How To Use Batten In A Sentence
Batten SJ (1984) Genesis of B lymphocytes in the bone marrow: extravascular and intravascular localization of surface IgM-bearing cells in mouse bone marrow detected by electron-microscope radioautography after in vivo perfusion of 125I anti-IgM antibody.
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Batten SJ (1984) Genesis of B lymphocytes in the bone marrow: extravascular and intravascular localization of surface IgM-bearing cells in mouse bone marrow detected by electron-microscope radioautography after in vivo perfusion of 125I anti-IgM antibody.
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Using the hook like a weaver's batten, he secured the heaving line under the two-inch rope that ran the length of the deck.
No purchasing of luxuries for us, we are battening down the hatches and it's all "great depression" talk around here.
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One ingredient found in almost all tablet or capsule containers is a desiccant - cotton batten or a small canister containing a harmless, water-absorbing compound.

We wedged the sides in the casements and, while Graham was outside applying more nails and battens to make it weather-tight, I fetched old towels to mop up the water on the window seat and on the floor beneath.
The British government's policies are locked in the same impotent stasis as the rest of the world's – battening down the hatches, cutting public spending and borrowing, and refusing to accept realities.
Observer editorial: Our leaders need to seize control of the crisis
I don't want to say anything that will make you cry, so batten down the hatches and wait for my ship to come back.
Across the batten hung a pulley and over the pulley was a rope.
Vintage Murder
Veniziani allora 1 'empito del nemico, per numero di navi e di combattenti superiore, e durò il conflitto atroce per molte ore.
The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (Volume II)
As I was saying, when we first battened down, I was surprised.
The same mud which sucked at my shoe, battening on the heel like an animal.
Green hardwood battens were then attached to the ribs, forming fixing points for the narrow steel shingles.
Adult workshops/public programs that relate to the Victorian era are offered through the year, including china painting, Battenberg lacemaking, beginning watercolors, paper quilling, and Christmas goosefeather trees.
The cedar battens that cover the joints in the wainscoting are typical of the way in which the architects create elegant ornamentation out of practical detail.
The detachable batten is, of course, the norm for the Tabel school.
A natural tendency in times of recession is to batten down the hatches and think about our own needs.
The Battenbergs also anglicized their name to Mountbatten.
The Mountbatten building houses labs and offices for the Optoelectronics research centre and the School of Electronics and Computer Science.
Introduced to cannot exhibit B - batten curved surface extends square law mediumly in shoe design system.
Welche Debatten in welcher Form in der Öffentlichkeit geführt, und welche Risiken und Möglichkeiten den Spielen zugeschrieben werden, können eine differenzierte Sichtweise auf das Phänomen erlauben.
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Shopkeepers battened their steel doors and people rushed for home.
The original two-story house combined brick, plaster, and board-and-batten siding into a hodgepodge of disparate details.
Extremist political parties are hoping to batten on the fears and resentments that already exist.
If you are working with a batten make sure that the tiles are firmly seated on it.
Later Rohan explained how one checked the shape of the sail and the force required to ‘flip’ the batten end, to determine if the battens had the same tension on both left and right tip.
The battens should be screwed loosely into position and then checked to see if they present a flat vertical surface.
The building was stuffy, unmercifully hot, electricity shut off, windows battened down.
Fix the batten in place with angle brackets, then attach the blind with touch-and-close fastener.
Layered battens, vines and translucent corrugated acrylic sheets on the west make a wall animated by shadow play on the inside, and a vertical garden outside.
Mountbatten had decided to shift his headquarters from New Delhi to Ceylon, moving from the heart of India to the pear-shaped island at its southernmost tip.
A Covert Affair
As in previous downturns, graduates bore the brunt of this recession as employers cancelled recruitment programmes and deferred job offers before battening down the hatches.
Graduate jobs storm back
Mountbatten's "failure to negotiate in good faith was the only impediment to consummating the transaction" with Taconic, the firm's complaint states.
Condo Complex Sparks a Battle
A few older men hurried home with hastily purchased groceries, battening down for a siege.
Day of Honey
We get used to that, we endure, we harden, we batten down the hatches to protect our habits.
There are specific songs and chants (some composed by Batten herself), recommended foods and decorations, and selected poetry.
The work battens on your memories and replaces them.
He's spent these last five years battening on a rich aunt of his.
It will be necessary to batten the ceiling to take the new boards.
Also with the sail tensioned the battens didn't catch on the cross tubes as you pushed them in.
I _had_ to know what a 'bridie' meant, so we stopped to see; but it's only a rolled meat pasty they love in Forfarshire; and brides are supposed to batten on them at their weddings.
The Heather-Moon
As a result, an Australian company Quantum Technology, the manufacturer of the Mountbatten, an electronic multi-sensory braillewriter, has donated a Mountbatten with recorded Spanish.
Did she lose her head or courage, or misplay her muscular part for a moment, she could be hurled a hundred feet by that giant buffet and left wrenched, helpless, and breathless to be pulped on the coral bottom and sucked out by the undertow to be battened on by the fish-sharks too cowardly to take their human meat alive.
I battened down my kitchen and ants venturing inside seemed stumped.
Erected within the existing parapet walls, externally it is a simple box of fibre cement sheet with black-painted cover battens and projecting hardwood window frames.
Put on batten (35 mm wide) and scribe from "VT to" Hs ".
Chapter 7
On a cold blustery March day in 1839, when she was nineteen, Susan moved with her family two miles down the Battenkill to the little settlement of Hardscrabble, later called Center Falls, where her father owned a satinet factory and grist mill, built in more prosperous times.
Susan B. Anthony Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian
We battened down the engine room hatch, and the sea rose to it and over it and climbed perilously near to the cabin companionway and skylight.
The Joy Of Small-Boat Sailing
The medical trial will focus on providing a replacement for the chemical that is lacking in the sufferers of Battens Disease.
There was a "batten" on the barn that was loose at the upper end.
The fully battened mainsail is loose-footed and stands a bold roach which has to brush past the backstay during a tack.
Dual batten system A way of saying that the sail can use full or half length battens.
batten ships
So we want him to kind of batten down the hatches, so to speak here, because I think the back side of the storm is going to be coming on through, and the winds should be picking up very dramatically, maybe even within the next half an hour or so.
CNN Transcript Aug 22, 2007
Populism in the region battens on this poverty.
The other pearl buyers and myself, between seas, managed to get about fifteen women and children into the cabin, and battened down.
The arrangement and integrity of the rafters, wattles, battens and fixings in most of the buildings with medieval thatch suggest that their base coats were applied when the buildings were first constructed.
Right now, the park bears all the hallmarks of getting ready for a festival, rather than battening down for a riot.
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Did she lose her head or courage, or misplay her muscular part for a moment, she could be hurled a hundred feet by that giant buffet and left wrenched, helpless, and breathless to be pulped on the coral bottom and sucked out by the undertow to be battened on by the fish-sharks too cowardly to take their human meat alive.
Up for grabs are 144 balcony seats; large area of staging; stage curtain rail and black drape; lighting battens; cinema screen and frame; cinema projectors and dressing room items.
They managed to batten down the shutters and doors before the hurricane hit.
Taconic, which was a finalist in the bidding, has filed a lawsuit in New York state court against the seller, Mountbatten Equities, alleging that the firm "cynically and duplicitously" used Taconic as a "stalking horse" bidder to increase the sale price.
Condo Complex Sparks a Battle
All around there was a foot, or it may be a little more or less, space between, allowing for the battens to go over the hatches.
Truly, the Jews of that day battened on religion as did we on fighting and feasting.
Chapter 17
And when you don't get one, you kind of batten down the hatches.
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Second we will be adding a soothing side of a Velcro to a behind side of a shade, as good as third good palliate in a generosity a bit for a shade to fit upon a batten.
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A natural tendency in times of recession is to batten down the hatches and think about our own needs.
I also wonder if Bo has tightened the batten strings to reduce washout.
So, instead, I rigged up an extender that connects a standard "batten" bulb socket to the oyster-light socket.
How To Spot A Psychopath
Wooden battens resting across the open top may be associated with its later use for tanning, indicated by leather off-cuts.
Soon after his elevation to CCO, Mountbatten had nine US officers, thus making it the first international inter-service headquarters of the war.
Dave had lined the room with hardboard sheets fixed to wooden battens.
A hang glider has an aluminium frame which supports the sailcloth and uses internal battens in the wing to define the aerofoil shape.
Mountbatten was born to a family closely related to the house of Windsor.
The sheep battened upon the herbage.
Lay one of the long strips of cardboard over this join and staple through card and fabric on to the batten.
Mountbatten, Slim and Baldwin are not the sort of men to put their names to anything which in the slightest degree smacks of chicanery.
They sat on the open deck, using a battened hatchway as a table, and feasted on fresh produce purchased on the quay.
I don't want to say anything that will make you cry, so batten down the hatches and wait for my ship to come back.
Sostennero i Veniziani allora 1 'empito del nemico, per numero di navi e di combattenti superiore, e duro il conflitto atroce per molte ore.
The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus
Material input low, but requires connectors, fasteners high (requires rafters, posts, struts, purlins and battens) less material input than for purlin roof
The horizontal timber battens of the south wall overlay profiled metal sheets, changing the scale of the wall and introducing shadow animation.
Within a 35-mile radius, you can visit numerous historic places, such as Broadlands, home of the Earl of Mountbatten.
The base glider is a solid package, but if you like carbon, there are numerous options to choose from - outboard leading edges, dive struts, and carbon battens.
I did use the kick stand on the Litespeed to lift the trailing edge of the sail up making it easier to put in the battens.
Their futures looked bleak at the beginning of last year after both were diagnosed with Battens Disease, a fatal condition causing muscle wastage.
Also with the sail tensioned the battens didn't catch on the cross tubes as you pushed them in.
We get used to that, we endure, we harden, we batten down the hatches to protect our habits.
They're all heaped up in two towering piles, along with the old battening.
The sheep battened upon the herbage.
By 1980, the mainsail roach had been increased, a full-length top batten added to the mainsail and the jib size increased slightly for a new sail area of 87 square feet.
Taiwan battens down against oncoming typhoon.
Before fixing up the cupboards the walls should be made perfectly dry, and, if they are not so, they should be battened, that is, covered with canvass strained over slips of wood nailed to the walls, strong brown paper being afterwards pasted over the canvass.
The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
The freeway engineers, battening on federal millions, had rammed their way through innumerable cities around the country, overwhelming opposition with claims that new roads would create jobs and solve traffic problems.
They're all heaped up in two towering piles, along with the old battening.
Its vertical battening and large eaves evoke the Victorian cottages on Martha's Vineyard.
Though nothing remains of the Batten homestead, he can show you the flagstone which probably lay at the front door.
This arrives in the interspace between the box and the pavilion, which is roofed and partly clad in various degrees of battening.
Like a woven basket, the meshing together of the various elements - ribs, battens and shingles - creates a strong, stable, composite structure.
So call it what you will, the labels don't matter, but batten down yer hatches if you have a lick o 'sense.
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There's a storm coming, so let's batten down the hatches.
Sailors hop to it, and in an emergency, they can be counted on to reef the mainsail and batten down the hatches.
Although we batten down all bottles and loose items, this time, mercifully, there is only a moderate swell.
The worker battened down the loose windows.
With everything battened down, me a-steering and Tilly chopping ice, we held on half the night, till I plumped the sloop ashore on Porcupine Island, and we shivered it out on the beach; blankets wet, and Tilly drying the matches on her breast.
_] Batten is to feed rankly.] [Footnote III. 126: _Hey-day in the blood_] This expression is occasionally used by old authors.] [Footnote III. 127: _Thou canst mutine_] _i. e._, rebel.] [Footnote III. 128: _As will not leave their tinct.
The hull had been tied and battened, and the final layer of sheep fat and lime would be applied to the outside planks, and, before the sun set, the ship would be dragged toward the tide flats as she rose upon the returning sea.
Or maybe a nice slice of Battenberg or a toasted teacake - anything that might allow me to occasionally get my feet under my own table.
The Swan 36 comes with a fully battened mainsail and roller furling genoa as standard equipment.
Yet, excepting the watch, he kept every man so busy as might be, some bringing weed to keep up a fire which he had lit near the boat; one to help him turn and hold the batten upon which he laboured; and two he sent across to the wreck of the mast, to detach one of the futtock shrouds, which (as is most rare) were made of iron rods.
The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig'
Three months later, the new Viceory, Lord Mountbatten, decided to dramatically foreshorten the date of departure, bringing it forward to August 1947.
The batten tips can be screwed in and out to set the overall length of the batten.
My entire point was related to the futility of funding organizations that parasitize the needy to batten themselves on the guilt of the fortunate.
Are we a Christian Nation?
Prior to that, paper was mounted onto stretched hessian and attached to the wall by wooden battens, the traditional way of attaching fabric to walls.
The stage is stripped of drapery, and lighting battens at various heights form a sloped canopy overhead.
Does the Paper Bail on the Mountbatten need to be used all the time?
A stull-batten is to be nailed on the formwork immediately above the ties to ensure that the projected beam width is kept when tieing the formwork.
4. Types of Formwork
‘When a storm hits, we'll put the drogue out, batten down and see it out,’ said Tim.
It is usually best to nail a straight wooden batten so that the top of the batten is set to the horizontal line.
The worker battened down the loose windows.
Well, we think we've got everything battened down.
The Swan 36 comes with a fully battened mainsail and roller furling genoa as standard equipment.
There is even a greater irony in our virtual exchange as both of us stood for countless hours in hurricanes as wind and rain pummeled our slickers telling people like us to batten down the hatches.
Lauren Ashburn: Mommy's Got the Hurricane Blues
I was in charge of the coffin bearers at Lord Mountbatten's funeral in 1979.
Mountbatten's title was therefore a courtesy one until he was ennobled in 1946 as Viscount Mountbatten of Burma.
And that's as exciting as it gets because thereafter, despite that titular quote from The Tempest and all that suggestive battening down of hatches, Petronio delivers a flat calm.
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So they're taking all kinds of precautions to make sure that stuff is kind of battened down.
CNN Transcript Sep 12, 2008
While most capitals in the region are battening down the hatches against bird flu, a creature of another kind has sent Jakarta residents into a tizzy.
A dual batten option is commonplace, enabling the sail to be set soft if desired.
batten down a ship's hatches
They managed to batten down the shutters and doors before the hurricane hit.
Mountbatten was to propose the toast to the Navy[Sentence dictionary], I to the guests.
You then take two stout battens and insert them below the pallet like the arms of a fork-lift truck.
It angled steeply downward, for the schooner's deck was much lower than the edge of the wharf, but heavy cross battens promised plenty of traction for those who had to use it.
I would prefer a standard flip tip on the last batten rather then a string but in this configuration the tip is more durable to set up and breakdown.
Other storeowners tell us that they're clean out of plywood - no more plywood left on the island to batten down the hatches.
Furthermore, some of the exposed walls visible round the site are shored up by large beams or are partially covered by black sheeting underneath battens.
They had been battened down below for the last forty-eight hours, because the fear of a recapture was the nightmare of every prizemaster.
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Andrea Finn was second along with three members of other clubs, including Sydney Olympics silver medallist Guin Batten in the women's quadruple scull.
To reduce the lathe - bed and assure its stiffness requirement, a batten wall pore structure is designed.
Extra outlet space can be got by raising every third row of roof sheeting by inserting battens over the purlins and nailing the sheets to these battens and purlins.
'And if it also comes on to blow and rain uncommonly hard, we take battens, stout laths of wood, that fit against the coaming, the raised rim of the hatchway, and so pin the tarpaulin down drum tight.
Thursday : Steamed off the ceiling paper and the underneath layer of the woodchip, removed the quadrant moulding from the bottom of the skirting boards and the battens above the window to which the curtain rails had been attached held on with 4″ screws, the heads covered with 30 years of paint.
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A lot of them do have the ability to refuse the money, because they could survive the downturn the crisis by simply battening down the hatches.
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The plank was much springier than he had imagined, and he found himself doing an awkward hop-skip-and-stumble over its battens as it flexed under his boots.
A new ‘U’ shaped batten pocket tends to lock the sail to the batten and help limit chord wise pressure movement resulting in less pitch up in strong thermal conditions.
So far, two trimarans have abandoned the TJV - the most recent being Banque Covefi with Bertrand de Broc and Pascal Bidegorry due to battery problems and broken mainsail battens.
Fix the batten in place with angle brackets, then attach the blind with touch-and-close fastener.
The cedar battens that cover the joints in the wainscoting are typical of the way in which the architects create elegant ornamentation out of practical detail.
A dual batten option is commonplace, enabling the sail to be set soft if desired.
The words came in hoarse, croaked, suppressed accents, with a separation of the hands, and an upthrow of the head and projecting cars which had such a comical look of being crushed beneath the weight of the battened-down cap.
Through Russia
Using the hook like a weaver's batten, he secured the heaving line under the two-inch rope that ran the length of the deck.
The glider is a Wings Albatross (no connection to Enterprise Wings) with a sail area of over 200 square feet and no battens.
Using the hook like a weaver's batten, he secured the heaving line under the two-inch rope that ran the length of the deck.
Mark Batten, a Boston lawyer who has represented management in class actions, said, "The court's questions suggest that an outright affirmance of the lower court is unlikely, but it is difficult to assess how broad the court's opinion will be.
Supreme Court hears argument in Wal-Mart sex bias claim
Battens were secured to the central rafter, allowing the weight of the tiles to displace the battens, causing the tiles to slip.
The seas continuously swept over her, and finally started the seams in her decks, washed off the tarpaulins which had been placed over the hatches and battened down, and resulted in great damage to the wheat from the sea water pouring over it through the deck seams and hatches of the ship.
The design illustrated may be followed in Battenburg braid or plain lace tape, and any of the fancy stitches mentioned and described among the rosettes, bars and picots may be employed for filling-in purposes.
The Art of Modern Lace Making
So as the winds pick up, we're going to keep kind of battening down the hatches.
CNN Transcript Sep 3, 2004
The hatch to the engine room was battened down, access being gained through a narrow passage from the cabin.
In the meantime, I have ordered a gross of hatches and a quantity of timber from the catalogue, so I can batten them down and engage in some hardcore shivering on the big day.
Mountbatten was vigorous, young, and brimful of charm.
We get used to that, we endure, we harden, we batten down the hatches to protect our habits.
Fix the batten in place with angle brackets, then attach the blind with touch-and-close fastener.
There's a storm coming, so let's batten down the hatches.
These mainsails are the more traditional mainsail cut with short length battens and slab reefing.
Mid-morning the builders came, climbed the scaffold, and the house began to shake and rattle as cedar shingles were ripped off, closely followed by old battening, and then, all of a sudden, there was no roof on the study.
Louis Mountbatten, the Commander, ordered the enemy crew, who had all safely abandoned ship, to be brought on board in chivalrous recognition of their treatment of the foundered Greeks.
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The big dogs are battened down in the kennel and the only means of air are some holes big enough for my hands to go through.
Robbers took off with 100 m of rope and 30 battens used to mark out a bush walk.
Cornwall and Regan batten their gates against the coming storm.
I don't want to say anything that will make you cry, so batten down the hatches and wait for my ship to come back.
Schools often do not have windows but instead have large open frames that can be battened down during storms.
Cuba battened down for what could be the most powerful hurricane to hit the island in living memory and tens of thousands of people were evacuated from their homes.
Prince Philip was granted arms by George VI, which quartered the arms of Greece, Denmark, Mountbatten and Edinburgh.
A natural tendency in times of recession is to batten down the hatches and think about our own needs.
Elsewhere in Wisconsin, restaurants moved sidewalk furniture indoors and homeowners battened down anything that might blow away.
Strong Storm Sweeps Across Midwest
He had nothing but scorn for Chiang Kai-shek, whom he regarded as an arrogant, unteachable Chinese overlord, and had an almost equal aversion for Mountbatten and his greedy colonial ambitions.
A Covert Affair
About 50 metres along the gully, we saw a stack of fence battens ahead.
But it struck me then how very wise he was to keep his sexy side so firmly battened down on duty.
He represented the US at a major public event in Battenberg Square in honour of the anniversary and delivered an address.
A length of cord or wire, or a light batten tacked across the legs of the bow, is all that is really needed to hold the shape.
At a verge on the North Street elevation, the battening to support the tiles had been cut short.
Extra outlet space can be got by raising every third row of roof sheeting by inserting battens over the purlins and nailing the sheets to these battens and purlins.
Businesses are focused on survival - everyone's battening down the hatches.
Her Falcon had no damage either, except all of the battens were flipped over, as the sail all but turned inside out.
The arrangement and integrity of the rafters, wattles, battens and fixings in most of the buildings with medieval thatch suggest that their base coats were applied when the buildings were first constructed.
Prior to that, paper was mounted onto stretched hessian and attached to the wall by wooden battens, the traditional way of attaching fabric to walls.
Cover the batten and attach the opposite side of touch-and-close fastener, as Method 1.
We battened down the engine-room hatch, and the sea rose to it and over it and climbed perilously near to the cabin companion-way and skylight.
A further use of carbon rod is for sail battens to control flutter, or to improve sail shape.
Then nail in place wooden battens to support the tiles - checking first that there are no hidden pipes or cables.
Watch how the inhaul pulls cloth out of the bottom leech which opens the bottom batten's flap angle.
I'm in a bit of tunnel, workwise, so it's a case of battening down the hatches.
That warning enabled her to take on extra water ballast, put out sea anchors and batten down for the blow.