
How To Use Basso In A Sentence

  • They are indeed miniatures, as the entire set of eight take about eight minutes to perform by the pairs of flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, violins, violas, cellos and one horn.
  • And then the bassos smote the air with deep sounds: The Man Who Was Afraid
  • Thorwaldsen, Crawford excelled in _basso-rilievo_, and was a remarkable pictorial sculptor. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • On this occasion, Campobasso gave his opinion, couched in the apologue of the Traveller, the Adder, and the Fox; and reminded the Duke of the advice which Reynard gave to the man, that he should crush his mortal enemy, now that chance had placed his fate at his disposal. Quentin Durward
  • It was pleasant to wake up in Florence, to open the eyes upon a bright bare room, with a floor of red tiles which look clean though they are not; with a painted ceiling whereon pink griffins and blue amorini sport in a forest of yellow violins and bassoons. A Room with a View
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  • They give a fine account of the Overture in C minor which has some delightful work for bassoon.
  • Candidates in the categories of piano, oboe and bassoon must include a recording of their own playing on either a cassette tape or DAT cassette.
  • Judd made no attempt to tidy up the sheer chaos of this music, presenting its many dynamic extremes without apology, never subduing its often seemingly random accompanying noises of bells, woodwind flutterings and bassoon growls.
  • The bassoon is the legitimate bass to the oboe and to the wood wind in general. Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
  • On this recording, there are nine violins, three violas, three cellos, a double bass, one flute, three oboes, one bassoon, three trumpets, a set of timpani, and a harpsichord.
  • Part of his top-secret job at Protechnik was to manufacture so-called "applicators" or "screwdrivers" for Basson. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • She’s done some interesting BL under the penname basso (no caps – trés avant-guarde); perhaps if these two do well someone will pick up Amato Amaro or Orso e Intellettuale. Peeking at IKKI
  • Basson ascribed the long delay in sorting out the matter to what he described as complicated labour laws. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In the April 6 issue there appears an article under the byline of staffer Handrie Basson.
  • It is to be found in the basso ostinato, a repeated bass line over which a keyboard player or lutenist improvises chords and a singer or player evolves a melody.
  • Basso is qualified as an aeronautical engineer, having worked in the United States for NASA near Washington.
  • Prestimion chuckled at the sound of Gialaurys's uncouth heavy basso groaning along beneath the others nearby. LORD PRESTIMION
  • The instrumental ensemble is comprised of flute, two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two French horns, and a double-bass.
  • The shawm, baroque oboe, baroque bassoon and dulcian can overblow without the use of a thumbhole.
  • Seldom had the King evinced more gaiety of heart than at this particular period, or appeared to derive greater amusement from the gossipry of the Court and the gallantries of the courtiers; and he no sooner ascertained that Mademoiselle d'Entragues had become the mistress of Bassompierre than he said laughingly to the Duc de Guise: The Life of Marie de Medicis
  • Viols and lutes sounded in the background, laughing dulcimers wove in and out between the harp notes, bassoons and oboes crooned to violins and the deep, sweet voice of cellos, and he knew it couldn't happen even as it did.
  • I am going to limit myself to the three concertos for four solo violins without basso continuo.
  • It is a charming piece, and performers and concert-planners should note that it is helpfully and economically scored for an orchestra consisting of just two oboes, two bassoons and strings.
  • Other unique curiosities are the 3 Sonatas that the composer wrote for each of the main woodwind instruments; oboe, bassoon and clarinet, although those for cor anglais and flute never saw the light of day.
  • But what were the surprise and alarm of the Earl of Oxford and his companions, when they came to that part of the camp which had been occupied the day before by Campo-Basso and his Italians, who, reckoning men-at-arms and Stradiots, amounted to nigh two thousand men — not a challenge was given — not a horse neighed — no steeds were seen at picquet — no guard on the camp. Anne of Geierstein
  • [FN#196] Abou Abdallah ibn el Casim el Hashimi, surnamed Abou el Ainaa, a blind traditionist and man of letters of Bassora, in the ninth century, and one of the most celebrated wits of his day. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume IV
  • Then I entered into a contract of partnership with them and we chartered a ship and packing up all manner of precious stuffs and merchandise of every kind, freighted it therewith; after which we embarked in it all we needed and, setting sail from Bassorah, launched out into the dashing sea, swollen with clashing surge whereinto whoso entereth is lone and lorn and whence whoso cometh forth is as a babe new - born. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The concertmaster (whoever it was) and solo bassoonist are simply fantastic.
  • I remember an occasion when all the musicians began to breathe at ease on my taking this piece at the true moderate pace: then the humorous sforzato of the basses and bassoons at once produced an intelligible effect; the short crescendi became clear, the delicate pianissimo close was effective, and the gentle gravity of the returning principal movement was properly felt. On Conducting (Üeber Das Dirigiren) : a Treatise on Style in the Execution of Classical Music,
  • Flutes, saxophones, clarinets, trumpets and bassoons share the spotlight and take frequent solos that, like the vocals, often ramble aimlessly.
  • The top of the bluestone doorframe is a vast transversal stone upon which the building's name is engraved, along with other fancy basso-relievo serving as decoration.
  • It is susceptible of nodes or modes as far apart as hyperphrygian and mixolydian and of texts so divergent as priests haihooping round David's that is Circe's or what am I saying Ceres 'altar and David's tip from the stable to his chief bassoonist about the alrightness of his almightiness. Ulysses
  • Wind trios for such combinations as flute, clarinet, and bassoon have been written by a number of composers, as have brass trios for trumpet, horn, and trombone or other combinations.
  • The performers here, being very good baroque musicians indeed, have deployed a variety of continuo combinations: harpsichord or lute with violone, gamba, double bass or bassoon.
  • It is not so cheerful, perhaps, as its predecessor in the same key; the heavy basses twanging in tenths like a contrabasso are intentionally monotone in effect. Old Fogy His Musical Opinions and Grotesques
  • Bennett joins fellow Old Selbornian Reece Basson next week for the interprovincials in Pietermaritzburg.
  • However, on ‘Vlu’ an almost dainty melody twitters while that basso profondo voice adds a resonance that pours out of the speakers like thick treacle.
  • It's a concerto for the combination of instruments (horn, oboe, clarinet and bassoon) that appear solo in the program's other works.
  • There is a big granite basso-relievo in the frontispiece of the memorial which is 41.8 metres long, 5.4 metres high.
  • On this recording, there are nine violins, three violas, three cellos, a double bass, one flute, three oboes, one bassoon, three trumpets, a set of timpani, and a harpsichord.
  • Mr. LISLEVAND: Well, this is all music based on what we call basso spinato (ph), obstinate (ph) basses. Rolf Lislevand, Improvising with 'Nuove Musiche'
  • Fri 3/23, 12: 10 PM, contrabassoonist Susan Migro. 312-787-2729, ext. Chicago Reader
  • ‘It was the first time she had heard him speak, his deep, basso voice tingling inside her eardrums.’
  • The instruments included three rhythm sections, bongo drums, piano, a full complement of brass, saxophones, flutes, clarinets, guitars and even two bassoons.
  • Thin reasoning perhaps, but the bassoon and double bass duet in the "Menuet" has an earthy Balkan jocularity and the whole work is vigorously charming. Brad Hill: Salonen Brings Hungarian Echoes to the NY Philharmonic
  • The tutti strangeness is that of an orchestra without violas and cellos, but in which double basses, contrabassoon and piccolos are prominent.
  • Then I abode three days in Baghdad, without tasting meat or drink, and on the fourth day seeing a ship bound for Bassorah, I took passage in her of the owner, and when we reached our port, I landed and went into the bazar, being sore anhungered. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • For example, can the contrabassoon part be played up an octave?
  • With my newly acquired basso profundo, I'll be blowing out woofers all over town; just you wait and see.
  • French bassoons had a reedy, pungent tone, quite unlike the rounded timbre of German bassoons.
  • Gli Acoustic Ladyland sono un gruppo jazz londinese formato da Tom Herbert al doppio basso, Pete Wareham al sassofono, Seb Rochford alla batteria e Tom Cawley al piano. No Fat Clips!!! : ACOUSTIC LADYLAND – Cuts And Lies
  • Somewhere up above, either a basso profundo or a talking walrus was making the welkin ring. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • Gotta love when the contrabassoonist gets the spotlight. Times Record News Stories
  • In the 17th century the development of the basso continuo led to a proliferation of fixed-bass variation types, especially ostinato dances like the passacaglia and chaconne.
  • These types of roles, and their singers, were eventually called basso buffo, and few composers were better at writing these parts than Donizetti also provided a generous number of hilarious examples. News
  • Another marked difference between the bassoon and the dulcian is that as was common with other Renaissance instruments, it came in a consort or family.
  • The Funny Bunny Hug for Bassoon Quartet.
  • When Khálid bin Abdallah al-Kasri218 was Emir of Bassorah, there came to him one day a company of men dragging a youth of exceeding beauty and lofty bearing and perfumed attire; whose aspect expressed good breeding, abundant wit and dignity of the gravest. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I think all of Debbie's legs are fabulous," the furrier Dennis Basso popped by to say. Big Dinner Before Shopping
  • In one movement we hear recordings of the musicians 'voices as they played their virtuosic solos: here was the French horn player who wished he was a clarinettist; the contra-bassoonist who adores playing "low notes all day long"; the cellist who says of the audience, "the more they listen, the better we play". Michael Wolters sees into the minds of musicians
  • Basson is still working for South Africa in its military's medical section.
  • About midnight she was awakened by the music of a band composed of a clarinet, hautboy, flute, cornet a piston, trombone, bassoon, flageolet, and triangle. Ursula
  • No more toilet humor: NSO contrabassoonist trades in 'flatulent' instrument for sweeter contraforte Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • Ludovico Grossi, called Viadana from the place of his birth, seems to have been the first to use the term basso continuo and on the authority of Prætorius and other writers was long credited with the invention of the thing itself. Some Forerunners of Italian Opera
  • _Mucilage_, or _bassorin_, is simply a modified form of gum, which, though insoluble in water, forms a gelatinous mixture with that fluid. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • Of other sizes, the commonest is the contrabassoon.
  • After an hour (comical bassoon solos over close-ups of the old recreant guzzling some horrible fermented potato-mash lobotomy out of a jerrican, wiping her mouth on her sleeve, belching) of fruitless search, our modern-day pirates head out to sea again, and up the eastern coast of the island. Gravity's Rainbow
  • Acacia, tragacanth, bassorin and plasment applications are used in cases of a subacute and chronic character. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • All the canals have bridges at stated distances; these bridges are bordered with balustrades of white marble sculptured in basso-relievo. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • These charming songs exist in two different versions, the first for baritone and string quartet, and the second for tenor and woodwind quartet (oboe, cor anglais, clarinet and bassoon).
  • The sarrusophone may fairly be regarded as an oboe or bassoon; but the saxophone is not so closely related to the clarinet. Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
  • Then I entered into a contract of partnership with them and we chartered a ship and packing up all manner of precious stuffs and merchandise of every kind, freighted it therewith; after which we embarked in it all we needed and, setting sail from Bassorah, launched out into the dashing sea, swollen with clashing surge whereinto whoso entereth is lone and lorn and whence whoso cometh forth is as a babe new - born. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • At the coronation of James II., and also at that of George I., two of the king's musicians walked in the procession, clad in scarlet mantles, playing each on a sackbut, and another, drest in a similar manner, playing on a double curtal, or bassoon. Notes and Queries, Number 53, November 2, 1850
  • Lewis Lipnick, the contrabassoonist of the NSO, plays Schulhoff's piece on the contrabassoon, the instrument he has been playing for more than 40 years: Audio: The contrabassoon vs. contraforte
  • During the rehearsal he suddenly stopped the orchestra and cried out: "F. sharp, F. sharp in the second bassoon is wrong", only to be answered by the first basson player, "Beg pardon, Sir, the second bassoon is absent today. Good Music Made Popular
  • But ere long I saw my slave-girl herself come on board, attended by two waiting-women; whereupon what was on me of chagrin subsided and I said in myself, ‘Now shall I see her and hear her singing, till we come to Bassorah.’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • They had no knowledge of any European settlement in this country; and on learning the name Port Jackson, the son of Pobassoo made a memorandum of it as thus, (foreign characters), writing from left to right. A Voyage to Terra Australis — Volume 2
  • He was a stern, vindictive man with piercing dark eyes and a booming basso voice which always made her shudder.
  • No more toilet humor: NSO contrabassoonist trades in 'flatulent' instrument for sweeter contraforte Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • There are two principal kinds of relief: Low Relief (bas-relief, basso-rilievo), the figures of which have only a limited thickness, and in which the appearance of solidity is achieved by the effect of light and shade; and High Relief (grand-relief, alto-rilievo), in which the figures sometimes appear entirely in the round. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Curiously, Holloway uses both harpsichord and organ as basso continuo instruments.
  • The deft fiddling of a bright new member, Eleanor Bartsch, partnered the fruity bassooning of Cynthia Cameron Fix, with gambist Duncan Pledger and Yount in the continuo roles for two contrapuntal ensemble showpieces by Tarquinio Marula. Undefined
  • It would be misleading to assert that a woodwind trio (oboe, clarinet, bassoon) has a propensity for entertaining music rather than solid serious stuff.
  • Adagio for Strings Adapt to 5 Bassoons.
  • The NYOI is joined by the Wind Quintet of Jeunesses Musicales World Orchestra which includes oboe, clarinet, horn, flute and bassoon.
  • Berckmans is still on board, and his oboe, bassoon and English horn remain a major part of the group's mediaeval chamber music sound.
  • Flutes, saxophones, clarinets, trumpets and bassoons share the spotlight and take frequent solos that, like the vocals, often ramble aimlessly.
  • The result is that we encounter unsuspected shades of gray, with solo flute and bassoon weaving ironic commentaries.
  • One of the set of seven dulcians from the Este collection in Catajo, now in Vienna, is built in three separate joints like a bassoon.
  • Looking at the programme, the more unusual instruments included Alto Flute, Bass Flute, E flat clarinet, bass clarinet, contra bass clarinet, contra bassoon, Wagner Tubas, bass trombone, euphonium, pianino, celeste and cymbalom.
  • Next came a double file of priests in their surplices, with a missal in one hand and a lighted wax taper in the other, chanting the funeral dirge at intervals -- now pausing, and then again taking up the mournful burden of their lamentation, accompanied by others, who played upon a rude kind of bassoon, with a dismal and wailing sound. Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 3 France and the Netherlands, Part 1
  • While working as a medical storeman he was approached by Basson to find equipment to manufacture the mandrax tablets. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Even more surprising are the number of standard orchestral instruments that are currently under threat - double bass, viola, horn, oboe, bassoon, tuba and trombone.
  • It consists of a bass line only, which is to be played on instruments such as the cello, viola de gamba, double-bass or bassoon.
  • Playing an instrument such as the oboe or bassoon as I do, one's initial focus at university or conservatoire was inevitably the brace of chairs available in the Western symphony orchestra.
  • But it was a laboured effort, and Armstrong found the strength to respond, passing Ullrich and taking Basso with him.
  • The baritone bassoon extended between the bassoon and the contra, and there is even a subcontra bassoon one octave lower than the contra bassoon in exceptionally rare captivity, possibly with a lamp shade.
  • Frank walked in, looked over and said, in that unmistakable basso profundo: ‘Oi, Mr Observer man, hop it.’
  • The rich tone and strong accents of Gabriel Beavers's solo bassoon were striking.
  • It sounds like an orchestra of demented bassoonists playing at full tilt.
  • ‘Give me the phone, give me the phone,’ he insisted in his jowly basso.
  • Had you been a bassoonist, I'd probably have suggested a violist!
  • Arranged for trumpet sextet and a continuo instrument (bassoon or euphonium are suggested), this piece can be performed in B-flat, C or D.
  • The flute adds brightness to oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and horn when it doubles them at the octave.
  • Playing an instrument such as the oboe or bassoon as I do, one's initial focus at university or conservatoire was inevitably the brace of chairs available in the Western symphony orchestra.
  • Barmecide appeared to him in a vision and said, Verily thou hast wearied thyself to come to us and findest us as thou seest; but go to Bassorah and ask for a man there whose name is such and such, one of the merchants of the town, and say to him, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Inside Higher Education's Mama PhD is a group blog by mothers "attempting to balance motherhood and academics", that includes "ABCs and PhDs: Biologists at Home" Liz Stockwell, Dana Campbell, and Susan Bassow, as well as "Math Mom" Della Fenster. Blog Roll Update
  • I chose not to sidetrack here into the bassoonists' hypochondriacal woes.
  • Still, it is strange these gentlemen had not been notified, because at the datcha the Trebassofs were told that the general's usual doctors were not at home and so the police had summoned two others who would arrive at once. The Secret of the Night
  • The bassoon was my instrument in high school, and as a child I heard the voice of Harold Ramis in a crowded lecture hall. COMIXTALK
  • Developed from the dulcian, the bassoon has never acquired a fashionable status among woodwind instruments.
  • From the aft external monitors of Vanguard, she could not see even the aftmost tip of Sharra’s Gift or Bassoon, though there were no ships between Vanguard and them. Command Decision
  • Basso relievo, low relief or bas-relief, is used when the scale of projection is very much less than that of the other dimensions and there is no undercutting at all.
  • Rob Schneider, whose Saturday Night Live heyday seems a pitifully distant memory right about now, stars as the title schlub, a fussy nerd who somehow landed a gorgeous Mexican-American bride the innocuous Claudia Bassols after a six-week courtship. Thursday TV in Review: Rotten Rob, Finder, Person of Interest and More
  • To qualify they must be taking a full-time honours degree course in music studies and jazz studies playing trombone, tuba, bassoon, french horn, oboe, double bass or piano.
  • Classes will be offered for the violin, viola, cello, flute, oboe, trumpet, trombone, and bassoon as well as composition and orchestral conduction.
  • I produced a basso-relievo in silver, carved with a group of foliages and several figures of youths, and other beautiful grotesques.
  • Allegra also plays the bassoon, not because she loves the sound but because she believes that this unusually difficult double-reed instrument will give her an edge on an Ivy League college admission. THE BLESSING OF A SKINNED KNEE
  • Two or three men intend to persuade you that they play on a broomstick, which is drolly brought in, carefully shrouded in a case, so as to be mistaken for a bassoon or bass-viol; but they succeed in nothing but the action. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2
  • There are no cellos, a disproportionately large number of double-basses, and big brass and wind sections but no oboes and bassoons.
  • Of these the earliest known is a “Romanesca per violone Solo e Basso se piaci,” and some dances, by Biagio Marini, published in 1620. Famous Violinists of To-day and Yesterday
  • Two string quartets are utilized, as are a pair of French horns, piccolo, bassoon, basset horn, oboe and instruments usually associated with jazz.
  • Matteo Ricci had brought with him a spinet, other Jesuits brought violins and flutes, cellos and bassoons and manuals on music styles.
  • ‘Song of the Flea’ is a showpiece for the basso's humor and dramatic exaggeration.
  • He is represented, as is well known, seated in the group of musicians in the centre, and playing the contrabasso. Giorgione
  • Basson explained that fuel levies are collected by the major oil companies in the country.
  • Bassorah, to send him Ibrahim bin Siyyár the prosodist, who was the first man of his day in argument and eloquence and poetry and logic, and bade him bring with him readers of the Koran and learned doctors of the law and physicians and astrologers and scientists and mathematicians and philosophers; and Ibrahim was more learned than all. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It is a charming piece, and performers and concert-planners should note that it is helpfully and economically scored for an orchestra consisting of just two oboes, two bassoons and strings.
  • There are no cellos, a disproportionately large number of double-basses, and big brass and wind sections but no oboes and bassoons.
  • The group's unique combination of oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon, piano and soprano allows them to perform a diverse repertoire in a wide range of musical genres.
  • The concertmaster (whoever it was) and solo bassoonist are simply fantastic.
  • On this recording, there are nine violins, three violas, three cellos, a double bass, one flute, three oboes, one bassoon, three trumpets, a set of timpani, and a harpsichord.
  • That usually refers to works that go to the extremes of the orchestra, beyond the meat-and-potatoes of strings and winds and brass: a stroke of harp, a shimmer of cymbal, the mellow birdcall of an oboe d'amore or the flatulence of a contrabassoon. Hans Graf conducts Jean-Yves Thibaudet, National Symphony in Ravel, Debussy
  • They are a kind of basso ostinato for the diplomats who gather and gab.
  • The Bishop said that night while Rachel was singing that if the world of sinful, diseased, depraved, lost humanity could only have the gospel preached to it by consecrated prima donnas and professional tenors and altos and bassos, he believed it would hasten the coming of the Kingdom quicker than any other one force. In His Steps
  • Basso's team swarm around him like worker bees around their Queen, but they are in for a hard day in the saddle.
  • This music, scored for bright violins rather than violes, with oboes, bassoons, and cornets a bouquin, had qualities comparable with those of the vocal chansons, preserving plasticity of movement and enhancing clarity of texture.
  • Forum, the fragments from the basilica of Giunio Basso, also in Rome, or the marble inlays of the "domus" of Cupid and Psyche in Ostia. What Does The Prayer Really Say?
  • So they went forth from the tents; and the tie of blood drew Ajib towards his father, and forthwith they passed through the gateway, Bab al-Faradis 464 hight, and entered the city and ceased not walking through the streets till they reached the cookshop, where they found Hasan of Bassorah standing at the door. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The performers here, being very good baroque musicians indeed, have deployed a variety of continuo combinations: harpsichord or lute with violone, gamba, double bass or bassoon.
  • Clarence is the ultra-professional second bassoonist, always backing his principal, never complaining, even though he is twice as good a musician.
  • His booming contrabasso voice makes middle-aged ladies squeal in delight and his pithy, homily-laden retorts are greeted with roars of approval. Lebed's On The March Again
  • It particularly affected me when I saw the destruction made to get down the basso-relievos on the walls of the frieze.
  • For, as Flaxman remarks, the styles of different hands are sufficiently evident in the alto and basso rilievo. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • It consists of a bass line only, which is to be played on instruments such as the cello, viola de gamba, double-bass or bassoon.
  • Moving on, I'm also pleased to report that, while my Universal Sports Giro d'Italia blog has concluded along with the Giro itself spoiler alert: Basso won, I have been hornswoggled into "curating" yet another extracurricular blogular undertaking. Back in the Saddle: The Unwatched Pot Boils Over
  • As his debts accrued, he was finally forced to sell his bassoon and take a job as an insurance underwriter.
  • I remember an occasion when all the musicians began to breathe at ease on my taking this piece at the true moderate pace: then the humorous sforzato of the basses and bassoons at once produced an intelligible effect; the short crescendi became clear, the delicate pianissimo close was effective, and the gentle gravity of the returning principal movement was properly felt. On Conducting (Üeber Das Dirigiren) : a Treatise on Style in the Execution of Classical Music,
  • Bassoonist John Clouser made the Lullaby a thing of beauty, accompanied by the three harps and muted strings.
  • Possibly a distant ancestor of the modern bassoon, the instrument had a space at one end which almost certainly held a reed which generated the sound.
  • But it was a laboured effort, and Armstrong found the strength to respond, passing Ullrich and taking Basso with him.
  • The doublereeder exists in just these two varieties - oboist and bassoonist.
  • At first hearing, the similarities between the contraforte and the contrabassoon are evident: both instruments hang out in the dark, lowest register of the double-reed universe. Audio: The contrabassoon vs. contraforte
  • Two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns, timpani and the strings present the first phrase — marked pianissimo. The Splendid Start to a Farewell to Opera
  • Heckelphone, ondes-martenot, tubax, contrabassoon, serpent, octobasse, flugelhorn, euphonium are examples of musical instruments whose sex appeal does not live up to their exotic sounding names.
  • Schreier sets a brisk but effective tempo here and the horn and bassoons with continuo are first-rate.
  • The sound is excellent for its age and the particular timbre of oboes, clarinets and bassoons accompanied by the battery of kettledrums has to be heard to be believed!
  • Charlotte not only teaches piano, but also voice, recorder, clarinet, flute and bassoon.
  • On this recording, there are nine violins, three violas, three cellos, a double bass, one flute, three oboes, one bassoon, three trumpets, a set of timpani, and a harpsichord.
  • “I Fotos sono un gruppo tedesco formato dal cantante Tom Heßler, Frieder Weiss (basso), Deniz Erarslan (chitarra) ed il batterista Benedikt Schnermann.” No Fat Clips!!! : Try Life in Another Language: Neon City
  • Now it happened that a bassoon was the instrument nearest the box in which Aurora sat, and it was natural therefore that the bassoon attracted more of The Holy Cross and Other Tales
  • There was a time when the two sexes were only one, but now God has halved them, — much as the Lacedaemonians have cut up the Arcadians, — and if they do not behave themselves he will divide them again, and they will hop about with half a nose and face in basso relievo. The Symposium
  • The sound is excellent for its age and the particular timbre of oboes, clarinets and bassoons accompanied by the battery of kettledrums has to be heard to be believed!
  • They were entertained with extracts from Lord of the Rings, such as the piece Gollum, where the Navy tubas and bassoons imitated the drones of the didgeridoo.
  • I play bassoon in a double reed group at my school and one member of our group has just bought a contra bassoon, and we're all really excited!
  • pictures" would probably be called basso-relievos. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
  • The basso continuo, an abbreviated chordal notation, called for one or more singers to be accompanied by a single chordal instrument, while allowing for variation and improvisation in the accompanying instrumental harmonies.
  • He alternated, with infinite relish, between the extreme phases of his art, -- a delicate Peri and a majestic Colossus, an extensive array of basso rilievo figures, a sublime ideal of manhood and an exquisite image of infancy. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • “Silence, Campo-Basso,” said the Duke, “and be assured you serve a prince. who knows your worth too well to exchange it for the untried and untrustful services of those, whom we have only known as vexatious and malignant neighbors.” Anne of Geierstein
  • The tone of these letters and their amusing signatures ‘Orlando Lasso col cor non basso’; ‘Orlandissimo lassissimo, amorevolissimo’; ‘secretaire publique, Orlando magnifique’ show Lassus to have been on terms of easy familiarity with Wilhelm. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The Germans called this sound schwachsinnige Musik, but the vice-admiral's name for it-"bassoon"-was the one that stuck. The New Yorker
  • As the soloist waits, pizzicato quavers hurry along a twisted version of the piano's cadenza theme in the bassoons , everything still piano.
  • We hope to have a go at the Beethoven clarinet/bassoon duos next week-end, operational exigencies permitting, of course!
  • The Canadian pianist was a law unto himself, singing as he played in a grumbling basso.
  • There is the continuous shake, handed on from instrument to instrument, the slashing figure of the upper strings, the kind of basso ostinato, conventionally indicating the galloping of horses, and the chief melody, a mere bugle-call, altered by a change of rhythm into a thing of superb strength. Richard Wagner
  • The result is that we encounter unsuspected shades of gray, with solo flute and bassoon weaving ironic commentaries.
  • The plates of embossed and chiseled bronze which encased the body of the chariot are figured with admirably-worked subjects in basso-rilievo, many of them relating to the "wondrous tale of Troy. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 102, June, 1876
  • His first career was as a bassoonist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coach Louis van Gaal and his wife are ambassors of this organistation and the selling house company, Jaap. nl is just a sponsor. AZ Alkmaar 2007/08 Special kits
  • My cousin Barbie was similarly rewarded because she played the bassoon, another unusual instrument.
  • In the case of contraltos and bassos, the voice is usually trained from the middle in both directions. The Psychology of Singing A Rational Method of Voice Culture Based on a Scientific Analysis of All Systems, Ancient and Modern
  • Usually the three classes of voices receive different treatment, one form of instruction being used for sopranos and tenors, another for mezzo-sopranos and baritones, and a third for altos and bassos. The Psychology of Singing A Rational Method of Voice Culture Based on a Scientific Analysis of All Systems, Ancient and Modern
  • Shrill female voices battled against rumbling baritones and bassos. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Deep, rich and sonorous, it was the kind of basso profundo that ricocheted around the tile walls with stunning clarity, like the Whispering Gallery atop St. Paul's Cathedral. Family von catt
  • For three years, he was impresario for Feodor Chaliapin—one of the greatest bassos who ever thrilled the ritzy boxholders at the Metropolitan. How to Win Friends and Influence People
  • Here I must admit that for bassoon reeds, a decade or so of advanced macramé at night school is a sound investment.
  • I am going to limit myself to the three concertos for four solo violins without basso continuo.
  • Pasqualis, Cherubini, Caracciolo (bassos), Signor de Anna (barytone), and Signor Bassetti (tenor), otherwise Mr. Charles Bassett, like Mme. Nevada, an American singer. Chapters of Opera Being historical and critical observations and records concerning the lyric drama in New York from its earliest days down to the present time
  • My cousin Barbie was similarly rewarded because she played the bassoon, another unusual instrument.
  • A large basso-relievo representing a lion courant, probably the arms of the city or those of its rulers, has been inserted into the inner wall above the western gate.
  • Developed from the dulcian, the bassoon has never acquired a fashionable status among woodwind instruments.
  • The quintet of oboe, flute, clarinet, horn and bassoon is led by Howard Nelson and will present a programme of contrasting chamber music.
  • Moshe Basson's culinary roots stretch back through time from 200 CE, when the collection of Jewish oral law known as the Mishnah began to take shape - to the Jewish presence in Iraq, where his family lived till the 1950s - to the present time in Jerusalem. English-writing Israeli-bloggers
  • The performers here, being very good baroque musicians indeed, have deployed a variety of continuo combinations: harpsichord or lute with violone, gamba, double bass or bassoon.
  • Also, sometimes when I'm listening, I get confused between clarinets and bassoons, and between French horns and trombones, so it's good to see the live performance.
  • On this recording, there are nine violins, three violas, three cellos, a double bass, one flute, three oboes, one bassoon, three trumpets, a set of timpani, and a harpsichord.
  • The heckelphone was developed in response to Richard Wagner's request when he visited the Heckel factory, a German bassoon manufacturer, in the late nineteenth century.
  • He was tail and lanky and had a long reddish brown beard and lectured in a voice that was basso and happy.
  • Peter von Winter's contribution is a Sinfonia concertante for violin, clarinet, horn, bassoon, and orchestra.
  • The following is a bassorin paste which may be variously medicated. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine

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