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How To Use Bastinado In A Sentence

  • They replied, “We tell thee naught save what we know;” but he was an angered with them and bastinadoed them. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • So lifting up the Cudgell, he gave him therewith halfe a score good bastinadoes, laying them on soundly, both on his armes and shoulders: and Egano feeling the smart of them, durst not speake one Worde, but fled away from him so fast as hee could, Anichino still following, and multiplying many other injurious speeches against him, with the Epithites of Strumpet, lustfull and insatiate The Decameron
  • After having been so heartily kicked, flogged, and bastinadoed; after having been in an earthquake; having seen Doctor Pangloss once hanged, and very lately burned; after having been outraged by Candide
  • True, he had simplified several knotty matters by bastinadoing and cutting off the heads of all concerned, but this left a multitude of matters which could not be disposed of in that summary fashion.
  • We passed through the town, headed by a body of Ferashes, or footmen, carrying long rods, emblems of their office of executioners when the bastinado is inflicted. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
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  • R. noticed the fellow, and afterwards told the Bey, who instantly ordered him to receive two hundred bastinadoes, and to be put in chains; but, just as they had begun to whip him, R. went up and generously begged him off. Travels in Morocco
  • One favourite method was the grisly bastinado: turning a slave upside down and beating the soles of their feet until raw.
  • So they bastinadoed him and pinioned him; after which the Syndic and all the people of the jewel-market arose and set out for the palace, saying, “We have caught the thief.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The legal instruments of summary punishment which hang on the wall of the Naam-Hoi judgment-hall consist of three boards with proper grooves for squeezing the fingers, and the bastinado, which is inflicted with bamboos of different weights. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • So they bastinadoed him, till he could no longer groan, and cast him among the prisoners. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • “Now, Sir, receive four hundred bastinadoes for your pains, and pay me 30,000 ducats; you will then take care in future how you give me advice.” Travels in Morocco
  • The legal instruments of summary punishment which hang on the wall of the Naam – Hoi judgment-hall consist of three boards with proper grooves for squeezing the fingers, and the bastinado, which is inflicted with bamboos of different weights. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • Severe bruising showed Police also beat them with canes on the soles of their feet - torture known as "bastinado". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The bastinado is the common punishment of the East, and an effective and dreaded one. Alroy The Prince Of The Captivity
  • For his part, the shah threatened him with execution, and once had him severely bastinadoed.
  • So the grey-bearded ones of the village advised with one another; and those who had been inaccessible to bastinadoes, somehow found money at the calling of interest; and the Sheikh, and they, and the five hundred purses, set off on the road to the capital. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • Pasha in disguise, he is every where feasted, and treated with the most respectful attention, until the real truth being discovered, he is bastinadoed, spit upon, plucked by the beard, and, in short, maltreated in a thousand different ways. Journal of a Visit to Constantinople and Some of the Greek Islands in the Spring and Summer of 1833
  • They were bastinadoed on their stomachs without injury, and placed before a large fire; but, being defended by certain pomades and preparations, were not burned. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • It is true that there is a punishment inflicted on any person or persons attempting such wanton work -- a fine or the bastinado; yet neither fine nor bastinado would affect the "tripper" if he could only succeed in carving "'Arry" on the Ziska
  • When the brethren had heard and observed all these occurrences; in most bitter manner they railed on Arriguccio, bestowing some good bastinadoes on him beside, concluding thus with him in the end. The Decameron
  • That which he doth, is only to conskite, spoil, and defile all, which is the cause wherefore he hath of all men mocks, frumperies, and bastinadoes. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • “A troublesome, inquisitive old gentleman,” said Tyrrel to himself; “I remember him narrowly escaping the bastinado at Smyrna, for thrusting his advice on the Turkish cadi — and then I lie under a considerable obligation to him, giving him a sort of right to annoy me — Well, I must parry his impertinence as I can.” Saint Ronan's Well
  • Before today, I did not know what figging, shibari, pegging or bastinado meant. Gizmodo
  • They bastinadoed the criminal on the soles of the feet and on the buttocks.
  • This done, Catchpole is rich for four months at least, as if bastinadoes were his real harvest; for the monk, levite, usurer, or lawyer will reward him roundly; and my gentleman must pay him such swingeing damages that his acres must bleed for it, and he be in danger of miserably rotting within a stone doublet, as if he had struck the king. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The act of Bastinado, generally used to punish miscreants but also to elicit answers from torture victims, extends back through history hundreds of years.
  • The bare feet are beautiful, elegant and feminine but bring to mind the bastinado, the terrible flogging of the feet.
  • And, which is more, he would now and then make Alexander the Great mad, so enormously would he abuse him when he had not well patched his breeches; for he used to pay his skin with sound bastinadoes. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The bastinadoes with which he had been treated were inflicted on his bare person, cold water being applied thereto, which made the punishment more severe. Travels in Morocco
  • Apart from the bastinadoing other methods were employed, too, such as putting hot irons on the chest.
  • He is a desperate character, and in other lands might be dangerous; but he is safe enough here, for the bastinado is a terrible instrument of torture, and the man is now not only desperate in wrath, but is sometimes desperately frightened. The Pirate City An Algerine Tale
  • A threat accompanies every command, and a bastinado is the usual reward of disobedience. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
  • They won't come again till to-night, if they come at all, but in the meantime I feel as if I had been bastinadoed. THE KANAKA SURF
  • If a person is severely bastinadoed they will be unable to place their weight upon the soles of their feet, forcing them to crawl, a position which will reinforce the domination of the performer of the bastinado over them.
  • Chamberlain, is there not something in the constitution called bastinado? Lucky Pehr
  • I was so long in delivering it that the imam began to be angry; and, perceiving I was a Christian, he cried out for help; they carried me before the cadi, who ordered me to receive one hundred bastinadoes, and sent me to the galleys. Candide
  • I was so long in delivering it that the imam began to be angry; and, perceiving I was a Christian, he cried out for help; they carried me before the cadi, who ordered me to receive one hundred bastinadoes, and sent me to the galleys. Candide
  • Thus spoke Ardassan Ougli, after being bastinadoed by one of his masters. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Apart from being “a grave mischief,” that would be an embarrassment to liberalism, as “bastinadoed fellahin would be reported to Parliament at the rate of a hundred cases a week.” Three Empires on the Nile

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