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[ UK /bˈɑːn/ ]
[ US /ˈbɑɹn/ ]
  1. an outlying farm building for storing grain or animal feed and housing farm animals
  2. (physics) a unit of nuclear cross section; the effective circular area that one particle presents to another as a target for an encounter

How To Use barn In A Sentence

  • There was a lot of hum and noise in the barn because it wasn't designed for recording. The Sun
  • Those morning glories are grown every year along the south face of the historic, well-preserved post-and-beam barn that is the center of Heritage Farm; the 890-acre spread a few miles north of Decorah that Seed Savers Exchange now calls home. Kurt Michael Friese: Memories of a Life Spent Saving Seeds
  • I'm getting a de-rection," mutters Barney, aghast at her decline. The New Season in Review: Monday Madness
  • The structure that was destroyed was a barn used for foaling mares and prepping yearlings.
  • The card consolidate credit debt in photoflash intolerant false is of muton, due to the unaffectionate ad vocal that the barnacle yack ethene expense to repp as a perverted cymene. Rational Review
  • Springtime for Henry played Broadway in the early '30s and then again in the early '50s but became a laughingstock as Edward Everett Horton repeatedly barnstormed it.
  • Some rooms were once first-floor barns and feature original timber and stone in very modern but understated designs.
  • The initial lift of the bar targets the lower back and thickens the erectors, the middle part of the lift widens the barn-door lats, and the squeeze and lockout at the top emphasize the upper back.
  • San Francisco poets Tarin Towers and Daphne Gottlieb, Eitan Kadosh from L.A. and Phoenix's Eirein Bradley barnstormed with O'Hara through 35 U.S. cities over the summer.
  • Northern migratory species winter in the savanna, such as spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia, barn swallow Hirundo rustica and blackpoll warbler Dendroica striata. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
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