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[ US /ˈbɑɹnəkəɫ/ ]
[ UK /bˈɑːnəkə‍l/ ]
  1. European goose smaller than the brant; breeds in the far north
  2. marine crustaceans with feathery food-catching appendages; free-swimming as larvae; as adults form a hard shell and live attached to submerged surfaces

How To Use barnacle In A Sentence

  • The card consolidate credit debt in photoflash intolerant false is of muton, due to the unaffectionate ad vocal that the barnacle yack ethene expense to repp as a perverted cymene. Rational Review
  • Epizoic barnacles are sessile, marine crustaceans and constitute a model system featuring the above conditions.
  • Things like that John Byrne referred to as barnacles that needed scraping off when it came time to revamp Superman in the 80s. Doghouse of Solitude.
  • Perhaps it would be a little shore crab that betrayed itself by scuffling down amongst the corallite or sea-weed, perhaps a little fierce-looking bristly fish, which shot under a ledge of the rock all amongst the limpets, acorn barnacles, or the thousands of yellow and brown and striped snaily fellows that crawled about in company with the periwinkles and pelican's feet. Devon Boys A Tale of the North Shore
  • The one quality that they all shared, in the end, was stickability - the determination to cling to office with the tenacity of barnacles clinging to a crumbling wreck.
  • Anti-fouling paints keep marine organisms from growing on boat bottoms because they contain biocides, chemicals that hinder the growth of barnacles and other animals.
  • I was born back from tidewater and don't know as the barnacle does stick to the oyster. Our Fellow Savages of the Sandwich Islands (version 1)
  • Some organisms, including sponges, barnacles, and encrusting coralline algae, can, however, survive overgrowth, without apparent damage, for indeterminate periods of time or may even benefit from being overgrown.
  • Below the ocean surface lies an even greater diversity of life, replete with corals, sponges and barnacles, as well as icefish and toothfish (sea bass) - two commercially important and overfished species.
  • Possible the barnacle, like the barometz of Tartarean lamb, may be a survivor of the day when the animal and vegetable kingdoms had not yet branched off into different directions. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
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