
Battle of the Somme

  1. battle of World War II (1944)
  2. battle in World War I (1916)

How To Use Battle of the Somme In A Sentence

  • While he was talking about the forthcoming centenaries of the Easter Rising and the Battle of the Somme, Sean Brady's words also have significance for the era of Plunkett: I am asking that we be sensitive and sensible about how we conduct these commemorations. Our pasts and the Permanent Things
  • Instead of tennis repeats, the BBC had decided to reshow the documentary, The Battle of the Somme.
  • In 1916, tanks were first used in battle as the Battle of the Somme began in France.
  • They also joined in the fighting in France where a memorial to them stands at Delville Wood, near the town of Longueval during the battle of the Somme from July to November 1916.
  • The Germans launched at least 330 counter-attacks during the 1916 battle of the Somme.
  • The Germans launched at least 330 counter-attacks during the 1916 battle of the Somme.
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