
How To Use Bast In A Sentence

  • Rules exist to be violated, so that the ‘bastard’ may be more violently characterized and the audience engaged in revengeful fury.
  • Certainly both the music and these performances have real rhythmic life and a good deal of energy, even if some passages are over-scored and tip over into brassy bombast.
  • * A few of the women flipped through photos of Manou's bastide, * observing its before and after transformation. French Word-A-Day:
  • After the seacock or gate valve is closed, remove the hose temporarily so that it drains and then use an absorbent cloth or turkey baster to eliminate any residual water in the nipple.
  • His Eminence Don Pelasio de Labastida, an eighteenth century bishop of Mexico City set a scandalous example of such indulgence in earthly pleasures. To the charreada with stars in her eyes
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  • If you want my opinion, it's a bastard of a game - swift, bold and beautiful.
  • “Salam Alaikum bema sebastem,” answered the Fakir; The Surgeon's Daughter
  • Foord reported that bastnasite has been found pseudomorphing allanite.
  • Sebastian explains that the company is working to rebroadcast its signal terrestrially, so that it can be received by less expensive mobile receivers.
  • He's gone straight to the top, the lucky bastard.
  • Separate from the slapping lesbians, a battle began to rage between the lesbians who were pagans versus the lesbians who were Christians, and then the lesbians who wanted to have “baster babies” factioned off, too. Roseanne Archy
  • Imaginez au contraire que, dans chaque commune, il y ait un bourgeois, un seul, ayant lu Bastiat, et que ce bourgeois-là soit respecté, les choses changeraient! Bush Slanders Freedom « Blog
  • Saint Blaise was a physician and bishop of Sebaste modern Sivas, Armenia. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Instead, we get the "kerplunk" scene we knew we were getting from the end of last issue, Luthor revealing that he's actually kind of a bastard after all, members of Infinity II declaring twice in two pages that it sure is a good thing they still have their powers, and a lost-in-space scene that once again fails to advance that plot. Week 35: That Most Dangerous of Animals
  • This "quidam," as she called him -- for his name was beneath the cognizance of an Emperor's bastard daughter -- had by her orders received rigorous and exemplary justice. PG Edition of Netherlands series — Complete
  • He lambasted software companies for piling on marginal features in incessant upgrades that can downgrade user efficiency.
  • On lui appliqua, en outre, pour sa friponnerie, une vigoureuse bastonnade. French Conversation and Composition
  • A much larger, nonradioactive deposit of bastnaesite was found on adjoining land.
  • By 1134, two of Sancho's sons had successively acceded to both thrones and died without heirs, leaving only one son left - Ramiro, Bishop of Barbastro-Roda.
  • Striking too are Leon Victor Solon's 1896 porcelain plaque Resting and the metal and alabaster three tulips lamps by Albert Cheuret.
  • Yamil Gonzalez @yamilg wrote: hable con mi tia que vive en la ceiba dice que estuvo fuertísimo se asustaron bastante, los adornos y todo eso se cayeron al piso #temblorHN Global Voices in English » Honduras: Strong Earthquake Shakes Country
  • Ensure a moist and succulent roast with this baster, complete with injector needle for infusing flavor right into the meat.
  • Dentro de los planes que tiene para mejorar su calidad de vida, esta la compra de un tanque de almacen de agua potale, debido a que el vital liquido no abastece en la zona y amenaza a la producción por la sequía, ella solicita un prestamo para la compra de materiales fertilizantes e insumos vegetativos que aporten un mejor mantenimientos agronomo a sus tierras y garantizen un crecimiento óptimo a la cosecha, esta inyección de capital a futuro le favorecera, para el establecimiento de 1 cuarto de manzana de piña, que le ayudara economicamente a la incursion en nuevos rubros y el mejoramiento continuo de sus niveles de vida. Kiva Loans
  • The synergistic effect of brave infantrymen, massed artillery and close air support was why Bastogne held.
  • One particularly macabre statue of Saint Sebastian, arrows poking out of every limb, was given centre stage.
  • When another of Aegon's Great Bastards tried to seize the Iron Throne from his trueborn half-brother, Bittersteel joined the revolt.
  • Desperate to hold on to her beloved son, Yvonne turns to her sister Leonie (Eileen Arkins), the bastion of rationality in this "raggle-taggle gypsy" family. Unhappy In Their Own Way
  • Known for his geometric sculptures from the '50s in iron and alabaster, which have inspired numerous artists, particularly Richard Serra, he also made collages and wrote extensively.
  • Milton has the word alabaster three times, twice incorrectly spelled Milton's Comus
  • I had not changed my intellectual belief as to my correspondent's behavior, but the impropriety of complicating an awkward business by placing myself in the wrong to the extent of losing my temper was so obvious that I blushed in recalling the bombastic periods of the torn composition. The Secret of a Happy Home (1896)
  • Tahitian Americans in the United States may also observe the French Polynesian celebration of Bastille Day on July 14.
  • WALES will benefit from the London Olympics if it uses the Games as a "bridgehead" to bring sport into education, Sebastian Coe insisted today. WalesOnline - Home
  • As such I found myself dressed in black pyjamas and hood with only my eyes visible, creeping along a hallway with a particularly well-polished Ottoman strapped to my back and an alabaster vase full of tulips.
  • Viola is shipwrecked off the coast of Illyria and, separated from her twin Sebastian, believes him drowned.
  • Il film è stato realizzato da Another State of Mind, compagnia di produzione belga fondata da Olivier Vanaschen e Sebastien Goyon. No Fat Clips!!! : Marla
  • Of course, if you get rid of the State, not only would you gain friendlier tax brackets (zero sounds good), but "multinational" corporations would no longer be able to hide behind and gain from what Frederic Bastiat lucidly wrote about: legal plunder, aka the law. Cancun Trade Talks, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I also enjoy a light, fluffy omelet, or maybe basted eggs with bacon or strawberries and dry toast.
  • The Romanian-Jewish writer Mihail Sebastian 1907-45 came to the attention of the English-speaking world in 2000 with the publication of his incandescently angry and exacting World War II diaries. Tender and Tense
  • Now they are being rewarded for their bastardry to our children with no requirement that they even spend it on education.
  • The last great bastion of French culinary purity has gone ethnic. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were severely lambasted for being so inept and so incompetent.
  • Papers, basting, needless whipstitching, awkward ways to join units together … I could go on. Moving hands
  • The fact that anyone bothers to even argue with this post depresses me, but if you really need to think about it, substitute the word "Black" for the word "Albanian" ... ill lich replied to comment from nutbastard Is Sony legally required to make its games accessible to disabled people? - Boing Boing
  • Sebastian was probably the best in their batch, although that was expected, since if Jacob's theory was true, he must be a nob, and nobs always learned to fence fancy.
  • These clubs are the last bastions of male privilege.
  • Turn the shanks and baste them once or twice as they cook.
  • The meaning of the term is now completely misinterpreted and bastardized.
  • Picrochole thus in despair fled towards the Bouchard Island, and in the way to Riviere his horse stumbled and fell down, whereat he on a sudden was so incensed, that he with his sword without more ado killed him in his choler; then, not finding any that would remount him, he was about to have taken an ass at the mill that was thereby; but the miller's men did so baste his bones and so soundly bethwack him that they made him both black and blue with strokes; then stripping him of all his clothes, gave him a scurvy old canvas jacket wherewith to cover his nakedness. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 1
  • We discussed Yasmin Alibhai-Brown's concerns that blogging is just 'pub bores' ( see debate on political blogging here on TV), the state of the blog wars, in which both sides have taken a lot of flak, particularly Tim, who has provoked a needed debate about damage done to the image of blogging by lack of basic 'netiquette', and who has been viciously ( anonymously) lambasted for it, which rather proves his original point. Blogger TV again
  • To the seaward, that is from the smaller harbour westwards, Sebastopol and its approaches were thoroughly fortified. A History of Modern Europe, 1792-1878
  • Nonetheless, I think it's worth examining, because Sebastian's parsing of its meaning is such pure gobbledygook.
  • Vestiges of the city's forum, basilica, temple, ramparts, bastions and oil mills are also well preserved.
  • Many stewards were taken aback at the prospect of such a drawn-out dispute and the union appears less bombastic this time around. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Sebastian was looking at the boys with a bemused expression.
  • There was more bombast and bluster than football, the most notable happenings on the park being the accumulation of bookings.
  • Cassandra, her older sister Rose and her younger brother Thomas are living in poverty even more abject than the Bastables, in a broken - down castle.
  • Either way, they made this noble symphony sound bombastic and sometimes comical. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recently he blogged about my favorite food cities: Barcelona and San Sebastian, and is now back in San Francisco.
  • The mist had become a great white luminous cloud -- not dense and alabastrine, like the clouds of thunder; but filmy, tender, comparable to the atmosphere of Dante's moon. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Third series
  • I am also fairly concerned about running into one of these little bastards, who look as if they give a nasty nip.
  • But for many years now bombast, rant, and confident obscurity have been his reigning notes.
  • We already possessed Pera; the Golden Horn itself, the city, bastioned by the sea, and the ivy-mantled walls of the Greek emperors was all of Europe that the Mahometans could call theirs. The Last Man
  • Halfway through, remove the pan from the oven and spoon over the juices to baste the tomatoes.
  • They jump effortlessly from new wave-tinged rockers to Queen-like bombast to stunning Beatlesque ballads to jazzy art-pop, without losing their touch with hooks that lodge themselves in your cranium and refuse to let go. Tony Sachs: One More Once: A Listen Back At The Records That Made 2010 More Bearable
  • Methods A randomized, double-blind , multicenter, controlled trial of complex prescription cromolyn sodium and lovocabastine nasal spray was performed in the treatment of allergic rhinitis.
  • The problem most of the reviews expose is Erikson's verbosity and a very slow and meandering buildup with many subplots leading nowhere, but the reader's patience is ultimatelly paid of by another bombastic ending (yup, a convergence). Archive 2008-07-01
  • He is a desperate character, and in other lands might be dangerous; but he is safe enough here, for the bastinado is a terrible instrument of torture, and the man is now not only desperate in wrath, but is sometimes desperately frightened. The Pirate City An Algerine Tale
  • “A troublesome, inquisitive old gentleman,” said Tyrrel to himself; “I remember him narrowly escaping the bastinado at Smyrna, for thrusting his advice on the Turkish cadi — and then I lie under a considerable obligation to him, giving him a sort of right to annoy me — Well, I must parry his impertinence as I can.” Saint Ronan's Well
  • But in neither of those propositions does one find the "I" which, for Descartes, was the necessary bastion against hyperbolical doubt.
  • And then on Halloween, the day after Palin's disgust for various members of the Alaska media bubbled over and caused her, the mother of a daughter who bore a son out of wedlock, to ironically describe these reporters as "corrupt bastards," Palin fumed on Fox News that reporters citing anonymous Republican sources criticizing her in a recent Politico article should "man up" and "cite themselves" so she could publicly debate them. Mary Shannon Little: Man Up Sarah! This Is Your Sister Souljah Moment
  • The merchant Sebastian Vizcaino, sailing up the southern California coast, names Syuhtun and the area sheltered by the islands Santa Barbara, in honor of an unattested 3rd century martyr.
  • Sebastian Jamieson sings and dreams while he punches the till, packs the shelves and unloads trucks at Clicks Store in Grahamstown's Church Square.
  • You can also drill several holes in the trunk, near the root ball, and inject stump killer into the holes with a baster.
  • Johnson's expression is manly, vigorous, grandiloquent and bombastic.
  • Sebastian was unwell but not so unwell that he required hospital admission.
  • Yesterday, the four climbers fixed 400 meters of ropes along the rocky section above C4, until they were stopped by a rock bastion (wall) at about 8300m.
  • He helped create and expand the Bastille legend, exhibiting in his waxworks insurgents, released prisoners, and a model of the fortress, carved from its ‘last’ stone.
  • The meat at the base of the neck was "basted" with chambira, to prevent its wearing and wasting away by handling in the succeeding operations. Head Hunters of the Amazon: Seven Years of Exploration and Adventure
  • According to St. Basil, forty soldiers who had openly confessed themselves Christians were condemned by the prefect to be exposed naked upon a frozen pond near Sebaste on a bitterly cold night, that they might feeze to death. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • And is light entertainment the last bastion of male chauvinism? Times, Sunday Times
  • This gives me hope for media bombast in general, that it can be scaled back without the whole house of cards collapsing.
  • Alabaster bowls, more than a dozen steatite vessels, and fragments of ostrich eggshell containers were also found. Arabian Hoard
  • Under the right conditions, the bastions of class were always quite easily breached. Times, Sunday Times
  • We've had the self-basting turkey and the self-cleaning oven.
  • This school seems more bastion of privilege than object of charity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shifting winds blew clouds of spray over the rocks, trees, and shrubs until they seemed to be sheathed in alabaster.
  • Other pieces might show the company's mettle in less bombastic fare. Times, Sunday Times
  • Details Hotel Bastion is built into the city ramparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • By means of a generous employment of free counterpoint, in other words a kind of polyphony in which the various voices use different melodies in harmonious combination, he gained a potent auxiliary in his cunning workmanship, and emphasized the folly of rejecting the contrapuntal experiences, of, for instance, a Sebastian Bach. For Every Music Lover A Series of Practical Essays on Music
  • Washington trying 'to dictate its rules' By Dalila Mahdawi Daily BEIRUT: Hizbullah on Tuesday lambasted what it called brazen American interference in Lebanon's Star staff Monday, June 01, 2009 - Powered by ... - Articles related to Hudson will return to Chicago to film ABC special
  • It's a bastard of a fine line to walk with Wainwright being more self aware than your average flamboyant drama queen opera fan.
  • Many stewards were taken aback at the prospect of such a drawn-out dispute and the union appears less bombastic this time around. Times, Sunday Times
  • Were you surprised to see those drunk scruffy bastards start moshing?
  • But, in the end, he settled for the position of Admiral, and watched every other lucky bastard as they boarded, what should have been, his ship.
  • Unfortunately for him, Alfred had been well trained and Bastide staggered back, clutching a bloody nose.
  • It's a tad far-fetched and the bombastic soundtrack gets a little bruising after a while. Times, Sunday Times
  • On one level, the current album is an engaging aural travelogue of the Anglo-American power trio's Near and Far East tour (its title is more of the Police's pidgin-English wordplay, bastardising Zen, Jomo Kenyatta and monde, the French word for world). Zenyatta Mondatta
  • Today, parts of the massive, four-sided walls are still visible, together with the remains of its fortified towers, or bastions, at each of the four corners.
  • The dynastically related western principality of Halych (Galicia) and Volyn resisted the Mongols and Tatars and became a Rus bastion through the fourteenth century.
  • Alabaster couples loitered along the garden path, handsome, whole and serene.
  • I was just pinning up the sheers before basting them in place, but that can wait.
  • England are dormie two in a Test series that has seen Pakistan bowled out for 80 and 72, while the fielding of Butt's side was so inept at Edgbaston that they resembled a travelling troupe of jesters. Salman Butt: 'In these dark days for Pakistan, cricket can lift spirits'
  • For all their bluster and bombast, each display of physical power proves in the end to be ineffectual.
  • In 1836 the British Legion helped raise the siege of San Sebastián, and regular Royal Marines arrived to garrison a nearby port.
  • Adn a happitayle burfday tew Bastet24, Specter267 adn evreewun else hooz muvvers hasnt let tehm furgit hao mush labur tehy wnet froo mumbledy yeers agoe tudae! *sigh* - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • As Honey came back with a plate of ‘bhurji’, a group of policemen, who were probably on bandobast duty for the Independence Day, surrounded her.
  • Ahead of me was a miniature fairy castle, etched in coral with moats and ports and bastioned towers. F&S Classic: Five Fathoms Down
  • We send our soldiers off, sometimes to die, to tell people that ours is the best damn government in the world, so we can't bastardize that by not letting the people have their say," she said. Md. Del. Tiffany Alston explains her crisis of conscience over same-sex marriage
  • Some previous stuff I have done on thieving pikey bastards: assorted pikey pictures and my bit on how you can not call pikey thieving gippo scum itinerant travellers. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Frederic Bastiat could have easily been a fellow traveler of thesigners of our Declaration of Independence.
  • A slender adult leader with raven hair and glistening alabaster skin which reflected the full moon's light was playing a set of rich, nut-brown pipes.
  • In a direct swipe at his brother, Ed, who used a Guardian article on Monday to lambast Nick Clegg for selling out Liberal principles, the shadow foreign secretary will criticise what he calls a patchwork approach to building electoral support. David Miliband takes 'comfort zone' swipe at Ed in Labour leadership fight
  • When she chuckles at his saying he has not "lambasted" teachers, he says he will take another question if she "just wants to put on a show. News
  • They basted him for his labour, kept him prisoner.
  • The trouble began in the 1992 campaign, when Clinton did precisely what Dole chose not to do: he played politics with the China issue, winning points with Democratic Party constituencies -- labor unions and human-rights groups -- by lambasting George Bush for maintaining normal trade relations (most-favored nation means normal) and "codd [ling] tyrants" in Beijing. Chinese 'Face' Time
  • He criticises his own players in public, lambasts the fans if attendances are down, admits the team stinks when it does, and occasionally entertains journalists by reading them his personal e-mails.
  • So they scoured the bottom and fixed up a banderbast for keeping the mud from coming downstream from above, and having made a sort of stewpond, put in four or five hundred yearling brownies. The Tragic Bride
  • A sinner so signally lov'd, -- and hearing my Mother, her eyes brimming with tears and her alabastrine fingers tightly locked together, murmur in unconscious repetition: Father and Son: a study of two temperaments
  • To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom. 
  • ‘You know I believe this attitude towards heavy people is the last bastion of open discrimination in our society,’ Andante quoted her as saying.
  • When she went to that lady with the ring, she was most glad to find that Silvia utterly rejected the suit of Proteus; and Julia, or the page Sebastian as she was called, entered into conversation with Silvia about Proteus’ first love, the forsaken lady Julia. The Two Gentlemen of Verona
  • The ambitiousness of Sebastian Junger's "War" is summed up in its title. Sebastian Junger's 'War,' reviewed by Philip Caputo
  • She discovers that the last bastion of humanity lives in a complex network of underground caves. Christianity Today
  • Only months ago, the idea that Mr Bush would publicly lambast America's corporate bosses was laughable.
  • The "jag" he developed was something phenomenal, and he was finally locked up in the Bastile by common consent. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • -- 'For my own part,' he at once replied, 'I look upon Aeschylus as the first of poets, for his verses roll superbly; 'tis nothing but incoherence, bombast and turgidness.' The Eleven Comedies, Volume 1
  • The basic idea, which I’m going to horribly bastardize, is that social power is exerted not just through obvious physical or economic coercion, but also in the ways information is categorized and used. They Argued With Her? In Academia!?
  • A notable feature of pidgins is lack of grammatical complexity; for this reason, they are often referred to at best as simple or simplified languages, at worst as bastardized or broken forms of another language.
  • Moths form at least 90 per cent of the diet of barbastelle and grey long-eared bats. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dishes labeled deep-fried, pan-fried, basted, batter-dipped, breaded, creamy, crispy, scalloped, Alfredo, au gratin or in cream sauce are usually high in calories, unhealthy fats or sodium.
  • Why did it have to be the audit commission that lambasted hospitals for being filthy and unhygienic?
  • Unlike the fortified cities of northern Ireland, Charles Towne's streets fail to connect the bastions and redoubts rimming the town.
  • The song's arrangement is nearly perfect with Branch slowly building the first verse into a bombastic chorus in which she asks the song's title repeatedly.
  • Leonardo lived at a time when the first artillery fortifications were appearing and the Codice Atlantico contains sketches of ingenious fortifications combining bastions, round towers, and truncated cones.
  • Sebastian would keel over DEAD if I used canned stuff ... the only thing I use that's premade is mole paste!!! Tacos with tomatillo sauce?
  • A: Some cooks say that basting does nothing to ensure moist meat; others swear by it.
  • He realises that his party is battling hard to retain a toehold in what was once its bastion.
  • It is still the last male bastion, she says. Times, Sunday Times
  • Firmly baste, too; none of your enormous floppysloppy basting stitches that look like someone left a skipping rope lying around.
  • If liberalism were a factor, surely it would have manifested itself in higher rates for those bastions of the left.
  • This was during Euro 2008, and when accounts broke in the Dutch newspapers, the then-manager Marco van Basten went on the attack, rubbishing the story and demanding to know where it had come from.
  • Seems that despite the popular propaganda perpetuated by the corporate media that the academy is a bastion for 'tenured radicals' is nowhere near the reality. La Profesora Abstraida
  • He quoted Lord Denning that in the dictionary for example the word barrister comes directly after bankrupt and just before bastard. Chinalyst - China blogs in English
  • De Benoist himself is on the Advisory Board (and Arthur R. Jensen is an "Honorary Adviser") of the neo-fascist German magazine Neue Anthropologie, whose editor, Jürgen R.eger, has condemned the "bastardizing" of races and has announced, in all seriousness, "The white giants are coming! Paris: Moses and Polytheism
  • Aldo – You mean you can hold a pair of binoculars and masturbate while stalking Mary, you sick bastard! amit. nandu Says: Checker Shadow Illusion
  • Big seats and lots of legroom which is great for 6'2 fat bastards like me. Third Time Up the Arsenal?
  • For instance, they created highly original relief panels to decorate the Sebasteion as well as other sculpture that adapted earlier models for different purposes.
  • The extirpation of Protestantism was another favourite object of Austrian policy: and the cruelties perpetrated with this view by George Basta and the other imperial generals at the beginning of the century was such, that a general rising took place under Stephen Boczkai, then waiwode of Transylvania, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843
  • The turkey basted itself in a paper bag in the oven.
  • One of the last bastions of freedom is the Press. The Sun
  • When you combine that with bombastic music and visual clichés it makes for an exhausting hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • From Kamlot's description I visualized the basto as an enormous boar with horns, or a buffalo with the jaws and teeth of a carnivore, and judged that its twelve hundred pounds of weight would render it a most formidable beast. Pirates of Venus
  • Though we're not certain of the exact moment NPR was tagged a bastion of "liberal" media, this recent turn of events could lead into another conversation about what constitutes "liberal media" and what, for argument's sake, is "conservative media. Charles D. Ellison: Juan Williams: Clever Double-Play or Conservative Cause Celebre'
  • He was a bastard to his wife.
  • As I have sometimes seen a Rifian from the hills, with bare magnificent limbs, striding down from the heights carolling a song, to enter the bastardly-civilised city of Tangier, so, it would seem, Chidley descended on to the city of Sydney. Impressions and Comments
  • Lay Low - By And By (Photo: Arnar Omarsson) When you think of Iceland, depending on your interests, you probably think of either) midnight sun (which for the record only occurs in certain parts of Iceland), ... evenfall "evenfall" by agnes montgomery Evenfall is the upcoming LP from Paris 'Sebastien Schuller (out May 25), and the album's stunning collage cover artwork is by one of my favorite ... Artrocker -
  • Baste the potatoes occasionally.
  • We outrode danger and came under land to a quiet anchorage, the San Sebastian and the San Martin following us as the chickens the hen. 1492,
  • Fat-tailed sheep (of lamb age or older) are highly valued, and are often roasted with the tail intact, curved over the body to display it and to help baste the meat.
  • Perhaps caucus members felt that increasing the future incidence of bastardry was a price worth paying in the effort to put the nightmare behind them.
  • He had that marriage annulled, bastardizing Mary in the process.
  • Sébastien's disapproval surrounds his father's womanising ways and the hurt he caused his mother.
  • What worries them is the dismantling of bastions of privilege. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd be willing to bet that he's been planning this for years… what a lowlife bastard.
  • The old bastard's caulked out again, thinks I, and hollered, without result, so I rolled, up, seized my crop, and strode forth to give him an enjoyable leathering. Flashman And The Mountain Of Light
  • Therefore, any one who 'cherishes' it is a traitorous bastard. Rudy's S.C. Chair: "I Love And Revere And Cherish" Confederate Flag
  • Removing the skin as Lenny does in this video might a familiar process to people who've basted a "chook" by getting their hands under the skin to rub a mixture of butter, garlic, herbs and what-not on the flesh. Crash Test Kitchen
  • Chilean President Sebastian Piñera owns a 300,000-acre private nature preserve on Chiloe Island. U.S. Millionaire Cultivates South American Park Plan
  • The committee is merely cosmetic and won't recommend any changes that will hurt the banks because they're Spain's sacred cows," said Alvarez, who was also a co-founder of Publica Subasta, Spain's largest complier of data on public auctions. -- Top News
  • Up-river, great new works of I know not what kind stood like a bastion against the plain; and in between ran these oldest bits of Lynn, somnolescent and refreshing -- permanent. Hills and the Sea
  • I shall never forget the generosity shown by the people of Bastaisk.
  • Then, like clockwork, out slid the new issue of The Weekly Standard, which lambastes Mr. Obama's neighborhood as an island of upper-class daffiness – a neat trick, considering that Hyde Park's median household income is substantially lower than both the national and the Chicago median. Mister Maverick, Meet Da Machine
  • The priests and priestesses are pious, sanctimonious bastards.
  • The courtyard will play host to the dreamscape of the haplessly bombastic Ignatius J. Karen Dalton-Beninato: The Goddess Fortuna in an Attempt to Make Sense of It All
  • And I love that the lesbian who doesn't play one in this movie or on TV, has the steamiest, most alabaster skinned, and way too brief, sex scene. Kate Clinton: Big Love Trumps Mr. Big
  • Cohibas are made by both the Cuban-based commie bastards (The cohiba is the ONLY thing Che gave the world that is worth a damn), and by their LatAm cousins. Sound Politics: Health Effects Of Pot Get Short Shrift: Bummer, Man
  • Next Friday is Bastille Day, but even that famous celebration is unlikely to jolt sleepy Montpellier out of its drowsy charm.
  • She lay down again on the bed and sang a little wandering tune made up of the words I have sung all the songs all the songs I have sung all the songs there are until, touched by her own lullaby, she grew drowsy, and in the hollow of near-sleep she tasted the acridness of gold, left the chill of alabaster and smelled the dark, sweet stench of loam. Toni Morrison - Prose
  • One poster lambasted Patte for allegedly being a "bookie" - a person who accepts bets on sporting events. Times Leader News
  • Oriental alabaster, the alabastrites of the classical writers, is a translucent marble (calcium carbonate) obtained from stalagmitic deposits; because of its usually banded structure, which gives it some resemblance to onyx, it is also called onyx marble, or simply, though incorrectly, onyx. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • More foundation and less rhetoric, son, he would say, but Gregory found that his oratorical bombast impressed other people. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • A plethora of other problems transpierce him in every part of his being, however, like St. Sebastian's arrows; and the countenance that he raises to the unseeing skies is likewise that of a martyr.
  • Aussie politicians are generally very, very good at low bastardry.
  • I think it's cool that the tees just say "bastardly" and not "bastardly. com" That way I can go around pretending to be a badass. Moejackson - Bastardly News & Gossip
  • evenfall" by agnes montgomery Evenfall is the upcoming LP from Paris 'Sebastien ... Artrocker
  • Another method is to cut off the bottom edge of the skirt a quarter of an inch from the turning line; apply the wrong side of the velveteen to the right side of the skirt, baste carefully close to the edge and stitch on the machine through velveteen, cloth, and lining (or facing) just inside the basting which is left in. Textiles and Clothing
  • My Model 70 Pre 64 Winchester in 270 is my favorite bolt action rifle. i put it in an accurate innovations stock that I hand rubbed 25 coats of African Express finish from Brownells and had Tim at classic checkering work his magic on the bastogne walnut. If You could have just one rifle...
  • Poppy by Ruth Harris Poppy's flesh is alabaster, below a cap of bandages.
  • The debt discussion isn't confined to bastions of Middle England such as the Mail and Express.
  • Balls of course, the unspeakable “New friend” David Millimoron and a host of salaried advisers like Gila Sacks, who, at a cost of £1,000,000, tickle his tummy and baste him in aromatic oils. Archive 2007-12-23
  • There are Russian residents permitted in Balaklava; amongst them a Mr. Upton, son of the engineer who constructed the forts of Sebastopol, and who was taken prisoner when we first marched down upon that place. Journal Kept During The Russian War: From The Departure Of The Army From England In April 1854, To The Fall Of Sebastopol
  • Quite a few species once thought to be extinct have been rediscovered in recent times, including the local ebony (Trochetiopsis ebenus), St. Helena olive (Nesiota elliptica), false gumwood (Commidendrum spurium) and bastard gumwood (Commidendrum rotundifolium). St. Helena scrub and woodlands
  • And it's bastardry like this that not only gives free market capatalism a bad name, that then encourages more and more intrusive government interference in our lives -- it hurts people. I aten't dead ...
  • Begin basting every 10 minutes with coke, and continue cooking uncovered, until the chicken is done, testing doneness by your favorite method. Lemon Cola Butterfly Chicken
  • United are also pondering a £12m move for Bayern Munich midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger, with their vastly wealthier rivals Manchester City and Chelsea likely to gazump any effort Alex Ferguson makes to secure the signature of the 26-year-old German international. Football transfer rumours: Liverpool to sign Johan Elmander?
  • Uncle Sebastian used to tease Mother and Daddy unmercifully that all they could produce was girls.
  • Why not just close both levels and sell sleeping bags you miserable cold-hearted bastards?
  • The article by Leo Bastiaens, M.D., focuses on the well-known problem of polypharmacy in the long-term care of treatment-resistant children.
  • Bastian was not merely borrowing metaphors from political liberalism in order to explain Humboldt's intellectual importance.
  • S bastien Broda, the talented young chef who has just pocketed a Michelin star after his first year, excels in subtle combinations of flavors: a crispy mille-feuille of foie gras, served with baby peas and ginger jam, roast pigeon and sweetbreads in a hazelnut shell, and a stunning exotic-fruit souffl for dessert. Cannes's Gastronomic Glitz

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