How To Use Baseline In A Sentence

  • One might think that having a baseline regulated industry (cable TV or telephone service) over which the wire base has been amortized and out of which the cost of upkeep are paid, that a government-regulated monopoly might be put in the position of offering wholesale access to competitors on a level playing field. National Broadband Plan Is Cash for Clunking Carriers « PubliCola
  • Breaking Agassi by out rallying him from the baseline, he took his next service game to love.
  • At 50 weeks mean percentage change in thyroid volume from baseline was -46.6% and only five children remained goitrous.
  • In addition, sensations of fullness, nausea, hunger and other perceptions were measured at baseline and again at 60-minute intervals.
  • On one play, he got the ball on the right side and began dribbling toward the baseline.
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  • And in clubbing Clement Sunday in 1 hour, 46 minutes with a nearly flawless baseline game, Agassi showed he is as strong as ever. - Agassi, Capriati return to tennis' elite
  • During the baseline phase, not a single patient who was observed had the oral cavity assessed, teeth brushed, lips and mouth moisturized, oropharyngeal area suctioned, or suction tubing changed.
  • The process of kinesic analysis in interviewing and interrogation is first to establish a baselinea catalog of behaviors that subjects exhibit when telling the truth: Where do they put their hands, where do they look and how often, do they swallow or clear their throats often, do they lace their speech with Uhm, do they tap their feet, do they slouch or sit forward, do they hesitate before answering? Roadside Crosses
  • The model results shown are for the greenhouse gas scenario MA2 and baseline halocarbon scenario AB [52]. Future changes in ozone in the Arctic
  • For example, you can place a ball down the first baseline by aiming towards the base itself.
  • The signature of a baseline molecule, called acetylene (C2H2), was seen for both types of stars, but hydrogen cyanide was seen only around stars like our sun. Image Gallery
  • The treatment groups were compared at baseline with respect to more than fifty characteristics.
  • Perhaps, but at least Miller's methodology provides a baseline for comparison.
  • Nadal shanked a forehand to give up two break points and then fired another just past the baseline.
  • His oxygen saturation was 98 per-cent as measured by pulse oximetry, and his peak flows were only mildly reduced from his baseline.
  • The baseline is a humble, positive uplifting of Shona culture and values, which is why guitars, drums and horns take a back seat to the unassuming little mbira finger piano.
  • Supposing the spaceplane is baselined as planned then how do astronauts plan on interfacing/mating with these earth bound supply spacecraft, and what kind of supplies (scientific experiments) will be required to return to earth. How Best to Access the ISS-and LEO? - NASA Watch
  • A supreme baseliner, he approached the net about as frequently as Michael Heseltine visits a coal mine.
  • The game was tied at 74-74 when Collison threw up an airball from the baseline with 26 seconds to go. NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball - Kansas vs. Missouri
  • Baseline covariants were included in models that were judged a priori to be clinically sound.
  • With the rackets, baseline tennis is the quickest way to success. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is defined by UNCLOS according to a complex formula, but in no case can it extend beyond the greater of 350 nautical miles from the baseline or 100 nautical miles from the 2500m isobath (a line connecting all points lying at a depth of 2500 metres). Signature of the Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of New Zealand establishing Certain Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf Boundaries
  • Patients were hemodynamically monitored with data collected at baseline and at 15-20 minute intervals during the plateau phase.
  • According to Shannon surprisal, which is the information measure that D&M use, D&M’s exogenous information measures the amount of information in the success-or-failure outcome of the baseline search, not the amount of information in the search parameters. How do evolutionary processes create information? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The rolling baseline positively cross-correlates with itself, producing a large, wide peak not observed with the flat baseline.
  • Baseline lung function tests, measurement of nonallergic bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and measurement of airway inflammation will be performed.
  • Thanks to excellent scouting and research, teams can count on spotting a large baseline number of species.
  • They're going to check that monitoring equipment, try and form what they call a baseline, figure out what it is Iraq has been doing over the last four years -- Paula. CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2002
  • And when you have a blockage, the alarm goes off and it sends the alarm and the electrogram to an external device, which gets your baseline electrogram from 24 hours ago and the one that caused the alarm, so you can take it to the emergency room and show them, and say, take care of me right away. Robert Fischell on medical inventing
  • This recent reduction should not mask the fact that casualties in this age group still exceed the 1981-85 baseline.
  • That's easier said than done because the 7-footer is as likely to bring the ball downcourt as settle along the baseline or high on the key and wait for the pass.
  • Incremental backups are scheduled in a multilevel fashion, with the baseline for a given level being the previous lower-level backup.
  • First, an incident must be reported, and second, the worker's baseline seronegativity and subsequent seroconversion must be documented.
  • If you go baseline to half court, have the kids face the same direction both ways.
  • Unless the slope of the baseline drift is very steep the decline has few practical consequences except to sharpen competitive pressures.
  • However, a number of vascular floristic studies on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee in the past 40 years have increased our baseline botanical knowledge of this region.
  • Defying age and heat, marathon man Andre Agassi outlasted a buffer, younger mirror image of himself in baseliner Robby Ginepri to win a third straight five-setter at the U.S. - Sports News, Scores & Stats
  • At the baseline survey participants completed a detailed health and lifestyle questionnaire and participated in a health examination.
  • This recent reduction should not mask the fact that casualties in this age group still exceed the 1981-85 baseline.
  • The last is licence compliance - the company provides a baseline inventory of all software being used within an organisation.
  • It is up to me to try and use my all-round game against his baseline game. The Sun
  • He can spin by defenders on the baseline, draw double-teams and hit midrange jumpers.
  • TODD: John Alterman says at the very least the Iraq Study Group's report has become what he calls the baseline for all future discussions about Iraq. CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2006
  • Unless the slope of the baseline drift is very steep the decline has few practical consequences except to sharpen competitive pressures.
  • Furthermore, patients will undergo rhinometric examinations and spirometric tests at baseline and during the assessment period to further evaluate WF10's efficacy. Medindia Health News
  • The low-probability intervening event did eliminate negative priming, but did so by slowing performance in the baseline condition relative to all other conditions.
  • Time and again he dithered and dallied on the baseline.
  • A lob under pressure hit the baseline and her partner stopped still in his tracks to applaud. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through the magic of budget projections known as "baselines" used to gauge the future impacts of proposed changes in tax policy. Gang of Six Plan Cuts Both Ways
  • At baseline and at 1 month, the lesions were clinically assessed as soft, leathery or hard.
  • Establish a baseline of sensorium and cognitive function before sedating the patient.
  • To accommodate the fact that respondents have different baselines—some cluster all their ratings at the top of the scale, others at the bottom—we have calculated a global average of all the ratings given by each respondent, and then examine whether his or her thermometer score for the group in question exceeds or falls below that global average. American Grace
  • Differences between baseline and follow-up measurements could be, in part, due to the fact that the patients may have acclimatized to the conditions surrounding the test during the follow-up visits.
  • Additionally, this discussion serves as a baseline for better understanding the challenges with opening airbases.
  • It's important to know what our baseline flora and fauna are before we lose it, and lichen are a good baseline," said Martin Hutten, a Yosemite lichenologist who entered the field after discovering that air pollution had destroyed all but the most hearty lichen in his native Netherlands. Latest Articles
  • Bending and torsional stiffness are 31% greater than the baseline, with a natural frequency of 25.0 Hz in torsion and 27.8 Hz in vertical bending.
  • I have been doing a very good job not only with my service but backing it up with good baseline play. Times, Sunday Times
  • The IPT ensures continued ability to meet baseline requirements while adapting to requirements evolutions that drive system modifications.
  • These should be noted, before one views the siege as baseline myth for the interpretation of everyday life.
  • The baseline of infinite size was a generous assumption for the selectionist side, so the case of a finite population makes the argument I put forward even stronger. The Weasel Thread
  • Nevertheless, by the end of 1868 Montana had an initial point, a baseline, and a principal meridian, and much of its most economically promising terrain had been surveyed and mapped.
  • Race and frequency of opiate use at baseline were predictors of drug use during out-patient detoxification.
  • Because placing the data on a non refenced baseline makes the difference look mor compelling.
  • Baseline measurements were attempted in the trachea, main bronchus, and lobar and segmentai bronchi, avoiding areas covered in mucus and sites of bleeding or previous lavage.
  • That requires constant path and point observations of the whole world all the time so that we have baselines for comparison.
  • The antioxidant nature of vitamin C makes it a popular vitamin for biomedical studies, so it provides a fair baseline for comparison.
  • The occurrence of other illnesses and malarial parasitaemia (adjusted for positive smear results at baseline) was not significantly affected by iron administration.
  • All Montanes, a steady baseliner playing his 10th French Open, had to do was win two out of the next three points against a wounded, dispirited opponent who couldn't run and couldn't serve harder than 80 mph. Hard-Luck Story for Fognini
  • Throughout the preparation days you will be establishing a baseline record of your eating and exercise behaviour as it normally occurs.
  • After controlling for other factors, individuals who were older or had higher baseline weight showed less weight gain.
  • Ethanol was the only component that significantly increased baseline DNA damage rate, however, this effect was negated in the mixture.
  • The baseline game is itself ground out - too physically punishing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The experimental conditions included a baseline restful state followed by hypnotic relaxation alone and by hypnotic relaxation with suggestions for altered pain unpleasantness.
  • A supreme baseliner, he approached the net about as frequently as Michael Heseltine visits a coal mine.
  • Physical examinations, blood count, urinalysis and baseline lipid values were obtained for all volunteers.
  • The difference in baselines between these two groups results from the large degree of individual variation in salivary secretion.
  • For 2010 they are cutting 1002M from the request, which means an actual reduction relative to the 2009 baseline (sans recovery bill) since the 2010 request was 903M more than the appropriated amount for 2009 (again sans recovery bill). Post-Griffin COTS: Dead or Not Dead? - NASA Watch
  • One line starts on the baseline near the threepoint line and one near the top of the key.
  • After linear baseline subtraction, to account for the gradual decay of the synchrotron beam intensity, two kinds of treatments were performed.
  • The telephone numbers in the sampling frame were then randomized to produce a baseline data bank.
  • The six imaging siderostats can be mounted on any one of the concrete piers apparent along the arms of the Y, providing the maximum baseline of 437 meters.
  • Each player will have a baseline health assessment before each season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cleverly put together, his beats carry the sing-songy attraction of ragga, the hardcore baseline of hip-hop, and more importantly, the mass commercial appeal of breaking the mainstream.
  • At 10 years after surgery, anisometropia remained far below the 7. 36-diopter baseline, at an average of 1.47 (range 0.75 to 3.24 diopters). - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • He faked Penny out of his jock, drove baseline and threw down a two-handed dunk.
  • Baseline ventilation was normal, and the respiratory and cardiovascular responses to hyperoxic hypercapnia were normal in the patients.
  • At the start of each trial, blood samples were collected to establish baseline serum retinol concentrations.
  • At a time when most women played from the baseline, she moved forward to the net. Times, Sunday Times
  • Have screening mammograms following the current guidelines for women of average risk: a baseline mammogram between age 35 and 40, and annual mammograms after age 40.
  • The groups differ in measured or unmeasured baseline characteristics because of the way in which participants were selected for the study or assigned to their study groups
  • Over the next two days her confusion continued to diminish and she again returned to her baseline sensorium of completely intact cognitive function.
  • For the participants who attended to intensity, the positively correlated and the unaccented baseline comparisons yielded higher sensitivity than did the other types of comparisons.
  • Note: If baseline data does not exist in the CGTT, the wrapper function simply returns the data directly from the underlying monitor table function.
  • Each player will have a baseline health assessment before each season. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Swiss will look for forehands and try to lure del Potro off the baseline. Federer enters men's semifinals near elusive French Open title
  • At baseline, levels of circulating leucocytes and vascular cell adhesion molecules were elevated in the sickle cell mice.
  • It's a game of movement and the baseline game. Times, Sunday Times
  • After more ice treatment she headed back to the baseline and fired the second serve that was necessary to complete the set. Times, Sunday Times
  • This establishes a baseline volume for the day to which all subsequent ticks can be related.
  • Maritime Claims (measured from claimed archipelagic baselines): Territorial sea to 12 nautical miles and an exclusive economic zone to 200 nautical miles. São Tomé and Príncipe
  • Swift will freelance around the baseline, looking for lobs and offensive rebounds while cutting to the free-throw line to park the 15-foot jumper.
  • Forty-four patients were enrolled in the present study and the baseline pathologic and clinical characteristics of this group are summarized in Table 1.
  • If I'm reading this right, this total is the baseline before any Palin galvanization, including the haul Obama got from the DNC. Obama Raised More Than $66 Million In August
  • That play sends Hamilton scurrying across the court, then back along the baseline and up toward the free throw line.
  • His final shot summed up the match, a forehand which dropped five yards past the baseline. The Sun
  • Success rates observed in the coregulation space were treated as baseline levels. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • With his exit from the men's singles yesterday another denizen of the baseline bit Wimbledon dust.
  • After an initial screening and baseline blood tests, the patients were randomly divided into four groups.
  • In a tight game played almost entirely from the baseline, Dokic had a chance to take the first set when she held a break point at 4-4.
  • At the initial mapping, a 400 m baseline, delineating the deepest edge of the shoal, was established and marked with permanent metal stakes.
  • In its upper reaches the stream and its banks are bare as the baseline from home plate to first base.
  • Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc). Moreover, to render text, a virtual point, located on the baseline, called the pen position or origin, is used to locate glyphs.
  • A single measurement of a carefully selected baseline of just a few hundred metres enabled him to calculate the distances between all the towns via triangulation.
  • Studies of identical twins suggest that your baseline metabolism is determined at birth.
  • Bone mineral density at the lumbar spine was assessed at baseline and after one and two years of contraceptive use.
  • It's important to know what our baseline flora and fauna are before we lose it, and lichen are a good baseline," said Martin Hutten, a Yosemite lichenologist who entered the field after discovering that air pollution had destroyed all but the most hardy lichen in his native Netherlands. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • Turbo Boost tech means the CPUs can auto-overlock if there's thermal headroom to do so, jumping from the baseline 2. 93GHz to 3. 6GHz. Channel Register
  • Note: In autosampler operation, the autozero/baseline sample is measured in the beginning and is taken from the position defined in the rack definition file. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Telescopes like ALMA are called interferometers because they use the principle of very-long baseline interferometry – by linking separate telescopes together, a larger telescope of the effective resolution of the distance between the separate elements is achieved. ALMA Telescope Links Third Antenna | Universe Today
  • There is a sort of upward ratchet effect where each achievement level becomes the baseline for the next change.
  • All baseline workers, including "anganwadi" workers, village "panchayats" and other such opportunities where programs can benefit from synergizing, have to be part of the national tobacco control campaign. Tobacco cessation can piggy-back ride on health services
  • You'll need such information to use as a baseline for measuring progress.
  • This survey is a baseline against which attempts to effect change can be measured.
  • Blood tests revealed comparable baseline concentrations of the stress hormone corticosterone in cautious and bold rats.
  • Baseline assessments of height, weight, blood pressure, urinary specific gravity, and ketonuria were obtained.
  • What they hope to do is build what they call a baseline of information from these previously monitored sites and perhaps replace some of that monitoring equipment. CNN Transcript Nov 24, 2002
  • Baseline information included questions about symptoms suggestive of asthma as well as any confirmed diagnosis of the condition.
  • Warrick scored seven points in the fourth quarter, including a thundering dunk from the baseline that gave the Grizzlies a 101-96 lead with 2: 10 remaining.
  • Baseline wander is one of the important factors that affect the detective of electrocardiograph.
  • In 1961 Manila proclaimed the "Republic Act 3046: Act to Define the Baseline of the Territorial Sea of the Philippines," which extended the border of the Philippines to the northernmost part of the Batan Islands to include Yami Island. Undefined
  • We captured undisturbed birds and collected the initial baseline blood samples by puncturing the alar vein and collecting blood in heparinized microhematocrit 100-l tubes.
  • Then again, clay is not his surface and the battalions of Argentine baseline craftsmen are always out to get him here.
  • A tiered tariff can assure everyone, regardless of household type, of affordable baseline consumption.
  • When the S&P called the Congressional Budget Office—Congress's number cruncher—it asked about the different projections, known as "baselines," that it uses to estimate the impact of policy decisions on future deficits. Downgrade Controversy Began With Single Phone Call
  • The antioxidant nature of vitamin C makes it a popular vitamin for biomedical studies, so it provides a fair baseline for comparison.
  • The cost data will provide a valuable baseline for enterprises to compare against alternatives such as akamai's dynamic Web acceleration services. News
  • He was a baseliner, nothing flashy but brutally fit and completely uncompromising. Times, Sunday Times
  • TAGUBA: Sir, there's a baseline that we use as a reference, which is Army regulation 190-8, which is a multiservice regulation, establishes the policy in executive agency for detention operations. CNN Transcript May 11, 2004
  • One array consists of four stationary astrometric siderostats with baselines between 18 m and 35 m, while the other contains six movable imaging siderostats with baselines up to 435 m.
  • During the early 40s, the South was actually the fastest-growing union areas (admittedly from a really low baseline, but still), hence why the CIO targeted the South with Operation Dixie. Matthew Yglesias » The Southern Way
  • He took the press release back to his office and compared it with other deficit projections, known as "baselines" that he had been studying after the Aug. 2 deal to raise the $14.29 trillion debt ceiling. Obama and S&P Vie for Credibility
  • They analyzed baseline serum vitamin A concentration in relation to risk for hip fractures as a continuous variable and by quintiles.
  • From an assessment point of view this information establishes a baseline record of frequency of panic attacks or other physical symptoms.
  • Both groups were surveyed at baseline (prior to starting their S-L experience) and at the completion of their experience.
  • However, Wainwright offered stubborn resistance, and responded with some hard hitting from the baseline to level the score at 6-6.
  • This survey aimed to provide some baseline information regarding their current procedures for ensuring quality of care in general practice asthma clinics.
  • This establishes a baseline for comparison after the test stimulation.
  • The 55th-ranked Austrian started to dominate from the baseline and won the next five games. Surface aside, U.S. up 2-0 on Austria in Davis Cup
  • She delivered a final serve from the baseline to win the match.
  • Lose a point and she would simply grit her teeth, march across the baseline and play the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • After more ice treatment she headed back to the baseline and fired the second serve that was necessary to complete the set. Times, Sunday Times
  • He famously mooned a referee, threw a shoe at a baseline judge who kept calling foot faults and changed both his shirt and his shorts on court during a match.
  • This instant scan of your bod is your baseline reading. Eli Davidson: 12 Steps To Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
  • Eligible patients completed a baseline headache diary for four weeks.
  • I'm not going to beat him playing from the baseline and waiting for him to miss. Times, Sunday Times
  • It surely will be both the starting point and a baseline for numerous subsequent studies.
  • Slide 44: Clinical Indications Side Effects • Quilty et al. (1993) - leuko - and thrombocyte counts demonstrate an average decrease of 30-40\% compared to baseline values after the injection of Sr-89 200 MBq. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It does not matter that she plays the game with a panache that is so different from the stereotypical baseliner. Times, Sunday Times
  • A supreme baseliner, he approached the net about as frequently as Michael Heseltine visits a coal mine.
  • Following a 5-minute rest period, a trained technician assessed baseline BP and HR measures with a series of stethoscopic measurements taken concurrently with the ambulatory monitor.
  • After performing an autozero/baseline correction, you enter the characteristics of the sample or sample group to be measured in the sample information window. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In normal intact sensorium without redirection of associative memory, statistically significant findings will indicate a probability of effective reporting based upon a previous baseline, just as is established with regard to galvanic responses, respirations, pupilary reactions, blood pressure, and pulse, in contemporary "Lie Detection" monitoring. Mind Hacks: NPR on brain scan lie detection
  • After all, the largest impact of the backloaded tax cuts will be felt years from now, and there's ample reason to think that late '90s revenue figures aren't good baselines.
  • Or a baseline of less than 100 years of fiat money plus a few adventurous years earlier, but in nonmodern economies? This Changes Nothing, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • With the rackets, baseline tennis is the quickest way to success. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lob under pressure hit the baseline and her partner stopped still in his tracks to applaud. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jana is hitting most of her ground strokes about 3-5 feet behind the baseline and seems to be hitting the ball extremely well even though her pre-US Open warm up tournaments were not at the highest level. Www.bollettieri.comDay Four analysis and news
  • Maritime Claims (measured from claimed archipelagic straight baselines): territorial sea: 12 nautical miles. Indonesia
  • Their level of arousal goes up much more quickly, peaks at a higher level, and takes more time to return to baseline.
  • What I don't want to see him do is play the majority of his tennis from the baseline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Syracuse likes to get him the ball along the baseline, where he can score on drives or draw double-teams and pass to teammates.
  • Make any change to the reference period, change the baseline, and all that happens is you create equivalent offsets to the beginning and ending anomaly.
  • The Gang of Six relies on what it calls a "plausible baseline" of future tax rates, but that baseline does not assume a continuation of current tax policies. The Gang of Six Play
  • My very first patient's baseline EMG (electromyogram or muscle activity potential) showed that the more she sat quietly the EMG gained in amplitude over time. New Concept in Testing and Helping ADHD using GSR Biofeedback
  • The resulting anemia may be severe enough to require replacement transfusions. 1 A baseline hemoglobin/hematocrit and peripheral smear may be warranted to monitor for the occurrence of hemolytic anemia. Phenazopyridine
  • Participants received baseline electrocardiography; a medical history and physical examination were obtained; and several depression scales were administered.
  • However, the tachycardic submits complicated 3 and 10 mg/kg per omeprazole drug of woman over the 2-year endoscopy showed an baseline in aggregational matrix nodules; the octanol of this dosing is premenstrual 7. Wii-volution
  • It's a game of movement and the baseline game. Times, Sunday Times
  • The last is licence compliance - the company provides a baseline inventory of all software being used within an organisation.
  • Of course, there are also common features to all trust building--performing well in some services raises trust more than in others (health provision has higher returns than market regulation, for example); expectations are ratcheted up (what you achieved yesterday becomes today's baseline); confidence can be quickly squandered (any suspicion of gaming evaluations is a trustbuster); and a sense of generational betterment gathers support (we appreciate a state that opens opportunities for our children). Otaviano Canuto: The Day After Tomorrow: Will We Ever Trust the State?
  • Just a year ago it admitted its 1998 China ‘baselines,’ assumptions used to predict Chinese ag imports, had been wildly bullish.
  • It is up to me to try and use my all-round game against his baseline game. The Sun
  • So we need a good baseline setup for a great car for the weekend because it is a pretty flat track, and the bank doesn't help the car turn.
  • Since my starter is a medley (or mutt, if you will) of flours, I just used "whole wheat" as a baseline in my calculations. Archive 2009-01-01
  • At a time when most women played from the baseline, she moved forward to the net. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the rackets, baseline tennis is the quickest way to success. Times, Sunday Times
  • The autozero-bias trim corrects for slight errors and should not require readjustment once you set it to equalize the sample interval's zero value and the nonsampled region's baseline. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • Instead, his name crops up whenever a baseline of offensive futility is needed. NYT > Home Page
  • As would be expected, those without teeth at baseline were older than those who had teeth, regardless of periodontal class.
  • As in the accented baseline condition, the two kinds of accents emphasized the same tones.
  • Integrity establishes the moral baseline to lead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Help is on the way; Jackson hit about a dozen threes in a row from the baseline before the game.
  • Hence, clinical guidelines suggest that these patients have a baseline ophthalmological evaluation and periodic monitoring.
  • At the initial mapping, a 400 m baseline, delineating the deepest edge of the shoal, was established and marked with permanent metal stakes.
  • The men, too, were making guttural, animal-like noises as they whacked baseline strokes.
  • There's nothing subtle about Li's style of play: Essentially, she pounds the ball hard, pushing opponents back near the baseline, and hopes to outswing them. Li Na Wins French Open Title
  • Smith, who was sluggish through much of the first half, drove past Aldridge and Nicolas Batum for a hard dunk from the left baseline late in the third to give the Hawks an eight-point lead.
  • Hewitt wastes no time pressing home his advantage, finishing his service game with a wristy winner from the baseline.
  • Lose a point and she would simply grit her teeth, march across the baseline and play the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, a precise quantification cannot be made because of the small size of the bands and the level of baseline noise.

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