[ US /ˈbɔksaɪt/ ]
[ US /ˈbɔksaɪt/ ]
- a clay-like mineral; the chief ore of aluminum; composed of aluminum oxides and aluminum hydroxides; used as an abrasive and catalyst
How To Use bauxite In A Sentence
- In addition there were railways on sugar and banana estates, and tramways in the Kingston metropolitan area and railway lines were laid to facilitate the bauxite mining industry.
- Tropical forests are also destroyed to make way for the hydro-electric plants to smelt bauxite - used in aluminum cans.
- June of $0.43, reinforcing SDGM's confidence in BRL's ability to develop its extensive Darling Ranges land holdings into a profitable long-term bauxite production and export business. WA Business News - Latest News
- Aluminum is made from bauxite.
- We also need information about whether this plant will be processing alumina, or bauxite; this can make a world of difference.
- The pro-project group propagated the idea that the mining of bauxite was the only means for the area to cross the boundaries of backwardness.
- The operating conditions make short-term or spot contracts highly risky; stockpiling is uneconomic, because bauxite has few alternative uses.
- Sugar production fell to a record low of 129,920 tonnes in 1990 and bauxite production was 15 percent below target.
- BRL has completed a successful trial quarrying and bauxite extraction costean programme of some 300 tonnes of bauxite for bulk sample for overseas customers. WA Business News - Latest News
- Revegetation of acidic residues from bauxite mining using nodulated and mycorrhizal legume trees. Chapter 10