How To Use Barrenness In A Sentence
Poppy-heads were used "with success" to relieve diseases of the head, and the root of the "mandrake," from its supposed resemblance to the human form, was a very ancient remedy for barrenness and was evidently so esteemed by Rachel, in the account given in Genesis 30: 14 ff.
Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing
I thought the barrenness was because of basaltic and granite rocks, and the greenery was due to rich soil after Ghodgaon.
Granted, deserts are teeming with life, but we typically associate notions of barrenness, emptiness, lifelessnessand other such ideas with ‘desert.’
The chameleon has the ability to bring long life or death, fecundity or barrenness, depending on its color.
An unavenged murder could in extreme cases cause barrenness and crop failure, as in Sophocles ' Oedipus the King.

That over-irrigation condemned Mesopotamia in West Asia, once the cradle of civilisation, to barrenness for the last three thousand years, does not deter them.
How often, gliding by in barrenness, has it cast a shade of unutterable dejection on the dial of a sunless day.
Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
Coleridge's attack on the "beggarly daydreaming" of romance reading noted that "the whole material and imagery of the doze is supplied ab extra by a sort of mental camera obscura manufactured at the printing office, which pro tempore fixes, reflects and transmits the moving fantasms of one man's delirium, so as to people the barrenness of an hundred other brains afflicted with the same trance or suspension of all common sense and all definite purpose" (1975, 28).
Reading Machines
On the northern side are a few scattered dwellings, and some attempts at cultivation; on the southern nothing appears but immense piles of rocks, with bushes, scattered here and there in their hollows and crevices; if their summer appearance conveys the idea of barrenness, their winter appearance must be dreadful in this region of almost everlasting frost and snow.
A Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, 2nd ed. Late A Surgeon On Board An American Privateer, Who Was Captured At Sea By The British, In May, Eighteen Hundred And Thirteen, And Was Confined First, At Melville Island, Halifax, Then At Chatham, In Engla
Indeed, I have worn out the mortars with beating wool and pounding drugs,186 and I am not to blame; the barrenness is with thee, for that thou art a snub-nosed mule and thy sperm is weak and watery and impregnateth not neither getteth children.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
I have said that this condemnation to intellectual barrenness is the strongest proof of the essential servility of woman's position in the eyes of man, and I repeat that statement.
Marriage as a Trade
Composting and re-cycling were a well-established part of their lives and they looked upon the soil as ‘something to be redeemed from rugged barrenness into smiling fertility and beauty’.
The kind of ferruginous pavement of the boulder-clay known to the agriculturist as _pan_, which may be found extending in some cases its iron cover over whole districts, -- sealing them down to barrenness, as the iron and brass sealed down the stump of Nebuchadnezzar's tree, -- is, like the white strips and blotches of the deposit, worthy the careful notice of the geologist.
The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
a barrenness, — if it be more condensed, or more thin, or more hardened, or more callous, or more carneous; or it may be from languor, or from an atrophy or vicious condition of body; or, lastly, it may arise from a twisted or distorted position.
Essays and Miscellanies
No! no! No deceiver is the luckless Matha Shri, despite her barrenness.
Love and Life Behind the Purdah
Such ritual brings no hope, and it diverts to barrenness emotions which might otherwise have been fruitful.
But whosesoever mind inclineth not towards zeal, exertion, perseverance, and struggle, he has not become free from this second spiritual barrenness.
Townships were born, marked by their barrenness.
The infinite lavish fulness of the present quite laughed at the idea of barrenness or want anywhere in time to come.
The End of a Coil
The hazelnut tree is associated with fertility while the ash tree carries with it the notion of barrenness.
Such barrenness is the inevitable outcome where two people are growing apart and out of love.
It'seemed strange that such barrenness could exhibit this radiance of color.
Sometimes sloth takes on an acute form known as aridity or barrenness in all things that pertain to God.
Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
The pioneer settled down in the area in spite of the barrenness of the land.
Tobias symbolized the powers of darkness, heathendom, and sin striving against the coming of salvation, and also Anna's long barrenness.
The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary
-- despiritualize me completely -- does it mean eventual barrenness, eventual remorse, failure?
Flappers and Philosophers
He told her that barrenness is cured by the presence of immoderate heat in a woman accompanied by turgescence.
Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe
Talmudists speak much, and hyperbolically enough: which nevertheless they confess to be turned long since into miserable barrenness; but are dim-sighted as to the true cause of it.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
But I went alone, reassured in the north by the desert, the barrenness interrupted by the stolid saguaro, the gnarled creosote.
The Right Thing
Call it rather a sort of beggarly day-dreaming, during which the mind of the dreamer furnishes for itself nothing but laziness, and a little mawkish sensibility; while the whole materiel and imagery of the doze is supplied ab extra by a sort of mental camera obscura manufactured at the printing office, which pro tempore fixes, reflects, and transmits the moving phantasms of one mans delirium, so as to people the barrenness of a hundred other brains afflicted with the same trance or suspension of all common sense and all definite purpose.
Coleridge, Biographia Literaria, III footnote 1 « Unknowing
Judea admits of a high state of cultivation, and requires it, in order to be productive; its present barrenness is due to neglect.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Cruelly punning, he calls his baroness ‘Barrenness’.
Now, much of the so-called barrenness of country life is the oak minus the polish.
Chapters in Rural Progress
He had ridden past a tiny, partly caved-in dugout, months ago, where some wandering prospector had camped while he braved the barrenness of the hills and streams hereabout.
The Ranch at the Wolverine
That leaner and blanker style would define his work thereafter, reaching an almost brutal, Albert Speer-like barrenness in the Federal Reserve Board Building, and the tower he built for the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda.
Architecture: Comparing Paul Philippe Cret and John Carl Warnecke
Will it scatter my courage and dull my mind? — despiritualize me completely — does it mean eventual barrenness, eventual remorse, failure?
Flappers and Philosophers
Fish were abundant, to be sure, along that coast, where the invisible fruitfulness of the sea made compensation for the blank barrenness of the land; but they were swift and wary, and had to be caught, one at a time, outwitted and outspeeded in their own element.
Kings in Exile
Call it rather a sort of beggarly day-dreaming, during which the mind of the dreamer furnishes for itself nothing but laziness and a little mawkish sensibility; while the whole materiel [sic] and imagery of the doze is supplied ab extra by a sort of mental camera obscura manufactured at the printing office, which pro tempore fixes, reflects and transmits the moving phantasms of one man's delirium, so as to people the barrenness of an hundred other brains afflicted with the same trance or suspension of all common sense and all definite purpose.
Gothic Visions, Romantic Acoustics
The curse of barrenness is the punishment of the sin of barrenness, as Mark xi.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
I only lay bare the barrenness of its nature and the trustless reserve that always made the world around me seem wrapped in
The Doctor's Daughter
As I returned by the east side of the lake, the splendid high farming-lands that extend from the shore to the foot of the mountain were strikingly in contrast with the flatness and barrenness of the plain on the water-side, which is so slightly elevated above the level of the salt water that a few inches of rise in the laguna spreads out an immense sheet of saline water, and yet there is not a solitary evaporating vat where there is an unlimited demand for the evaporated article at fourteen shillings the _aroba_.
Mexico and its Religion With Incidents of Travel in That Country During Parts of the Years 1851-52-53-54, and Historical Notices of Events Connected With Places Visited
The sin of barrenness is justly punished with the curse and plague of barrenness; Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
To northern commentators this ‘city of ruins, of desolation, of vacant houses, of rotting wharves, of deserted warehouses, of weed-wild gardens, of miles of grass-grown streets, of acres of pitiful and voiceful barrenness’ was a fitting end for the city where ‘Rebellion reared its head five years ago.’
Such barrenness is the inevitable outcome where two people are growing apart and out of love.
God save us from such barrenness of imagination.
It may be triploid, that is, with 3 sets of chromosomes instead of the normal double set, and this would account for its barrenness.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 43rd Annual Meeting Rockport, Indiana, August 25, 26 and 27, 1952
But hitherto they were not blessed with children, and Mary was jeered at more than once, the people saying that her barrenness was a punishment sent by God.
The Lake
He was too occupied with his own vision, and vividly burned before him the sordid barrenness of a poorhouse ward, where an ancient, very like what he himself would become, maundered and gibbered and drooled for a crumb of tobacco for his old clay pipe, and where, of all horrors, no sip of beer ever obtained, much less six quarts of it.