- deciduous aromatic shrub of eastern North America with grey-green wax-coated berries
- West Indian tree; source of bay rum
How To Use bayberry In A Sentence
- According to traditional Chinese medicine, the red bayberry, or Yangmei, can cure such abnormal physical symptoms as excessive perspiring, sensation of fullness in the chest and a light head.
- Emetic herbs include bayberry, boneset, buckthorn, culver, false unicorn, lobelia, mandrake, mistletoe, mustard seed, pleurisy, quassia, rue and senega
- Some appropriate shrubs are summersweet, Virginia sweetspire, southern bayberry and winterberry holly. Green Scene: Some ideas for an environmentally friendly landscape
- Eyewash products containing euphrasia, plus other herbs such as goldenseal, bayberry, and raspberry leaves, are available commercially. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
- Soviet-style preserves the existing 160 varieties of dates in gold, cream and plum, golden kumquat, sugar Bayberry, nine made the most famous tangerine peel.
- Some of the most popular berry-producing plants for bluebirds include blackberry, blueberry, raspberry, elderberry, bayberry, dogwood, juniper, Virginia creeper, sumac, pokeweed, mountain ash, and mistletoe.
- At 30 points it is just 5 points bigger than the smallest champions on the Register - the northern bayberry and corkwood.
- The most important evergreen trees of the sclerophyll forest are California live oak, canyon live oak, interior live oak, tanoak, California laurel, Pacific madrone, golden chinkapin, and Pacific bayberry. California Coastal Range Open Woodland-Shrub-Coniferous Forest - Meadow Province (Bailey)
- Adjacent to the reserve's mowed fields are two "old fields" which have succeeded to shrubs, such as barberry, honeysuckle, bayberry and pasture rose. Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, Maine
- In time, a dense thicket of Coastal Plain willows, buttonbush, southern bayberry, or other plants grows on this tossed-up “mulch.” The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States