How To Use Battlefield In A Sentence
Aryan shrieks and runs out of my room, making such noise that her footfalls sound like an army trooping onto the battlefield.
The commander countermanded the reinforcements to the battlefield.
The lure of profit from gold and diamonds, as well as from minerals such as coltan, which is used to make mobile phones, have turned eastern Congo into a battlefield.
The Guardian World News
On the ‘digital’ battlefield there is a real likelihood that brigade commanders will talk directly to sergeants or corporals commanding sections and that intermediate officers will be sidelined.
Again, here at CENTCOM, for the past few days they have been criticizing Iraqi military for what they term cowardice on the battlefield.
CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2003
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Currently the at-risk register covers a national view of archaeology, monuments, gardens, conservation areas, places of worship, wrecks and battlefields.
Times, Sunday Times
My plan is usually to remove the Helblaster from the battlefield before I advance.
If this dereliction is allowed to persist, it is predictable that more Americans will die, both on foreign battlefields and at home.
Stealth Jihad by Frank Gaffney, Jr. and The American Legion « Mark12ministries’s Weblog
Such programs include trips to Jewish heritage sites, former battlefields, military or regimental museums, and military gravesites.
I write about Cuny not just because he became a friend who touched all who knew him, but because his world was the world in which I am interested here, and his engagements on some of the battlefields of what is often called post-modern warfare show the scope and complexity of finding international solutions to local or regional crises.
Training, maintenance, pre-combat checks, pre-combat inspections, and fieldcraft are what enable good units to execute when the time comes on the battlefield.
Starting with this, the article analyzes military requirement of LFT (Limited Long-distance Firepower of Tank) from fighting task, fighting action and battlefield control.
Experts from both sides of the Atlantic will discuss battlefield tactics, the contribution of Loyalists and Native Americans, the role of officers, and the real reasons why the British forces failed to achieve victory.
Your life is a battlefield.
Christianity Today
Isolating the battlefield is a cardinal rule of warfare.
The Pakistan Paradox
The sight of the battlefield was horrible.
Road to Rome takes Battlefield to the next level, with extremely well designed levels.
Currently, the Italian-built Panthers are being finished off by BAE Systems, with the additional of a machine gun, radios and other accessories, when they will be delivered to the Army, effectively providing "battlefield limousines" for Ruperts – as officers are dismissively called – while troops are forced to patrol in dangerously vulnerable "Snatch" Land Rovers.
Feeding the European fantasy
After undertaking preliminary study, participants tour airfields, command posts, ammunition dumps, and battlefields where airpower played a role.
When audiences first see her, for instance, she is in prison, while, by the end of the film, she has emerged as a gutsy warrior queen, who is more than capable of handling herself on the battlefield.
Learning to see the battlefield through the viewfinder of a camera requires a special skill.
World leaders whose countries faced off on the battlefields of World War II paid tribute yesterday to the fallen soldiers and millions of civilian dead.
Some of it, what we could call dismounted combat, which some might call hand-to-hand, but that's basically infantry moving through positions on the battlefield.
CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2003
Personal leadership must still be exercised on these most ferocious of battlefields as we face shattered remnants and irregulars.
He got up from his sitting position and, with a slight limp in his gait, he ran towards the battlefield.
US commanders demanded that the militias leave the battlefield.
Times, Sunday Times
After the earthquake, the city resembled a battlefield.
Innovative new works created from bone fragments depict topographical maps of the sites of important battlefields in the history of South Africa.
The later kings become increasingly heavily armored in this period and it is more than likely that the heavy cataphracts often discussed reaches numbers that are truly significant on the battlefield.
So instead of helping us in the battlefield she does most of the brainwork, like developing bombs, telling us the position of the enemy, etc.
By then the Allied armies had advanced about ten miles and the Somme battlefield had been churned, like that of Verdun, into a featureless lunar landscape.
The battlefields had become a quagmire of blood, gore, mud, miles of trenches and poor generalship on both sides of no-man's land.
All I can think about is Pat Benatar, spreadeagled and bent over saying "love is a battlefield" while Mike Patton stands behind, poised, saying "no, Pat, love is a fist...
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White phosphorus is legal if fired as a battlefield smokescreen but it is banned in civilian areas, where its use could constitute a war crime.
Times, Sunday Times
Idealistic your German soldier Hans Vollmer joins the front on the eve of the invasion of Russia, unaware that darked things than the enemy stalk the battlefields.
Archive 2008-01-01
You are the battlefield commander.
Times, Sunday Times
If the rebel American militias were beaten on the battlefield, their ringleaders could expect to be hanged as traitors.
The battlefield flowed with rivers of blood.
Australian military history abounds with such examples of valour, from the battlefields of Europe to Africa, from the Mediterranean to the Pacific.
But when it comes to fighting your opponents you can zoom in close to the action on a richly depicted battlefield.
Times, Sunday Times
The idea of a battlefield tour is, of course, a handy way to move audiences around a site.
Times, Sunday Times
The President who had delivered that vengeance had come back to the hallowed ground, like a general returning to a battlefield.
Times, Sunday Times
Once Richard had been felled by a bolt from a crossbow, Philip began to enjoy success on the battlefield.
The early scenes of courtly intrigue are slow, but things liven up on the battlefields of France.
Times, Sunday Times
We might have expected her to have excelled at fashion photography - as she did - but her real métier was the battlefield.
With the Stryker, Ironside has access to the highly skilled mechanics inside to repair his forces on the battlefield.
And then, to my amazement, she accepts as fact the proposition that some men on the battlefield have been "hallucinated," and proceeds to give the theory of sensory hallucination.
The Angels of Mons The Bowmen and Other Legends of the War
There is increased interest and energy placed on the need for humanitarian rescue forces outside the battlefield.
Times, Sunday Times
The morning news speaks of battlefield deaths and capture, reminding us that easy, unopposed openings do not tell the complete story of a war.
But disasters are similar to battlefields in their degree of confusion and complexity, and in the consequent unreliability and incompleteness of the information available.
In response to increasing battlefield firepower, horse cavalry reduced the armor it used.
—Stowed in a warehouse with a leaky skylight is one of this city's remaining valuable assets: a U.S. Cavalry horse's hoof purportedly found on the battlefield at Little Bighorn, the site of Lt. Col.
Harrisburg Is Having a Yard Sale—Wanna Buy a Stuffed Buffalo?
After nine years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, they are beginning to recognize age-old legacies of the battlefield -- once known as shellshock or battle fatigue -- as combat wounds, not signs of weakness.
Michael Winship: Don't You Know There's a War On?
Air superiority over the battlefield was retained at all times and the Air Force flew effective army co-operation and tactical reconnaissance missions.
The contrast between the battlefield scenes and the courtroom battles is searing.
Times, Sunday Times
Napoleon literally sat his horse on a hill overlooking the battlefield while aides-de-camp galloped to and fro delivering messages and orders.
I pity such detractors, because if their spirits were not massively moved by the tragedy of a great hero expiring on the battlefield, they must be blocks of stones.
A cloud of dust obscured the battlefield from view and Vegito was forced to cover his eyes.
Many men, however, also saw it as their duty to bring honour to their clan or caste, by fighting bravely on the battlefield.
Girls get backhanded by misogynist male pigs, women get into fistfights with each other, old flames line up on opposite sides of the battlefield.
Starting with this, the article analyzes military requirement of LFT (Limited Long-distance Firepower of Tank) from fighting task, fighting action and battlefield control.
This time around you'll be fighting several variations of soldiers, including one that shoots lightning bolts all over the battlefield that somehow spawns new enemies.
The Franks likewise suffered many casualties and were able to loot the camp but not to pursue the enemy beyond the battlefield.
On the battlefield, this engine produced a loud backfire when starting, instantly drawing enemy fire.
Concentrated serum albumin fractionated from blood plasma was effective in battlefield treatment of shock.
Paul D. Boyer - Autobiography
Political geography may have been shaped in the mind as well as on the ground and the battlefield.
In that night, a vision came to him, not a vision of glory and honor won on the battlefield, but a vision of a sword rusting away in its scabbard, a vision of run - ning errands and posting guard detail over dust and ashes that didn't need guarding.
Dragons of a Fallen Sun
For serious, if you want GMs and Devs on the battlefield, stick them in polaris frigs marked "GM_Gamedude" and watch, ask quesations, and be clearly NOT a player.
Design From Soup to Nuts
The framers of the convention therefore sought to draw a clear line against use of all chemical agents on the battlefield.
Moments after the force boarded a Chinook to leave the battlefield the aircraft crashed into the main bazaar.
Times, Sunday Times
A broken sword was equal to death on the battlefield, whereas the tougher damask steel with a harder steel inlay held up better to the demands of battle - technology prevailed over brute strength.
Though military officials worry a rapid withdrawal of forces could undercut hard-won battlefield gains, they don't want to be seen as pushing their agenda on the civilian leadership.
Military Draws Up Afghan Exit Plan
Did anyone tell you you were crazy to be running around a desert battlefield at your age?
The wars of the future will not be fought on the battlefield or at sea.
Currently the at-risk register covers a national view of archaeology, monuments, gardens, conservation areas, places of worship, wrecks and battlefields.
Times, Sunday Times
He said his top priority is to "maintain the momentum" on the battlefield by continuing to pursue the Taliban, especially in what he called the decisive terrain of southern Afghanistan that has been the Taliban's power base.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
Although allied airstrikes helped rebels regain battlefield momentum, pro-Qaddafi forces on Tuesday halted a westward push by the rebels and began a counteroffensive.
The battle casualties of the combat units were nearly as bad as those on World War 11 battlefields.
You would think that Battlefield Bob had bivouacked in a foxhole a few hundred yards from an enemy position.
Backstage Drama
Information that is not tracked could later surprise the Army on the battlefield.
It may be that for a long time some nations will continue to fight each other, but the example of those nations who prefer arbitration to war, law courts to the battlefield, must sooner or later influence the belligerent powers and make war as unpopular as pugilism is now.
Randal Cremer - Nobel Lecture
ROBINSON: Well, in my own career, one of the things that I learned early on was the greatest killer on the battlefield is what we call complacency, you know, the thinking that bad things is what happen to other people.
CNN Transcript Dec 23, 2004
That morning, a dense fog hung over the battlefield.
Times, Sunday Times
Plural pronouns with nominally singular antecedents like ‘everyone’ have been a major battlefield in the grammar wars.
Computer and other technical problems diverted commander attention from the battlefield.
The battlefield diminished behind us as we snaked down a sinuous road.
John Arderne was proudest of the remedies he devised for the battlefield and particularly a salve for arrow wounds that he called sang d' amor - in mediaeval French, the blood of love.
his survey of the battlefield was limited
In that combative battlefield there seems to be no middle ground, just the immovable solidarity of two irreconcilable forces.
The U.S. Army occasionally used Civil War battlefields for war games, and in the early twentieth century - the era of great historical pageants - battle re-enactments were common.
Never mind that a warlock on a battlefield — even a Level 80 warlock with a dual talent specialization in demonology and destruction — is a bit like a bug on a windshield.
Fear of Bleeding Windows
The absence of strident generalship has been felt far beyond the battlefield.
Times, Sunday Times
Five Forks, like most battlefields, is an unlikely place for such carnage.
Information is power, The information domain is the future battlefield.
Thousands looked on, crammed in behind barriers on each side of the mock battlefield, while others got a grandstand view from Clifford's Tower.
‘When people take to the battlefield it becomes a melee of killing and being killed,’ he says.
Current training is based on a conventional, linear battlefield and enables drill sergeants to concentrate on the fundamentals of marksmanship.
As urban areas loom large as potential battlefields, Army armored and mechanized forces face a real challenge.
Part of Allawi's mission was to counter the TV coverage depicting Iraq as a bloody battlefield hurtling toward ungovernable chaos and unwinnable civil war.
The Colonian was huge and carried steel shells destined for the Somme battlefield in northern France, as well as copper ingots, brass fuses, ball-bearings and steel billets (massive hunks of metal).
A principal role of military police has been to apprehend deserters and to prevent soldiers straggling or running from the battlefield; troops deployed in the latter role are often termed ‘battle police’.
This leads to poor situational awareness on the battlefield and increases overall risk, especially fratricide risk.
Spirits of the dead drift over the battlefield locked in eternal battle.
We are as powerful a partner as you can get on the corporate battlefield, or in the political arena.
They translate the raw data from numerous family-of-system databases into actionable information for battlefield commanders.
It is an oft-told story, but can still stir anger and pity, with the family feuding of the aristocratic popinjays commanding the brigade even spilling over onto the battlefield.
In order to meet the increasingly serious threaten of the Laser Range Finder and object identifier in the battlefield, it is important to develop the laser warning technology.
A-I0 attack airplane kills people innumerably in the battlefield, besides 1990 Persian Gulf War, it also participated in conclusion L which Kosovo raided to do.
Both my travelling companion and I wanted to go to Waterloo — that historic battlefield.
The battlefield is populated with a large number of mooks (grunt soldiers), and several more powerful officers, on both sides.
Triage - from the French word trier meaning to sort, separate, or select - works on the battlefield by military doctors prioritising treatments depending on the probable survival of the wounded.
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The sight of the battlefield was horrible.
I shall conceal myself at a safe distance from the battlefield.
This was no insignificant sham, either; much of his Bando instruction ‹ particularly that associated with the kukri short sword ‹ was infused with his first-person accounts of battlefield combat.
Dr Gyi
Currently the at-risk register covers a national view of archaeology, monuments, gardens, conservation areas, places of worship, wrecks and battlefields.
Times, Sunday Times
The hesitancy and uncertainty that characterised the lead-up to this conflict has now been taken into the battlefield.
We can imagine Harald, then 51, towering over the battlefield, fighting the English to the last, outnumbered and underequipped, his giant battleaxe glinting with the spilled blood of his enemies.
The Last Viking Warrior | Heretical Ideas Magazine
Visitors can also survey the battlefield and consult the disposition of troops on a tiled plan.
Times, Sunday Times
Her son died on the battlefield.
Why did men keep on fighting when conditions on the battlefield were so awful?
I presume from the patina that the one pictured is sitting on a battlefield somewhere.
The James Rifle
The utter silence of a warrior, in the bedlam of a battlefield.
Nineteenth century empires calculated they needed two - and - a - half times the troops for pacification as for battlefield victory.
But Kerry must equally fight on the battlefields of personality and policy.
To soldiers, sailors and airmen, any battlefield beyond their own compass seemed remote.
Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
Its most important feature for me as a former battlefield commander is that each soldier can tell instantly where his fellows are.
Times, Sunday Times
I have today had the privilege of visiting the battlefield of Loos.
Times, Sunday Times
But in scamming investors with his stories of battlefield glory, Eddie had assembled
Edgar Allen
Marines dropped 250 combat troops into the jungle battlefield.
There are 43 Registered Battlefields in England, but hundreds of scheduled castles and other defensive sites.
Large caliber rockets and precision artillery also remain a persistent threat throughout the evolving non-linear battlefield.
They were the financial equivalent of what battlefield doctors call meatball surgery.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
But for the residents of Mrs. Payne's boarding house, the battlefield is the supper table, and the enemy is the resident of the room next door.
A Different Stripe:
More than three years of desert battlefield experience has proven that too much Army Reserve equipment is still incompatible and not interoperable with AC equipment.
The Emperor's palace was a tiered tower of scaffolding covered with tubing and construction materials, and the costumes looked deliberately bizarre: the Drummer (Jamie Van Eyck) had a tiny drum with enormous drumsticks; the magenta-haired Soldier Girl (Kathryn Skemp), who falls in love with the Soldier (Julius Ahn) after the two meet on the battlefield and are unable to kill each other, sported a petaled camouflage dirndl held up by crossed bandoliers.
Writing Death's Gentle Aria in the Face of Despair
I had to gallop a white Spanish horse across the battlefield toward New Zealand's white snow-capped mountains.
There is increased interest and energy placed on the need for humanitarian rescue forces outside the battlefield.
Times, Sunday Times
Jack Murtha's plan, which he calls -- he calls phased redeployment, would at least, by one account, take people off to Okinawa without regard to battlefield victory.
CNN Transcript Nov 5, 2006
The status of contract personnel on the battlefield and the guaranteeing of continuing service in combat are murky and unsettled questions.
Increasingly U.S. troops are fighting the enemy on urban battlefields.
According to U.S. Army figures, 70% of the bulk tonnage required to sustain a military force in the battlefield is fuel.
Among all their sons and so many well-bred youth who have become soldiers through patriotism, or who have left their families to prevent these from becoming suspect, one half repose on the battlefield or have left the hospital only for the cemetery; "the muscadin [3341] died from the first campaign.
The Modern Regime, Volume 1
November 20th, 2007 at 12: 51 pm chodin says: dude-man-bros, compared to "battlefield earth", travolta was the gleaming persona of heterosexuality in "hairspray".
On the battlefield, soldiers found small pockets of resistance as they explored the abandoned camp and timbered slopes.
I left the battlefield with ancient mud caked to the bottom of my shoes.
Then my pleasant thoughts mutated into dark gory battlefields across the red sand.
Instead, he spoke as Marines and soldiers do in the headquarters tent or the barracks, on the battlefield or among comrades.
These days, some observers are pounding out a persistent and mounting drumbeat of war, calling for preparing the battlefield, even saying that the United States is already fully into a "cyberwar," that it is, in fact, losing.
Wired Top Stories
In it, I saw the contours of an ancient battlefield—Camlan—and relived the moment when my mortal father discovered the bargain his son had struck to become immortal.
Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
He rode hurriedly from the battlefield and returned to the Shevardino knoll, where he sat on his campstool, his sallow face swollen and heavy, his eyes dim, his nose red, and his voice hoarse, involuntarily listening, with downcast eyes, to the sounds of firing.
War and Peace
By introduction of tank fire system construction, 3D terrain simulation method is explored, and 3D situation display of virtual battlefield environment is realized.
We must tackle ignorance, poverty and injustice but we must do so on contemporary battlefields.
The early scenes of courtly intrigue are slow, but things liven up on the battlefields of France.
Times, Sunday Times
In an era when battlefield telegraphy was impractical, sound was the primary means by which commanders grasped what was happening on the battlefield.
It has been suggested that the standing, humble pose of Lincoln recalls his Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the battlefield as a national cemetery.
Each ability takes a certain amount of bio-energy, which Frost can replenish with energy packs scattered throughout the battlefields he fights through.
Syria has for too long been used as a proxy battlefield.
Times, Sunday Times
I guess the grass is always greener on someone elses battlefields.
When What We Think We Know, Is Actually Wrong at SF Novelists
I presume from the patina that the one pictured is sitting on a battlefield somewhere.
The James Rifle
Rather, they become battlefields for these groups, each of them fighting for absolute victory and not content with anything but total surrender of the enemy.
They allowed some of the weekend's 700 visitors the chance to handle a longbow, the English national weapon in the Middle Ages and a formidable force on the battlefield.
Other commanders wore bright cloaks or gold-inlaid corselets to insure their recognition on the battlefield.
Although these difficulties are quite multifaceted in nature - underfunding, over-reliance on contract labor, lengthy battlefield-to-patient thruput-there are the physical plant infrastructure issues as well.
Russell Shaw: How About Exterminator Tom DeLay for Walter Reed Commission?
These simulators allow standard computers to emulate actual battlefield operating systems.
So this is part of a process which they call shaping the battlefield.
CNN Transcript Mar 23, 2003
The issue has become a political battlefield in recent years.
The well-known form of martial arts known as jujitsu was created by the renowned Samurai warriors on the ancient battlefields when Japan was ruled by feudal lords.
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The interplay of the macro and micro issues was a recipe ripe for delay and enabled opponents to fight across a giant battlefield.
Times, Sunday Times
From the battlefields to the playing fields, veteran actor and playwright Frank Williams knows all about both.
A kind of ‘covering fire’ across media battlefields makes it easier for the candidate to just keep on dissembling.
Perhaps never before have national and local politics been seen to be so effective, and particularly on the old battlefields on the ground in the North.
Control of the crest gives its occupiers a tactical advantage over the surrounding battlefield, but also leaves them exposed.
Times, Sunday Times
Grant arrived on the battlefield to find the Federals under heavy pressure all along their front.
The tanks chase the terrified tenderfoot across a desolate battlefield.
Were ancient athletics useful for preparing young Greek men for the battlefield?
Visitors can also survey the battlefield and consult the disposition of troops on a tiled plan.
Times, Sunday Times
They had adopted the advantages of the new military system encapsulated in the popular conscript army, as Russia, Austria, and, particularly, Prussia undertook military reforms in response to battlefield defeat.
The battlefield can leave mental as well as physical scars.
The Sun
Those who study irenology -- an interdisciplinary effort aiming at the prevention, de-escalation, and solution of conflicts by peaceful means -- will tell you that peace is more than the end of fighting on the battlefield.
David Isenberg: Armed Humanitarians: Part 1
As soon as they reach the age of 16, men and women are called upon to fight on the battlefields.
And the sort of smart weapon systems that we currently see used to great excess in the battlefield outside towns may not be so smart or efficient in a built-up area.
For the next week there was a bitter struggle for Bourlon Wood, whose whaleback mass still dominates the battlefield.
A large monument was erected on the battlefields to commemorate their bravery and their strength to serve to their fullest.
History books tell us that wars are messy, chaotic and even nations fighting just causes make horrid moral mistakes and battlefield blunders.
He knows he appeals to people who still regard politics not as the art of compromise, but as the battlefield of ideology.
The battlefield was a slough of mud and corpses.
Just as he placed considerable trust in his lieutenants on the battlefield, so he turned governmental affairs over to ministers whom he trusted, sometimes to a fault.
The Times Literary Supplement
I know that ... quot; Let That Be Your Last Battlefield "was only a allegoric story, but so was Orwell's ... quot; 1984".
Gaza: Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
Requirements and limitations on how you treat the enemy on the battlefield and off are part of that.
He took part in battlefield tours in northwest Europe.
Times, Sunday Times
Lights beamed from uncurtained windows, cars swarmed around a pillared porch and the noise was like being on a battlefield again.
It was this close bond which persuaded him to follow his brothers to the battlefields of France to fight a foe he had no desire to destroy.
This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of soldiers who died here.
More recently, it was used in both world wars as an oral medicine for battlefield infections and as a wound dressing.
His battlefield experience in Congress will help him in the election.
The castle stands on the site of an ancient battlefield.
The 1914-18 war was mainly fought on battlefields.
They are the last of their generation of brave young men who risked their lives for their country, fighting on the bleak battlefields of Flanders and facing horrors people today can hardly imagine.
Terrorists wear civilian clothes and they don't fight on battlefields.
The Dragoons arrived on the battlefield and sent a party forward under a flag of truce.