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How To Use Bashful In A Sentence

  • It causes him to go a little bashful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lord George professed that he had observed the same thing; but then, as he whispered into Mr. Nappie's ear, Mr. Greystock was particularly known as a bashful man. The Eustace Diamonds
  • Kirsty gave Willy a bashful grin.
  • _Some folks_ should see that my bashfulness was wearing off faster than the gold from an oroide watch. The Blunders of a Bashful Man
  • Some examples of words ending in -ful that have no forms in -less are awful, bashful and deceitful.
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  • But the bashful hero politely declined before going back to base.
  • Still, the process, while far less perturbing than Grandma Moses feeling me up, was still a bit unnerving as I am naturally bashful when it comes to taking my clothes off in front of people. The DC Damsel: Lifting the Ladies: Adventures in Bra-Fitting
  • At first appearance, the boy seemed very bashful.
  • Dennin shuffled his feet on the barrel, looked down bashfully like THE UNEXPECTED
  • Don't be bashful guys, I put the board there for all of us so don't wait for me.
  • This little incident led us to reflect upon the most prominent characteristics of bashful young gentlemen in the abstract; and as this portable volume will be the great text – book of young ladies in all future generations, we record them here for their guidance and behoof. Sketches by Boz
  • They hope to draw in more bashful youngsters with modern features including up-to-date chart music and videos as well as animation.
  • The potential for cringe was immediately apparent when two 'bongo' drummers emerged to take up position at the front of the stage (surely bodhran players would have been more appropriate?) and nine Irish rugby 'models' emerged bashfully to a bizarre jungle beat. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • they considered themselves a tough outfit and weren't bashful about letting anybody know it
  • Smiling and bashful she stood there in her clinging skirt and wampum-broidered vest, her slender, rounded limbs moulded into soft knee-moccasins of fawn-skin, and the Virgin's Girdle knotted across her thighs in silver-tasselled seawan. The Hidden Children
  • As the week progresses we become less bashful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The MVP award is a topic players normally shoo away with humility and bashfulness - whether sincere or not.
  • My vote for the most untranslatable word would go to nyakaa, a Bengali word that could mean coy, or teasing, or bashful, or suggests fake niceness or phoney innocence.
  • Private lessons are also available for you bashful dancers at $30 per class.
  • I think, all evidence to the contrary, she was pleasantly surprised when I turned out to be a studious, introverted, bashful child.
  • Quite funny how this brash and loud student totally changed when he got to meet his hero and started acting all bashful.
  • The bathroom was a chemical loo in a tiny separate tent or, Aaron bashfully suggested, the great outdoors.
  • She replied not without timidity, but without that hasty bashfulness which is so often taken for modesty. Rudin
  • Only because what we call modesty is awkward bashfulness and mauvaise honte. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • The others called the bashful, baby-faced Talib "The Doctor. Pat Dollard | Young Americans
  • Nay, farther," continued Mr. Silton, "there are two distinct sorts of what we call bashfulness; this, the awkwardness of a booby, which The Man of Feeling
  • Not one for being bashful, I selected the naughtiest setting - wouldn't you?
  • Then we sat down to converse and I hung my head earthwards in bashfulness, but she delayed not long ere she set before me a tray of the most exquisite viands, marinated meats, fritters soaked in bee’s536 honeys and chickens stuffed with sugar and pistachio nuts, whereof we ate till we were satisfied. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • People genuinely do seem bashful about pressing the ‘call flight attendant’ button.
  • In Wales, the leadership of Plaid Cymru was always a bit bashful about independence, resorting to circumlocutions like ‘full national status’.
  • I never laughed, being bashful; lowering my head, I looked at the wall
  • The Hall of Fame at Barcelona is full of great names such as Cruyff, Stoichkov, Rivaldo and Ronaldo but very few have been fêted like Lionel Messi, whose name rolled down the steepling terraces as he walked off, almost bashfully, bouncing the match ball like a little kid. Top stories from Times Online
  • In scene one, Edie, the make-believe cheerleader, queens it over bashful high-school boy Tom.
  • I am bashful and shy in that way. The Sun
  • He came back to Sofia and bashfully inquired if the offer was still open.
  • He caught up with me later in the afternoon and pressed a blank tape into my hand and bashfully asked if I could make him a copy of it.
  • To her father's disgust she bought them both, and presented them to two wide-eyed children who in bashful fascination were dogging their footsteps. Jerry Junior
  • He is shamefast and bashful with those who surround him and wishes not to be discovered by them, just as one instinctively avoids all lavish display of comfort or wealth in the presence of a poor friend. Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
  • Barbara was a very, very gentle person, but she was not bashful about expressing her point of view.
  • I told him I thought he looked pretty good considering, but he was bashful and said he thought he looked pretty bad.
  • No! That Margaret could not do. That was expecting too great a sacrifice of bashful feeling.
  • Next, the death-defying act from the stewardesses, those bashful girls and their oxygen mine.
  • He's almost a little bashful. Times, Sunday Times
  • A succession of handsome but bashful doe-eyed waiters brought over from Italy compounded our love for this place.
  • Steele mentions, with great tenderness, "that remarkable bashfulness, which is a cloak that hides and muffles merit;" and tells us, "that his abilities were covered only by modesty, which doubles the beauties which are seen, and gives credit and esteem to all that are concealed. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • Steele mentions with great tenderness “that remarkable bashfulness, which is a cloak that hides and muffles merit; ” and tells us, that “his abilities were covered only by modesty, which doubles the beauties which are seen, and gives credit and esteem to all that are concealed. Life of Addison, 1672-1719
  • Modesty suggests shunning indecent behavior but it also implies bashfulness based on timidity.
  • I am bashful and shy in that way. The Sun
  • The dobro, the resonating guitar with the "hubcap" top, introduced in the late 1920s for playing oozing Hawaiian music, had had a very set, limited role in country, as heard in the fills and comedy novelty sounds brought to Roy Acuff's band by Bashful Brother Oswald (Pete Kirby) and the even-more-intricate playing of Uncle Josh Graves with Flatt & Scruggs. Jerry Douglas, Irreplaceable Instrumentalist
  • The inhibitions disappear and the red face is a result of happy exertion rather than excruciating bashfulness.
  • To an eye so unobserving as that of Bucklaw, her demeanour had little more of reluctance than might suit the character of a bashful young lady, who, however, he could not disguise from himself, was complying with the choice of her friends rather than exercising any personal predilection in his favour. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • I noticed a flush on Angie's cheek as Christopher smiled, bashful but reserved.
  • Barbara was a very, very gentle person, but she was not bashful about expressing her point of view.
  • When dozens of fans screamed his name, he looked a little bashful. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, the researchers were trying to gain a better understanding of paruresis, otherwise known as “shy bladder syndrome” (or “pee-shy,” “bashful bladder” and a variety of other monikers). Boing Boing
  • He's also not bashful about experimenting with them while recording, which makes for some pretty funny gaffes.
  • So dearly do we love our own voice that we cannot bear to hear it mixed with that of others -- perhaps drowned; and then our bashfulness tongue-ties us in the hush expectant of our "golden opinions," when all eyes are turned to the speechless "old man eloquent," and you might hear a tangle dishevelling itself in Neæra's hair. Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
  • His face, which seemed overly made up with rather pouting orangy lips, looked almost bashful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Above his head, Jasmine curls her body into a Scorpion, her expression demure, bordering on bashful. Cheer!
  • By reserve we do not mean bashfulness or timidity.
  • I bowed, and they inclined their heads and looked at me with that bold, appraising stare which Russian women use - they're not bashful or missish, those ladies. The Sky Writer
  • Which left them feeling grumpy and bashful. The Sun
  • School sports are not for the bashful, and privacy expectations are limited.
  • Anyway, one evening as we were manducating our victuals at a local eatery, my sweet and bashful convent girl asked me if I thought she looked fat.
  • “Hi, Stefàn,” she sweetly cooed with a bashful smile. Who Said It Would Be Easy
  • Anya noticed that the dog heads were wearing collars: a pink one with a dangling rhinestone tag that said Princess; a camouflage collar stenciled with the name Grumpy; a black leather collar that had the word Bashful lettered on it in silver charms. Sparks
  • He's not at all bashful about photographing us older folks, either.
  • The crowd eventually found its courage after a moment of bashfulness and then the flurry of items commenced to wend they way to the stage.
  • But Mr Desmond is not known for being particularly image-conscious or bashful.
  • Another thing is, that out of bashfulness he do not conceal his grief; if aught trouble his mind, let him freely disclose it, Stultorum incurata pudor malus ulcera celat: by that means he procures to himself much mischief, and runs into a greater inconvenience: he must be willing to be cured, and earnestly desire it. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • If you go and you're kind of acting bashful and you don't belong, I think people can spot that on you.
  • It causes him to go a little bashful. Times, Sunday Times
  • When dozens of fans screamed his name, he looked a little bashful. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the face of your inconsideration or unkindness, I may experience pain, indignation, chagrin, shame, annoyance, bashfulness and more besides.
  • Visiting Downing Street earlier in the day, Mr Obama was at once emollient, self-critical and articulate, in a way that put an initially bashful Gordon Brown at his ease.
  • There may be many difficulties in your way, such as bashfulness, want of fluent speech, awkwardness of manner, and ignorance. Trials and Triumphs of Faith
  • It does not seem, indeed, as if men were ever born modest, unless we dub with the name of modesty a sort of purely physical bashfulness, which is nearer to pride than is generally supposed. Laughter : an Essay on the Meaning of the Comic
  • Nuzhat al-Zaman bowed her head in bashfulness when she heard what he said and communed with herself, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Emy, always modest and bashful, had blushed and refused to let him draw her, claiming that it embarrassed her to have him watching her so intently.
  • He was too bashful to talk about sex.
  • The staff are very approachable and we let more bashful people wander around to avoid embarrassment unless they ask us.
  • Once there, her life begins, from crawling to walking, through playful child, bashful teenager, lover and mother, into old age.
  • The grandchildren hover close by, whispering and squirming bashfully if my glance falls upon them.
  • I'm not bashful about being an advocate on behalf of our communities.
  • Around the room angry glares were thrown at Josh who responded by smiling bashfully and trying to shrink against the window pane behind him.
  • After supper that evening, Uncle Kit suggested that we visit the emigrant camp and see the ladies, which did not altogether meet with my approval, but rather than be called bashful, I went along with the crowd. Thirty-One Years on the Plains and In the Mountains
  • I will always remember the look of bashful happiness on Arthur's face as people in the audience constantly called out his name.
  • Alexander Aphrodisiensis makes all bashfulness a virtue, eamque se refert in seipso experiri solitum, etsi esset admodum sanex. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • She has a quiet, humble presence not to be confused with bashfulness, and a Bob Marley shirt claiming, ‘One Love.’
  • But wisdom makes men bashful, which is the reason that those wise men have so little to do, unless it be with poverty, hunger, and chimney corners; that they live such neglected, unknown, and hated lives: whereas fools abound in money, have the chief commands in the commonwealth, and in a word, flourish every way. In Praise of Folly
  • This was not a reprimand for their boldness in intruding into his company: he that came to seek us never checked any for seeking him; but, on the contrary, it is a kind invitation of them into his acquaintance whom he saw bashful and modest: Come, what have you to say to me? Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The popular children's story is about an affectionate, sometimes bashful pig named Wilbur who befriends a spider named Charlotte.
  • He is gentle and quiet bashful child, people regards as him goofy.
  • Husky grains dangled from the rice plants, so fragile and awkward they almost looked bashful.
  • He was roundly congratulated on having salvaged the ship, for in the days before he sailed, the Paragon became known as a bashful but courteous ship, given to few words but occasionally smiling so as to melt anyone's heart. Ship Of Magic
  • He's almost a little bashful. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would have you neither bashful nor self-complacent; I would not have you in terror of losing my affection — that would be an insult — but neither would I have you wear your love lightly as a thing of course. Letters of Two Brides
  • There are the Mediterranean tompot blenny, the bashful yellow-faced or striped blenny, and the tiny Caribbean secretary blenny, giving office staff a bad name.
  • He had a kind of bashfulness that a married man would have lost. Maigret and the Lazy Burglar
  • His attractive features had caught her off guard, leaving her tongue-tied and bashful.
  • As the week progresses we become less bashful. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘We do discuss it among ourselves, not just at school,’ Ian, from Cleckheaton, told me in a bashful tone.
  • He exhibits a reserve, diffidence, and even bashfulness, which is in some degree attractive, and leads the observer to thinly that the ferocious and bloodthirsty character imputed to the race must be grossly exaggerated. The Malay Archipelago, the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature — Volume 2
  • Ever bashful, Rolf bounded towards the dais and whispered instructions in Howard's shell-like, believing he was the house pianist.
  • I was overcome with bashfulness when I met her.
  • Which left them feeling grumpy and bashful. The Sun
  • The inhibitions disappear and the red face is a result of happy exertion rather than excruciating bashfulness.
  • Modesty suggests shunning indecent behavior but it also implies bashfulness based on timidity.
  • Collina's famously piercing gaze uncharacteristically drops away, almost bashful at being reminded of the compliment.
  • Now over here, folks, we have a formation called the bashful elephant. The Time of the Transference

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