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How To Use Bathing In A Sentence

  • Close to the mangroves a big hawksbill turtle surfaced then lay motionless in the sunshine, no doubt sunbathing.
  • She goes swimming every morning before breakfast. What you wear for this activity is usually called a swimming costume in BrE and a bathing suit in AmE.
  • The micro-mini white cover-up she had donned over her bathing suit was removed without circumstance, revealing a shimmering gold maillot that dipped very low in back and was accented by sheer finely-woven gold mesh across the waistline in front. Who Said It Would Be Easy
  • Nearby there is a stretch of white sand beach perfect for sunbathing.
  • There is a definite link between sunbathing and the incidence of malignant melanomas.
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  • The 1.1-acre site has access to a small bathing area and harbour enclosed by a concrete pier and a breakwater.
  • The floating sunbathing platform anchored offshore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or should we take the local bus and go into town, hit the beach for sunbathing, swimming, snorkelling or windsurfing?
  • It boasts excellent hotels, fine beaches, possesses every facility for boating and bathing and can offer all the other forms of amusement which a holiday-maker is likely to require. Death of a Delft Blue
  • Finally this bathtub is also equiped with a storage space, that allow you to store books, candles and other bathing items. Bathtubs with a Beautiful Wooden Finish
  • he was surrounded by a bevy of beauties in bathing attire
  • The breakwater tamed the waves and provided a safe bathing area.
  • She looked like a tank in her bathing costume, Hoomey thought, squat and powerful and belligerent.
  • The fishermen assured us that a small crocodile, the bava, * which often approached us when we were bathing, contributes also to the destruction of the fish. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • For more than 30 years, this quaint little Victorian-themed resort at the southern tip of New Jersey said no to ‘skintight, formfitting or bikini type’ bathing attire on males over the age of 12.
  • They can spend their time here relaxing, walking, sunbathing, swimming and scuba diving.
  • Near the boathouse was a larger display, several easels with work clearly by the same artist, the featured artist, Derek Huff, who stood bathing in the glory offered him by the people of that rural and rudimentary county. Vermilion Drift
  • Many people continue to ignore warnings about the dangers of sunbathing.
  • (hagiasmos), and the great one (used on the Epiphany) followed by a sacramental which consists of bathing (nipter) afterwards. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Several handsome rows of houses have been erected and bathing machines established. The Sun
  • Once, she said, as she stood in shallow water in her high-necked, skirted, black bathing suit, a long-nosed garpike swam across her toes and startled her.
  • Few people who drive past the farm fail to smile at the sight of the sows rolling around in the mud, or lolling, sunbathing, on deep beds of straw.
  • She is responsible for helping the patient and carers in daily tasks such as washing, bathing and going to the toilet.
  • I feel strange seeing Annique so comparatively unclothed, and even stranger as we lie side by side sunbathing. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • It was wrapped in snowman wrapping paper inside her old brown bag that she bought her bathing suit in last summer, stuffed with Victoria Secret’s pink and white tissue paper… Goldylockz22 Diary Entry
  • No matter how keen you are to show off the fruits of a fortnight's sunbathing, excessive cleavage or leg can look cheap and unappealing.
  • The circular, hypaethral shrine stands surrounded by paddy fields with a big tank for ritual bathing near it.
  • In one town, the " burkini, " a bathing suit worn by some Muslim women, specifically has been banned. An Italian Fringe Firebrand
  • There are typical MacDonald observations and descriptions, like this one: "Three lean women in bathing suits sat at one tabel, complete with beach bags, tall drinks, and that special porcelainized facial expression of middle forties trying, with monied success, to look like middle thirties. Archive 2009-04-05
  • But through a wide gape in-between the drapes, the Tokyo moon shone in, its light washing over the whole apartment and bathing it in an ivory glow.
  • She spends what seem like hours bathing, listening to Billie Holiday records, chain-smoking, and smiling to herself.
  • She goes swimming every morning before breakfast. What you wear for this activity is usually called a swimming costume in BrE and a bathing suit in AmE.
  • The tides and undercurrents are notorious, and even in summer bathing is not recommended.
  • It's the ideal setting for swimming and sunbathing in this protected natural park. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bathing in the Dead Sea, which has a beneficial high mineral content, is one exotic alternative.
  • I was on the swim team and I had my bathing suit on (I skipped after school practice) so I stripped down to the black one piece I had on underneath.
  • During the day we went swimming and sunbathing to recoup our strength.
  • Out of interest, this historical page on Harrogate Spa explains that Bergonié treatment is electrostimulation of the muscles, Nauheim treatment bathing in carbonated water (in imitation of the natural waters at Bad Nauheim), and cataphoresis a technique claimed to carry therapeutic ions into the body via an electrified pad on the skin. Bartitsu
  • His wife Angela was upstairs bathing the children at their home.
  • The cove made a fine bathing place, and the boathouse was his dressing room, though the fragrance of the ancient fish nets stored within it was not that of attar of roses. The Woman-Haters: a yarn of Eastboro twin-lights
  • To the left lay the viscountess 's apartments - a light, airy sitting room flanking a large dressing room and bathing chamber. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • They are referenced in this faux-primitive romp fashioned for nine dancers in briefs or skimpy bathing suits.
  • Without charity there would be no bathing in cold custard, no public displays of depilation and no outlet for tombola. The Book of Other People by Zadie Smith (editor): Book summary
  • That changed while she was sunbathing in a public park and an opportunist thief made off with a friend's mobile phone. Times, Sunday Times
  • A one-piece bathing suit can be transformed by pulling on a skirt or jeans for a beachside lunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like Nana's clothed bathing, the veil protects her from invasive gazes.
  • Talented fashion all-rounders are bathing trunks and shorts in quick-dry fabrics offered with colour co-ordinated shirts to complete beach outfits.
  • One chemical process for making silk clothing more wrinkle resistant is by bathing silk in "an aqueous solution containing a water-soluble epoxy compound in a catalyst which may be selected from alkali metal or alkali earth metal salts of dicarboxylic acids, tricarboxylic acids, and amino carboxylic acids. Organic_Clothing
  • Vitamin D from food contained only about 10 per cent of our needs and people needed to get extra amounts from sunbathing.
  • The boys were staying for the evening whilst Grandma and Ana went back to the hospital and they insisted on helping out with bathing him.
  • If an adult bathing suit costs between $200 and $265, the teeny-weeny matching kid's outfit goes for a not inconsiderable $110 to $140. Swimwear Worthy of Self-Flagellation
  • From the description, the bottom portion of her bathing suit "malfunctioned" and exposed a portion of her posterior. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • They made their romance public last week by sunbathing together. The Sun
  • After sunbathing, always apply moisturizer.
  • Light housekeeping, standby assist for bathing* Two clients - women* Afternoon & evening hours (M-F) EXPERIENCED BATHER and HOMEMAKER* Must have reliabe transportation* Must have exp in giving showers & bed baths to men / women, light housekeeping* Willing to travel to Rio Rancho, Corrales, Bernalillo area*P / T to start - Must be open full day & possible week-endsPlease call 242-6236 and speak with ElaineEEO / AAP EMPLOYER BUY A HOME; GET A CHECK, UP-TO $8000.00, GOVERNMENT STIMULUS PROGRAMS, FHA Loans, New Homes Undefined
  • I was wearing this skimpy little thing called a singlet — it's that old-fashioned-looking, one-piece-bathing-suit thing that wrestlers and weight lifters wear. The Hotel New Hampshire
  • In his bathing suit he sat, slumped over; his right hand, curled in at the wrist, tremored.
  • Around 140,000 people in Glasgow were last night advised to boil all tap water in their homes for drinking, food, brushing teeth and bathing babies after the parasite cryptosporidium was found in supplies.
  • The lido, on Denton Road, includes diving and paddling areas, a café and large grassed areas for sunbathing.
  • Bathing then in _Jatismara_, with pure mind and subdued senses, one acquireth, without doubt, the recollections of his former life. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose Vana Parva, Part 1
  • For general bathing, people used the public baths but shied away from the communal washing areas, which had a stigma attached to them.
  • Jodi Cleghorn is glad of her ability to gestate this column at the 11th hour, while cooking dinner, bathing her son and attempting to remain sane in the domestic maelstrom. Unsent Letter « Write Anything
  • Pro-celebrity ice-skating and pro-celebrity football, followed by pro-celebrity sunbathing. The Sun
  • She said rather unfriendlily that she didn’t carry a housewife when she went bathing and hadn’t I got a scarf I could use? Tour de Force
  • To purify their bathing water, they used something called natron, which just happens to be the salt, which is also used to preserve the corpse during mummification.
  • We spent a lazy day on the beach sunbathing.
  • Besides, a smooth mesh liner is almost standard in all new bathing suits.
  • I quickly got into my bathing suit, and hopped into my favorite shorts, that didn't have back pockets.
  • Erin Joynt, 33, was sunbathing when a beach patrol pickup truck veered out of the designated vehicle lane and struck her in the head and back while making a U-turn. Mom Survives Horrific Beach Accident
  • He had as well ordered Blair's chambermaids to dress her after she had completed bathing, so that she could have some sustenance other than stale bread and other hard tack eaten on days of leave, but she had yet to emerge into the dining hall.
  • And when it comes to illness some of the systems of bathing and exercising prescribed by the "naturopath" are infinitely more troublesome to the patient and his friends than the simple expedient of sending for the doctor and taking the prescribed doses. Food Remedies Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses
  • She reprints a cartoon that shows three women in bathing suits and sashes as if in a Miss America pageant.
  • You will probably be able to save about a third of the amount of water used in bathing.
  • The device is worn continuously 24 hours a day, except when the wearer is bathing or showering.
  • Two hours later we run into each other on the beach: I'm in a restaurant, fully clothed; he is bronzed, lying on a chaise on the sand, in pink bathing trunks.
  • After breakfast we put on our dampish bathing suits and walked down to the ocean, lugging a blanket, the earthquake books, and also our Spush spiral notebooks. THIS IS ME FROM NOW ON
  • The river was near at hand, still wearing its Parisian aspect, filled with chains, bathing establishments, great barges, and multitudes of little, skiffs, with a layer of coaldust on their pretentious, freshly-painted names, tied to the pier and rocking to the slightest motion of the water. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • And winding our way down the river up to Ayutthaya we saw people toss kitchen waste into the water, and using it as a washtub for clothes or bathing. Karin Kloosterman: Thailand By River
  • He crossbred visual panache and hedonistic flair, notably in "Sign of the Cross" (1932), with a lesbian dance sequence, a lithe Claudette Colbert bathing in milk, and Charles Laughton playing an extravagantly gay Nero. Review of "Empire of Dreams," Scott Eyman's biography of Cecil B. DeMille
  • It offers all the sophistication of a grown-up city, along with simple pleasures like sunbathing and feeling sand between your toes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nude sunbathing is strictly prohibited, and wearing swimsuits anywhere outside of beach areas is not permitted.
  • The others in Florida also made it ashore, despite their attention-grabbing attire of "bathing trunks and army forage caps. Nazi Saboteurs' Spectacular Failure Detailed In Newly Released Spy Files
  • Victorian ladies did not suddenly emerge from bathing machines in thongs. Times, Sunday Times
  • She says: "This is his time with the boys, so he's bathing them and we get them in their jammies and he's settling down to start reading them a story."
  • What about bathing and washing food? Times, Sunday Times
  • The sun was lowering, bathing the whole atmosphere with a pink tint, coloring the scenery with life, adding substance to the air itself.
  • Much of what she describes as feminine seemed ludicrously romanticized or frivolous to me: sunbathing, not being able to drive in reverse. Freud’s Blind Spot
  • Whether it was his disastrous first confession, the use of his hobby telescope to take in the bronzed Mrs. Selahowski sunbathing next door, the purloined swigs of sacramental wine, or, as he got older, the fumbled attempts to sneak contraband past his father and score with girls beneath his mother's vigilant radar, John was figuring out that the faith and fervor that came so effortlessly to his parents somehow had eluded him. The Longest Trip Home by John Grogan: Book summary
  • The bathhouse was a large building with a main pool used for swimming and many side rooms with hot bathing tubs in them.
  • Leave the shower doors or curtain open after bathing so that it dries faster.
  • Wring the water out of your wet bathing costume.
  • I love to put on a bathing suit and parade on the beach.
  • He fetched the man's wife who was bathing his sister.
  • T he lights were dimmed, bathing the book-lined walls and the velvet upholstered wingback chairs in a rich red glow. COMPULSION
  • I've seen her in a bathing costume when she was younger, but it has always been a dry one.
  • The bathing area is completely tiled and waterproofed, which is very important if you do not want water damage in your home. EzineArticles
  • Each day, while you are bathing, soap the pumice stone and gently rub the area to be treated.
  • By bathing in unclean water, they expose themselves to contamination.
  • He was smiling to himself as he looked up into her virginal face, so innocent, so penetratingly innocent, that its purity seemed always to enter into him, driving out of him all dross and bathing him in some ethereal effulgence that was as cool and soft and velvety as starshine. Chapter 14
  • He makes seemingly endless sketches and paintings of young pixies in bathing suits, skirts, and ninja outfits.
  • One day as she was bathing a taniwha (a legendary creature) seized her and dragged her down into his lair below the lake.
  • If you go there in summer, Seaside Bathing Beach is a good place to swim, sunbathe or just have a rest.
  • Skin brushing could be done just before bathing or showering to stimulate the lymphatic system.
  • Your loved one needs more and more help with everyday tasks such as eating, bathing and toileting.
  • The children are bathing themselves in water.
  • The sun is fierce, so pack sunglasses, sunblock, hats, quick-drying shorts, and long-sleeved shirts along with your bathing suit and rugged sandals.
  • The pedestrian who halts on the Rue Culture – Sainte-Catherine, after passing the barracks of the firemen, in front of the porte-cochere of the bathing establishment, beholds a yard full of flowers and shrubs in wooden boxes, at the extremity of which spreads out a little white rotunda with two wings, brightened up with green shutters, the bucolic dream of Les Miserables
  • The careful arrangement of quiet pools, sunbathing spots and beautifully scented gardens ensures you can always find a peaceful place to stretch out in the sun. The Sun
  • One photo showed me in a two-piece bathing suit on the ladder of the flybridge. Healed by Horses
  • When applied properly, the creams can last for days, even providing cover after sunbathing or swimming.
  • The commensal skin bacteria that I am doing research on can be used as a substitute for bathing. Thing to keep in mind if you’re having shoulder surgery
  • G. did a broad daylight effect of blue sky and distance, and the blue Ruby mountains and flecks of white cumuli and calm water, an effect in much too high a key for me to attempt; and I did a Punghis 'bathing pool, in lower tones, a more getatable effect for my brush .... From Edinburgh to India & Burmah
  • A runaway crocodile that has eluded capture in suburban Hong Kong for five months was spotted ‘sunbathing’ on traps laid out for it before being scared off by a boatload of photographers, reports said yesterday.
  • Vapours enchant the distances, bathing peaks in bewitchments of blue and grey of a hundred tones, transforming naked cliffs to amethyst, stretching spectral gauzes across the topazine morning, magnifying the splendour of noon by effacing the horizon, filling the evening with smoke of gold, bronzing the waters, banding the sundown with ghostly purple and green of nacre. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan Second Series
  • Birds keep their plumage in good condition using a variety of main and subsidiary maintenance behaviors, including preening, scratching, bathing, dusting, sunning, anting, shaking, and ruffling of the feathers.
  • She goes swimming every morning before breakfast. What you wear for this activity is usually called a swimming costume in BrE and a bathing suit in AmE.
  • Mice breaks up to go to the ground looking for its bathing trunks in the dress caboodle of beach edge, and elephant has been in water amuse oneself.
  • In humans, malignant melanoma - a cancer of the cells containing skin pigment - is a particular hazard of excess sunbathing.
  • The bathing had been ordered to control an outbreak of scabies, a skin disease.
  • Fishing, bathing, and dancing can be indulged there.
  • She saw people along the riverbank, bathing, washing their clothing, watering their livestock or fetching a bucketful.
  • If you fancy a break from sunbathing, the slot pool and table tennis are sure to keep you amused.
  • As a last resort, we could try bringing back 18th-century bathing machines - funny little huts on wheels, in which ladies were trundled into the surf and decanted into the sea with their modesty intact.
  • Using the most direct video methods, Auder captures such quotidian rituals as shaving, applying makeup, dressing and undressing, nursing, bathing, etc.
  • With soap still to be invented, the fragrant oils and waters were used in bathing and for perfuming hair.
  • She walked towards her bathing room and looked at the bath that Filia had drawn for her.
  • You throw caution to the wind and amble aimlessly around fields bathing in inspirational pastels swaths that compel poets to compose poetry and Your inability to access the adumbral profundity of - Acephalous
  • The following day at sea consisted of more sunbathing but as the weather turned cloudy, we decided to see what the cinema had to offer. The Sun
  • I want to swim but I look a mess in a bathing costume - what do I do?
  • Several people started a game of croquet, while a couple of the girls stripped down to bathing suits to sunbathe.
  • During the day we went swimming and sunbathing to recoup our strength.
  • In ancient Rome togas were worn when swimming and bathing reached the height of its popularity.
  • Liver fluke rendered bathing in rivers hazardous. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • The test results showed that raw sewage is contaminating the bathing areas.
  • Without charity there would be no bathing in cold custard, no public displays of depilation and no outlet for tombola. The Book of Other People by Zadie Smith (editor): Book summary
  • That particular summer a favorite bathing costume for young women at Cannes consisted of a small cache-sexe, or basic triangle, plus two round patches at a higher level which were attached to the wearer by suction or glue or will power, I'm not sure which.
  • I spent most of my holiday lying/sunbathing by the pool.
  • The pleasures of sunbathing began to pall after a week on the beach.
  • A statement released by the council yesterday explained that the water is now fully compliant with bathing water standards.
  • Marcus and Walker are working in Israeli in part because the country is a worldwide leader in using reclaimed or recycled water, which includes groundwater, wastewater and grey water, which is generated from activities such as dishwashing, laundry and bathing. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The bathing machine once ran down grooves in a concrete slip that led into the sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bathhouse was a large building with a main pool used for swimming and many side rooms with hot bathing tubs in them.
  • The prudishness was still present in some of the Victorian bathing costumes, but the mood was light-hearted in the mineral pools and blasting wall.
  • She was never associated with skimpy bathing suits, low cut gowns and short dresses.
  • There is a nudist part of the beach at Playa de Inglis and what amused us as we walked along there was to see elderly ladies bathing in the sea in the nude yet still wearing caps or other headgear to protect their coiffures.
  • She saw people along the riverbank, bathing, washing their clothing, watering their livestock or fetching a bucketful.
  • In addition to swimming and sunbathing here, guests may enjoy miniature golf, table tennis, volleyball, and paddleboats.
  • Ancient Romans enjoyed many types of entertainment, but the most popular were bathing, bloody spectacles, and banquets.
  • Kids in bathing suits were walking along the sidewalk in that shivery way you walk after getting out of a swimming pool.
  • I had just enjoyed an excellent dinner at the Victoria and fancied a quiet drink on the terrace in the late evening sunshine that was bathing Torquay.
  • Donkeys have been as much a part of the seaside holiday as ice cream and candy floss ever since 1760, when they first used to carry ladies side-saddle to the bathing huts at Brighton.
  • The hallway of Van Beveren's house is filled with colourful tops, dresses and bathing suits with strategically placed frills, bold prints or appliqués.
  • Her fists clench, and he could have sworn that her eyes were blazing with fire, the lambent glow bathing him in an evil red light.
  • Liver fluke rendered bathing in rivers hazardous. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • The links between sunbathing and skin cancer are too strong to ignore.
  • A dramatic arc of water is created as four women enjoy a communal bathing session in Son La province, north-western Vietnam.
  • The men cleansed themselves with ceremonial bathing and by fasting and drinking a strong emetic potion which they called ‘medicine.’
  • Then the little darlings began an involved process of rinsing their fronts, rinsing their backs, getting soap out of the dispenser and rubbing it over their bathing suit-clad bodies.
  • The first time we taught Leta that she could use her arms to create tidal waves in the tub we were still bathing her in the sink.
  • In the back, I pull the two sides out so that the breechclout covers my bottom like a bathing suit.
  • Apply an emollient cream or ointment after washing, bathing or showering and between baths or showers, as often as necessary.
  • Titian preferred to paint the goddess Diana bathing in a curtained colonnade, with her entourage of nymphs and even an attendant slave girl and small dog.
  • It's easy to imagine Victorian families heading out for a bracing dip, using segregated sections of sea with bathing costumes buttoned up to the neck.
  • It all seemed a bit like sun suits as opposed to bathing suits, which look way better on the beach than their similarly priced cousins but are ruined if you get them wet…
  • This protected the aquifer and ensures that the shallow ledge in Devils Hole, so vital to the pupfish, will not become a ‘sunbathing deck.’
  • You give me a bunch of roses, bathing the morning dew; you see me off with sunshine. Nowadays, roses are still there but we are not together.I miss you very much in a starry night in autumn.
  • A bevy of bathing beauties appeared on the beach.
  • Nine-year member Christina Kitson, known in the SCA as Xristiana Bogardus, said the term "recreate" is preferred because there are certain aspects of the medieval time period intentionally omitted, such as slavery, sexism and lack of bathing. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Jefferson is an obsessive voyeur, through a carefully concealed camera he watches the women at home, cooking, bathing, entertaining guests and making love.
  • Having a taste for "ghastliness," I had rather longed for the wounded to arrive, for rheumatism was n't heroic, neither was liver complaint, or measles; even fever had lost its charms since "bathing burning brows" had been used up in romances, real and ideal; but when I peeped into the dusky street lined with what I at first had innocently called market carts, now unloading their sad freight at our door, I recalled sundry reminiscences I had heard from nurses of longer standing, my ardor experienced a Hospital Sketches
  • The wart viral infection is a common occurrence in communal bathing, spa or health club facilities.
  • There is the rapprochement of proximity on the Esplanade and the bathing beach, where one gets a little of his fellow-creatures in a sort of spiritual endosmose and exosmose. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 12, No. 32, November, 1873
  • But every time the sun comes out (which isn't often, believe me) the sunchairs and sunbeds come out and half our street is out sunbathing.
  • PIEDRA: One of the best exercises that you can do to get your body bathing suit ready is called the squat thrust. CNN Transcript Apr 26, 2008
  • It opened in 1906, and there are plans for a new pavilion that will include extra sunbathing spots and space for exercise classes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the same themes dominate in bathing suits, with bikinis leading the market but prettied up in charming flower prints, elegant stripes and bold patterns.
  • I snapped you sunbathing on the beach.
  • From ancient times, the rites and rituals associated with bathing have assumed a special place in human culture and consciousness.
  • This sporty red knit hat comes emblazoned with the Life Aquatic insignia, while the tight, skimpy blue bathing suit leaves little to the imagination.
  • For the first 40 or so minutes they played rock song after rock song, bathing the sitting and standing crowd in David's signature rock grooviness.
  • It's the ideal setting for swimming and sunbathing in this protected natural park. Times, Sunday Times
  • This year, our favourite festivalgoer was pictured in a shark-print bathing suit and turquoise hair to match.
  • Bilharzia is transmitted by bathing in water infected with bilharzia larvae.
  • In addition to exercise, bathing, healthful diet, and moderate sex, Publicius includes a sneezing powder recommended by Constantinus Africanus that is made from the gall of crane and elder oil and said to cure lethargy. 63 Ficino describes how to use the gifts of incense, myrrh, and gold leaf to make an elixir for the elderly that will "beyond any doubt, protect your natural humor from putrefaction. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Watch any bird for a while, and you will see that it spends a lot of time preening its feathers and bathing in water or dust.
  • Bathing in the fountain of Youth is supposed to assure perpetual beauty.
  • A solitary spot-light illuminates the stage, bathing the floorboards in a nacreous glow.
  • The snow carpeted the land, bathing the rolling plains in a magnificent monochromic splendor.
  • Most had badly scabbed and scaly feet and ankles due to a lack of clean water, proper bathing facilities or shoes.
  • Warning: If you click the link, you can't unthink the image of Ron Paul in a bathing suit HUFFPOST HILL - Congress Passes Budget, Catastrophe Postponed
  • Activities of daily living assessed include bathing, ambulating, using the toilet, dressing, and eating.
  • In Chicago the natural light bathing her room helped to energize and refresh her.
  • In every school of the higher branches of education that train young women in their late teens there should be a chair of mothercraft, providing practical lectures on baby hygiene, dress, bathing, and the general care of infants, and giving instruction in the rudiments of simple bottle-feeding, together with the caloric values of milk, gruels, and other ingredients which enter into the preparation of a baby's food. The Mother and Her Child
  • Nearby there is a stretch of white sand beach perfect for sunbathing.
  • The mankini is a "men's one-piece bathing garment with a T-back" - but fans of Borat: Cultural learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan will be all too familiar with the skimpy, green, bathing attire donned by British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. | Top Stories
  • The circular, hypaethral shrine stands surrounded by paddy fields with a big tank for ritual bathing near it.
  • The use of water bathing in fractional crystallization. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • Do wear a bathing suit top that emphasizes your bustline.
  • I worked on the general medical unit, where about half of 17 men and women were bed-ridden and all but a few needed help with getting in and out of bed, bathing, dressing and toileting.
  • Many of the country's bathing beaches have combined sewer overflows and stormwater outfalls on or near the beach.

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