
How To Use Basaltic In A Sentence

  • Another item of interest is that the magmas which feed the Hawaiian arc are pretty much exclusively basaltic, as would be expected from their deep-mantle origin, whereas the yellowstone magmas are of the granite/rhyolite/andesite (aka "crustal") varieties - which would appear anomalous - but at any rate, I wonder do they contain He and Ar in enriched amounts? report abuse - latest science and technology news stories
  • Calcite, along with epidote, fills small vesicles in the basaltic dike rock.
  • The deposits which at present constitute the principal source of domestic borax are not the playa deposits just described, but are masses of colemanite in Tertiary clays and limestones with interbedded basaltic flows. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • He argued that all other granites represent hybrid magma formed by reaction of basaltic melt with crustal metamorphic rocks.
  • The intercalated sedimentary beds were deposited on the tops of basaltic lava flows during periods of volcanic inactivity.
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  • It is a common product of alteration in igneous rocks, and frequently occurs as well-developed crystals in association with zeolites lining the amygdaloidal cavities of basaltic and other rocks. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The crescent-shaped floor of the caldera teems with a network of smaller volcanic mouths, cones, domes, lava channels, dikes, lavas from light felsic flows to viscid red lavas and black obsidian blocks, ochre plains of sandy alluvial deposits and red and black volcanic ejecta, scoria, lapilli and pumice, from a long series of basaltic effusions. Teide National Park, Spain
  • In this he found a group of green lights burning upon a kind of basaltic altar, and a bell-rope from a belfry overhead hanging down into the centre of the place. The Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
  • This regular disposition of lithoid basaltic lava and feldsparry vitreous lava is analogous to the phenomena of all trappean mountains; it reminds us of those phonolites lying in very ancient basalts, those close mixtures of augite and feldspar which cover the hills of wacke or porous amygdaloids: but why are the porphyritic or feldsparry lavas of the Peak found only on the summit of the volcano? Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The barranca is 2000 feet deep and is cut in layers of resistant basaltic lava flows and softer explosive fragmental material. The geology and geography of Lake Chapala and western Mexico
  • This layer of tuff was in turn overlain by a series of andesitic and basaltic lavas, between the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene. Göreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappodocia, Turkey
  • Vertical tree trunks preserved in rock strata are evidence of continental type volcanos (as opposed to basaltic oceanic crustal volcanos). Man made global warming? No way!
  • The chemical engineering community sees absolutely no problem with producing metals and oxygen from lunar basaltic feedstock. Shuttle-C - NASA Watch
  • This regular disposition of lithoid basaltic lava and feldsparry vitreous lava is analogous to the phenomena of all trappean mountains; it reminds us of those phonolites lying in very ancient basalts, those close mixtures of augite and feldspar which cover the hills of wacke or porous amygdaloids: but why are the porphyritic or feldsparry lavas of the Peak found only on the summit of the volcano? Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Site 45, representing the earliest Neolithic phase, revealed a short-blade microlithic industry accompanied by a crude reddish-brown handmade pottery, basaltic or quartzite flakes and a few crudely fashioned neoliths probably used for tillage operation.
  • This peculiar form, and the symmetrical arrangement of a few cones which surround the Brigantine, made me at first think that this group, which is wholly calcareous, contained rocks of basaltic or trappean formation. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • It is a fault line where a basaltic oceanic plate grinds against a continental plate and dives into the hot core of the earth - a subduction zone.
  • Cretaceous and lower Palaeocene sediments partly covered by Palaeocene-Eocene picritic and basaltic lavas are exposed in the Nuussuaq Basin on the island of Disko and the peninsulas of Nuussuaq and Svartenhuk.
  • Vertical tree trunks preserved in rock strata are evidence of continental type volcanos (as opposed to basaltic oceanic crustal volcanos). Man made global warming? No way!
  • The fine-grained ash groundmass contains equal proportions of scoriaceous tachylite and palagonite with basaltic lithic fragments.
  • También se están analizando la lítica tallada y destaca la gran cantidad de lascas de silex y de rocas basálticas de grano muy fino. Las cosas avanzan r��pidamente « Interactive Dig El Carrizal – Rescuing a Mesoamerican Site
  • The chain of granite mountains continued to our right, parallel with the road, which was overspread with silex, and farther on we met with a kind of basaltic tufa, forming low hills covered with sand. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land
  • Dolerite is basaltic magma that solidifies rapidly in sills and dikes near the surface.
  • Upper Jurassic Fossil Bluff Group rocks are intruded by coeval, minor alkaline basaltic rocks.
  • This heat gradually accumulates and eventually causes localized eruptions of basaltic magmas (molten igneous rock).
  • Although partial melting of lherzolitic mantle can produce a range of basaltic magmas, it is also the case that basalts may be the end products of fractional crystallisation of primary picritic magmas.
  • The Northland ophiolite of northern New Zealand comprises massifs of mainly basaltic volcanic rocks, which form the upper thrust slices of the Northland Allochthon.
  • By the scores, they lift off on laboring wingbeats and turn toward land, soaring like slender sailplanes over the rugged basaltic cliffline, then banking low to swell the ranks of those already on the ground.
  • Most deep-sea trenches in the Pacific are floored by normal basaltic oceanic crust overlain by pelagic sediments and ash.
  • This mountain is capped by several castellated masses of basaltic lava, much weather-worn and decomposed by the acid vapours evolved from the surrounding solfataras.
  • It is a fault line where a basaltic oceanic plate grinds against a continental plate and dives into the hot core of the earth - a subduction zone.
  • Scientists are also baffled by the fact that this particular type of basaltic lava is only known to exist in Iceland. 365 tomorrows » featured writer : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • In fluid magmas, such as those of basaltic composition, these gas bubbles can expand freely.
  • They are basaltic flows rich in zeolites and phenocrysts (plagioclase, olivine and pyroxene), and intercalated with strombolian and phreatomagmatic deposits.
  • It consists of a type of basaltic rock favourable to the growth of almond trees.
  • Dolerite is basaltic magma that solidifies rapidly in sills and dikes near the surface.
  • Here, olivine (peridot when gemmy) grains or anhedral crystals weather out of basaltic lava.
  • The crescent-shaped floor of the caldera teems with a network of smaller volcanic mouths, cones, domes, lava channels, dikes, lavas from light felsic flows to viscid red lavas and black obsidian blocks, ochre plains of sandy alluvial deposits and red and black volcanic ejecta, scoria, lapilli and pumice, from a long series of basaltic effusions. Teide National Park, Spain
  • The points had been chipped out of a shiny black basaltic schist. LISTENING WOMAN
  • To the east was the thin crust of soil that covered the great basaltic flows of the Great Basin.
  • Should we conclude from this position that they are of more recent formation than the lithoid basaltic lava, which contains olivine and augite? Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The effects of depth and degree of melting are well illustrated by terrestrial basaltic magma types, which can be divided into three broad groups: basalts, komatiites, and picrites.
  • In fluid magmas, such as those of basaltic composition, these gas bubbles can expand freely.
  • Basaltic in the mountains built the temple, Lingyun Ge, the founder Dian, Antique - Shouting , such as construction.
  • Such is the case in both basaltic and some silicic magmas. Jacob B. Lowenstern
  • The barranca is 2000 feet deep and is cut in layers of resistant basaltic lava flows and softer explosive fragmental material. The geology and geography of Lake Chapala and western Mexico
  • The metal content of the fluids thus reflects the trace-element composition of the subjacent source rocks which, in mid-ocean ridges, are basaltic.
  • Also of interest in the area is a basaltic column by the sea near Owenga.
  • It also became apparent that the ridges are prime sites of seismic activity and basaltic eruption.
  • Whatever the source, an alkalic basaltic magma pooled in the potassium-poor rocks of the lower crust.
  • The earlier notion that the lower continental crust is largely basaltic in composition has received little support from more recent studies.
  • Some rocks have basaltic compositions similar to the well-studied meteorites thought to have come from Mars, but other rocks are more like the volcanic rock andesite.
  • In fluid magmas, such as those of basaltic composition, these gas bubbles can expand freely.
  • In these most ancient parts of Mars, we have found that running liquid water altered the original mineral structures in some of the basaltic, olivine-bearing rocks into carbonate-bearing rocks. SETI Institute: Life at the SETI Institute: Adrian Brown -- The Time for Mars is Now
  • The first is that, in addition to the basaltic magma associated with mid-ocean ridges, Iceland's volcanoes produce significant amounts of rhyolite, which is silica-rich and, more significantly, contains a lot more volatile substances. Ars Technica
  • Petrological observations show excess feldspar in many basaltic lavas which is most easily explained by crystal settling.
  • In the course of the investigation, the PUC charge related to the leadership of basaltic sub - command.
  • On them we found the only gravel bed we saw in Labrador, and yet their name is due to the rough piled basaltic appearing rock, that proved on close examination to be much weathered sienite and granite. Bowdoin Boys in Labrador An Account of the Bowdoin College Scientific Expedition to Labrador led by Prof. Leslie A. Lee of the Biological Department
  • In this paper we describe the physical volcanology of basaltic pyroclastic deposits that were emplaced during the initial stages of Palaeogene flood volcanism in central East Greenland.
  • basaltic magma is fluid
  • Two series of igneous rocks have been found: tholeiitic, ranging from picrite basalt to basaltic andesite (to rhyodacites); mildly alkaline, with a more restricted compositional range (picrite basalts and basalts).
  • They include lavas and volcaniclastic rocks of basaltic and andesitic composition together with cogenetic gabbros, plagiogranites and granites.
  • Its interesting to note the aurora's seem to form over the darker, more exposed and denser basaltic deposits, which are more conductive, geomagnetically and gravitationally speaking…? Ozone on Mars: Two Windows Better Than One | Universe Today
  • In the island of Teneriffe, strata of tufa, puzzolana, and clay, separate the range of basaltic hills from the currents of recent lithoid lava, and from the eruptions of the present volcano. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • These are characteristically formed of polygenetic intermediate volcanoes and may include both basaltic and more silicic volcanoes that have emerged during various times in their life history.
  • I thought the barrenness was because of basaltic and granite rocks, and the greenery was due to rich soil after Ghodgaon.
  • Here, olivine (peridot when gemmy) grains or anhedral crystals weather out of basaltic lava.
  • But Teide's lava is more felsic in composition and is quiescent, complementing the other very active basaltic sites. Teide National Park, Spain
  • The volcanic successions comprise thick piles of basaltic lavas and subordinate intermediate and silicic lavas and pyroclastics.
  • In fluid magmas, such as those of basaltic composition, these gas bubbles can expand freely.
  • The points had been chipped out of a shiny black basaltic schist. LISTENING WOMAN
  • For example, volcanic eruptions range from (1) effusion of lava fountains and flows with very little ash erupted, typical of basaltic magma eruptions; to (2) extremely explosive eruptions that inject large quantities of ash high into the stratosphere, typical of rhyolite and dacite magmatic eruptions. Volcanic ash hazards and ways to minimize them
  • Large salt depressions with basaltic rock buttes (Yeroyulanduz Lake) harbor a number of halophile vertebrate and invertebrate species, many of them rare or endemic, such as gecko Bunopus tuberculatus and scorpion Kraepelinia palpator. Badkhiz-Karabil semi-desert
  • Furthermore, studies of Palaeogene deposits from West Greenland have shown that in situ basaltic pyroclastic rocks can form important oil reservoirs.
  • There is strong geological evidence that the only "dry land" prior to the early Archean was scattered basaltic islands (sitting over mantle plume "hot spots") similar to the Hawaiian islands. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Main normal-throw components are documented both by steps on the fault slickensides and by downthrown offsets of basaltic layers.
  • Scientists are also baffled by the fact that this particular type of basaltic lava is only known to exist in Iceland. 365 tomorrows » featured writer : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day

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