How To Use Basinal In A Sentence

  • Sediment supply from the eastern margin and from intrabasinal highs was locally important.
  • (Noah's flood-Gilgamesh's flood) Each similar flood is connected to the global basinal extinctions. California Literary Review
  • By contrast, the thermal history of a typical convergent basinal setting is characterized by low geothermal gradients caused by the depression of heat flow during collision of plate margins.
  • (Yoho National Park), Burgess Shale fossils occur along the basinal edge of a paleoescarpment within the "thick" Stephen Formation. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • It has been interpreted as having been deposited in an offshore, inner basinal to turbiditic basinal environment.
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  • Soils developed over the lava deposits are mainly lithosols, while regosols are predominant on the Quaternary and pre-Cretaceous basinal deposits. Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands
  • The subsequent Late Griesbachian rift event involved faulting along splays of the basin-margin faults, causing fragmentation of the original wide blocks and intrabasinal fault-block rotation.
  • basinal deposits
  • When bivalves diversified in the Middle to Upper Ordovician, both classes occupied a full range of environments, from nearshore to basinal.
  • Study shows that thrust tectonic events could produce profound influences to basinal accommodation, hence control the basinal fillings and the stratigraphic superposed forms.
  • Pre-Cretaceous basinal rocks also occur on the northern margins. Eastern Guinean forests
  • So antecedently the box of basinal, the, and the cirrocumulus, i am abuzz to fitzgerald ventrally gelatinousness, sun, and miniature. Rational Review
  • The Takwa mineral occurrence is hosted by a flat-lying Proterozoic sedimentary basinal sequence spatially associated with an angular unconformity with Archean basement rocks. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Basement rocks are composed mainly of Tertiary lava flows, although there are also Quaternary basinal deposits at the northern end and pre-Cretaceous basinal deposits on the northern coast of Somalia. Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands

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