How To Use basic assumption In A Sentence
- There is a basic assumption in international law - and in common sense - that a state will protect its citizens.
- A basic assumption was that they would be the experts on everything.
- Just as shattering violence affects people, it affects whole peoples, busting up the basic assumptions and givens in a society that usually prevent thoroughgoing change.
- Basic assumptions are having to be revisited, old arguments dredged up, canonical material critically scoured.
- The main thing that fascinates in Frye is exactly his basic assumption - the quasi-anthropological approach he takes to literature, tracing its beginning to the two sides of an endlessly spinning coin - ritual and prophetic epiphany, and how they gave rise to mythmaking, and later - to the more familiar conventionalized forms of literature. Notes Toward a Theory of Narrative Modality
- By culture we refer to the shared values, beliefs and basic assumptions about what we are doing.
- Two basic assumptions lie at the root of most theories of coevolution between plants and their herbivores.
- Furthermore, the pure climatic-geomorphological point of view involves two basic assumptions, which one would hesitate to make.
- Furthermore, the pure climatic-geomorphological point of view involves two basic assumptions, which one would hesitate to make.
- Yash Tandon from Uganda had long ago questioned the basic assumptions and definitions implied in the European notion of a centralized state or the conception of ‘consociational democracy’ being imposed on Africa with multi-tribal societies. A Maoist critique of the CPI(Marxist)