -- with the Indian Tales
  • Bazarov is an idealist and a brave man, and his aims are rational.
  • On the first day of the following year he went, as was his wont, to the Exchange which was in the bazar, but found the gate shut; and enquiring the reason was told, “One of the merchants is dead and all the others have gone to follow his bier,82 and why shouldst thou not win the meed of good deeds by walking with them?” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Simla Bazar in his morning rides, and played with the monkey belonging to Ditta Mull, the _bunnia_, and listened, as a child listens, to all the stray talk about this new freak of the _Lord The Kipling Reader Selections from the Books of Rudyard Kipling
  • Pirbazari seemed to straighten up, a slightly defensive expression flicking across his face. Angelmass
  • He makes the painting charity bazar for disable and sick person's foundation for many times, the devastating floods of the Yangtze River in1998 to paint sale.
  • The chirp and tweet of the feathery creatures greet one as one nears this market beyond Laad Bazar.
  • This fact was emphasized by a long afternoon drive, beginning in the native quarter with its attendant bazars and ending with a long country tour for at least an hour through a forest of palms of many varieties, the tall talipot towering high -- higher even than the fruit-laden cocoanut palm, -- while bread-fruit trees, jack-fruit trees, and bananas made a pleasing variety. Travels in the Far East

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