How To Use bawdily In A Sentence
- It goes without saying that theatre can be a bit rough and ready, and lord knows our William seems to want to bawdily go where no one has gone before.
- They jest bawdily about men's sexual anatomies; Iras, when asked amusedly where she would choose to have her 'inch of fortune', replies, 'Not in my husband's nose'. Shakespeare
- The film pays loving tribute to the striking machinists at Ford's motor plant via the vehicle of the bawdily unreconstructed class-war farce, referencing everything from The Rag Trade to the Boulting brothers 'I'm All Right, Jack to Carry On at Your Convenience. Made in Dagenham
- “Ke ke ke ke,” she sang bawdily, lifting up the hem of her dress, gyrating lasciviously. A Kettle of Vultures
- A round of laughter erupted when someone bawdily suggested a connection between the two subjects. Elephant in the City
- C, teh ting eez, ewe shud naot apply enneh fisy… feesi… bawdily discomfurt too teh kitteh. Video: Cat Yodeling - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
- Helen and Paris enter; she implores Pandarus to sing a song of love, which he later sings bawdily.
- No one wants anything feminine, unless it is bawdily so, like defending a woman's rights to show her naked body in public or something. Women must be Men: Mourning the Lost of the “Spirit of Man”
- To test this, simply think of some particularly bawdily outrageous title for adults and try imagine it being put on a highschool reading list. Yet another G-word
- Amanda had suggested bawdily that this might be a decision which she could make well worth his while.