How To Use Basipetal In A Sentence
PINOID kinase regulates root gravitropism through modulation of PIN2-dependent basipetal auxin transport in Arabidopsis thaliana.
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In every case, the basipetal movement was greater than the acropetal movement.
We also show that cellular responses are propagated in a basipetal direction in P. rhoeas pollen tubes.
The number of rings of kernels from the base to the tip of the ear was counted and the apical ear region was defined as the fifth two nodal rings of fertilized florets, counting basipetally from the apex.
The hairs are oriented acropetally, while in the proximal part of the sac they grow basipetally, i.e., oriented toward the lemma-sac interface.
When the exposure time was extended to 60 min, a large amount of phosphorus was transported basipetally to the shoot from root sections located 80 mm from the root tip, where the xylem is completely mature.
Red arrow indicates the progressive basipetal termination of divisions.
PLoS Biology: New Articles
However, a continuous basipetal transport of auxin from the shoot to the rooting zone (upper part taproot) is required for adventious root formation.
First, in leaves it has been shown that division ceases in a basipetal wave from the top downward similar to what we see in the sepal
PLoS Biology: New Articles
Ellipsoidal microconidia and falcate macroconidia are formed from phialides by basipetal division; globose chlamydospores with thick walls are formed acrogenously from hyphae or by the modification of hyphal cells.
Tree height, branch height, leaf position (numbered basipetally from the youngest, fully expanded leaf), and direction of the nearest canopy gap were noted.
Furthermore, in both animals and plants, gradients of growth factors are established, in plants by basipetal auxin transport, inducing and controlling vascular differentiation.
Lateral view of young inflorescence with basipetal initiation of flowers in the axil of bracts.
They develop basipetally, developing towards the base from the tip of the freshly made shoot.
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Microconidia are formed from phialides in false heads by basipetal division, the developmental mode from the apex toward the base without catenation of cells.
The drag-induced bending moments and stresses (computed on the basis of empirically determined stem dimensions and wind speeds) increased basipetally toward the base of the tree.
They develop basipetally; developing towards the base from the tip of the freshly made shoot.
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
Expression of the DXR gene in adaxial phloem parenchyma cells was more pronounced in the young revoluted base of the leaves with a basipetal gradient decreasing toward the tips of older leaves.
From there they will flow to other parts of the shoot in both basipetal and acropetal directions.
In every case, the basipetal movement was greater than the acropetal movement.
Alterations of the actin cytoskeleton and arrest of cytoplasmic streaming induced by the SI reaction are propagated in a basipetal direction in the tubular cell.
In the apical area 10-20 m from the apex, movement of the larger organelles slowed down slightly, before they were transported back in a basipetal direction resuming the same speed as before.