How To Use Baya In A Sentence

  • Should Bayard's measures seem radical, you can meet him halfway: treat yourself to a copy of P.
  • Sure it's what the Trib called the "bare-knuckle arts of Chicago electoral politics" but, hey, I guess that "kumbaya" attack goes by the wayside. Obama Responds To Bill's Reference To Jesse Jackson
  • Pinned to the abaya was a message that read, “She was a collaborator against Islam.” Alas, a blog » 2006 » July
  • Shangil Tobaya "mean" flip a brick, "and the popular rhyme translates as" flip a brick, you will find gold. Doctors Without Borders
  • The women in Indonesia and Malaysia wear what is known as baju kurung and baju kebaya. Archive 2009-09-01
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  • Many villages in the regency are devoid of young people as they have all migrated to Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya and other urban areas due to a lack of jobs at home.
  • In 1853, Bayard Taylor, the most celebrated travel writer in antebellum America (and the subject of chapter 8), was able to visit several of China’s largest coastal cities because, after the Opium War, the Treaty of Nanjing (1842) made such excursions possible by opening up additional ports to foreign intercourse. The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • Mr Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference.
  • It tells of the bayadère (temple dancer) Nikiya who loves the warrior Solor.
  • Bob Koke, who was just back from Singapore, took the opportunity to ask about the notorious Bali hotel proprietress turned radio propagandist Surabaya Sue, who seemed to be working as a spokesperson for his administration. A Covert Affair
  • A baya of enterprise, energy and skill may be the proud builder of four nests in a colony, each happily occupied with a female on eggs.
  • Legendary professional food scarfer Takeru Kobayashi ... Takeru Kobayashi Out Of Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest? (VIDEOS)
  • Harley B, Park SY, Kobayashi T, et al. (2007) SOCS3 protein developmentally regulates the chemokine receptor CXCR4-FAK signaling pathway during B lymphopoiesis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • (Ignatieff used to work at Harvard's Kennedy School; now he's Prime Chancellor of Canada's Liberal Delegate or whatever kind of wack-ass, kumbaya government they've got up there.) David Rees: Cormac Ignatieff's "The Road"
  • They're singing Kumbayah with the Palestinians, for Chrissake. Steven Crandell: One Burrito for Mankind
  • Nikiya, the temple dancer heroine of Petipa's La Bayadère Thu to 13 Aug, pits her passion for the warrior Solor against the implacable powers of religion and royalty. This week's new dance
  • You can follow any responses to this entry through the September 11th, 2008 at 11: 57 am harusnya yang monopoli itu yang tv tak berbayar, pasti gak akan diprotes kekeke
  • One of the bayadères rose with a lithe and supple movement of the body not comparable to anything save the slow separating of a white scud from the main cloud which one sees on a summer's day high up in the cirrus regions.
  • Small flocks of mangy goats and sheep, shepherded by women in flowing black abayas, forage in the trash.
  • Under her silken sarong would have been an inner garment of white cotton, about her waist a zone of beaded cloth held in front by an oval plate, and over all would have been thrown a long, loose dressing-gown, called the kabaya, falling to her knees and fastened down the front to the silver girdle with golden brooches. Tales of the Malayan Coast From Penang to the Philippines
  • I also cited corroboratory reports by the head of the Gaza observer force, Lt. - Col. R.F. Bayard of the US army, and by the editor of Al Hamishmar, Mark Gefen, who was an eyewitness to atrocities including wanton killing, for example, the murder of a doctor at Gaza hospital by an Israeli soldier. Chomsky's 'Fateful Triangle': An Exchange
  • The word "kumbaya" is believed by many music historians to be pidgin English - and a transliteration - for the prayerful plea to God: "Come By Here. News
  • I thought they had come to attack us, but they were a _caffila_ of merchantmen bound for Cambaya; as there comes every year a similar fleet from Goa, Chaul, and other places to the southwards, for Cambaya, whence they bring the greatest part of the loading which is carried by the caracks and galleons to Portugal. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • Baya was questioned that day and, because of his diplomatic status, released.
  • Mwezi Septemba 2009, hali mbaya ya uhusiano kati yao ilipelekea ghasia mbaya katika Kampala, na raia wanahofia kwamba moto huu unaweza kusababisha ghasia nyingine [...] 21 March 2010, 10: 21 am Global Voices in English » Uganda: Nine Dead in Kampala Riots
  • I got my abaya and hijab out of my bag, putting them on before I left the plane as I'd been advised.
  • The response has been overwhelming," Hiroshi Kobayashi, deputy chief operating officer for Honda's domestic operations, told a small group of reporters at a test-drive event in Tokyo.
  • The company creates two new performances a year and often tours to Jakarta and Surabaya.
  • When we ventured into town to visit the souk, my cousin's wife was required to wear an abaya, a shapeless, full-length black cape.
  • Judicial branch: Supreme Court (15 justices are appointed by the president on the recommendation of the Judicial and Bar Council and serve until 70 years of age); Court of Appeals; Sandigan-bayan (special court for hearing corruption cases of government officials) Philippines
  • Please note that Bayard's enforces a business casual dress code and will deny entry to persons wearing inappropriate attire, such as collarless shirts, jeans or sneakers. News
  • In 2013, she made an 11.7m abaya featuring a red diamond. The Sun
  • The two variations of the four bayadères in the 2nd Act are indeed the ones previously seen before and after the Grand Pas.
  • There they jumped into an araba with a kavass on the box, dashed down Pera Street, past the banking quarter, over the Galata bridge, up the Sublime Porte Road and into the Bayazid Square, where they reached their destination. Round the World in Seven Days
  • Attendees of the February 2000 GLOBE conference, held in the Issyk-Kul Hotel in Bishkek; Tiffany Tuttle, PCV/GLOBE coordinator, is seated next to Bayachorovoi (in blue) 5. Latest from Osh
  • I imagine that under the abaya they wear designer clothes.
  • She took home this image—which she dubbed "couture marries sports"—to her Mannheim-based atelier, a former paper factory with creamy pink walls and large steel reinforcement beams renovated by the late French architect Yves Bayard. From Idea to Paper Cutout to Runway Gown
  • The new tower appears in Bayard's photograph of 1851, yet Ruskin's spandrel is just visible - still unscathed.
  • An all-enveloping black abaya is made from lightweight cloth embroidered with tapestried threads.
  • Petipa was her champion: he cast her as Nikiya in his La Bayadère when she was still a coryphée in 1902.
  • Ladies also sat there, in what X. subsequently learnt was not altogether considered _deshabille_, namely, the sarong and kabaya of the country. From Jungle to Java The Trivial Impressions of a Short Excursion to Netherlands India
  • To his detractors, Gideon was dangerous—a pie-in-the-sky slave to political correctness who thought the enemies of Western civilization could be jawboned into holding hands and singing “Kumbaya.” Gideon’s war
  • The Prime Minister has just announced establishment of six new Honorary Consulates in Indonesia, namely, Ambon, Balikpapan, Kupang, Medan, Surabaya and Ujung Pandang. Government Response to Senate Consular Services Report
  • Kept thinking it was called electric lunch. escort bayan this is just an indie version of Big, Fat Liar. Gentlemen Broncos Movie Trailer | /Film
  • Hasta aquí no hemos mencionado la confusión entre la b y la v, como vaya - baya. The Scarlet Letter (another word game)
  • Juzi ilikuwa siku ya huzini kweli kweli kwa sababu Bomba Mbaya, besti yangu, alirudi Marekani ghafla. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The idea was dropped in rehearsal - but I imagine that Stepanov notations of La Bayadere are still in the Harvard library, now the repository of all the Sergeyev manuscripts.
  • A baya of enterprise, energy and skill may be the proud builder of four nests in a colony, each happily occupied with a female on eggs.
  • Gov Zaldy clasping my hand said: “Ipaubaya ni amah si Datu Unsay sayo” and turned over Datu Unsay to me. Philippines: Martial Law Declared in Maguindano Province
  • Indonesia: aulia: A maid who arrived in Surabaya from Taiwan is the 1st suspected Indonesian swine flu carrier according to #metrotv (via @wolwol) fujitasenpai: RT @BrandingComm: Rebranding Idea: instead of “Swine Flu” how about “Hamdemic”, “Aporkalypse” or “Snoutbreak”? antonnyliem: Dimsum@ taipan. Global Voices in English » Southeast Asia: Twitter reactions on H1N1 virus
  • View a former old coffee plantation in the Canada del Infierno and the sulfureous springs of the Bayate river.
  • In the center of the homestead is an unroofed, fenced cattle pen, the sibaya, from which women are barred.
  • In the Baya Beach Club in Rotterdam, male and female staff and clientele were wearing bikinis and briefs.
  • A 2-year-old British-born Little Owl (Athene noctua), Bibi is especially chatty when Kobayashi's wife brings out a plastic container squirming with grubs. News On Japan
  • While we're on a musical note, the campfire song Kumbaya is said to be Angolan.
  • House, Oxfordshire, the house of a noble Knight, and favourer of my Muse; and Elegy on a Bullfinch, 1648; of the Four Mile Course of Bayaides Green, six times run over, by two famous Irish footmen, Patrick Dorning and William O'Farrell. Notes and Queries, Number 19, March 9, 1850
  • We turned this magnificent bird into a truck for hauling goods and people to a tinkertoy we call the international space station, itself created in a fit of post – Cold War internationalist absentmindedness as a place where people of differing nationality can sing “Kumbaya” while weightless. Space: The Final Caliphate « Blog
  • April 29th, 2008 1: 54 pm ET we don't need another speech, wright is just enoying his media time and giving Obama something to talk about since Obama doesnt have any real plans for the USA except maybe to stand around in a circule with the people who want to kill us and sing kumbayah. Obama to hold 'big press conference' on Wright
  • Selain dikenakan hukuman cambuk keduanya juga diharuskan membayar denda masing-masing 5.000 ringgit dan itu telah mereka bayar. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The future," said veteran civil rights campaigner Bayard Rustin, "lies in casting not just a ballot, what Thoreau called 'a piece of paper merely ', but the total vote -- the human person against injustice. Archive 2009-01-01
  • There they jumped into an araba with a kavass on the box, dashed down Pera Street, past the banking quarter, over the Galata bridge, up the Sublime Porte Road and into the Bayazid Square, where they reached their destination. Round the World in Seven Days
  • Glen Beck begrudges $ 5 million sa isang taon upang protektahan ang endangered dagat Minahal dahil sila ay hindi bahagi ng sariling bayan seguridad at nangangailangan ng isang pang-internasyonal na pagsisikap na mapangalagaan ang mabisa. »2009» Hulyo
  • In indonesia the brits did the same thing, use the Japanese soldiers to maintain law and order in Indonesia, of course it sort of failed with the battle of surabaya
  • The origins of tabla repertoire and technique may be found in all three and in physical structure there are also elements of all three: the smaller pakhawaj head for the dayan, the naqqara kettledrum for the bayan, and the flexible use of the bass of the dholak. Archive 2009-10-01
  • The advisory council's annual meeting, normally held in Kuala Lumpur, is being hosted for the first time in Bayan Lepas.
  • A small minority of Muslim women in certain parts of the world wear what is known as the abaya (black cloak) and the niqab (face veil). Kari Ansari: Telling Muslim Women What Not To Wear
  • Democrats have been waiting for more than a decade to have control of Congress and the White House, but could the so-called kumbaya moment be over? CNN Transcript Jan 12, 2009
  • In Bayadere, the physical effort rather than the evocation of a fantastical image dominated, so that the entrance of the Shades felt more militaristic than shadowy.
  • In public, most Omani women wear a black ankle-length robe called an abaya, and many veil their faces.
  • Only Bayard stood back from the merrymaking, to the side of the brotherly chat, watching me closelyperhaps even a little distrustfully, though perhaps the distrust I saw in his face arose from my sense of my own misdeeds, from my fear of discovery. Virginity
  • Ang global na downturn ay pilitin ang mga bayan na magbigay ng up ang recycling. »2,008» Disyembre
  • View a former old coffee plantation in the Canada del Infierno and the sulfureous springs of the Bayate river.
  • Mr Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference.
  • Legendary professional food scarfer Takeru Kobayashi is not expected to take part in the Coney Island event much to the chagrin of competitive eating fans everywhere. Takeru Kobayashi Out Of Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest? (VIDEOS)
  • The Moscow-based Russian National Ballet Theatre will perform an evening of favorite scenes from “Sleeping Beauty,” “The Humpbacked Horse,” “Carmen,” “Don Quixote,” “La Bayadére” and “Paquita,” as well as complete concert works such as Fokine’s “The Dying Swan.” Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • As the pencil thin model draped in a body hugging kebaya walked in, the audience let out a collective cry.
  • Their lower garment, or sarong, reaching from the waist to the ankles, is usually of red cotton of a small check, with stripes in the front, above which is worn a loose sleeved garment, called a kabaya, reaching to the knees, and clasped in front with silver or gold, and frequently with diamond ornaments. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • In public, all women are required to wear the abaya, a black garment that covers them from head to foot.
  • I like the books, but I like Edgar Wright even more. abayarts read the book, actually, don't read the book. watch the movie and you'll see why .... mike nerdgasm fanboy_d High-Res Teaser Poster and Wallpaper for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World | /Film
  • The "abaya" is more of a social thing. Houston Chronicle
  • In a recent study, (Kobayashi Y et al, 2001) when evodiamine was supplemented at 0.02% in the form of ethanol extract of Evodia fruits in a high-fat diet for 21 days, the body weight, perirenal fat weight and epididymal fat weight were found to be significantly reduced compared to the control group. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • My only disappointment in Bayard's writing was that at times the dialect seemed too British, particularly early in the book and when relating the comments of lower-class characters (e.g., at one point a character complains of being “peached” – informed upon – which to me sounds more like Dickens than Dumas). Reader reviews of The Black Tower by Louis Bayard.
  • La Gitana became all but presidentess of the Transatlantic republic; La Bayadère depolarized the tyrant of the Poles! Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 341, March, 1844
  • In Norman French it became "bonne," and in the fourteenth century was applied to the round loaf of bread given to a horse; the loaf was called Bayard's bonne (pronounced "bun"). More Science From an Easy Chair
  • Certainly there is a Frankenstein behind the (Kabila) phenomenon," Jean-Francois Bayart told the weekly news magazine ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Mr Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference.
  • There were 79 women, 11 with heads uncovered, the rest split between headscarves and black flowing abayas.
  • Ljungberg falls in the box with Babayaro locked in an embrace from behind.
  • In the ski shop, three teenage girls in black abayas giggled over digital photos of themselves on the slope; children posed with a worker in a bobbleheaded polar bear suit; and in the three-story picture windows separating the mall from the snow park, a father in traditional white dishdasha used exaggerated gestures to send a message to a snowsuited child inside: Stop crying and push your brother's sled down the hill. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • So I looked again at Bayard, who stood astraddle the heap of abandoned clothing, looking back at me. Virginity
  • The thought of a Japanese outeating an American in a pizza contest wasn't lost on Kobayashi, who is recovering from TMJ, a painful jaw disorder. Undefined
  • 'kabaya' is worn, and over all a 'slendang,' which is very like a Dutch Life in Town and Country
  • The Baya weaver is a gregarious bird and breeds in colonies that can be found in scattered trees in open country.
  • The state's Bayam Elementary School is debating whether or not to bar Santa Claus, dreidels and any other religious-themed chachka from the school's holiday gift store. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • Wakabayashi K, Nakagawa H, Tamura A, Koshiba S, Hoshijima K, et al. (2007) Intramolecular disulfide bond is a critical check point determining degradative fates of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter ABCG2 protein. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • With a simple twist of her abaya, the black robe that sometimes covers her body or head, she rapidly shifts among her range of characters under the distracting sound of booming music.
  • The origins of tabla repertoire and technique may be found in all three and in physical structure there are also elements of all three: the smaller pakhawaj head for the dayan, the naqqara kettledrum for the bayan, and the flexible use of the bass of the dholak. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Shaw ordered a sculpture of his champion fox terrier, and Bayard Warren a portrait of his champion Sealyham.
  • The Bayan H ar mountain lies in this section. And the list of sedimentation form mostly midst trias and late trias.
  • Above U.S. soldiers inspect the scene of a double bombing close to a bus station in the Shiite Muslim district of Bayah in western Baghdad on Feb. 11 2009.
  • She could have chosen a baju kebaya or even a baju kurung inspired dress and I'm sure she'll stand out more.
  • We accept these elections now,’ says Asadi, pulling the abaya close over his shoulders.
  • Certainly there is a Frankenstein behind the (Kabila) phenomenon," Jean-Francois Bayart told the weekly news magazine ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Sugar mills are among Bayamon's chief industries, along with iron foundries, ice plants, dairies, and an oil refinery.
  • The band, Tsugumi Takashi (main vocals, bass, production), Chizuko Matsubayashi (vocals & guitar) and Taeca Kinoshita (vocals & keys), formed in 1999 while the girls were in art-school - they've actually been playing together in one form or another since they were teenagers - they released a self-titled EP in 2000 and toured all over the world. Music (For Robots): May 2005 Archives
  • For few people now live in the area, and the lane has become a short cut, a speed track between Basuki Rakhmad and Pemuda, the two great bitumen rivers trisecting the centre of East Java's capital Surabaya.
  • They will perform two of the most spectacular of their productions, Swan Lake and La Bayadere.
  • He also told me that he last visited Puerto Rico last May and that his roots are from the towns of Bayamón and Arecibo. Julio Pabon: Victor Cruz And His Boricua Self
  • I am wearing the full abaya. Times, Sunday Times
  • Susah je ~ Harus pergi ke tukang sepatu, bayar lagi, dan kadang2 ga sesuai maunya. Mayoineko Diary Entry
  • Feb 3rd, 2010 at 11: 01 am buu: interestingly enough, my coworkers and i ate at bayan on friday. R.I.P 4 Year Old Bayan Cafe & 4 Month Old Kolache Mama | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Ito Sumardi said that five people from Jakarta had entered Surabaya in order to carry out agitation and encourage demonstrations.
  • Her relatively nascent label Arabella, which pays homage to the "beautiful Arab woman" and supplies customised, traditional garb to her clients, put a set of dark stones-embellished yet minimalistic abayas on the catwalk. Khaleej Times : UAE News
  • While an object of great respect, Inang Bayan is also often pitied for the tribulations she has suffered.
  • I am solely responsible for this comment and agree to abide by the oh "cubaya u are really a cubaya ` s mind. birtukan is under the law of the country and belongs to the constitution of the country so america couldn ` t any influence over ethiopia to release birtuka or other criminal agent. change your dream if you have another ok Permalink 02 / 27 / 09 @ 02: 00 Undefined
  • I like the lamia-crazy stuff in there better. garfunkleandoates someone should release the whole movie without the cgi. abayarts you think it would of been easy to do this with the cartoon version instead. it was okay, webcomic is still better. greggorybasore VOTD: The Twist Ending That Should’ve Happened - Garfield Never Existed | /Film
  • Mambabatas sa Maine ay isinasaalang-alang ng isang sapilitan cell phone kanser babala, sa kabila ng kakulangan ng mga makabuluhang pang-agham na katibayan na sanhi ng cell phone utak tumors. »2,009» Disyembre
  • Gamzatti is so furious, that she also decides to have the bayadère killed.
  • Seeing a great performer dancing true to her native style is part of Altynai Asylnuratova's astonishing impact in La Bayadere.
  • Many of the men wore white skullcaps and long white robes, and the women were either scarved and covered or in the full abaya, a black nunlike garb.
  • The abaya is a long over-garment essentially a robe-like dress with black as the most predominant color among Muslim women. Main RSS Feed
  • Gradually a permanent nucleus was formed comprising the essential elements of an Orchestra - firsts and seconds, alto, tenor and bass parts, guitar, bayan, piano and percussion.
  • You may easily guess from this letter that Bayard's school life was very sedate and Quakerish. Four Famous American Writers: Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, James Russell Lowell, Bayard Taylor A Book for Young Americans
  • Women tend to wear very colorful long-sleeved, ankle-length dresses, with a black silk cloak called an abaya covering them completely in public.
  • Many of the men wore white skullcaps and long white robes, dishdashas, and the women were either scarved and covered or in the full abaya, a black nunlike garb.
  • To the north, the magnificent cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe – to the south, the villages of San Augustin, San Angel, and Tacubaya, which seem imbosomed in trees, and look like an immense garden. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • There was about Hazlitt's wooing of Rachel the pathos which might distinguish the love affair of a Baptist angel and the hamadryad daughter of a Babayaga. Erik Dorn
  • Ishak Pasa Palace out of Doyubayazi is an Ottoman ruin started in 1685.
  • Small flocks of mangy goats and sheep, shepherded by women in flowing black abayas, forage in the trash.
  • A basic abaya sells for 70, but an elaborate one with real gold thread can cost 6,000. Times, Sunday Times
  • One rather prominent detail was a lady at a neighbouring table dressed only in a sarong and kabaya, with her extremities bare. From Jungle to Java The Trivial Impressions of a Short Excursion to Netherlands India
  • Shaw ordered a sculpture of his champion fox terrier, and Bayard Warren a portrait of his champion Sealyham.
  • The women of the family swept her up in warm embraces, almost causing her to disappear in the flurry of abayas.
  • [93] Finally, if one still wonders whether the Court was misled into finding military exigency because of the suppressed evidence, consider all the other arguments expressly raised both by Hirabayashi as well as the gov-ernment as early as 1943. Is That Legal?: Who's to Blame?
  • In the days of Nad Al Sheba, at a typical race, men milled around the floodlit track in flowing white dishdashas and head scarves while women in black abayas sat cross-legged on the lawn that embraced the track, poring over racing forms. All the Sheikh’s Horses
  • Two more joined them shortlyto my relief, neither was the one whose arm Bayard had disjoined in the recent struggle, for I was sure that whatever was to be done to us was soon to be put to a vote. Virginity
  • Bayangkan, ketika kita mengirim posting keren, meskipun kita ini cah ndeso nan kutu kupret, kita tetap disanjung layaknya juragan. RomiSatriaWahono.Net
  • He lives in a modest house in Wonosari, Surabaya.
  • [Seilan -- _MS. _], in the fairs of Sumatra; eaglewood from Coromandel; camphor in Sunda and Chincheo, but better in Borneo; myrobalans [32] in Cambaya, Balagate, and Malabar; incense from Arabia; myrrh from The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 27 of 55 1636-37 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • Bayard2s sword stilled, and Sir Robert stood stiffly behind him, his hand stretched toward the Scorpion in silent anguish. Virginity
  • We're in the process of packing all the loot and pasalubong (yes, we are bah-roke, not that we had that much to begin with) into balikbayan boxes. Archive 2004-10-01
  • In their childhood he had drawn for her amusement Spanish galleons, the domes of Mogul palaces, and a fantastic damsel, that he called a bayadere, languishing on a balcony. Sacrifice
  • The first case was a 14-year-old boy from the rural district of Dogubayazit, in the eastern province of Agri, which borders the Islamic Republic of Iran and Armenia.
  • Few Dutch ladies in Java mind being seen in what to us appears undress -- a sarong and kabaya -- and frequently, when without guests, it is the custom to dine in this scanty apparel. From Jungle to Java The Trivial Impressions of a Short Excursion to Netherlands India
  • Kobayashi said last month's deadly earthquake in the central region of Niigata and typhoons that hit western provinces would have dampened the figures.
  • ★ 'HOUSE' (No rating, 1: 27, in Japanese) A 1977 haunted-house freakout from the Japanese director Nobuhiko Obayashi about seven teenage girls, who, during an increasingly violent and surrealistic trip, encounter a hungry piano and a bouncing severed head. NYT > Home Page
  • You must wear a black cloak and veil that's called an abaya when you leave the palace, to protect your modesty.
  • PhilippinesSupreme Court (15 justices are appointed by the president on the recommendation of the Judicial and Bar Council and serve until 70 years of age); Court of Appeals; Sandigan-bayan (special court for hearing corruption cases of government officials) Judicial branch
  • She wore a black veil over her head, and her kabaya, or upper garment, was fastened with three diamond clasps. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • There is one catch: Bayard writes in French. Of course, that hardly matters as, by definition, you're not going to crack the spine.
  • Most wore an enveloping black abaya or a head scarf over their hair.
  • Tacubaya, which seem imbosomed in trees, and look like an immense garden. Life in Mexico
  • At the start the composer's structural moves (call, then response; bayan chords, then string glissandi) couldn't have been clearer. Times, Sunday Times
  • State Department guidelines note, for example, that the religious police can "pressure women to wear" the full-length black covering known as an abaya, "and to cover their heads. NYT > Home Page
  • Whistle Blowers perform a public service for us all by sid bayan on Monday, Oct 27, 2008 at 6: 45: 32 AM Will Greed lead to Meltdown of the Health System?
  • I think this kind of strictness on the Abaya rule is rooted on the Saudi tradition itself. Q&A: Love in Saudi Arabia - The Lede Blog -
  • Saudi women don a billowy black cloak called an abaya, along with a black scarf and veil over the face.
  • The origins of tabla repertoire and technique may be found in all three and in physical structure there are also elements of all three: the smaller pakhawaj head for the dayan, the naqqara kettledrum for the bayan, and the flexible use of the bass of the dholak. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Though she doesn't leave home without her abaya, she likes her glamour. Times, Sunday Times
  • From "Maa Gojabayani" to "Kathantara", Anu has taken a big leap forward to make his presence felt in Oriya household. Archive 2007-12-01
  • Just heard a woman on a bayarea station say that after 3 times of being bullied you can call cps on them. Father says daughter bullied at South Hadley H.S.
  • Nikiya, the most beautiful of the bayadères (temple dancers), has been chosen to be consecrated the lead temple dancer and she and the young warrior, Solor, are very much in love.
  • There is no requirement for them to wear the abaya in public, though many do. Times, Sunday Times
  • They looked like ghosts with the wind whipping around their abayas.
  • He almost felt their eyes upon him in wonder and amusement, and, as he gradually neared the steps without in any way looking up, it was in some mysterious manner conveyed to him that these figures were ladies, and their dress, the sarong and kabaya! From Jungle to Java The Trivial Impressions of a Short Excursion to Netherlands India
  • Tapi cuba bayangkan kalaulah Nas Ahmad yang segak tampan itu tiba-tiba bertukar menjadi tua, mampukah dia menerjah artis ke sana sini seperti yang kerap dilakukannya? Sensasi Selebriti | Ulasan Dunia Hiburan, Gossip Terkini, Gambar Selebriti, Filem, Muzik, Video & Teater
  • For the time being, the feel-good "kumbaya" message is sufficient return along with some profits. April Rudin: Impact Investing -- Using Green Thinking to Make Green Dollars
  • There were 79 women, 11 with heads uncovered, the rest split between headscarves and black flowing abayas; 11 Shia turbans, 22 yashmaks, one Kurdish tribal headwrap and a sea of Western suits.
  • Baya Weavers are a little aggressive and should not be kept with other weavers or Finches which are smaller or weaker.
  • So how did this tough guy turn out to be a "kumbaya" promoter of Jewish-Palestinian cooperation in, of all places, the West Bank? David Suissa: Settler, Warrior, Healer
  • As Bayard reminded me, it was a cinch to find it on the internet.
  • Gawain itong sinusukat, sa wakas, alinsunod sa idinudulot nitong benepisyo o paglilingkod sa kapakanan ng bayan at ng buong sambayanan. Archive 2008-10-01
  • The abaya she wears cannot hide the shaking of her body as waves of grief roll through her.
  • Lors de son procès, il affirme que Kobayashi Yosuke est mort et qu'il est maintenant Amamiya Kazuhiko. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The opening of the next piece, a concerto from 2009 for a Russian form of accordion called the bayan, was as deeply serious as Prokofiev's was light. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Battle of the Nek bayadere beards bears beauty beaver becoming headgear The Turn of the Century
  • She wore a rich, striped, red silk sarong, and a very short, green silk kabaya with diamond clasps; but I saw very little of her dress or herself, because she was almost enveloped in a pure white veil of a fine woolen material spangled with gold stars, and she concealed so much of her face with it, in consequence of the presence of the Rajah The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • Among the highlights of Crane's collection were the fabled Bayard Album (a unique cache of early salt prints and cyanotypes) and rare daguerreotypes, including a portrait of Edgar Allan Poe.
  • Battle of the Nek bayadere beards bears beaver becoming headgear Governor-General
  • Music: (In order) "Adana" - Ara Gevorgian "Cilicia" - Zaruhi Babayan "Dle Yaman" - Djvian Gasparyan Copyright © 2009 XotiK Studio - - Photown News
  • Music: (In order) "Adana" - Ara Gevorgian "Cilicia" - Zaruhi Babayan "Dle Yaman" - Djvian Gasparyan Copyright © - Photown News
  • The most famous Persian writer of all time, Omar Khayyam, wrote his Rubayat of love poetry during Seljuk times.
  • They insisted that she conceal her fatigues with a white abaya, cover her hair with a hijab. Times, Sunday Times
  • She started wearing the hijab and abaya, and is now looking forward to an arranged marriage. Times, Sunday Times

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