How To Use Battleship In A Sentence

  • It proved necessary to row ashore in a small dinghy, plunging through the hot spray past a Turkish battleship that had been moored for so long that the coral had grown up around it, immobilising it forever.
  • Nick managed to move his battered body quickly enough to launch his own counter-blast, successfully stalemating the battleship's beam.
  • Certainly not establishing any huge steps forward for the aeronautical field, the specification called for a robust aircraft that could operate from the catapults being carried by the battleships and cruisers of the day.
  • Fuel and tankers became so scarce in the spring of 1942 that oil was scavenged from the unsalvageable battleships still resting on the bottom of Battleship Row.
  • A situation might call for an Arclite barrage from a division of siege tanks or a deadly battleship salvo of a targeted area.
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  • Compared to the size of the vessels in the enemy armada, these battleships were mere toys.
  • Rockets of early manufacture are painted battleship gray or dark green; later rockets are olive drab.
  • But only a nation so absurdly rich could have built two hundred battleships, carriers and cruisers in the war years, as well as a thousand smaller ships. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • He could see a massive row of cruisers and destroyers, accompanied by a single battleship.
  • These weren't frigates, cruisers, carriers or even battleships.
  • Their thirty and forty - thousand-ton battleships slowed down half a dozen miles offshore and maneuvered in ponderous evolutions, while tiny scout-boats (lean, six-funneled destroyers) ran in, cutting blackly the flashing sea like so many sharks. Goliah
  • As an aside, battleship armor used by dreadnaught and super dreadnaught battleships is referred to as all or nothing protection. Matthew Yglesias » Gulf Stability and the New Iraq
  • A television programme recreating the sinking of the Second World War battleship, Royal Oak, was broadcast on Grampian TV on Friday night.
  • One of the many interesting sidebars includes computer-enhanced images of a classic battle photo that reveals the previously unnoticed presence of midget submarines just off Battleship Row.
  • In the Second World War carriers replaced battleships as the capital ships of modern navies because aircraft could perform the functions of naval guns more effectively.
  • No one can look sensible with a nose that turns straight up, and I will have bright colors to wear -- I was brought up on wincey, color of mud, and all these London-smoke, battleship-gray colors make me sick. The Next of Kin Those who Wait and Wonder
  • Under your command shall be the battleships Loyalty and Honour, and the frigates Hope and Truth.
  • This prevented another bombardment of Henderson Field by the Japanese battleships, but that night their cruisers shelled it heavily.
  • The battleships ray out over the North Sea, keeping their stations accurately apart.
  • The young pilots of Galactica's battleship fleet are perpetually zonked on uppers.
  • Several large compartments were devoted to the machinery which automatically serviced the vessel -- refrigerators, heaters, generators and purifiers for water and air, and the numberless other mechanisms which would make the cruiser a comfortable and secure home, as well as an invincible battleship, in the heatless, lightless, airless, matterless waste of illimitable, inter-galactic space. Skylark Three
  • Each stem reached a height of just nine inches and, curiously, was battleship grey. The Sun
  • Up front, just behind the spearhead of mine sweepers, battleships and cruisers, were the command ships, the attack transports bristling with radar and radio antennae.
  • Although most fleet Kingfishers were catapulted from the fantails of battleships and cruisers, the Navy also tried mounting them on the stern of destroyers.
  • The smaller ships were called 'stovepipes' I think, and they were battleship guns with life support built around them. Something to do with a nuke
  • Inside the museum, all manner of detailed models, from submarines, steamboats and trawlers to battleships, tugs and cobles, competed for best model in the various classes.
  • Journalists received a stern warning not to go anywhere near the battleship.
  • Shells from both battleships were exploding deep in the heart of the BISMARCK, wrecking the engine rooms, destroying the fuel tanks and adding hundreds of tons of fuel to feed the great fires now raging in the entire mid-section of the ship, the roaring flames clearly visible through the great jagged gaps torn in the ship's side and armour-plating. The Lonely Sea
  • Dead water, A World War II battleship was again requisitioned, it was sent to the Persian Gulf to conduct a secret investigation activities.
  • Cahill's plane, still corkscrewing, veers towards the laser on the Kratch battleship, which is preparing to fire again.
  • While plans were drawn up in case the raider was a pocket battleship and not just one of the many German merchant ships which had sneaked out of the sanctuary of a South American port and armed herself, the Admiralty signalled to Admiral Lyon and Commodore Harwood that the order recalling the 4th Destroyer Division was cancelled and they were "to be retained in the South Atlantic for the present. Graf Spee
  • Things were going well until the arrival of the Borg, a multi-armed, part-organic battleship that was virtually indestructible.
  • To the industrialists supplying the steel and to the owners of the shipyards, the battleship fleet plan could be presented as both patriotic and highly profitable. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • In "Pinafore"—itself a hilariously improbable name for a battleship—Gilbert also took aim at one of the nation's most cherished institutions, the British navy, hallowed guardian of the sea-girt isle. Gilbert & Sullivan, Parody's Patresfamilias
  • By the outbreak of World War I, moreover, battleship ordnance could once more outrange most of the guns of the shore defenses, with the plunging trajectory of naval shells making open-topped defensive works untenable.
  • Joining the air action, the giant 18-inch-gun battleship Yamato sortied from the home islands, but was destroyed by U.S. Navy aircraft.
  • The many battleships, cruisers and transport ships which were bombed or torpedoed during the war have now become coral-encrusted artificial reefs, attracting schools of fish, sharks and manta rays.
  • Later, the ten fast battleships were in advance of their foreign contemporaries in mounting dual-purpose secondary batteries effective against both antisurface and antiaircraft targets.
  • A 14-year veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard, he has served on cutters assigned to protect Navy battleships around the world.
  • I also suspect that while I was collecting an extended family of trolls with differently coloured fluorescent hair, these guys spent their early days making Airfix models of battleships.
  • They moved two destroyers into the area to counter the threat from the enemy battleship.
  • Battlecruisers are the size of battleships but more lightly armoured, so they have the speed of a cruiser.
  • They moved two destroyers into the area to counter the threat from the enemy battleship.
  • The Spy" by Clive Cussler and Justin Scott is a wonderfully written and historically fascinating espionage novel set in pre-World War I America, in which our hero, Isaac Bell a characteristically brilliant and strong Yale man, stops a slew of Japanese, German and English spies who are trying to break America's secret program to build the most powerful dreadnought battleships and control the world's waters. Twelve Months of Reading
  • My level-bombing group had entered on its bombing run toward the battleships moored to the east of Ford Island.
  • The battleships and destroyers following HMS Fearless arrived on the scene at a speed of 21 knots.
  • Each battle group was protected by battleships and cruisers.
  • The limits were not on ‘naval forces’, as Chomsky states, but on battleships and aircraft carriers.
  • She says that most divers in the South know the wreck of HMS Hood, the battleship which was sunk in 1914 across the south ship channel of Portland Harbour to stop U-boats firing torpedoes at ships inside.
  • The Battleship Potempkin (Bronenosets Potyomkin), Sergei Eisenstein, 1925 Hiroshima, America and French Open
  • There were women in various stages of undress, aged hacks bellowing out nationalist folk songs, several figures slumped in corners and enough booze to float a battleship.
  • Some of the battleships were almost as heavy, but nothing nearly as big in every dimension. FLASH POINT
  • The other is fat-bellied, slack muscled and poor yet shovels in expensive long-term poisons as though stoking the boiler of a battleship.
  • There was still one battleship in service, the Vanguard, a turreted shape I can just remember seeing through a North Sea mist, but the biggest surprise was the number of aircraft carriers: Ark Royal, Eagle, Indomitable, Illustrious, Implacable, Indefatigable, Formidable … their bulldog names went on over two pages. A British fleet with no aircraft carrier. Unthinkable!
  • The battleship only showed up if the gunboat was attacked. NIMITZ CLASS
  • In addition to these vessels, Congress authorized seven dreadnoughts in 1916 and seven fast battleships in 1940, none of which was finished.
  • The government has decided to decommission two battleships.
  • The British had recommended that steel be diverted from the construction of battleships and heavy cruisers to convoy escorts and landing craft.
  • The serious fleet action had lasted for only twenty minutes — from 6: 15 to 6: 35 p.m. — and even then, in the shifting banks of mist and smoke rolling toward the British line, no more than three or four enemy battleships had ever been visible from the bridge of Iron Duke. Castles of Steel
  • Seven battleships, six cruisers and several torpedo boats steamed among the trawlers.
  • Sheer senseless destruction to send in a cockleshell like the JERVIS BAY against the might of a pocket battleship, a folly and a bravado, that amounted to nothing less than madness. The Lonely Sea
  • Admiral Jellicoe flew his flag in the battleship HMS Iron Duke at the Battle of Jutland in 1916.
  • He would get a battleship the following year and eventually would become a Fleet Commander.
  • In Bobby Collins you had a pocket battleship of an inside-forward who could mix the sacred with the profane.
  • Only current Italian battleships, also designed for near seas, had such limited autonomy.
  • He saw future naval confrontations whereby the battleships and cruisers of a fleet would protect the carriers.
  • They moved two destroyers into the area to counter the threat from the enemy battleship.
  • We love to roll dice and move pieces around a board, plot battleship strategies, play cribbage, chess, and mancala.
  • The grim battle in the twilight of the Arctic Circle was the last time men of the Royal Navy faced the enemy in a battleship.
  • Similarly, the U.S. Navy that entered World II was, first and foremost, a battleship navy.
  • A minelayer and ex-battleship were sunk and three destroyers were wrecked in dry-dock.
  • The Navy had arrived with impressive looking warships and battleships, armed to the teeth with many a cannon and gun.
  • Nine U.S. sailors from the battleship Dolphin, berthed off Tampico, come ashore carrying weapons and are detained (for about thirty minutes) by federal authorities. Mexico this month - April
  • To the industrialists supplying the steel and to the owners of the shipyards, the battleship fleet plan could be presented as both patriotic and highly profitable. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • The visitors changing rooms are now smaller, have no electricity and are painted a gloomy battleship grey. The Sun
  • He leveled out just fine, winging toward the battleships.
  • The sculptures seem like bellicose battleships, flaunting jagged-ribbed fins and sawtooth incisors.
  • The raid resulted in the sinking or damaging of eight US battleships, three cruisers and three destroyers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leading the Japanese Fleet was Admiral Heihachiro Togo, who flew his flag in the battleship Mikasa.
  • A fast and fearsome battleship, the bireme was manned by 44 oarsmen working two banks of oars.
  • A British battleship, which had been damaged severely in the battle of Crete, came limping into Pearl Harbor.
  • These include the battlecruisers HMS Hood, HMS Repulse and the battleship HMS Prince of Wales.
  • The commander of a torpedo boat sends his unit in pursuit of a Japanese battleship. The Sun
  • Some of the battleships were almost as heavy, but nothing nearly as big in every dimension. FLASH POINT
  • In the Second World War carriers replaced battleships as the capital ships of modern navies because aircraft could perform the functions of naval guns more effectively.
  • War has many legacies, and today we look at an environmental one that's now raising its head in the pristine waters of the Pacific: sunken battleships.
  • It was large, painted the same bilious yellow and battleship gray as every other office and corridor in the Omaha Central Post Office. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Plus Scalia would look mighty fine straddling the guns of a Navy battleship in that fishnet thong getup from the "If I Could Turn Back Time" video (which is also a anthem wholly apropos of Scalia's jurisprudence). Balkinization
  • Their collection of battle medals would sink a battleship (if we have any left). Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike aboard a frigate, the men aboard the Navy's battleships and cruisers felt nothing during transit.
  • When battleships showed their prowess, submarines and torpedo boats were devised.
  • three hulking battleships
  • These bosses are the greatest thing about this game: they range from gigantic armada battleship to big two-headed dragons!
  • No one will be told that the government does not take this money and keep it for the old age or for the needy day of the washwoman, but spends it as fast as it comes in for battleships, cooling systems, salaries, mileage of congressmen and all the miscellaneous expense of government. Broke
  • The film is based on the British Navy's triumph over a German pocket battleship, the Graf Spee, in the early months of the second world war.
  • The government has decided to decommission two battleships.
  • Seven battleships, six cruisers and several torpedo boats steamed among the trawlers.
  • Each point in the ratio meant 100, 000 tons of capital ships, or the equivalent of about three battleships.
  • He feels a certain peace, clinging to the side of Swartberg Pass: The clouds are like huge silver battleships, the dusks like golden liquids—the Karoo is a place of raw light and monumental skies and relentless silence. Memory Wall
  • His physique is now that of a pocket battleship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Journalists received a stern warning not to go anywhere near the battleship.
  • There were women in various stages of undress, aged hacks bellowing out nationalist folk songs, several figures slumped in corners and enough booze to float a battleship.
  • In "The Jumping-off Place," about San Diego as the nation's suicide capital, epitome of native anguish and exhaustion, he concludes with a black parody of the all-American Whitmaniacal catalogue: they stuff up the cracks of their doors and quietly turn on the gas; they go into their back sheds or back kitchens and eat ant-paste or swallow Lysol; they drive their cars into dark alleys, get into the back seat and shoot themselves; they hang themselves in hotel bedrooms, take overdoses of sulphonal or barbital; they slip off to the municipal golf-links and there stab themselves with carving-knives; or they throw themselves into the bay, blue and placid, where gray battleships and cruisers guard the limits of their broad-belting nation-already reaching out in the eighties for the sugar plantations of Honolulu.
  • We were about to begin our second bombing run when there was a colossal explosion in battleship row.
  • Over dinner she would ask if we knew the tremendous amount of money being spent on battleships, foreign holidays or something else unnecessary. Times, Sunday Times
  • At sea, he served in a battleship, an aircraft carrier, in cruisers, destroyers, frigates, and a minesweeper.
  • The Japanese naval ships, or battleships or whatever, cannot interdict ships of other countries on the high sea.
  • It's the only "dreadnaught" (the prototype of the modern battleship) type of battleship surviving, and is also the only surviving battleship that fought in both WW I and WW II. Recent Updates
  • I had the honor and the privilege of being the radioman who contacted a British battleship in the west Pacific and sent it the names, serial numbers and home addresses of all the survivors. Never Forgotten Newsletter
  • A U.S. Navy diver, working in the 26-year-old battleship USS Arizona, hands up a piece of twisted machinery reclaimed from the interior of the ship.
  • In a few short months, all battleships on all seas will be destroyed or flung to the scrap-heap, and all nations shall disarm; fortresses shall be dismantled, armies disbanded, and warfare shall cease from the earth. Goliah
  • Over dinner she would ask if we knew the tremendous amount of money being spent on battleships, foreign holidays or something else unnecessary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Admiral Carden was given the new superdreadnought Queen Elizabeth with eight 15-inch guns, the battle cruiser Inflexible with eight 12-inch guns, and twelve British and four French predreadnought battleships carrying a total of fifty-six 12-inch and eight 10-inch guns. Castles of Steel
  • Their thirty - and forty-thousand-ton battleships slowed down half a dozen miles off-shore and manœuvred in ponderous evolutions; while tiny scout-boats (lean, six-funnelled destroyers) ran in, cutting blackly the flashing sea like so many sharks. Goliah
  • Thus, the U.S. Navy had carried battleships on its rosters for little more than a century.
  • At this point the battleship King George V was only 200 miles away and closing fast.
  • This is a legacy of the Second World War, in which the aircraft carrier replaced the battleship as the capital ship of fleets.
  • The irony is that British submarines did not really have the potential to sink battleships as their armour was simply too great.
  • The battleships were loaded down with so much fuel, food, and ammunition that armored belts and decks were below the waterline.
  • A Tomahawk missile launch toward the Vietnam and Persian Gulf side of the mural is symbolic of the refitting of the battleship with modern weapons in the mid-1980s. Heroes or Villains?
  • The commander of a torpedo boat sends his unit in pursuit of a Japanese battleship. The Sun
  • The Royal Navy will attempt to stem the flow of oil from the sunken Royal Oak battleship by carrying out tests on a replica of the vessel.
  • If the Americans lost a capital ship (a battleship or aircraft carrier) it was simply a loss.
  • As the battleship sailed by/past, everyone on deck waved.
  • Every pfennig was to go into the massive battleship-building program designed to challenge the Royal Navy. Castles of Steel
  • The battleship only showed up if the gunboat was attacked. NIMITZ CLASS
  • At half a mile distant the battleship blew up — simply blew up, that was all, her shattered frame sinking to the bottom of the bay, a riff-raff of wreckage and a few survivors strewing the surface. Goliah
  • Among the craft that littered the harbour was the hulk of the battleship Haruna lying quietly in the shallows, its deck just above the water.
  • On just day two, there was a fleet of World War One battleships from Scapa Flow, and a brace of 19th century treasure galleons from the Scilly Isles.
  • Some of the battleships were almost as heavy, but nothing nearly as big in every dimension. FLASH POINT
  • Out in front were the destroyers, cruisers and battleships and behind moved the concentration of troop and supply ships.
  • With Admiral Togo flying his flag in the British-built battleship Mikasa, a strong naval force moved into position.
  • Some of the battleships were almost as heavy, but nothing nearly as big in every dimension. FLASH POINT
  • Wind has disrupted the advance of great warships like battleships and aircraft carriers.
  • Wing Commander Frank Brock, a director of the company, used his background and passion for explosives and incendiaries to develop a smokescreen to conceal battleships at sea.
  • Two battleships packed with Marines lurk offshore.
  • The topmen, who worked on the highest yards, spent much of their day aloft, in the tops, which on a battleship would be spacious areas out of sight of the officers, and far above the inferior members of the crew.
  • Other attacks in the first wave were on ‘Battleship Row’, cruisers and other auxiliary ships.
  • In the same year the battleship Vanguard blew up in Scapa Flow.
  • The first ships hit were the cruisers USS Helena and USS Raleigh, the battleships USS Oklahoma and USS Utah, and the minelayer USS Olgala.
  • The firepower of the British battleship now proved decisive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Out in front were the destroyers, cruisers and battleships and behind moved the concentration of troop and supply ships.
  • One of the things that's always impressed me about the Stargate universe is how we gradually accrete technological advances (The various types of battleship, the 302s and the Pegasus Bridge all spring to mind). Stargate SG-1 Watchaton: Ask Joseph Mallozzi
  • Divers are expected to return to the wreck site later this year to check on the oil which still leaks from the battleship.
  • Admiral Yoshikawa pointed out that the first Kashima in the Japanese navy was a battleship built by Armstrong on the Tyne in 1906.
  • Unfortunately for the U-boat force, as with all other naval officers at that time, the German Naval High Command believed vehemently in the unsinkable battleship.
  • The government ploughed funds into four new battleships, two aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, and submarines, with much of the work going to the Clyde.
  • A British battleship, which had been damaged severely in the battle of Crete, came limping into Pearl Harbor.
  • Early swathers were built like battleships - cumbersome and so heavy they could not go into wet harvest fields.
  • By building super-powerful battleships, called "maulers", the Patrol gained a temporary advantage over Boskonia, but a stalemate soon ensued. Gray Lensman
  • Fuel and tankers became so scarce in the spring of 1942 that oil was scavenged from the unsalvageable battleships still resting on the bottom of Battleship Row.
  • He carried a swordstick, wore a monocle, and was said to possess a 'chin like the cut­water of a battleship'. Times, Sunday Times
  • I really dig the extensions, but in comparison to opera firefox is a battleship. and startup time ... oh my. yes, I think multiple processes are the right way to go - but a few performance improvements couldn't hurt, either. Firefox Joining The Multi-Process Movement | Lifehacker Australia
  • I seem to remember reading somewhere that Tottenham supporters raised enough money during WWII to buy a battleship for the Royal Navy, called the HMS Hotspur," writes Paris Goursoyannis. Who is England's oldest ever debutant?
  • SFS: (Reader submitted) - One of the things that's always impressed me about the Stargate universe is how we gradually accrete technological advances (The various types of battleship, the 302s and the Pegasus Bridge all spring to mind). INTERVIEW: Consulting Producer Joseph Mallozzi Talks About Plans for Stargate Universe
  • Blackett cleared his throat with the rumble of a great battleship going down the slipway. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • As their battleships arrived they were conducted to one of the satellites, and each man was "fumigated," lest he bring disease to the mother planet. Invaders from the Infinite
  • He was a fervent supporter of air power and had, unlike some of his colleagues, little faith in battleships.
  • A further 17 aircraft carriers, six battleships, 16 cruisers and 56 destroyers were also tasked in support.
  • His gun-mounted gyrostabilizer made fire control possible on battleships. American Connections
  • Both vessels were built in England, albeit 136 years apart, and both were designated first class battleships.
  • The Combined Fleet flew in a wedge formation, with the battleships at the point and the cruisers on the flanks.
  • At sea, he served in a battleship, an aircraft carrier, in cruisers, destroyers, frigates, and a minesweeper.
  • Werner Schroeter stages a Wagner opera featuring the "rebirth of Tristan in the spirit of battleship Potemkin", philosopher Peter Sloterdijk talks about Ovid and the metamorphosis of added value, a man at the piano analyses the score of a strike song while workers and factory owners face off in an opera by Luigi Nono, the poet Dürs Grünbein interprets Bert Brecht's aesthetisation of the Communist manifesto in swinging oceanic hexameter, cultural scientist
  • A big battleship would help the moribund community around Hunters Point, which has a battleship pier and plans for 1,600 homes.
  • There are small strike craft, such as fighters, bombers, interceptors, and mechs, corvettes, smaller capital ships such as frigates, and then the larger cruisers, carriers and battleships.
  • The first clue is the decor: salmon pink walls, beautifully laundered pink napery, enough pink-patterned curtain to wrap a battleship.
  • Behind him, the screen displayed a giant construct, something like a battleship with two huge bulges on the side of it.
  • The Predators still didn't sustain much damage, and soon all three Nemesis-class battleships were shieldless.
  • Both battleships had been disabled, and settled on the muddy bottom of the harbour.
  • The blunders were failure to build a fleet of heavy 4 engine bombers and choosing to build the super dreadnaught battleships Bismarck and Tirpitz instead of Uboats. Matthew Yglesias » The Think Tank Industrial Complex
  • There was some difficulty in recruiting a sufficient number of engineer officers, and of stokers who could manage the novel tubular boilers of the new battleships, and the fleet was undoubtedly handicapped by the inexperience of its engine-room and stokehold staff. Famous Sea Fights From Salamis to Tsu-Shima
  • The term irons comes from the great days of sail, when a battleship stuck in irons could not maneuver away from its foe and therefore was unable to escape attack. Sailing Fundamentals
  • They moved two destroyers into the area to counter the threat from the enemy battleship.
  • He was a pocket battleship and what made him dominant was the strength of his body and the power of his shot. Times, Sunday Times
  • U.S. losses included 2,403 killed and 1,178 wounded as well as 187 aircraft, 8 battleships, 3 cruisers, 3 destroyers, 2 auxiliary craft, a minelayer, and a target ship.
  • The cachet on this cover, featuring a battleship with cage masts firing a broadside is a Stinemetts design.
  • The battleships opened up their broadsides, and half the alien ships were crushed before their element command could react.
  • The younger brother of the Battleship Potemkin has found a small round in his aging revolutionary magazine and fired it off with great jollity.
  • Admiral Kondo's main force of two battleships and six heavy cruisers followed soon after.
  • At sea, he served in a battleship, an aircraft carrier, in cruisers, destroyers, frigates, and a minesweeper.
  • They were on their way to Scapa Flow, where they were going to get on a battleship and sail west to confer with the president of the United States. Human Smoke
  • For everybody who wants to try out something new in sudoku, try shendoku, using the sudoku rules but playing two people, one against the other, like battleshipps. Sudoku Godfather
  • One new and two old battleships were torpedoed, a cruiser was hit, and the dockyard damaged.
  • The raid resulted in the sinking or damaging of eight US battleships, three cruisers and three destroyers. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Sir, we board small frigates and pirate ships, not super-sized battleships.’
  • Wind has disrupted the advance of great warships like battleships and aircraft carriers.
  • On the way out to sea for exercises they clattered past lines of battleships and cruisers, from whose sparkling decks immaculate officers looked down on them with disdain.
  • But, if we must keep out of the Baltic because we are not yet strong enough to go in, and if our merchant ships must run the hazards of bubble mines and magnetic mines and pocket battleships and submarine's torpedoes for another hundred days and another hundred days-then I heartily endorse W.J. Stewart, M. P.P.'s condemnation of sneers at Canada's "tinpot" navy. War With the Blinds Down
  • He would get a battleship the following year and eventually would become a Fleet Commander.
  • We love to roll dice and move pieces around a board, plot battleship strategies, play cribbage, chess, and mancala.
  • It was large, painted the same bilious yellow and battleship gray as every other office and corridor in the Omaha Central Post Office. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Inside the museum, all manner of detailed models, from submarines, steamboats and trawlers to battleships, tugs and cobles, competed for best model in the various classes.
  • It was the story of `Buster" Crabbe, a naval frogman who had been spying on a Russian battleship moored in Portsmouth harbour. THE INNOCENT
  • At sea, he served in a battleship, an aircraft carrier, in cruisers, destroyers, frigates, and a minesweeper.
  • Some of the battleships were almost as heavy, but nothing nearly as big in every dimension. FLASH POINT
  • Two WW2 battleships re-furbished for a few billion because no one told Reagan that WW2 was over. Meltzer on the Labor Market, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A few minutes earlier, USS battleship Nevada and other ships opened fire on Utah.
  • Topping the bill are free screenings at some of SE15's most attractive locations: Harold Lloyd's Safety Last and Ealing comedy The Ladykillers in Nunhead Cemetery; Baraka in a local nature garden; and Battleship Potemkin on top a multi-storey car park with pop-up bar and a great view of the city. This week's new film festivals
  • The combined German naval force for this attack was fifteen battleships, thirteen cruisers and seventy-one destroyers, whose principal task was to guard the larger ships against British submarines.

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