How To Use Barter In A Sentence
She is simply bartering goodies in return for comparative quietness.
The men never exerted themselves except when hunger prompted, or a spent magazine made the acquisition of "peltries" necessary to barter for powder and ball.
The Hive of "The Bee-Hunter," A Repository of Sketches, Including Peculiar American Character, Scenery, and Rural Sports
The Protestant Reformers defined the Roman doctrine of Works as a form of barter system, whereby believers could accrue spiritual benefits for themselves and salvation through their performance.
They entered the market obliquely through the production of non-agricultural products such as barrel staves that they bartered for textiles, hardware and cheap consumer goods.
Now it was down to the bartering. ‘What'll you give for the apricots?’

Itaca or Itaka: for diaphoresis in fever; this root is brought as an article of barter by the Arabs to Kilimane; the natives purchase it eagerly.
Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.
You always need secrets to barter with, the more important the secrets the safer you are, because you never know when you or an underling or overling will make the mistake that leaves you as naked and as helpless as a spiked butterfly.
Noble House
They bartered their grain for salt.
For they barter even for pieces of porringus, and of broken glass cups, so that I saw sixteen skeins of cotton given for three Portuguese centis, that is a blanca of Castile, and there was more than twenty-five pounds of spun cotton in them.
The life of Christopher Columbus: from his own letters and journals and other documents of his time.
The emerging legal and monetary system allowed exchange over a wide area without having to haul around bulky goods for barter or trade.
In that case, making BARTER movement of dead stock among franchise stores on a monthly or quarterly basis might solve the problem.
He said that Washington bartered goods with the East to establish trade with China as part of nation building.
The AP brings us a few tips for successful bartering agreements from the University of Illinois, which apparently has some sort of experience in bartering ...
Bartering Makes A Comeback - The Consumerist
Beads were used as barter in the early days of settlement.
Then wait for firms to barter over our collective custom.
The Sun
He bartered away his pride for material gain.
A handful of profiteers, cashing in on this occasion to barter superstition, are ready to tout articles relating to funerals.
The economic propensity to higgle and barter appeared early among the
The Negro at Work in New York City A Study in Economic Progress
She said in a presentation power cuts were fewer, apartments were being renovated and small firms were at work repairing bicycles and bartering goods.
And so, rather than make a simple barter or exchange between two people, we'd be part of a chain of kindnesses, passed on from one person to another, and that chain would be unbroken as long as people just kept doing it.
These cucumbers are exchanged in barter with fish.
Archive 2008-02-01
Then wait for firms to barter over our collective custom.
The Sun
Peasants with a minimal surplus of food could barter it for vital equipment.
My bartering skills seem to have become rusty since my last visit to Turkey.
They lived in Yearman, in southern Ohio, until they had nothing to barter and couldn't get credit for a twist of tobacco.
You probably have ways of getting things through fair barter or trade.
Before that European travelers like AF Gardiner (1836) and Catherine Barter (1855) had focused their attention on documenting, in English, Zulu culture, traditions, history and customs as they saw them at the time.
ANC Today
The nuts were a vital source of food for their families, autumn forage for their animals, and a commodity for barter and sale.
Let's begin pondering briefly a primitive barter economy where goods are traded for goods.
And the almadia, which they had left, we took to the caravel Nina, to which from another headland there was coming another little almadia, with a man who came to barter a skein of cotton.
The life of Christopher Columbus: from his own letters and journals and other documents of his time.
The tribes also barter their kills for a type of red salt from China that they feed to livestock, most of which are gayals (the domestic form of the gaur).
All the same, I do find all this barter activity rather inspiring.
Times, Sunday Times
Then simply sit back and wait for firms to barter over our collective custom.
The Sun
Money itself might disappear in some places, to be replaced by barter.
Of course, this constant barter of cash for influence represents politics as usual.
A canny Canadian internet user showed the potential of online trading systems by gradually bartering a paperclip into a three-bedroomed house.
The only difference is that they will often barter rather than pay cash as Western companies do.
Times, Sunday Times
Warwick's skills as a chimney maker were at a premium in the goldfields, and prized heirlooms were bartered for his services.
The emerging legal and monetary system allowed exchange over a wide area without having to haul around bulky goods for barter or trade.
The local people bartered wheat for farm machinery.
Most medical societies prohibit members from bartering surgery for public relations purposes.
The strategy of bartering, mentioned earlier is one way to rein in the cost of a date.
“He had never bartered promotion in the army for bribes, nor peculated in the supplies of provisions for the army.” l.v. c.xxxiv. —
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
That I just might find a friend from barter and trade in no way argues that the store is hospitable to the establishment of friendships.
And if you need something done for your business but don't have the money to pay for it, you can always barter goods or services in exchange.
The introduction of muskets, as a major item of trade and barter, was the catalyst for the many conflicts which broke out.
The ladies "bartered" skills; mother was a mender and chutney and jelly maker-one of the ladies 'nephews provided homegrown fruit.
Hawaii Reporter
Springlike weather prevailed as vendors and buyers bartered and bargained.
Occasionally, that system of trading degrades into heated barter or anger.
Farmers bartered rice for machinery.
Mr Barter recorded a suicide verdict and expressed his sympathy to Mr Banks' family.
Rent a friend is an attempt to transform the barter economy of companionship into the kind of hard financial assessments that influence our romantic choices.
Times, Sunday Times
At my time of life, food and clothing be all that is needed; and I have little occasion for what you call plunder, unless it may be, now and then, to barter for a horn of powder, or a bar of lead.
The Prairie
Her sister took possession of me, and of her papers, and the wedding-ring -- now in the custody of Dettermain and Newson -- together with the portraits of both my parents; and she, poor soul, to sustain me, as I verily believe -- she had a great idea of my never asking unprofitably for anything in life -- bartered the most corroborative of the testificatory documents, which would now make the establishment of my case a comparatively light task.
The Adventures of Harry Richmond — Volume 6
In their undeveloped corner of the Himalayas, these people still dress in traditional tribal clothes, barter their produce and scratch a living from land that would be discarded as uncultivable in most Western countries.
Daniel Keeler: The Big Green Gamble
The selling of pardons was simply a lower kind of simoniacal bartering which pervaded the whole hierarchical establishment.
Luther and the Reformation: The Life-Springs of Our Liberties
The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for items like writing paper and books.
A visit to a junk yard provided several items they were able to repair and after several barters, they provided the junkman with the cord of wood he wanted.
Businesses typically get by with a mix of cash and barter.
Perhaps, for example, the car could be swapped for Panini football stickers or bartered for unwanted livestock.
The software will offer commune-specific management features, such as ridesharing and bartering systems.
Fast Company
Israelites might have brought from Egypt more clothes than they wore at their outset; they might also have obtained supplies of various articles of food and raiment in barter with the neighboring tribes for the fleeces and skins of their sheep and goats; and in furnishing them with such opportunities the care of Providence appeared.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.
Then simply sit back and wait for firms to barter over our collective custom.
The Sun
The barter and the blackmarket are the major forms of trade.
Please, don't offer to do things you can't do or you'll ruin bartering for the rest of us.
Bartering Makes A Comeback - The Consumerist
The bartering which still takes place in many eastern kasbahs is a form of marketing.
When Americans lived on farms in isolated towns where they grew, made, and bartered for everything they used, they could not purchase beer at a saloon, sex from a prostitute, contraceptives and pornography from a corner shop, or flashy clothes from British importers.
A Renegade History of the United States
They had talked for nearly two hours, talked shop - kinship systems, myths, barter economies.
During the summer, many polar bears gather to rest and feed on hunter-harvested bowhead whale remains near Kaktovik, on Barter Island.
Bartering for a burial plot Genesis 22 has, not surprisingly, provided inspiration to many artists.
I took it back with bravado having been so successful bartering the day before.
The funniest scene in the film has her bartering with her sex-starved boyfriend.
Tourists intent on bartering can be hugely insensitive to the fact that the locals they are hammering down to a bargain price may be incredibly poor and the sums involved shamefully petty by our standards.
I had to barter with the locals for food.
The most heart wrenching of these stories is that of the 12-year-old who was bartered away by her father in exchange for a woman to marry his son.
Yaks provide wool and milk by-products such as butter, which are sold or bartered for grain.
Peasants with a minimal surplus of food could barter it for vital equipment.
But, reverting to the new phases in the ever-shifting emotionalism of a godless world, with which marriage has become a question of barter -- a mere lot-drawing of lambs for the shambles -- he compared the happy queenly life of our Irish mother with that of the victim of fashion, or that of uncatholic lands, where a poor girl passes from one state of slavery to another.
My New Curate
All the same, I do find all this barter activity rather inspiring.
Times, Sunday Times
We were mentored by other festivals like Farm Aid and Citizens 'Energy, who introduced us to the idea of bartering, and then, of all companies, Venezuela's national oil company, Citgo, came in and helped tremendously getting oil to poor inhabitants of Philly and other cities.
Mark Levine: Like Music and Oil. Perfect Together?
Just decades ago, when job security was the top value offered by organizations, employees bartered their commitment and loyalty for assurance of a permanent place in the company.
Back in Prague for a couple of days, we heard the male chorus in Smetana's opera The Bartered Bride sing its praises.
Once they and the others have paid a tiny tribute to a few families that keep the market area clean, a whistle shrills and the bartering begins.
But even as you convert from trade to cash, barter still may have a place in your business.
They have been bartering wheat for cotton and timber.
You don't always have to pay top dollar to bring in reinforcements and bartering can also give you terrific opportunities to network and promote your own particular strengths with others.
Caroline Dowd-Higgins: Getting Time on Your Side
Pete barters plumbing or electrical work for groceries.
Consider bartering your time and talent for services you might need.
Charges for such services were mutually agreed between the consignee and carter, payment often being by way of barter for household or farm commodities.
The only difference is that they will often barter rather than pay cash as Western companies do.
Times, Sunday Times
It is unreasonable for one to still think that they would find Arab merchants and Tongas engaged in the barter system of trade in ivory, salt, copper ornaments and other goods today.
we had no money so we had to live by barter
Be prepared to barter for bargains.
The Sun
There was little currency available so that payment in kind, barter and truck were widespread.
Along the coasts of the large inhabited islands the Chinese travelled as traders or middlemen, at great personal risk of attack by individual robbers, bartering the goods of manufacturers for native produce, which chiefly consisted of sinamay cloth, shark-fin, balate (trepang), edible birds'-nests, gold in grain, and siguey-shells, for which there was a demand in Siam for use as money.
The Philippine Islands
British economy reduced to barter.
Times, Sunday Times
As an 8-year-old entrepreneur, I collected golf balls, buffed them to a glossy shine and bartered them back to golf enthusiasts on the 14th hole.
We can barter for somefing perhaps ya want to unload some anger?
The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.
After all, the last time I checked, neither my utility company nor the phone company would accept my skills in barter for their services.
It might have been brazen but it was the only way you could get things like cigarette cards back then, and cigarette cards, along with glass marbles, were staples of the small child's barter system.
Central planning and autarkic barter systems have given way to generally capitalist principles with a resounding vote of confidence to the quintessentially American way of life.
Chip Cycle Trumps The Confidence Gap
The agriculture crisis has destroyed the old barter system he had with his regular clients.
Should I and a significant number want something and have produced something others wany and paid us for it ... it will appear in the marketplace because we will barter what we have produced for whar they have produced.
Sound Politics: Global Warming Update
They are guarded better by their calculations than a virgin by her mother and her convent; and they have invented the word caprice for that unbartered love which they allow themselves from time to time, for a rest, for an excuse, for a consolation, like usurers, who cheat
Finally, due to the instability of the financial system in Asia Pacific, counter-trade agreements and barter might be other alternatives for doing business in Asia.
The Blackfeet and other enemy tribes raided Shoshoni camps for horses, yet allied tribes ‘visited them for the purpose of swapping and bartering for their cayuses.’
British economy reduced to barter.
Times, Sunday Times
Even if the stocks didn't have to be converted to money to harness their value, but were instead "bartered" for something, the same principal would apply.
For broker transactions or barter exchanges, the beneficial owner is an exempt foreign person as defined in the instructions.
With scarcity and stagnation cast aside, the economy could finally throw off the shackles of a crude good-for-good bartering system.
In diverse cultures men pursue and acquire, while women are protected and bartered.
Once 15 separate companies offered unique programmes and bartered for airtime and slots.
But Chandler -- who, again, voted against health reform -- did seem to cite the idea of bartering chickens for checkups in an approving tone, as if it represented a real salt-of-the-earth alternative to having insurance.
Now a Blue Dog Democrat gets caught talking chickens for checkups!
The islanders use a system of barter instead of money.
The market-place and street were crowded with those who'd come to barter.
The only difference is that they will often barter rather than pay cash as Western companies do.
Times, Sunday Times
Some networks may turn over some of their airtime to barter deals, offsetting programming costs.
Both men and women look forward to the weekly market day when goods are bartered, bought, and sold, and social activity is enjoyed.
Merseyside coroner Roy Barter recorded a verdict of death by natural causes.
No, I do not have to go to the co-op, scoop it from a flyblown communal vat with a wooden spoon, put it in my reusable crock and carry it to the barter-counter with the handy hemp handle.
Inflation made the official currency worthless, so people resorted to barter.
Cash, as it turns out, isn't necessarily the preferred medium of exchange: on Chicago's South Side, barter is just as common.
Boing Boing: November 5, 2006 - November 11, 2006 Archives
Try bartering a service you can perform in exchange for someone else's service to you.
The right column was a record of credit, of payments in cash or barter made against the debt.
The programme takes them on a journey through time from barter and trade, to today's financial practises.
Yet a pillowcase full of primo loot isn't nearly as special as a complex assembly to be parsed, bartered and savored for months.
Sweeter Treats
They bartered their grain for salt.
Money made trade enormously more fluid by replacing barter (trading one good for another) with a single unit of exchange that could be traded for any good.
Mr. Bandelier has shown that the word barter properly designates the transactions where such articles passed.
The Prehistoric World; or, Vanished races
* On bartering: I think bartering is great but if you sell your services or products for money whats the diff.?
Working in Mexico
A system of digital barter would be set up so that one could download viruses only by contributing new viruses.
I verily believe -- she had a great idea of my never asking unprofitably for anything in life -- bartered the most corroborative of the testificatory documents, which would now make the establishment of my case a comparatively light task.
The Adventures of Harry Richmond — Complete
Jean Patrick believes that he has "bartered a future with his legs," but his route leads him into the heart of the killing.
Jane MacEyre? Updating an Orphan-to-Nanny Classic
Organize a barter exchange in your neighborhood instead of paying for services that your neighbors can perform for free.
He bartered away his pride for material gain.
In the local market, meat and vegetables are bartered for electrical goods.
And a tourist in Krakow does not want to be left penniless, when there is glossy amber to be bought and intricate handcrafts to be bartered over.
Be prepared to barter for bargains.
The Sun
The currency has lost so much of its value that barter has become the preferred way of doing business.
Be prepared to barter for bargains.
The Sun
This early form of barter, however, does not provide the transferability and divisibility that makes trading efficient.
Castro stormed from the room a couple of times, bartering a slowdown of the process as a condition for her return.
Subsistence farmers traditionally bartered everything and had no need for money, but some know they can get cash from stealing artifacts.
Prior to the immigration to Israel the majority of the Jews continued to engage in farming as a major source of income, but supplemented it with occupations such as dressmaking, weaving, painting, shoemaking, trading small goods and bartering.
Kurdish Women.
Rent a friend is an attempt to transform the barter economy of companionship into the kind of hard financial assessments that influence our romantic choices.
Times, Sunday Times
Somewhere between Faust's bartered lease on life and the Count's countless days — between the poet seeking an immortality in phrased voice that he thinks will compensate for his soul's fate and the damned polyglot soul so committed to leaving his body's imprint that poetic justice requires his being hounded down by textual inscription — somewhere between these poles falls the watershed Victorian moment of a long if ultimately posthumous Romanticism.
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
Tipis routinely are transported to powwows, barter fairs and rendezvous on a truck's carrying racks.
E-tailers have a lot of returns, and companies that are struggling can use barter to manage their inventories, he adds.
The butcher was fed up with the young girl's attempts at bartering with the local townsfolk.
The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.
We have a variety of collaborations, for example with Taobao, which started in Hangzhou, for the barter exchange.
A Pioneer In Chinese Music Festivals
In diverse cultures men pursue and acquire, while women are protected and bartered.
The currency has lost so much of its value that barter has become the preferred way of doing business.
In their distress, factories and workers engage in barter in a desperate effort to survive.
In diverse cultures men pursue and acquire, while women are protected and bartered.
They had to resort to direct barter with peasants, exchanging their products or even parts of their machines for food.
The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it[sentence dictionary], there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.
Among the victims of the hype are schoolchildren, who seem to have bartered their pocket money for baubles.
The three vagrants then rendezvoused in Barterman's room and used Perterson's hair to climb down to the ground.
The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.
No, I do not have to go to the co-op, scoop it from a flyblown communal vat with a wooden spoon, put it in my reusable crock and carry it to the barter-counter with the handy hemp handle.
We can therefore conclude that in these societies a different system of exchange or barter was used for basic daily transactions.
Anything gay always goes on the head; it is amusing to think that the considerable quantity of cloth we have given in barter has all gone to clothe that member, already so amply covered by the mass of frizzy hair.
Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago
I think it safe to say that the world would be back to an enormously complex and chaotic form of barter and that trade would be reduced to a virtual standstill.
Bartering for a burial plot Genesis 22 has, not surprisingly, provided inspiration to many artists.
He reappears with a matatu (which in a more touristy place has the wonderful name of ‘tandala,’ as that is how much it costs without pre-barter), which is a mini minibus, basically a van with seats.
The monopolists often had a large surplus of rabbits which they bartered for "butters," the unit being the ounce of daily allowance.
Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
British economy reduced to barter.
Times, Sunday Times
His beneficence has not been unbounded and infinite; it has been bartered and exchanged for man's deeds.
Then simply sit back and wait for firms to barter over our collective custom.
The Sun
Gradually, the primary barter was replaced by the commodity exchange conducted by money.
You can do a barter programme, trade 'em up.
Times, Sunday Times
I find that in 1631 our house of burgesses desired of the privy council in England, a coin debased to twenty-five per cent.; that in 1645 they forbid dealing by barter for tobacco, and established the Spanish piece of eight at six shillings, as the standard of their currency; that in 1655 they changed it to five shillings sterling.
Notes on the State of Virginia
She left an image of herself on the screen of the bartered phone.
Down and Delirious in Mexico City
Overall, barter is a very inefficient means of organizing transactions.
Now, let one country buy of another at wholesale to sell again at retail, or at retail to sell again at wholesale, it will always be found, if the matter is followed out to the end, that _commerce consists of mutual barter of products for products, of services for services_.
Sophisms of the Protectionists
Meanwhile, various of the exporters, to get around their quotas and the languishing oil trade, turned to barter and countertrade—exchanging oil directly for weapons, planes, and industrial goods—which had the effect of increasing the oversupply of petroleum on the world market.
The Prize
He bartered his stamp collection for her comics.
It was, and still is, a political product; a nifty, new gadget to be publicized, bartered and sold in exchange for ratings, revenue and of course, power.
Adam Klugman: Mainstream Media... Occupy This!
No, the picture you show twice is actually of dishes that have been bartered for through service exchanges or even paid for through rebates.
D Indonesian confrontation over the Singapore Indonesia barter trade.
Lamalera, an almost moneyless society, depends primarily on barter.
Balzack chews beef bones i barter from the butcher at the grocery store. i keep him supplied with fish and game and he keep me supplied with bones for him to chew.
Appetite for Destruction: When Good Dogs Chew
There was the sleepy Sunday of his boyhood, when, like a military deserter, he was marched to chapel by a picquet of teachers three times a day, morally handcuffed to another boy; and when he would willingly have bartered two meals of indigestible sermon for another ounce or two of inferior mutton at his scanty dinner in the flesh.
Little Dorrit
Before commercialization, when lobsters were fished as a subsistence item, or for sale or barter in small local markets, they were typically fished by hand or with gaffs and spears.
Ukraine was dealing in barter and mutual accounting in kind.
What's Happening in Ukraine
The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.
The Heqanakht letters show us barter and cash transactions.
Trading was carried out under a barter system.
_Innominate contracts_ are reckoned four: _I give on the terms of your giving_, otherwise than as buying and selling, -- to some forms of this there are English names, as _exchange_ and _barter_: _I do on the terms of your doing: I do on the terms of your giving: I give on the terms of your doing_.
Moral Philosophy
Once 15 separate companies offered unique programmes and bartered for airtime and slots.
In this system, people decide they want to reduce their reliance on money through bartering goods and services.
On page 22, we are told that the division of labor “is the necessary, though very slow and gradual, consequence of a certain propensity in human nature … the propensity to truck, barter, and exchange one thing for another.”
A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
And if bartering is not my bag, then maybe the Malecon sixteen-block promenade, awash with higher-end shops will be.
The mystical and magical pleasures of Puerto Vallarta
I'm not sure if anyone was trading butter for dessert, but bartering at restaurants is a thing.
In Europe, it's a little bit different," said Sibylle Bucheli of Switzerland, one of about 10 people wearing jackets for the fan club of Swiss biathlete Simon Hallenbarter.
At Whistler, there's just no party like a biathlon party
Many Soviet citizens were able to get what they needed by barter.