
How To Use Basilica In A Sentence

  • Not far away, and altogether more appealing, is the abandoned Portuguese city of Old Goa, now a dramatic collection of cathedrals and basilicas.
  • They would say that being an archpriest of a major basilica is an important job, you need a senior churchman to do it.
  • The resources required to deliver a combination of projects of road building, laying out of street grids, the provision of forums, basilicas, public baths, etc. were not such as to lead to a rapid execution.
  • He will buried in the tomb left vacant after the remains of Pope John XXIII were exhumed from the cramped grotto under St. Peter's Basilica in 2001 and moved to the main floor following his beatification. - Bells, white smoke to announce new pope
  • Vestiges of the city's forum, basilica, temple, ramparts, bastions and oil mills are also well preserved.
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  • In the earliest times the subsellia, usually of stone, of the clergy were placed to the right and left of the cathedra of the bishop in the apse of the basilica. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • I thought it fitting to share with you an image of St. Lawrence from the basilica dedicated to him in Rome, St. Lawrence outside the Walls, as well as the confessio beneath the high altar of the same basilica, where his relics are kept and venerated. Feast of St. Lawrence
  • The basilica, and the Parthenon itself, became the forefathers of the mosque and the church.
  • The most famous preserved example is the porphyry group of Diocletian, Maximian, Galerius, and Constantius embracing each other, which can now be seen on the southwest corner of the Basilica di San Marco in Venice. Caesars’ Wives
  • XVII Under Toal's personal direction, a special squad of soldiers and lensors rushed through the most sig-nificant portions of the Basilica, all senses on high alert, searching for one subofficer who shouldn't be there. The Chronicles of Riddick
  • An altar surmounted by an urn stands on a high podium in front of the ruins of the Basilica of Maxentius.
  • It is supposed to be on the spot where Peter was martyred that a basilica was built.
  • In Lisieux, a vast basilica dedicated to Thérèse was erected southwest of the city center.
  • When Francesco Borromini came to restore the nave of the Lateran basilica during the pontificate of Innocent X, subsidiary altars again had no role to play.
  • Two such cellae, or cemeterial basilicas, dedicated respectively to Sts. Sixtus and The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Wandering round to the façade, finished in 1886, it is a careful imitation of fifteenth-century work we see, saved from the mere routine of just that, in its design at any rate, by the vote of the people, who, against the opinion of all the artists in Florence at that time, insisted on the cornice following the basilical form of the tower, refusing to endorse the pointed "tricuspidal" design. Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
  • Deep inside, St. Francis' bones are locked away in a sepulcher, the immense weight of the Basilica - a place he would have hated - weighing down on top of him.
  • After execution he carried his severed head to the site of the present basilica of St Denis.
  • Bramante's basilica, Michelangelo's dome, Bernini's colonnade. THE THORN BIRDS
  • The modern city of Sofia was named in the 14th century after the basilica Saint Sofia.
  • To the left of this tower are the walls that surround the basilica itself, as solid and crenellated as a castle keep.
  • Architectural stone sculpture was traditionally highlighted with paint and remains survive, for instance, in the tympanum of the basilica of S. Madeleine in Vézelay, France, or on the façade of Conques.
  • The cross-shaped hall resembles an aircraft hangar or perhaps the transept and nave of a modern-day basilica.
  • It was before the altar of this same basilica, in his Marine dress uniform, that he was married just eight months ago.
  • The altars of the basilicas erected by Constantine at Rome were surmounted by ciboria, one of which, in the Lateran, was known as a fastigium and is described with some detail in the "Liber Pontificalis". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Originally used to designate the burial-place of a confessor or martyr (known also as a memoria or martyrion), this term gradually came to have a variety of applications: the altar erected over the grave; the underground cubiculum which contained the tomb; the high altar of the basilica erected over the confession; later on in the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Turbans, fezzes, yarmulkes and black lace veils, or mantillas, joined the zucchettos or skull caps of Catholic prelates on the basilica's steps in an extraordinary mix of religious and government leaders from around the world.
  • Meanwhile, the famous rooftop deck, with its awe-inspiring view of the Basilica dome and Loring Park, remains about living the good life, unpretentiously.
  • Their relationship with the ‘Gregorian’ repertory has been much debated, but there has been general agreement in associating them with the liturgy celebrated in the basilicas of Rome by their clergy and supporting monasteries.
  • You can see this year's programme here; but one point certainly worth noting is that the conference will conclude with a Pontifical Mass according to the usus antiquior in the Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican (Chapel of the Eucharistic Adoration), celebrated by H.E. Msgr. Raymond L. Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, on Sunday 18 October at 10 a.m. Usus Antiquior Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's, Rome
  • Mark's Basilica . This spectacular church have five main arches and some extraordinary onion - shaped domes.
  • Laurea Honoris Causa at the Universita Degli Studi Della Basilicata in Potenza, Italy Betty Williams - Curriculum Vitae
  • Somewhere lie public buildings, temples, warehouses, a Forum with a basilica in it and a Governor's Palace.
  • Twin quakes on Sept. 26 killed 10 people and severely damaged the basilica in Assisi.
  • But I ended up with a knot that looked, well, complicated enough, and made my way up into the old stone basilica, which is far and away the only church on the island.
  • They have ruins of baths, a massive city gate, a Byzantine basilica, a 4th Century Agora, a 300 Meter Colonnaded street and a gigantic stadium for racing horses.
  • I stood praying within the Holy House, which is enclosed within the basilica, ornamented by marble architecture, as a sort of tabernacle or aedicule. Santa Casa
  • In 1608, Oswald Croll published his Basilica chymica, a treatise devoted to a predominantly Paracelsian iatrochemistry.
  • In the vast basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano the priests bustled like beetles around the baldacchino as they presided over Midnight Mass.
  • He might then proceed to the forum or the basilica, but the shift was only one of scale, not of kind.
  • The convent, on the longitudinal axis, is joined to the Basilica by one of its short sides.
  • Twin quakes on Sept. 26 killed 10 people and severely damaged the basilica in Assisi.
  • Above, it was enclosed in an octagonal structure, which formed in effect the sanctuary of the basilica, which stretched in five aisles divided by rows of monolithic columns.
  • They rebuilt the old basilica into a grand, very flamboyant Gothic edifice.
  • the church was raised to the rank of basilica
  • Hadrianic London, too, saw the demolition of the substantial Flavian forum and basilica and their replacement with a complex twice the normal size.
  • Modelled on St. Peter's basilica in Rome, its façade is defined by Corinthian pilasters and a pediment, with a great central dome towering over them.
  • Mass every day was celebrated by our parish priest, Canon John Roper, in different churches and basilicas.
  • Behind the grille (before which, as you can see, a lot of candles are placed by the faithful), underneath the altar of grace which serves as a baldachin for it, and at the very centre of the Basilica is the original spot of the apparition, with the earth visible below the floor level. Catholic Bamberg: Vierzehnheiligen
  • I will be putting together the mother of all Venice link lists eventually (something that really doesn't exist in a coherant way on line at the moment), and I'll poach from the Basilica's list for sure. Veniceblog:
  • In the basilica in Suyapa there is a tiny wooden image of her that is believed to have miraculous powers.
  • Tomorrow, the pastor will hold service for the followers of the Church at San Thome basilica on San Thome High Road in Mylapore.
  • High - end shopping mall just right beside Saigon Central Post Office and Saigon NotreBasilica.
  • The church plan, vaguely reminiscent of a classical basilica, is a simple asymmetric rectangle.
  • Before long, the line of blocks emerged as the top tread of a massive flight of steps that must have been part of a large public building, later revealed as the town basilica.
  • The priest awoke the next day, duly penitent and very sore but completely prepared to spread the fame of Saint Nicetius, a fame that became so great that the Basilica of the Apostles came to be known as Saint-Nizier.
  • Some impressions from the Day Mass of Easter which the Holy Father celebrated this morning on St. Peter's Square, and of the Urbi et Orbi blessing which he imparted afterwards from the loggia of St. Peter's Basilica. Papal Easter Day Mass and Urbi et Orbi Blessing
  • The Brevarius of Jerusalem (c. 436) mentions in the pretorium "a great basilica called St. Sophia, with a chapel, cubiculum, where our Lord was stripped of his garments and scourged". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Fifteen minutes later the great bell of St. Peter's Basilica began tolling and all the church bells in Rome chimed in, leaving no doubt that a pope had been elected.
  • Without staying to examine the whole structure of a basilica, the reader will easily understand thus much of it: that it had a nave and two aisles, the nave much higher than the aisles; that the nave was separated from the aisles by rows of shafts, which supported, above, large spaces of flat or dead wall, rising above the aisles, and forming the upper part of the nave, now called the clerestory, which had a gabled wooden roof. Stones of Venice [introductions]
  • The vault in the upper basilica partially collapsed bringing two diagonally opposite quadrants in the east end and nave of the main vault crashing 22 metres to the floor, where they broke into thousands of pieces.
  • After the seventh century, the Bishop of Palestrina was one of the hebdomadary prelates for the services of the Lateran basilica, and was, therefore, a cardinal; he is the fourth, in order, of the cardinal-bishops. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Vestiges of the city's forum, basilica, temple, ramparts, bastions and oil mills are also well preserved.
  • All are invited to join in prayer at the Basilica including religious movements, confraternities, associations, colleges and all groups ecclesiastical or lay. 40 Hours at Santa Maria Maggiore
  • Pompeii was a walled town with an amphitheatre, forum, basilica, several public baths, two theatres, and at least nine temples.
  • -- FABRICS — rue de Steinkerque, take metro to Anvers, walk up Steinkerque to Sacré Coeur Basilica and Montmartre, lots of trinket shops and fabric shops What to Do in Paris / Que faire a Paris? - French Word-A-Day
  • We are all quite accustomed to seeing the Duomo of Milan or the Basilica of St. Ambrose, but here is another Milanese church which I photographed last year, which is noteworthy for its architecture both exteriorly and interiorly -- in the case of the latter, most particularly for its painted vaulting. Architecture of Catholic Milan
  • The basilica takes its name from John the Baptist and John the apostle, and also from the Laterani, the family of Constantine's wife, who donated the land on which the church stands.
  • Street vendors in the French capital were doing a roaring trade in bottled water, selling 25 centilitre bottles for €2 each to hordes of thirsty tourists in front of the Sacre Coeur basilica.
  • The church plan, vaguely reminiscent of a classical basilica, is a simple asymmetric rectangle.
  • Turbans, fezzes, yarmulkes and black lace veils, or mantillas, joined the zucchettos or skull caps of Catholic prelates on the basilica's steps in an extraordinary mix of religious and government leaders from around the world.
  • Paired with the Labors of Adam and Eve in the British Library and Huntington Library Speculum books is an image of Noah's ark, a bargelike vessel with a basilican superstructure beneath a dove with outstretched wings.
  • As we trooped out of St. Peter's basilica that day, spreading our amaranthine stain over the great parvis, a palpable euphoria thrilled through the entire body. 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
  • A humble priest saying Mass with the poor in a slum of Mexico City effects the same mystery as does the cardinal archbishop in his cathedral or the pope in the basilica of St. Peter's.
  • When I entered the Lisieux basilica, I felt (as one often does in churches built on a grand scale) small and fragile.
  • The churchyard is lined with milagro vendors, and no trip to the Basilica is the same without buying up at least a few. The Serene Magic Of Patzcuaro
  • Dodona is one of the most important archaeological sites in Greece, home not only to a shrine to the oracle but also to ruins of a temple to the Greek god Zeus and an early Christian basilica.
  • Such was the alleged power of Mary's relics, and the repute of Vezelay in Christian Europe, that Bernard of Claircaux preached the Second Crusade from this basilica in 1146.
  • The emperor himself gave Pope Miltiades the ancient palace of the Laterani family, and the basilica, the baptistery, and the patriarchate, that is, the Bishop of Rome’s residence -- where the Popes lived until the Avignon period -- were all built there. B16: On the Lateran Basilica
  • It is characterised by its basilical layout with narrow aisles, its three vaulted apses and the functional and harmonious sobriety of the ‘lombardic band’ decoration of the chevets.
  • It is now on display in a glass cabinet in the Basilica itself.
  • The simple intermediate floors have stone Greek-revival details set in brick, while the rooftop building is a cross between a Roman basilica and a Victorian market hall set up in the sky.
  • Pompeii was a walled town with an amphitheatre, forum, basilica, several public baths, two theatres, and at least nine temples.
  • At the far end of every ancient pagan basilica there was an elevated area called the bema.
  • Oliveto Citra, Rocca da spide, and Genzano di Lucania: All the places mentioned lie within the borders of ancient Lucania; today some are in Basilicata and others in Campania. The Spartacus War
  • Other churches emulated the great fourth and fifth-century basilicas of Rome.
  • At Rome a basilica was provided for the Pope where the barracks of the mounted branch of the praetorians had stood, and other churches, most notably St Peter's, followed.
  • I visited many of the basilicas and churches she did, but my attention was probably more on Borrominian curves and appropriated Roman columns than on whose relics were under the altar, curious as they were.
  • Modelled on St. Peter's basilica in Rome, its façade is defined by Corinthian pilasters and a pediment, with a great central dome towering over them.
  • The civil basilica was constructed over the baths, and a civil bath-house is known.
  • Basilica, about two and back to the lower threshold brick wall, Oxfam straight upper window frames.
  • For example, the entrance hall, based on the basilica idea, is a rectangle with an apsidal end; the dining room is a long room with apses at the ends.
  • Another, somewhat smaller building platform Building 11 was laid between the big building and the west wall of the baths basilica, and another was laid at the east end of the former baths basilica interior, more or less opposite the frigidarium. Wroxeter: the sixth-century rebuilding
  • Confirmation takes place in a Byzantine basilica to signify the spread of Christianity.
  • The insides of the Basilica and Rosary are stunning, while the grotto, with a statue of the Virgin Mary in creamy white and baby blue and nestled in the cave, is the main drawcard.
  • Of the five churches in this group, the largest is Bet Medhane Alem, a vast basilica 33 x 23m in plan, with 72 free-standing columns, an astonishing feat of carving.
  • It is also worth noting that the cold room frigidarium of the baths complex stood immediately behind the basilica south wall to the east of the doorway. Wroxeter: the sixth-century rebuilding
  • The triforium zone of the basilica features a cycle of over thirty frescoes of the life and legend of Peter, executed in about 1300 and credited to Deodato Orlandi.
  • During the 300's, the basilica became the most common form of church design.
  • As he moved through a huge crowd to the basilica's sanctuary, he received an ecstatic welcome.
  • The Basilicata forms a single province called Potenza, after the name of its chief town. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • I have drifted slightly from the Feast Day - Monday February 11 in the underground basilica, or to give it its correct name, The Basilica of Pius X, was once again a wonderful experience.
  • The term apse was first used in reference to a Roman basilica, of which it was a characteristic feature. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • For the Assumption Day (Bank Holiday and feast of Obligation in France), a solemn mass was celebrated by an Assumptionist assisted by a deacon and subdeacon at 11: 00 in the Upper Basilica. Lourdes : Pèlerinage National
  • In ancient Rome, all wills had to be opened in a public setting - a basilica or forum - and this had to take place during the day with witnesses in attendance.
  • In style, Wert's hymns resemble his other alternatim settings for the basilica; their extreme simplicity, evidently designed to allow the texts to be clearly heard, is reminiscent, in their combination of careful declamation, attention to text and restrained counterpoint, of the hymns and the Preces speciales of Jacobus de Kerle. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Thus, in a minor degree, the emigrant from the southern seas who has been for years amongst the cabins on the outskirts of uncultivated plains, where cities were built of huts, where spireless churches of thatched roof served for the basilicas of divine worship, and where public justice was administered under canvas, is startled and delighted with the refinement and civilization of his more favored fellow-mortal who lives in the French capital. Alvira, the Heroine of Vesuvius
  • Another shop's best sellers were key rings with the late Pope's picture on one side and St Peter's Basilica on the reverse, wallet-sized photos and pin badges of the late Pope.
  • Twelve pall-bearers carried the Pope's coffin from inside the basilica and laid it down in the open followed by a procession of cardinals.
  • We admired the Basilica, explored interesting side streets and leaned over bridges to watch stately gondoliers bend effortlessly as they passed underneath.
  • Forum, the fragments from the basilica of Giunio Basso, also in Rome, or the marble inlays of the "domus" of Cupid and Psyche in Ostia. What Does The Prayer Really Say?
  • Vatican archeologists believe that they have identified the tomb of St. Paul in the Roman basilica that bears his name.
  • Incensed at this outrageous expression of solidarity with the dread evil of modern science, the camerlengo decides to save the Church by blowing up the Vatican, the cardinals (assembled for a papal conclave), and St. Peter's Basilica to smithereens. "Angels & Demons" is methodical, pedestrian, and quite silly
  • It had an assembly hall, or basilica, where the orders were issued, and there was a shrine to the imperial cult, where statues of the Emperor were kept.
  • It's also tiny, with about 27 miles of coastline, a capital town called Victoria, 17 other villages, dozens of magnificent churches, a cathedral and a basilica.
  • The church at Bethany was in the form of a three - aisle basilica.
  • In the reign of Hadrian a forum/basilica complex was constructed, and slightly later a set of public baths in the insula to the east of the forum.
  • By spelling "litterateur" and "basilica," Christopher Smith, of Monett, became the champion of the 2009 Bee - a fifth grade student from Trinity Lutheran School in Freistatt. Carthage Press Homepage RSS
  • Over the centuries, John the Baptist has been its patron saint, and St. John the Evangelist has also been associated with the basilica.
  • Each courtroom is designed like a basilica - an ancient Roman courtroom - with columns and a vaulted ceiling.
  • The plan is that of a cross-domed basilica with nave, aisles, eastern apse and western atrium.
  • He made drawings of a great many ancient buildings, including baths, basilicas, amphitheatres, and temples, particularly studying the construction of architectural elements, such as vaults and cupolas.
  • The final two chapters pay particular attention to the Roman basilicas of Saint Peter and of Saint Paul Outside the Walls.
  • The altars of the basilicas erected by Constantine at Rome were surmounted by ciboria, one of which, in the Lateran, was known as a fastigium and is described with some detail in the "Liber Pontificalis". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The Basilica dates from the sixth century and contains forty eight pillars hewn from the while veined stone of the surrounding countryside.
  • The studio was little more than a stone’s throw from Le Chat Noir, along a quiet, uncobbled alley at the foot of the hill on which they are now building the mighty Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man’s Smile
  • When your turn to enter the basilica finally arrives, you must bend down before a low doorway and step over the raised threshold.
  • I try to picture the basilica and the beautiful little medieval town of Assisi, tucked into the side of Mount Subasio.
  • More often, as we might expect, we find it on the façades of the Byzantine basilicas and in their adornments, such as altars, iconastases, sacred curtains for the enclosure, thrones, ambones and sacerdotal vestments. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Mass was celebrated in the basilicas of San Francesco and Santa Chiara.
  • It is there too on the island of San Giulio, dominated by an ancient basilica and more modern convent.
  • On the floor of St Peter's basilica in Rome are a series of bronze plaques with engravings.
  • The basilica together with the villa were a clear demonstration of the power of Rome and the new state religion: Christianity.
  • When the atrium of the Christian basilica was reduced to the proportions of a narrow court or a simple porch, the cantharus gave way to a less pretentious structure. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Yo! honeymoon india package romantic vacation regione puglia asl DISCARICO COMUNICAZIONE BANCA pantaloni sportivi donna orzo perlato neonato prezziario regione basilicata hotel i melograni vieste rimborso spese associazione conto corrente banca di roma albergo ad ovindoli Reso Condemning MoveOn Passes Overwhelmingly, With Lots Of Dems
  • Once of basilical form, it is now spoiled by the chapels that thrust themselves into the nave, but cannot altogether hide the nobility of those ancient pillars or the simplicity of the roof. Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
  • Yo! honeymoon india package romantic vacation regione puglia asl DISCARICO COMUNICAZIONE BANCA pantaloni sportivi donna orzo perlato neonato prezziario regione basilicata hotel i melograni vieste rimborso spese associazione conto corrente banca di roma albergo ad ovindoli Reso Condemning MoveOn Passes Overwhelmingly, With Lots Of Dems
  • The beginnings of an answer may lie in an innocuous sign set just outside the door to the lower basilica. Times, Sunday Times
  • The round Basilica of the Superga has a two-conched cupola in the style of Michelangelo, flanked by two tall asymmetrical campaniles.
  • Street vendors in the French capital were doing a roaring trade in bottled water, selling 25 centilitre bottles for €2 each to hordes of thirsty tourists in front of the Sacre Coeur basilica.
  • The altar is covered, at least in basilicas and also in large churches, by a canopy supported by columns, called the ciborium The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Remains of an early Christian funerary basilica dating back to the 5th century have been brought to light in Marseilles.
  • The carriage rattled along the narrow, winding streets to Montemarte, where the Basilica of the Sacre Couer lay.
  • The really interesting part of this story here is that the Bishop's appearance at the Basilica in Minneapolis scheduled for March 28 was cancelled according the announcement from the "ambo" boy, do I hate that word that he was ill and his physicians ordered no travelling. Hmmm. Ret'd Bishop Gumbleton was on the Road Again! A Miracle Cure?
  • The Pope was buried in the grottoes underneath St Peter's Basilica, on the site where Pope John XXIII had been laid to rest until his corpse was exhumed for public display upstairs in the basilica.
  • Here and there, from their bases, dark wooded spurs ran out across the rising valley, and the road wound round them, in and out, and up and down, and over stone bridges big and little, and then up in terribly steep ascent, southeastwards to high Laviano, looking towards the pass by which the highway leads from Ciliento to Basilicata. Taquisara
  • The centre of the town was replanned and this building replaced by a great basilica and forum stretching from Lombard Street on the east to Lime Street on the west.
  • As we detected last year, the area that required the most urgent interventions, was the West Portico of the Upper Agora, separating the public square from the Bouleuterion and the basilical church in its former courtyard. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - On Site Conservation Report 1
  • Once completed, the basilica became the largest Catholic church in the world at that time, 610 ft long and 449 ft at its widest.
  • Huge basilicas jutted from the encroaching sands, monuments to a Christian soldier martyred by his Roman comrades.
  • Dominating the island is the huge St. Patrick's Basilica, which was consecrated in 1931 and was at that time the only church in Ireland with the title of Basilica.
  • Early Christian basilicas like those in Rome and elsewhere typically had an altar facing the people with a space behind for the presiding celebrant and his clergy.
  • As in the cemetery of St. Laurence and in that of St. Symphorosa, there arose here two basilicas, one built by Constantine (ad corpus), rediscovered in 1855, another in the fifth century; there remain yet some important relics of the former, an altar with its marble cancellus, or front, in which was opened a fenestella confessionis through which could be seen the bodies of the martyrs, the site of the schola cantorum in front of the altar, and in the apse the episcopal chair. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • The church of Sacré-Cœur, whose great white basilica rivals the Eiffel Tower on the skyline of Paris, was already being built on the heights of Montmartre on the opposite bank of the River Seine.
  • A slight, white-haired figure wearing a short red cape and wine and gold stole over his white soutane, the new pope stepped smiling through red velvet curtains onto the main balcony of St. Peter's Basilica shortly before 7 p.m.
  • -FABRICS—rue de Steinkerque, take metro to Anvers, walk up Steinkerque to Sacré Coeur Basilica and Montmartre, lots of trinket shops and fabric shops What to Do in Paris / Que faire a Paris? - French Word-A-Day
  • Modelled on St. Peter's basilica in Rome, its façade is defined by Corinthian pilasters and a pediment, with a great central dome towering over them.
  • In truth, the eight-foot white marble sarcophagus that Vatican archaelogists uncovered beneath the basilica St. Paul Outside the Walls is more a question of lost-and-found than a brand-new find.
  • Towards two o'clock in the afternoon the Pope and the palatine clergy moved in procession barefoot from the Lateran to the stational basilica, where the Adoration of the Cross took place, followed by the reading of the Passion according to St John, and the Great Litany for the various ecclesiastical orders and for the necessities of the Church. She Doesn't Pay Her Musicians!
  • The pope, wearing the falda, amice, alb, cincture, pectoral cross, stola, cope (mantum), and tiara is carried into the basilica on the sedia gestatoria under the canopy and with the two flabella borne on either side. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • A sumptuous domed Byzantine basilica, an imaginative recreation of St Mark's Alexandrian church, dominates the backdrop.
  • We have noted that at Rome and Ravenna towers formed no part of the original basilican plan, but were added later as _campanili_. The Ground Plan of the English Parish Church
  • Remnants of the city's forum, basilica, temple, ramparts, oil mills and a huge triumphal arch are well preserved.
  • They would say that being an archpriest of a major basilica is an important job, you need a senior churchman to do it.
  • Cirencester, the Romano-British centre for the canton of the Dobuni and a still larger town than Wroxeter, the 'insulae' near the Basilica seem to have measured as much as 120 yards in length, though full details have not yet been obtained. Ancient Town-Planning
  • Yo! honeymoon india package romantic vacation regione puglia asl DISCARICO COMUNICAZIONE BANCA pantaloni sportivi donna orzo perlato neonato prezziario regione basilicata hotel i melograni vieste rimborso spese associazione conto corrente banca di roma albergo ad ovindoli Reso Condemning MoveOn Passes Overwhelmingly, With Lots Of Dems
  • The surviving Greek public buildings were swept away and replaced by two forums, a triumphal arch, Imperial temples, a theatre, a basilica, and other purely Roman urban elements.
  • His new position as archpriest of St Mary Major Basilica in Rome puts him in charge of one of four basilicas under direct Vatican jurisdiction.
  • The left side of the basilica, still encased in scaffolding as artisans from all over Italy work untiringly to complete the restoration, opened again on November 28th 1999.
  • Bishops and cardinals prepare themselves as Pope Benedict XVI leads Mass from underneath the high altar's 95-foot-tall (29-meter-tall) bronze canopy in St. Peter's Basilica.
  • The main undertaking was completing the consolidation of frescoes in the Basilica in the former Bouleuterion's courtyard and in the palatial mansion of the Domestic area, but there was also emergency fixing of unstable marble opus sectile slabs recently excavated in the Roman Baths. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Restoration Report 11
  • Vestiges of the city's forum, basilica, temple, ramparts, bastions and oil mills are also well preserved.
  • St. Paul's basilica there was a cantharus, restored by Pope Leo I, of which the saint writes thus to Ennodius; The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome
  • In ecclesiastical architecture, a ciborium is a canopy or covering supported by columns, freestanding in the sanctuary, that covers the altar in a basilica or other church. Archive 2009-05-01
  • A destacar la Basilica del Pilar, el nostre estimat Ebre (amb força, imponent), i les antigues muralles romanes. Dia a Saragossa | [bauen]
  • As we trooped out of St. Peter's basilica that day, spreading our amaranthine stain over the great parvis, a palpable euphoria thrilled through the entire body. 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
  • Giuseppe Raffaelli depicted her with precisely these attributes in his statue for the ambulacrum of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Kent's solution was to devise an original interior combining element from Vitruvius's Egyptian Hall, the colonnaded basilicas of ancient Rome, and the frieze from the Temple of Fortuna Virilis in Rome.
  • May 31, 2009: rose petals rain through the open oculus of Rome's Pantheon (the Basilica of Sancta Maria ad Martyres) during their annual celebration on the Solemnity of Pentecost while the Veni Sancte Spiritus is chanted. Pentecost Sunday at the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres (the Pantheon)
  • A vigil will be held at 7: 15 p.m. Sunday in the archabbey basilica. - News
  • St. John Cantius explains: In Rome on Pentecost, in the Pantheon (i.e. the minor basilica called S. Maria ad martyres) there is a beautiful and ancient custom of dropping rose petals through the circular oculus opening at the top of the dome. A Shower of Roses
  • We pulled to a halt beside the colonnade of an old basilica and pitched our tents for the night.
  • Pompeii was a walled town with an amphitheatre, forum, basilica, several public baths, two theatres, and at least nine temples.
  • The forums are surrounded by temples, buildings known as basilicas, and honorary buildings, to honor victorious generals.
  • Neither at Ravenna nor at Rome did bell-towers originally form part of the plan of the basilica: the round _campanili_ of both churches at Ravenna are certainly later additions. The Ground Plan of the English Parish Church
  • Deep inside, St. Francis' bones are locked away in a sepulcher, the immense weight of the Basilica - a place he would have hated - weighing down on top of him.

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