How To Use Baritone In A Sentence

  • It should be a baritone scoring game and the unfortunate should be in early disceptation for a top 3 pick. Xml's
  • A prepossessing performer with a beautiful baritone, Murray is tall, blond and Midwestern - looking.
  • He carried the splashy, two-fisted style of great New Orleans pianists like Professor Longhair toward modern-jazz dissonance, then back toward propulsive barrelhouse; he sang the lyrics, but only after he had whooped and scat-sung, from baritone to falsetto. Jazzfest: “Thank God I Made It” - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • In most cases, each song is given melodic depth by MacKaye's baritone guitar and Farina's stripped-kit drumming.
  • Your teachers were all baritones and even your tenor voice has a distinct baritonal touch to it.
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  • Scott Hendricks is an equally flexible, believable actor, a passionate advocate for freedom with his strong, virile baritone.
  • I had a reason to expect much from this work, based on other compositions of his, especially his outstanding Edgar Allan Poe song cycle for baritone and piano Lenoriana.
  • Armed with his banjo, tinwhistle, poetry, stagecraft and his magnificent baritone voice, Tommy has been mesmerising audiences for more than forty years.
  • Mr. Elling's treatments of standards (like "Stairway to the Stars") are amazingly straightforward and heartfelt — and his baritone is deep and warm. Comebacks and Co-Conspirators
  • This exceptional but as yet uncelebrated baritone rejoices in a lean, spinning, perfectly focused tone of unfailing natural beauty and vibrancy, while his grasp of Verdi style and phrasing is all but complete.
  • Paulo Szot was wonderful as the status-conscious, noseless Kovalyov, ricocheting from hysteria to self-pity (we see through his lyrical laments) to self-importance; his baritone was multihued and penetrating, except during the noisiest orchestra moments. The Sweet Smell of Success
  • I've gone from a tenor to a baritone. The Sun
  • That smile and that honeyed baritone make a lethal combination. Times, Sunday Times
  • These voices are divided into four categories; haute-contre (high tenor/male alto), taille (low tenor/lyric baritone) and basse (bass) for masculine voices, and dessus (treble) for high voices. Jean-Jacques Rousseau: champion of among other things, mezzos!
  • Arone Dyer and Aron Sanchez take their freaky instruments six-string baritone ukulele and mutant bass guitar on the road for this smash-and-grab video of a pounding piece of hemiola-ridden art rock about emotional claustrophobia. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • It was male, a baritone that held a sense of authority.
  • A voice spoke from behind him, a deep and rich baritone which made him jump slightly.
  • My relationship with the company dates to 1988 when I watched rehearsals for Don Giovanni and heard Alan Held, a young bass-baritone who brought a rich sound and assured acting to the role of Giovanni's wily servant. Susan Dormady Eisenberg: As Wolf Trap Opera Marks 40th Year, 14 Star Alumni to Return for Benefit Concert
  • Played upon the euphonium (a perfect choice for the high baritone Hobbit, I think) it is simple, gay and carefree.
  • Ghislaine sang in a ravishing fashion, and Yves accompanied her on the clavecin that stood in the petit salon, mingling the grave accents of his baritone with her clear soprano. A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
  • Reality: "My, ain't you a big fat pain in the butt?" bleated Agnes, her grating, honking baritone having its intended effect upon my nervous system. John Shore: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
  • We sat there mesmerized by the ringing baritone of his inspired voice, coming, as if from the hollows of a cave from some part of a high mountain range, where civilization could never reach or discover.
  • Williamson possesses a deep, sardonic baritone that makes for a curious counterpoint to his exuberant indie-pop dancercise routines.
  • I am sure my friend has a lovely baritone voice and will soon be delighting audiences in the Royal Albert Hall.
  • He has perfect clarity in the fastest patter arias that would leave most bass-baritones tripping over themselves.
  • A rumbling baritone backdrop to the tenor and soprano F1 motors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Christa was able to stretch our donated money to the limit and so we were able to purchase 11 new instruments including three trumpets, a pocket trumpet, a tuba, alto and baritone horn, a trombone, euphonium, a snare and a base drum. Ye Band Dideth Expand « Peace Corps South Africa
  • Can you sing the baritone?
  • He oozes dignity, with his slow baritone and craggy facial topography, topped with a disarming warmth and simplicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He oozes dignity, with his slow baritone and craggy facial topography, topped with a disarming warmth and simplicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Francis, with her breezy assurance and fabulous social-baritone voice, co-hosted the show.
  • One of Britain's most versatile baritones graces the Westmorland Hall stage next Saturday in the first concert of the new sinfonia series.
  • Mezzo Marie Lenormand was sweetly swaggering as the Fox, who woos and wins the Vixen; baritone Joshua Bloom was pure testosterone as Harašta; and mezzo Melissa Parks was imposing as the Forester's impatient wife and the Owl for which she wore a cagelike garment flecked with feathers. The Beauty of the Beasts
  • Not only were we treated to the MMDG Music Ensemble, but live vocals from a soprano, baritone, alto and tenor.
  • In this scene, Edgardo and Enrico, both hell-bent on revenge, breathe fire at each other, and Donizetti responds with an appropriately militant duet for tenor and baritone.
  • As you might expect there's a droning baritone banjo, playing drawn out notes over a deeper, more stable cello.
  • Both feature tender duets for soprano and baritone, virtuoso writing for orchestra and chorus, and open by depicting the void before life itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Common consensus was that, as a lyric baritone, his voice was too light but he kept persisting.
  • There are eight sopranos, four mezzos, one counter-tenor, three tenors, seven baritones, and two basses.
  • ‘The Only Son,’ from 1947, is actually a little scena for mezzo, tenor, and baritone, with piano.
  • Your teachers were all baritones and even your tenor voice has a distinct baritonal touch to it…
  • A bass or baritone oboe, an octave below the treble, has always been rare, though composers do occasionally write for it and the wider-bore but otherwise similar heckelphone.
  • He often ruminated over whether he was a tenor or a baritone, the upper register of his voice being naturally weaker than the lower.
  • This is an opera unlike any other - an unabashed paean to music, to nature, and to the mystical path to joy seen in the figure of Francis (sung movingly by baritone Willard White).
  • A prepossessing performer with a beautiful baritone, Murray is tall, blond and Midwestern - looking.
  • In orchestras, they tell viola jokes; in band, they tell baritone jokes.
  • Paolo Gavanelli, as the much put upon Geronio (above center), proves again that he is one of the world's great buffo baritones, delivering a spectacular display of parlando (Italian patter). Rodney Punt: A Turk in Italy Comes to Town in an Airstream Trailer
  • Spoken dialogue -- Kryptonite for even the starriest of singers -- was treated with wince-inducing amateurishness except by Guetti, the lone singer here able to deliver non-sung text in a credible way, and baritone Charlie Hyland (the evening's appealing, handsomely sung Papageno), who made a brave stab at the comedy. In performance: Magic Flute (Summer Music Festival 2010)
  • In an accompanying audio track, a baritone slowly sings the children's lullaby that lent its title to the exhibition.
  • Gavin's voice sounds miraculous, the low baritone of it trembling in my already shaky spine, and I needed him here.
  • My distinguished colleagues include the legendary tenor Plácido Domingo, as well as counter-tenor David Daniels, mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, bass-baritone Luca Pisaroni, soprano Lisette Oropesa, and counter-tenor Anthony Roth Costanzo. Danielle de Niese: Inspired to Inspire
  • Here's a picture NB snapped of the two oldest instruments in the group, the 1860 Civil War era baritone saxhorn and an old fashioned upright Sousaphone*, aka "raincatcher" from 1889: Archive 2008-12-01
  • Opera singer Cecilia Bartoli won female artist of the year, with best male artist going to the bass baritone Bryn Terfel.
  • Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise rose up from the congregation, filling the church with strong English baritones and contraltos.
  • It is hoped that Domingo will be fit to return to the Royal Opera House in June, when he is due to take on the title baritone title role in Verdi's 1881 version of Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news
  • In his early years, Caruso often ruminated over whether he was a tenor or a baritone, the upper register of his voice being naturally weaker than the lower.
  • His baritone was strong and supple but never forced.
  • This Opera comes with a heavy bassline, a raucous bellow that would drown the loudest baritone.
  • However, don't country the whole equilibrise soured apiece month; permit a lowercase listing over at small every digit months. phytologist don't revalue accounts paying in flooded apiece month. solon important, paying accounts don't bourgeois into the assign reason as such as an statement with a baritone balance. Xml's
  • My top action hero this week is Dwayne Croft, who sings baritone for the Metropolitan Opera.
  • His baritone is a more consistent and beautiful instrument, but he often sang coarsely.
  • She also plays baritone for Swindon Brass band and has been sponsored by fellow members and other local musicians.
  • There are eight sopranos, four mezzos, one counter-tenor, three tenors, seven baritones, and two basses.
  • ‘I played the baritone back in Glendale,’ I told him.
  • But the drumbeat, as the baritone voice of the narrator reminds the audience, is an inseparable part of African music.
  • My grandmother had studied piano; my father had a wonderful, big baritone voice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The child's sound had matured into a full, rich baritone.
  • She's a strange one alright, a former New York street artist who discovered the baritone ukelele, remembered her old violin lessons, and cut an album, No Guts, No Gravy.
  • A baritone can wake up in the morning and not warm his voice up, he can just sing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Licitra is a protégé of one of the exemplary postwar Verdi stylists, Carlo Bergonzi, and he has that great tenor's unforced elegance of line, command of mezza voce and the capacity to adjust the timbre of his voice to suit the requisite emotion, from a stentorian, almost baritone thickness that promises a great Otello one day, to the reedy plaintiveness of La Traviata 's Alfredo. Is Licitra Tomorrow's Tenor? The Heir Apparent Appraised
  • These charming songs exist in two different versions, the first for baritone and string quartet, and the second for tenor and woodwind quartet (oboe, cor anglais, clarinet and bassoon).
  • a baritone voice
  • Conrad Cheek Jr., who many Hill staffers know as the baritone hawking Street Sense newspapers around Capitol Hill. HUFFPOST HILL - Steve King, Golden Voices And Smelly New Hampshire
  • Surman explores a Sonny Rollins-like calypso on baritone and English-sounding brass fanfares turning into southern-European folk-dances on soprano sax.
  • The group of unaccompanied voices comprises bass, baritone, tenor, mezzo-soprano and soprano.
  • The various musicians - guitars, drums, recorder, baritone sax, violin - all started playing at once.
  • That, if you have - if taking a group of people who are singing - an average cross-section of that population - you're going to find sopranos, altos, mezzos, tenors, baritones, and basses.
  • Nathaniel Webster's cancellation left Papageno in the hands of Daniel Cilli, an eager but raw beanpole of a baritone without a voice of much distinction. Marin Alsop leads Baltimore Symphony's 'Magic Flute' concert
  • She visibly shrank in the face of a barrage of baritone braying, her voice faltering and fading as she gamely struggled on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through the dry, chilling lines, he always seems one part bemused; you can almost hear a smirk in his voice, which is a deep, rich baritone, unbefitting of a 37-year-old who still half looks like a teenager.
  • But the passion, allure, the bass-baritone vowels, stayed trapped and miniaturised, and the opera's psychological drama suffered. Times, Sunday Times
  • She didn't know why most girls liked baritone voices; tenor voices were so much more lyrical.
  • ‘As was the case in all of Verdi's early operas,’ writes Said with a wink, ‘Aïda is about a tenor and a soprano who want to make love but are prevented by a baritone and a mezzo.’
  • He oozes dignity, with his slow baritone and craggy facial topography, topped with a disarming warmth and simplicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • These terms originate in classical Greek drama, in which a tenor would be assigned the role of protagonist, a baritone the role of deuteragonist, and a bass would play the tritagonist.
  • ‘I can't love you any more,’ I sang in my very best imitation of Bebe Daniels, which isn't very good but then a bass baritone can only do so much in the way of 1940s popular soprano.
  • Instructors will include singers who enjoy international careers, such as mezzo-soprano Elizabeth Bishop, baritone Gregory Rahming and mezzo-soprano Featured Content
  • For starters, it isn't often that we hear Falstaff, usually assigned to veteran baritones, sung by a major youthful voice in its prime.
  • Spare, morose, introspective, mordant baritone balladry has no part to play here. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was low-pitched and reverentially modulated, a nice, crisp, modest baritone.
  • Once again you marvel at his velvety bass-baritone, powerful presence and smart wordplay. Times, Sunday Times
  • From down the alley they could hear the high-pitched sound of a woman's voice, followed by the rich baritone of man.
  • The baritone bassoon extended between the bassoon and the contra, and there is even a subcontra bassoon one octave lower than the contra bassoon in exceptionally rare captivity, possibly with a lamp shade.
  • Ulises Bella is the band's most multi-talented addition, on tenor and baritone sax, piano, requinto harucho, guitar, bass, and clarinet.
  • The all-male line-up is two countertenors, one tenor, two baritones, and one bass.
  • I headed to the end of the hall, where all the saxophones had congregated, and saw three out of the four different types of saxophones; the baritone, tenor and alto.
  • Sitting on a low stool and cradling his beloved guitar he sang in a rich baritone a mixture of haunting ballads and cheery folk songs.
  • He was easily recognisable not merely by virtue of his profound bass baritone voice, but because of his girth.
  • It is sad to hear the veteran struggling with Rossini's florid music as the titular Turk, and both buffo baritones are, frankly, provincial.
  • The work requires a full orchestra and tenor and baritone soloists.
  • The sad news this week was the announcement that Thomas Quasthoff, 52, the German bass-baritone, is to retire on health grounds. CBSO, Stephen Hough/Nelsons; Bamberg Symphony Orchestra/Nott – review
  • The range of the custom-tuned baritone guitar means there's a bass accompaniment to the melody, and even the track ‘Ferry Cross the Mersey’ is delicious rather than out of place.
  • The title track - a spacey song - features Matthews alone on electric guitar, while on the sensational ‘Stay Or Leave,’ he experiments with a baritone guitar.
  • With a sudden explosion of baritone sax, trumpet, and guitar - plus a boxful of percussion toys - the whole song is one ecstatic, extended crescendo.
  • When it came to the clarinet family, one must admit that the basset horn does sound a trifle canine, but as with flutes and saxophones, soprano, alto, tenor, baritone or bass always flowed on in logical order.
  • A voice spoke from behind him, a deep and rich baritone which made him jump slightly.
  • Mentoring has been key to Eschenbach's art; he's built up a long list of artists whom he has "discovered" or championed, and with whom he regularly performs: Fleming; the enfant-terrible pianist Lang Lang (whose debut Eschenbach led at Ravinia); the controversial pianist and polymath Tzimon Barto; the star baritone Matthias Goerne (whom Eschenbach has often accompanied in lieder recitals); and the violinist Jennifer Koh. Can Christoph Eschenbach and the National Symphony Orchestra give each other a fresh start?
  • The medieval church knew no choral polyphony, only the ensemble of three or four soloists, drawn from alto, tenor, and baritone voices.
  • Then Alec's heart stood still as this was followed by a sudden burst of singing in a lively, but slurred, baritone. THE THIRD CLASS GENIE
  • Accompanying them were the Bushwack Horns - a four-piece horn section of trumpet, trombone, baritone and alto sax, which played on the band's latest disc Palace Of Gold.
  • Vocal score for 2 soprano voice solos, 2 mezzo soprano voice solos, 3 tenor voice solos, 2 baritone voice solos, SATB chorus and piano accompaniment. Series: G. Schirmer Opera Score Editions.
  • Two blocks up Fifth Avenue, at the terrace of Rockefeller Centre, two women and a man in Salvation Army uniforms played hymns on three trumpets in close harmony (a change from yesterday, when that stand bad been occupied only by an Army officer with a baritone saxhorn which he could barely play), but they didn't matter - the men weren't working Rockefeller Centre any more, having already done for that area. Anywhen
  • Rick Turner builds great instruments; he makes all of the weird stuff I love, including an electric mandocello and baritone 12-string.
  • Devoted to music by American composers, it included songs by John Alden Carpenter and Charles Ives sung by the American baritone Victor Prahl with Messiaen at the piano.
  • Perhaps most easily observed, is Obama's way of ending statements with a decrescendo – settling his statement into a soft landing in the deeper part of his baritone range. The 'Obama Effect' on Our Language
  • They also allowed the tenor roles of Homonay and Zsupán to be sung by a baritone and a bass-baritone, respectively.
  • Hawley's style, his sturdy baritone singing songs that combine hints of country with pre-rock pop and orchestral flourishes overlaid with healthy dollop of reverb, has a robust appeal.
  • However, don't country the whole equilibrise soured apiece month; permit a lowercase listing over at small every digit months. phytologist don't revalue accounts paying in flooded apiece month. solon important, paying accounts don't bourgeois into the assign reason as such as an statement with a baritone balance. Xml's
  • Ms Laitman's Holocaust, 1944 comprises five songs written for baritone and double bass.
  • Certainly not ghastly Bartoli with her thin, quivering sound and facial contortions, and definitely not Gilfry with his tight baritone pushed beyond the bounds of vocal beauty for the sake of (near) audibility. Ain't It a Pretty Night
  • He was phenomenal, because I played this instrument called the baritone horn and he was told he had to understudy me in five days. CNN Transcript Jun 17, 2008
  • Robert Goulet, the handsome, big-voiced baritone whose Broadway debut in "Camelot" launched an award-winning stage and recording career, has died. R.I.P. Porter Wagoner
  • As guitars wail out of control and gospel choruses wail like baritone banshees, it becomes obvious that screwing and chopping has only begun to touch upon its potential.
  • It was recorded onto a miniharddrive recorder with built in mic's (gotta get me one of those things) and was edited a bit by one of our fabulous baritones - but that is it ... and it sounds just as good as a professionally engineered recording (in mp3 format). Archive 2007-04-01
  • The group of unaccompanied voices comprises bass, baritone, tenor, mezzo-soprano and soprano.
  • Soft paper therapy in massage, astir release, graston, causing point, and a patron of fleshly therapy modalities much as light/low take laser, IFC ultrasound, microcurrent, and baritone oftenness approaches. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The group of unaccompanied voices comprises bass, baritone, tenor, mezzo-soprano and soprano.
  • The group of unaccompanied voices comprises bass, baritone, tenor, mezzo-soprano and soprano.
  • His post-bop records in recent years show his versatility in playing tenor, soprano, baritone and alto saxophones, and his concert will surely be among the more stimulating at the festival.
  • The basses are really light, high baritones, and I miss a certain richness in the sound.
  • A typical cumbia is performed with a male singer (usually a high baritone or tenor) backed by a male chorus, drums (primarily kettledrum and bass drum), electric guitar and bass, and either a brass section or an accordion.
  • The German baritone is at the peak of his powers in this superb selection of songs with piano. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their trips ranged from traveling in the back of a convertible and staying in a nice hotel to long, hot bus rides and being lodged in a stockade, said Sandee McClammy, a baritone player from Mesquite, Texas.
  • Finally, just as it was getting to be too much, a bell gonged, and a magnificent baritone announced dinner was served. The Hundred-Foot Journey
  • What is it about the baritone voice? Times, Sunday Times
  • Paul Watson, part of Sparklehorse's touring band, turns up here playing coronet (and baritone guitar on the album's final song).
  • It may be that his deep baritone appeals to people's caveman instincts of what constitutes a strong and competent leader. Times, Sunday Times
  • Give me a Sephardic baritone with Ladino melodies and I'm in davening heaven. David Suissa: A Woman's Spiritual Edge
  • The Welsh baritone Bryn Terfel sang three of Hans Sachs' monologues with a depth of dramatic penetration that was awesome.
  • On Sings Pajo introduced his shaky baritone to the world along with a new-found talent for writing great rootsy folk.
  • Many baritone players are guys who couldn't really hack it as trumpet players.
  • The weathered face on TV, the weathered voice on radio, the Camel cigarette, his decision to end his adulterous affair with Pamela Churchill when his son was born, his savvy baritone as he righteously confronted Sen. Joseph McCarthy. Cool Is as Cool Was
  • The British baritone seems born for this role, and his resonant singing is matched with a comic portrayal rich in sardonic humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were treated to live vocals from a soprano, baritone, alto and tenor.
  • ‘The Only Son,’ from 1947, is actually a little scena for mezzo, tenor, and baritone, with piano.
  • His soft voice falls somewhere between a baritone and a tenor.
  • But wait until you hear the gorgeous "Some Enchanted Evening" and "This Nearly Was Mine" as sung by bass-baritone David Pittsinger, who portrays Emile de Becque, the smooth French wooer of the cockeyed American optimist, Ensign Nellie Forbush. Smooth sailing
  • Mr Barnes is one of England's leading baritone, alto and tenor saxophone players.
  • Your teachers were all baritones and even your tenor voice has a distinct baritonal touch to it…
  • Aside from his big baritone and wide range of singing styles, he's a rugged guy who loves the great outdoors.
  • Crey's voice was a deep baritone that struck her as slightly out of place coming from such a slender build of a man, but what shocked her more was the bow of his head in deference that accompanied his words.
  • Jack's baritone voice rumbled through the empty halls.
  • Low instruments such as tuba and baritone horn make a sonic imagining of the hippo.
  • This is the first time I've heard of a baritone singing it.
  • Sadly, a close examination of this portrait reveals paint-by-numbers outlines faintly detectable behind the color and texture of Callahan's unique baritone.
  • Soprano Inva Mula is an exceptionally strong and vocally expressive Marguerite, and tall, imposing bass-baritone Paul Gay is ideally cast as a dapper and ironic Mephistopheles. Less Is More for 'Faust'
  • His bass baritone is rich and meaty, just like his heart.
  • Stanley Spencer for his paintings of allotments, David Hockney for his draughtsmanship, and baritone and conductor Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau for his attention to detail. Portrait of the artist: Thomas Allen, baritone
  • John joined the band in 1957 as conductor and served in that role and on the euphonium, baritone and bass until ill health forced his retirement in 2000.
  • Ian Storey is a wonderfully swaggering Pinkerton and his powerful baritone proves the perfect counterpoint to Butterfly's swooning.
  • That smile and that honeyed baritone make a lethal combination. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are seven women and five men, comprising five sopranos, three mezzo sopranos, two tenors and three baritones.
  • Bob Efford offers an impressive baritone sax solo, and if you were curious, Joe Sample's the guy at the organ.
  • Its big tune, a duet for tenor and baritone, is apparently England's perennial number one favorite. Archive 2007-05-01
  • Young baritone Andrew Schroeder has sung the title role in Brussels and New York City, and it sounds like he owns it.
  • Only an Old Servant could maintain such correctness, only a trained baritone could produce such a resonant mezza voce. HUMAN VOICES
  • Soon the singer with the smooth baritone and straight-up style revolutionized the genre, spurring the so-called neotraditionalist movement that produced some of country's biggest stars. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Baker responds with two stunning performances, even though I have to overcome my resentment that she's snatched a solo cantata usually taken by baritones and basses.
  • Netanyahu triumphs in international baritone conte ... Nazi bovine overlords set to rule for 1000 years
  • Eventually the set drifts into soft-jazz balladry but not before his rich baritone has stirred your soul. Times, Sunday Times
  • His parents were stars of the zarzuela, the Spanish form of operetta, and he began singing minor baritone roles in his parents' company. Times, Sunday Times
  • He strummed a slow tune, his rich baritone filling the air.
  • The only parallel is DeRosa's soft voice, falling somewhere between a baritone and a tenor.
  • He sang in his rich baritone.
  • He will preside at the piano while the baritone Kenneth Holton handles the vocal chores.
  • The one that really got me going, though, and far more suitable for my bass-baritone, was a real tear-jerker of the kind we loved way back when.
  • Usually the three classes of voices receive different treatment, one form of instruction being used for sopranos and tenors, another for mezzo-sopranos and baritones, and a third for altos and bassos. The Psychology of Singing A Rational Method of Voice Culture Based on a Scientific Analysis of All Systems, Ancient and Modern
  • Shrill female voices battled against rumbling baritones and bassos. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • I've gone from a tenor to a baritone. The Sun
  • By profession he was a baritone and musicologist.
  • While certain classically trained actors view time spent in Hollywood as some combination of craven, shameful and selling-out, Mr. Stewart — whose baritone is, as ever, like dark jam — refuses any part of that script. Spacecraft to Stage Craft
  • My distinguished colleagues include the legendary tenor Plácido Domingo, as well as counter-tenor David Daniels, mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, bass-baritone Luca Pisaroni, soprano Lisette Oropesa, and counter-tenor Anthony Roth Costanzo. Danielle de Niese: Inspired to Inspire
  • From Ken Burns's epochal series "The Civil War" to "The American Experience," his baritone is the voice of the past for two generations of PBS viewers. Rethinking Washington
  • For 25 years he has hosted the nationally syndicated radio show Loveline — toneless voices of teens, some of whom can barely phrase their distress, calling in with misunderstood gayness or drug queries or parent problems or never-ending boners, each issue calmly and compassionately addressed in the Pinsky baritone. Retching With the Stars
  • My first teacher was a failed bass-baritone who had me singing big dramatic arias.
  • The all-male line-up is two countertenors, one tenor, two baritones, and one bass.
  • The one that really got me going, though, and far more suitable for my bass-baritone, was a real tear-jerker of the kind we loved way back when.
  • Bass baritone Donnie Ray Albert imbued each of the five sections with intense, dramatic power.
  • Michael, who you may know from his great band La Laque, sings and plays baritone ukulele.
  • Yet you can't conjure a baritone voice by simply pressing a switch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The former features the great baritone Alfred Drake at his exuberantly hammy best; the latter boasts an incredibly catchy, tune-filled score by Hollywood stalwarts Jay Livingston and Ray Evans. Mining Broadway's Musical Riches
  • His warm, grainy baritone is still so closely identified with such familiar ballads as "Stardust" and "The Christmas Song" that it 's hard to imagine anyone else performing them. Unforgettable in More Than One Way
  • Technically, Bruce is known as a bass baritone but within that he has been able to sing a variety of roles.
  • Do you sing bass or baritone?
  • The Miami rapper is an enunciator of the highest order, his voice a tidal wave baritone. Album review: Rick Ross, "Teflon Don"
  • The string section repeatedly cut through his fraught baritone with great sheets of emotional counterpoint.
  • On ‘Who’, she lets her voice plunge into the lower registers, with an almost rumbling baritone.
  • With his rich baritone and powerful stage presence, Davis made his mark as an actor, playwright, and spoken-word artist over a distinguished career that lasted nearly 60 years.
  • Trouble began at once with the vocalists for my first concert, fixed for 14th November, as the baritone, Hauser, who was to sing 'Wotan's Farewell' and Hans Sachs's 'Cobbler Song,' was ill and had to be replaced by a voiceless though well-drilled vaudeville singer. My Life — Volume 2
  • He could play the huge, bluff baritone saxophone with a tenderness that has seldom been equalled. Times, Sunday Times

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