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  1. any of several compounds of barium

How To Use baryta In A Sentence

  • This gas is absorbed by barium hydroxide solution, an alkaline solution known as baryta water.
  • He used a vessel of 34 litres in volume, and washed the air with baryta-water, collecting the carbonate of baryta precipitated. Unthreaded #5 « Climate Audit
  • It is obtained by treating a solution of permanganate of baryta with sulphuric acid, when sulphate of baryta falls, and the permanganic acid remains dissolved in the water. Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
  • The baryta is a heavy grayish porous substance prepared by carefully igniting the nitrate of barium; and of this each retort having the above dimensions holds about 125 lb. Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
  • A more eligible preparation is the molybdate of baryta, produced by mixing solutions of molybdate of potash and acetate of baryta. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • Baryta, lime, and strontia behave in the same way.
  • Here is some which has been soaked in nitrate of strontia: you will see the beautiful red color of its flame; and here is another which I think contains baryta, which gives that fine green light; and I have here some more which has been soaked in nitrate of copper: it does not burn quite so brightly, but still very beautifully. The Forces of Matter, Delivered before a Juvenile Auditory at the Royal Institution of Great Britain during the Christmas Holidays of 1859-60
  • As the coloring-matter of archil is not precipitated by baryta and magnesia, but changed to a purple, the baryta method, recommended by Pasteur, Balard, and Wurtz, and the magnesia test, are useless. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • Baryta, oxide of barium (BaO), commonly occurs in combination with sulphuric oxide in the mineral barytes or heavy spar (BaSO_ {4}), and in combination with carbon dioxide in witherite (BaCO_ {3}). A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Our real photo baryta inkjet paper is created through a desire to replicate as closely as possible the essence, quality and archival properties of traditional photography within an inkjet product.
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