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How To Use Bastion In A Sentence

  • Desperate to hold on to her beloved son, Yvonne turns to her sister Leonie (Eileen Arkins), the bastion of rationality in this "raggle-taggle gypsy" family. Unhappy In Their Own Way
  • The last great bastion of French culinary purity has gone ethnic. Times, Sunday Times
  • These clubs are the last bastions of male privilege.
  • Vestiges of the city's forum, basilica, temple, ramparts, bastions and oil mills are also well preserved.
  • We already possessed Pera; the Golden Horn itself, the city, bastioned by the sea, and the ivy-mantled walls of the Greek emperors was all of Europe that the Mahometans could call theirs. The Last Man
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  • But in neither of those propositions does one find the "I" which, for Descartes, was the necessary bastion against hyperbolical doubt.
  • Yesterday, the four climbers fixed 400 meters of ropes along the rocky section above C4, until they were stopped by a rock bastion (wall) at about 8300m.
  • And is light entertainment the last bastion of male chauvinism? Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the right conditions, the bastions of class were always quite easily breached. Times, Sunday Times
  • This school seems more bastion of privilege than object of charity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Details Hotel Bastion is built into the city ramparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, parts of the massive, four-sided walls are still visible, together with the remains of its fortified towers, or bastions, at each of the four corners.
  • The dynastically related western principality of Halych (Galicia) and Volyn resisted the Mongols and Tatars and became a Rus bastion through the fourteenth century.
  • Ahead of me was a miniature fairy castle, etched in coral with moats and ports and bastioned towers. F&S Classic: Five Fathoms Down
  • To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom. 
  • ‘You know I believe this attitude towards heavy people is the last bastion of open discrimination in our society,’ Andante quoted her as saying.
  • She discovers that the last bastion of humanity lives in a complex network of underground caves. Christianity Today
  • Unlike the fortified cities of northern Ireland, Charles Towne's streets fail to connect the bastions and redoubts rimming the town.
  • Leonardo lived at a time when the first artillery fortifications were appearing and the Codice Atlantico contains sketches of ingenious fortifications combining bastions, round towers, and truncated cones.
  • He realises that his party is battling hard to retain a toehold in what was once its bastion.
  • It is still the last male bastion, she says. Times, Sunday Times
  • If liberalism were a factor, surely it would have manifested itself in higher rates for those bastions of the left.
  • Seems that despite the popular propaganda perpetuated by the corporate media that the academy is a bastion for 'tenured radicals' is nowhere near the reality. La Profesora Abstraida
  • One of the last bastions of freedom is the Press. The Sun
  • Though we're not certain of the exact moment NPR was tagged a bastion of "liberal" media, this recent turn of events could lead into another conversation about what constitutes "liberal media" and what, for argument's sake, is "conservative media. Charles D. Ellison: Juan Williams: Clever Double-Play or Conservative Cause Celebre'
  • What worries them is the dismantling of bastions of privilege. Times, Sunday Times
  • Up-river, great new works of I know not what kind stood like a bastion against the plain; and in between ran these oldest bits of Lynn, somnolescent and refreshing -- permanent. Hills and the Sea
  • The debt discussion isn't confined to bastions of Middle England such as the Mail and Express.
  • The role of the pub as a bastion of male bonding has also been eroded by changing social mores. Times, Sunday Times
  • Joe Cahn, the self-described commissioner of tailgating whose hundreds of venue visits include stops at every National Football League stadium, calls tailgating at places such as Qualcomm the last great bastion for face-to-face interaction in a Facebook world. Fore, right!
  • The country was once a bastion of stability and prosperity in west Africa. Times, Sunday Times
  • a bastion against corruption
  • It is a final male bastion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bastions of old boy networking and the occasional social upstart, they epitomise everything that makes me cringe about Oxford.
  • Our voice remains the final bastion against incipient Islamic brain death, when Muslims will become spiritually decerebrate. Qanta Ahmed, MD: The Adventures of Itamar Marcus and the Hamas Bunny: Palestine at Play
  • As arguedin this panegyric from the British Observer website, the 30-episode surreal crime drama subtly revolutionized television drama, moving it away from the superficial episodicsof the 80s towards the meatier, more literate fare that’s become the modern bastion of cable television from The Sopranos on down. Miscellaneous Debris, March 2010 Edition « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • It is no wonder that even up to our own times the human habitat has been the last bastion to succumb to the desacralizing process.
  • And he laid his hand, as Drayton might have said, on that stout bastion, hornwork, ravelin, or demilune, which formed the outworks to the citadel of his purple isle of man. Westward Ho!
  • Its empire had collapsed, its protective ring of island bastions smashed, its people on the verge of starvation.
  • A report from the bastion of theoconservatism, the Southern Baptist Church, laments that “evangelistically, the denomination is on a path of slow but discernable deterioration” because they are baptizing new members at the same absolute number they did fifty years ago when the population was half its current size. Why the Republicans and Their Religious Base Are in a Lot More Trouble Than They Realize
  • To outward appearances, it remained the same bastion of elegance it had been for the past sixty-odd years. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • He gave orders to improve defensive positions, such as the natural bastion of Santon Hill on his left.
  • For some time now, firefighters have been portrayed as the last bastion of unquestioned heroism in the public psyche.
  • He has blown onto the scene in a torrent of invective, firing broadside after broadside at the crumbling bastions of public morality.
  • Rugby in South Africa is one of the last bastions of the white man, and still rife with racism.
  • It's only gotten worse lately in Old City - which, let's be honest, has never been a bastion of refined taste and manners.
  • There is now hardly any sphere of activity legally barred to women and, in this sense, every male bastion has been stormed.
  • And, since this kind of writers are the main bastion of Portuguese SF/F production, it seems wrong to me to just dismiss them. MIND MELD: Guide to International SF/F (Part III)
  • I would also have you acquire a general notion of fortification; I mean so far as not to be ignorant of the terms, which you will often hear mentioned in company, such as ravelin, bastion; glacis, contrescarpe, etc. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Synonymous in many people's minds with the term "boarding school," this bastion of Britishness, founded in 1440, remains a school for boys, unlike many former single-sex schools. Europe's Most Expensive Boarding Schools
  • The city walls, grimly bastioned, ran in bold zigzags across the face of the steep in a way to daunt assailants. The Ontario Readers: Fourth Book
  • Most of us view volcanoes as static sentinels: bastions of strength and rigidity that are unmoving and unmovable.
  • The role of the pub as a bastion of male bonding has also been eroded by changing social mores. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, the party is a bastion of political reaction.
  • It represents a small assault on the bastion of purdah.
  • In Norway it was announced that women compose only 11% of members of corporate boards of directors, those bastions of male power and privilege.
  • Further, Rosie let her daughter fight the shark -- a near-unthinkable incursion into what only a few years ago was a nearly unbreachable boys' bastion of angling. Carl Safina: Shark Attacked, Media Bites Rosie O'Donnell
  • By this time, they had gained control over all the bastions, strongholds and fortifications surrounding the city.
  • The villa's distinctive pentagonal shape framed by arrowhead bastions makes it one of the most memorable monuments of the late Roman Renaissance.
  • Drunk participants are asked to make their way to the bastions on the city walls to assemble for the Carnival which gets underway at 2.00 pm.
  • As well as the free exhibit there are lectures, Sunday concerts and weekly film screenings at the bastion of German cinema, the Goethe-Institut.
  • They seem really perturbed that females are entering this male bastion.
  • The threat of a funding cutoff is an old one among conservatives, who have long characterized NPR as a bastion of liberal bias. Amid anger, regret over Williams's firing, NPR staffers fear financial backlash
  • Pearl Harbor was the principal American bastion in the Pacific.
  • At close intervals are semi-circular bastions with eyelets for archers to look down and shoot at the enemy.
  • He has decried what he characterized as a bastion of lobbyists for seeking special carve outs to limit the effect of proposed financial regulation. Obama Pushes Campaign Spending Bill
  • It was very sentimental: 2,000 of us listened to pop songs rather than singing hymns, and the gadgetry that Heselden loved was used to project his chunky face in silvery light on the factory wall of his company, Hesco Bastion. A life lesson from the late, great Jimi Heselden
  • As more women join the male-dominated bastion of the police service, one top female cop launches a scheme to combat sexism and strengthen female representation in the PSNI.
  • With its great round bastions and tall machicolated towers, Lahore station may look as if it is the product of some short lived collaboration between the Raj and the Diney Corporation.
  • And the Salt Lake Tribune declared on the day after the election, ‘While the nation and most of Utah tilt further to the right, Salt Lake County is solidifying as a bastion for the left.’
  • And he laid his hand, as Drayton might have said, on that stout bastion, hornwork, ravelin, or demilune, which formed the outworks to the citadel of his purple isle of man. Westward Ho!
  • The profession remains a bastion of male chauvinism.
  • Vestiges of the city's forum, basilica, temple, ramparts, bastions and oil mills are also well preserved.
  • In fact governor Stuyvesant, like the celebrated Montalembert, held bastions in absolute contempt; yet did he not like him substitute a tenaille angulaire des polygons à ailerons. A History of New York
  • That most of the Hill's leading Republican voices, and their bastions of the airways, Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, spew distortions and mendacities by the hour is the constant banter of this publication, the Jon Stewart show, and Stephen Colbert's Fox-mockery. Brian Ross: The Steep Distortion Curve of Republican Populism
  • Electro Convulsive Therapy - or as many mentally ill patients refer to as LRT - Last Resort Therapy, is to my mind one of those bastions of victorian treatments that were over-prescribed and not understood. Brain Blogger
  • Even the Franco-German axis, its central bastion, is crumbling under the pressure of resurgent nationalism.
  • For those bastions of morality and exceptionalism we call the First World have realized that war is as old as humankind itself, and as profitable as well, for the violence that creates war is ingrained into our instincts, embedded into the most violent species the planet has ever evolved. Holocaust Redux
  • To the North there were low pale-coloured hills, in places bastioned with rock. The Silver Chair
  • The walls had rounded angles with semicircular projecting bastions for artillery with an entrance on the south side.
  • Our data from the cemetery in Harvard Square, a bastion of Puritan religious and intellectual power, seems to demonstrate this point.
  • The combined effect has been to translate regions that were once largely rural into bastions of urbanization.
  • A secondary modern in England's last bastion of selective education has turned itself into a comprehensive in a plan to rival nearby grammar schools. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a square bastioned affair, with walls of stone, each face eighty feet in length, and within it stood magazines, barracks, and, until destroyed by fire, the mansion of the colonial governors. The Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn
  • Fox News - aka Bush/Cheney/Limpbaugh Bastion of Lies - is a misnomer from the get-go. Networks respond to false Fox ad
  • For those bastions of morality and exceptionalism we call the First World have realized that war is as old as humankind itself, and as profitable as well, for the violence that creates war is ingrained into our instincts, embedded into the most violent species the planet has ever evolved. Holocaust Redux
  • To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom. 
  • The Southwest Associated University was dubbed a bastion of democracy in the southwestern year.
  • The buildings sit like a sheltering battlement, a running bastion enclosing green space created from the earth mounds of excavated material.
  • You are acquainted, of course, with the modern rule of giving the bastions a salient angle of fifteen degrees in excess of half the angle of the figure in all figures from the square up to the dodecagon? Fort Amity
  • Stretching over vast cattle estates at the foothills of the Andes, Barinas is known for two things: as the bastion of the family of President Hugo Chávez and as the setting for a terrifying surge in abductions, making it a contender for Latin America’s most likely place to get kidnapped. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: July 21, 2009
  • Freeman, a professor of history at Queens College, identifies several explanatory factors that decenter the city's image as a bastion of high finance and high culture.
  • Before them lay the waters of a canal, and beyond it, rising from its bank, the great bastioned wall of sun-dried brick which encircled the inner city. Conan the Freebooter
  • Rather, it was that his wife would wear the headscarf in the secular bastion of the presidential palace. Times, Sunday Times
  • And is light entertainment the last bastion of male chauvinism? Times, Sunday Times
  • And is light entertainment the last bastion of male chauvinism? Times, Sunday Times
  • He has been to Democrat strongholds, Republican bastions and across the battleground states of the Midwest.
  • This was the last bastion of the Hooper empire, cloth manufacture ending in 1934.
  • Orion is an easily recognized constellation, a bastion of the winter sky.
  • The walls had rounded angles with semicircular projecting bastions for artillery with an entrance on the south side.
  • Silly though it may have seemed at first, these all-male secret societies are bastions of extraordinary power and influence.
  • This school seems more bastion of privilege than object of charity. Times, Sunday Times
  • These clubs are the last bastions of male privilege.
  • Survivors of the burning of Panama City in 1671 rebuilt a walled bastion on a rocky promontory to the west.
  • Mr. Watts withdrew all the garrison and officials behind the bastioned walls of the fort, and fearing that an attack in force would be made upon him, despatched a kasid {courier} to Calcutta with an urgent request for reinforcements. In Clive's Command A Story of the Fight for India
  • The last great bastion of French culinary purity has gone ethnic. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, American cities of the nineteenth century were seen as bastions of culture and refinement.
  • Singapore was the last bastion of British defences in South-East Asia.
  • Happy birthday to the vivacious countess of joie de vivre, entitymel; the travelin 'bastion of darkness, bitterreign; and the torch-holder of modern Satanic burlesquery, the ever sexalicious szandora! July 30th, 2006
  • Venevision, once a particularly notorious anti-Chavista bastion, is now known as the Disney Channel, for its increasing abundance of cartoons and bland newscasts. The Talented Mr. Chávez
  • Mayor Bloomberg for failing to have the will to end discrimination in the FDNY, which he termed a "stubborn bastion of white male privilege. NYDN Rss
  • Such bastions of tradition have established massive diversity bureaucracies, whose sole purpose is to create race-consciousness in their students.
  • The magnificent Junagarh Fort, the main attraction of the place has a 986-meter long wall with 37 bastions, a moat and two entrances.
  • Mansart himself made way with the old _tourelles_ and the balustrade which rounded off the angles of the walls of the main buildings and substituted a series of heavy, ugly _maisonettes_, more like the bastions of a fortress than any adjunct to a princely dwelling. Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • Japan would then join a small group of countries, mostly those bastions of democratic enlightenment such as Sweden, the Netherlands and some cantons of Switzerland, in granting the franchise to outsiders.
  • Its empire had collapsed, its protective ring of island bastions smashed, its people on the verge of starvation.
  • Each belligerent calls his own battle line a bastion of iron.
  • Details Hotel Bastion is built into the city ramparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has blown onto the scene in a torrent of invective, firing broadside after broadside at the crumbling bastions of public morality.
  • Soldiers call the medevac flights to Camp Bastion, "Nightingales" or "Nightingale flights. Michael Yon - Online Magazine
  • At the closing performance of India's only contemporary dance festival, she challenged traditional bastions with her three-piece presentation.
  • And therefore it is a wise practice to leave these bastions outside, and fortify the entrances of the terraces, and cover their gates with revets, so that one does not go in or out of the gate in a straight line, and there is a ditch with a bridge over it from the revet to the gate. The Art of War
  • The last bastion of domestic drudgery is about to fall thanks to the development of the world's first automatic ironing machine.
  • “As for that matter,” cried the other with precipitation, “they would have no occasion to batter in breach; they would find the angle of the la pucelle bastion demolished to their hands — he, he!” — “But I believe it would surpass your understanding,” resumed the chairman, “to fill up the fosse.” — “That, I own, is impracticable,” replied the bard, “there I should meet with a hiatus maxime deflendus!” The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • In 1902, Saint-Pierre was also the bastion of a white supremacy whose power was being challenged by a populist opposition.
  • A bastion of male privilege on the rocky Dublin shoreline, so called because of the water depth.
  • The school was established by the Catholic Church hierarchy as a bastion of conservatism against the growing influence of liberalism and Protestantism in the region.
  • An alternative to that comforting characterization is that monarchy is the last bastion of deference, and a well-fortified one. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There, with her sister and her father, Dinny sat down, bastioned from Jerry Corven by ‘very young’ Roger and his rival in the law. Over the River
  • A bastion of male privilege on the rocky Dublin shoreline, so called because of the water depth.
  • Freeman, a professor of history at Queens College, identifies several explanatory factors that decenter the city's image as a bastion of high finance and high culture.
  • I had just started a low-level job at the Village Voice, imagining it would be, even in this beleaguered climate, a bastion of what was left of the Left.
  • Among the other organizations and institutions with which Heritage Malta interfaces is the Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna or Maltese Heritage Trust, an ngo that administers several historic buildings and sites, ranging from the Neolithic temple at Kordin, to the baroque gate of the Cottonera defensive system of bastioned ramparts, to Fort Rinella, a British period Victorian fort. A Monumental Mandate
  • Independent documentary-making is the last bastion of free speech that we have’.
  • Catholic Spain was the final bastion of the old ways, where Antiphonals would continue to be handwritten by cloistered monks well into the eighteenth century.
  • Football is a bastion of masculinity in this area.
  • A major bastion of support for the policy was in fact the union movement and unionists supported it because it helped keep out cheap labour.
  • Airport frequent-flier lounges - once the exclusive bastions of relief for elite fliers - are becoming increasingly available to the rest of us.
  • I noticed he was wearing those fingerless gloves, usually a bastion of the homeless tramp.
  • Reporters have long been the last bastion against tyranny, wrongdoing and malfeasance.
  • The symposium was a clubby bastion of the aristocratic male citizenry, but as Ewen Bowie writes in The Oxford History of the Classical World, "melic poetry was at home everywhere," and there is evidence to suggest that rounds of lyric poetry became a standard form of entertainment at after-dinner soirees all across the Aegean archipelago. Poetry Pages - 98.06.10
  • She discovers that the last bastion of humanity lives in a complex network of underground caves. Christianity Today
  • The high land, Wantage, and Faringdon way, was glamoured by level sunlight; and Wittenham Clumps bastioned-up the rise ahead. Maid in Waiting
  • The south front of the curtain, overlooking the crag, is tower-free but the south-east angle is projected outside to create a sort of bastion.
  • And is light entertainment the last bastion of male chauvinism? Times, Sunday Times
  • True, that bastion of alternative culture is the crucible for much that the Right finds abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reuters reports that “Taliban fighters are shaving off their beards and trying to flee from a Pakistani army offensive in their Swat bastion, the military said on Friday, as it relaxed a curfew to allow civilians to get out.” Wonk Room » The WonkLine: May 15, 2009
  • Attacking the bastions of privilege is still the easiest way for a politician to win a cheap round of applause.
  • What worries them is the dismantling of bastions of privilege. Times, Sunday Times
  • British public schools are regarded as one of the last bastions of upper-class privilege.
  • Only in heartland states such as Utah and Idaho-the intermountain bastions of his adopted Mormon faith-would the godless invaders encounter meaningful resistance. Glenn Beck Comes to Harlem «
  • True, that bastion of alternative culture is the crucible for much that the Right finds abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the Trikuta hill above the main city square, rise the bastions of the 12 th-century fort.
  • The Congress failed to win in its recently discovered ‘strongholds†™ and adding to the ignominy was the defeat in the Sultanpur-Amethi seat, which falls under the Gandhi bastion. Elections - fresh news by
  • Remember how the neocons and Bush decided to "democratize" the Middle East by force, making it a bastion of Western democracy, without any regards for the differences between the peoples, cultures, and religions? Muhammad Sahimi: Let us Pray for Obama
  • Orcas may be nothing more than a display of how corporate interests are threatening even public art - the last bastion of an independent civic identity and urban artistic community.
  • This school seems more bastion of privilege than object of charity. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, at least one country taxes its citizens on their worldwide income, no matter where they may be resident, and howsoever that income is derived - and that is the bastion of freedom, the United States of America.
  • His regiment was undergoing its training on the "firing-line," and his company furnished twelve men daily for the "lunette," a kind of detached bastion about 800 yards in front of the line in the direction of the enemy. Bamboo Tales
  • The Castle is adorned with red marble stairways, gothic facades, bastions and epic statutes overlooking the Danube.
  • And is light entertainment the last bastion of male chauvinism? Times, Sunday Times
  • Gilberte to discrown it of its chocolate battlements and to hew down the steep brown slopes of its ramparts, baked in the oven like the bastions of the palace of Darius. Within a Budding Grove
  • The fort is built of drift logs, and surrounded by a stoccade of the same, with two bastions, and a gallery around the inside. Townsend Chapter 9
  • The projecting bastions are drum-shaped, built of stone laced with horizontal bonding courses of red tile.
  • There is a fort of some size close to this town, built of mud; the ditch is unfinished, and not deep, it has a fau-se-braie, with bastions like those at Peshawur and Jumrood. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • In this chaos the last bastion of defence of a society is the judiciary.
  • Gibson's loyalty in keeping faith with Gareth Southgate, at a time when his admirable but battle-fatigued young manager has presided over one Premier League win in 19 attempts, is routinely questioned in those pre-match Teesside male entertainment bastions which typically invite patrons to limber up for kick-off with "a pint and a stottie while watching the topless totty". Blogposts |
  • Where did that leave the police, the despised but at least legitimate bastion of law and order ? DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • Thus, he made a new fort of earthen banks with stone bastions, enclosing within its walls not only the soldier's barracks, but also at first the governmental residence and public offices; he also built several windmills and the first church which was used solely as such, as well as houses for the dominie and for the schout-fiscal. II. The Dutch Town under the First Three Directors. 1626-1647.
  • To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom. 
  • He was dedicated to reinvigorating an institution that the Guardian newspaper once described as stuffy and uninspired, “a bastion of sluggishness.” Book Excerpt: ‘Provenance’
  • Journalists are, if you like, the last bastion of democracy and freedom.
  • I have thought of a tenaille -- of a flat bastion. Fort Amity
  • Teenagers have overrun the living room, kitchen and den, driving their parents into the last bastion of apartness - the fortress bedroom.
  • Asia's lions are protected in Gir, the last bastion of the species.
  • 'The last bastions of privilege are crumbling,' announced the speaker.
  • If you believe a public library is a majestic bastion of encyclopedic tomes, then you have not been inside one for a very long time.
  • As Havergal told this newspaper in 1999, ‘I feel we are the last bastion of socialist values.’
  • But I never got within a thousand feet of it, for the crowning bastions are almost sheer, and would need a better cragsman than myself to negotiate. A Rip Van Winkle Of The Kalahari Seven Tales of South-West Africa
  • It is now almost cliché to talk of women having stormed every male bastion given their entry into and success in virtually every field of human endeavour.
  • Worst of these in my view is the BBC, which has taken up position in what someone once called the unassailable bastion of biased ignorance. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Features common to them all include doubled walls and angular bastions for artillery to dominate the approach.
  • Bastion, the biggest, staggered under the weight of my flimsy camera tripod. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reinforcements were pouring out of the narrow opening in the natural rock bastion.
  • The profession remains a bastion of male chauvinism.
  • That the actions that follow on the failure to comply with minimum sleep need are themselves aggressive, whether in relation to others ( 'more likely to sit and seethe in traffic jams, quarrel with other people') or to the self ( 'overeat'), indicates the impasse reached, personally and politically, when the body's and the brain's last bastions of unconscious processing are ignored in favour of the logic of round-the-clock alertness. 'Insomnia: A Cultural History'
  • It is now almost cliché to talk of women having stormed every male bastion given their entry into and success in virtually every field of human endeavour.
  • Proving once again that the barrel has no bottom, Five Feet of I’m a Parody of Myself™ references that bastion of scientific integrity and reasoned, intelligent discourse Lifesite in order to take a gratuitous swipe at what she calls wimpy, "gay-acting" straight beta males. Archive 2008-08-01
  • She discovers that the last bastion of humanity lives in a complex network of underground caves. Christianity Today
  • In modern societies, the media - for all their faults - are often the last bastion of liberty.
  • Parliament will always be the last bastion of this multilingual exercise.
  • Formerly bastions of intellectual freedom in a world of Babbittry, formerly the locus of sexual freedom and experimentation, they now became the most restrictive environments in modern society. State of fear
  • The English learned from the French, however, building square stockades with corner bastions and crude barracks and storehouses, the men sleeping in pairs or trios head-to-foot, belabored by bedbugs, fleas, flies, ticks, and lice.2 George Washington’s First War
  • New Town, and Ellen was looking up the side-street that opened just opposite and revealed, menacing as the rattle of spears, the black rock and bastions of the Castle against the white beamless glare of the southern sky. The Judge
  • Silly though it may have seemed at first, these all-male secret societies are bastions of extraordinary power and influence.
  • Those bastions were garrisoned, as was the battlemented traverse work cut to overhang the full width of the gate.
  • Now she has her sights set on one more bastion of blokedom, with plans to become a builder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shockingly that Conservative bastion of hatred, religion and guns are you Liberals like to call Colorado Springs has a higher percentage of minorities and black owned businesses than the state average. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Dance can still seem like the last male cultural bastion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ellen was looking up the sidestreet that opened just opposite and revealed, menacing as the rattle of spears, the black rock and bastions of the Castle against the white beamless glare of the southern sky. When Winter Comes to Main Street

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