
How To Use Barite In A Sentence

  • The Brushy Basin sediments contain numerous chalcedony pseudomorph-after-barite concretions that range to more than 30 cm in diameter.
  • The most common ores of barium are barite and witherite.
  • Call me an idle sybarite, but I value this capability.
  • So excessive was the Roman horror of obscenity that even physicians were compelled to use a euphemism for _urina_, and though the _urinal_ or _vas urinarium_ was openly used at the dining-table (following a custom introduced by the Sybarites, according to Athenæus, Book XII, cap. 17), the decorous guest could not ask for it by name, but only by a snap of the fingers (Dufour, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 174). Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • The order of deposition for the main vein minerals typically is dolomite, barite, and quartz.
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  • BONUS Euro-Indian fusion restaurant and bijoux four-room spa for sybarites — mountain-biking, kite-flying and fort-hopping for active types.rasaresorts. in; from $345 a night Rajasthan's New Crown Jewel Hotels
  • It is dominated by the deposition of calcite with minor pyrite, marcasite, barite, anhydrite and gypsum.
  • Barite, sphalerite, and calcite are the most abundant vein minerals; pyrite, kaolinite, chalcopyrite, galena, and wurtzite are less common.
  • Concretions of chalcedony after barite can be confused with cycads, and the wise collector must learn to differentiate between the two.
  • Possible substitutes for barite, especially in the oil drilling industry, include other similar minerals, such as celestite (strontium sulfate, SrSO4) and iron ore. Barite
  • Other minerals associated with the orpiment crystals are white to colorless barite crystals, lemon-yellow crystalline masses of sulfur, and minor realgar.
  • Australian TV executives were wary of such a project and its unabashed depiction of such swaggering women but Riley and Turner persevered and eventually won the day, delivering a classy, confident spoof of suburban sybarites.
  • Most specimens are on a typical brown goethite matrix and may have associated calcite, plattnerite, barite, fluorite, and hemimorphite.
  • They sometimes are found together with dolostone concretions, barite nodules, or phosphatic nodules.
  • Someone who chooses a triple-choc biscuit instead of an oatmeal and raisin one is a sybarite, a pleasure-seeker. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main ore minerals are galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and tetrahedrite that are associated with quartz and barite gangue.
  • True sybarites can indulge in alfresco massages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Intermediates who want to build their confidence and technique on a big network of connected pistes should look elsewhere, but for sybarites, party people and adrenaline freaks, it's the place to be.
  • As a travel writer and a sybarite, I have visited numerous spas around the world. Andrea R. Vaucher: Along For The Ride: Miyako Hybrid Hotel
  • Supergene, manganiferous clay umbers are intimately associated with both the iron and barite deposits.
  • These sedimentary rocks contain a high percentage of volcanic ash that provides the barium necessary for barite formation.
  • Morocco is a haven for backpackers and sybarites alike. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vug-filling minerals are barite, calcite, celestine, dolomite, sphalerite, and strontianite.
  • The mining of nonmetallic ores - fluorspar, witherite, and barite (known locally as baryte) - in the Northern Pennines began about the time lead and iron mining were in serious decline.
  • He cannot go on being a mendacious sybarite inside and outside Parliament, and get away with it.
  • As a flat, infertile protectorate of Britain, isolated at the northern fringe of the Leeward chain, you might expect it to offer nothing to sybarites, particularly in matters of food.
  • When a man lives in a multi-million dollar mansion and makes a hundred million a year, his kids are more than likely to become drug-using sybarites.
  • They were sybarites who enjoyed power and indulgence.
  • The barite ore is massive and occurs within residuum derived from carbonate units.
  • Vein minerals are ferroan dolomite, barite, calcite, pyrite, and quartz.
  • Spectacle is the best word to describe the show; as it would enthuse the most jaded sybarite.
  • Hope it's repeated as we'll be out being sybarites.
  • The mining of nonmetallic ores - fluorspar, witherite, and barytes (commercial barite ore) - in the northern Pennines began about the time lead and iron mining were in decline.
  • White to yellowish calcite often fills the central part of the agate and must be dissolved away to expose the quartz, which is common, and the barite, which is less common.
  • The main ore minerals are galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and tetrahedrite that are associated with quartz and barite gangue.
  • Those who went had five stops on the trip and collected celestine, ulexite, malachite, duftite, alunite, rosasite, barite, cerussite, smithsonite, and wulfenite.
  • Recently, one of us saw a bin of silicified barite concretion fragments in a Utah rock shop that were being sold as cycad specimens.
  • The vertical miler mills applied to producing non-metallic minerals such as ground calcium carbonate, barite, pyrophyllite and others were discussed.
  • Calcite and barite actually crystallize after the formation of chalcedony and quartz cease and often infill or possibly cause subsequent fracturing of the agate.
  • The carnelian fortifications in these limbs are typical of the colorful chalcedony serving as cementing agents in conglomerates and replacing barite crystals and other fossils in the Brushy Basin sediments.
  • A spokesman for Calgary-based Blackfire Exploration Ltd. confirmed that an employee, a former employee and a one-time company contractor were arrested in the Nov. 27 murder of Mariano Abarca Robledo, who had led local opposition against Blackfire's barite mine in Chicomuselo, Chiapas. (south of Comitan) Plan Puebla-Panama. Yay or Nay?
  • And suddenly the fifty-cent tip previously bestowed upon the servitor seemed, to one unexpectedly fallen heir to the princely fortune then in P. Sybarite's pockets, the very nadir of beggarliness. The Day of Days An Extravaganza
  • There were many little touches that even a jaded sybarite like me appreciated. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shoots and stalks themselves are casts composed of combinations of chalcedony, quartz, calcite, and barite.
  • Ertegun, a jet-setting sophisticate and sybarite who was hipper than his competitors, proved irresistible to rockers and their managers, and he landed the best and bestselling of the British bands including Cream, Led Zeppelin, and ultimately the Rolling Stones. Fortune’s Fool
  • The mountain is one of the most important deposits of barite, a barium bearing mineral that exhibits more gravity than any other mineral with no metallic constituent elements with the exception of uraninite.
  • Among these are barite or heavy spar (BaSO4), used as a pigment, which is found in the strata of the Kirtland shale; siderite or brown spar Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
  • Paragenetic evidence indicates that the manganese oxides are pre-or syngenetic with respect to the barite.
  • At Azegour, Morocco, uraninite occurs in tactite with molybdenite, chalcopyrite, barite, pyrite, hematite, and garnet.
  • These molds are now lined with crystals of celestine, fluorite, pyrite, strontianite, dolomite, calcite, sphalerite, and barite.
  • Golden barite crystals are well known from the locality.
  • The mineral barite is a heavy white sulphate of barium, frequently called "barytes" or "heavy spar. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Vein minerals are barite, calcite, chalcopyrite, galena, pyrite, and sphalerite.
  • I've encountered people who lived as self-involved sybarites for years but assumed a new Christian identity in middle age.
  • Silica, iron and barite mineralizations are widespread along the basal detachment.
  • I waddle around out here, a pale old thing among all these tanned sybarites. 52449_CLARA
  • The main ore minerals are galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and tetrahedrite that are associated with quartz and barite gangue.
  • And the black smoker chimneys here, unlike most others in the world, are not built of sulfide minerals but of barium sulfate, aka barite.
  • After an evening of excess and a day of regret, even the most committed sybarite can be tempted to take the following night off. A New Year's Day Bordello
  • We have an indefinable impression that the rajah is a sensuous, indolent, extravagant sybarite, given to polo, diamonds and dancing girls, and amputates the heads of his subjects at pleasure; but that is very far from the truth. Modern India
  • True sybarites can indulge in alfresco massages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Purple cubes to 2.5 cm on edge are sometimes found with long bladed crystals of pink barite.
  • Gathering his slight person together, P. Sybarite crouched, quivered, jumped for glory and the Saints -- and all but brained himself on that impish and trickish grating. The Day of Days An Extravaganza
  • Barite, sphalerite, and calcite are the most abundant vein minerals; pyrite, kaolinite, chalcopyrite, galena, and wurtzite are less common.
  • There were many little touches that even a jaded sybarite like me appreciated. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vein minerals are barite, calcite, chalcopyrite, kaolinite, pyrite, sphalerite, and wurtzite.
  • Would you be kind enough to go back on deck and tell Kay that I said she's an uncultivated, ill-bred sybarite?
  • Vein minerals are barite, calcite, chalcopyrite, galena, pyrite, and sphalerite.
  • The barite and calcite form excellent euhedral crystals in concretions within the Cretaceous-age Mancos Shale.
  • It is dominated by the deposition of calcite with minor pyrite, marcasite, barite, anhydrite and gypsum.
  • Vein minerals are barite, calcite, chalcopyrite, kaolinite, pyrite, sphalerite, and wurtzite.
  • He is essentially a sybarite, renting a spacious palazzo by the Grand Canal, eating, drinking and, separated from his wife in England, womanising with zest.
  • Luxury amid coastal wilderness is beguiling but concerns locals, who fear too many sybarites will spoil the coast.
  • Its down-dip sulfide ores were sideritic and pyritic, with golden barite forming one of the gangue minerals.
  • In this section the barite zone occurs at the top of the first ridge, just above the transition from grass to bare shale.
  • The main gangue minerals are quartz and barite.
  • He suggested the name barium for the element based on the scientific name for the Bologna stone, barite.
  • A very small percentage of the concretions contain barite crystals.
  • Vein minerals are barite, calcite, chalcedony, and quartz.
  • In the largest pockets, pale blue barite crystals formed coatings to 1 cm thick on the calcite crystals.
  • Associated minerals include pyrophyllite, lazulite, quartz, various brightly colored iron oxides, barite, and a suite of microcrystalline phosphates.
  • Veins of white barite occupy fractures in thin seams of coal.
  • Vein minerals are barite, calcite, ferroan dolomite, and sphalerite.
  • All barites that fluoresce are phosphorescent for variable lengths of time after extended ultraviolet radiation exposure.
  • The Sherman mine has produced small, well-formed, pale blue, acicular aurichalcite crystals associated with cerussite, hemimorphite, smithsonite, rosasite, and barite.
  • About 200 are involved in exploration, and about 40 are running mines that are producing gold, silver, lead and other minerals including barite, which is used in oil and gas exploration. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Spectacle is the best word to describe the show; as it would enthuse the most jaded sybarite.
  • The crystals have a typical pseudo-octahedral habit, often with composite crystal faces, and are typically associated with red andradite, hematite, calcite, gaudefroyite, barite. kutnohorite, celestine, or even sturmanite.
  • Associated minerals include pyrophyllite, lazulite, quartz, various brightly colored iron oxides, barite, and a suite of microcrystalline phosphates.
  • They encouraged him, while in the city, to live like a sybarite.
  • Mineralization consists of zinc carbonate (smithsonite), silver-bearing galena (lead sulphide) and lesser malachite and barite. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Commonly associated minerals include orpiment, stibnite, a variety of sulfides and sulfosalts, calcite, and barite.
  • The crystallized barite at this location occurs in several closely spaced bands of calcite-cemented septarian concretions.
  • The order of deposition for the main vein minerals typically is dolomite, barite, and quartz.
  • Also, white barite crystals stained red by hematite can be found in the walls of the old pit, and cryptomelane as matted fibers often occurs with manganite crystals in quartz veins.
  • If the discharge is cooler, sulfate minerals such as barite typically precipitate, producing white ‘smoke.’
  • Actual Barite consumption will depend on hole condition while drilling.
  • Stoneham barite crystals have been on the market periodically since commercial operations took place about a decade ago.
  • The coarsely crystalline veins are composed predominantly of colorless barite and quartz and white chalcedony.
  • Without being a Sybarite, I certainly do prefer a comfortable pulu bed to one of ridgy lava, and the fire which blazes on this broad hearth to the camp-fire on the frozen top of the volcano. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • The crystallization of barite followed the calcite and quartz.
  • The district also produced many other mineral species in attractive specimens, including honey-golden barite, fluorapatite, gold, polybasite, rhodochrosite, and tetrahedrite.
  • Vein minerals are aragonite, barite, calcite, dolomite, quartz, sphalerite, and whewellite.
  • Utterly sublime even for a dedicated sybarite.
  • Morocco is a haven for backpackers and sybarites alike. Times, Sunday Times
  • I waddle around out here, a pale old thing among all these tanned sybarites. 52449_CLARA
  • The mine was reopened in 1896 and worked by a succession of owners for witherite and barite until 1919.
  • Would you be kind enough to go back on deck and tell Kay that I said she's an uncultivated, ill-bred sybarite?
  • We looked at outcrops by the open pit and saw vugs everywhere with remnants of fluorite and barite crystals.
  • Calcite and barite actually crystallize after the formation of chalcedony and quartz cease and often infill or possibly cause subsequent fracturing of the agate.
  • One of their cities on the coast of Italy was called Sybaris, and it has given us the word "sybarite," which means a person who abandons himself to luxury. The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 25, April 29, 1897 A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls
  • Agatha turned off the motor and said, “Look at that wise old sybarite.” EVENING’S EMPIRE
  • Commonly associated minerals include orpiment, stibnite, a variety of sulfides and sulfosalts, calcite, and barite.
  • Those who went had five stops on the trip and collected celestine, ulexite, malachite, duftite, alunite, rosasite, barite, cerussite, smithsonite, and wulfenite.
  • As an illustration of the law we are considering, we may take the crystals of barite -- the mineralogical name of the chemical compound called baric sulphate. Religion and Chemistry
  • Two small dumps are exposed, affording an opportunity to collect some of the attractive microcrystals of rhodochrosite and crystals of apatite, gypsum, barite, goethite, marcasite, calcite, and chalcocite that are found there.
  • The nearby K - 2 deposit is very similar to the Kettle and contains, besides quartz, veins with calcite, ferroan dolomite, and minor chlorite, potassium feldspar, adularia, sericite, pyrite, and barite.
  • Barite, dolomite, and quartz crystals were scattered on the surfaces of the calcite.
  • In this case, the loss involved the drilling mud (water and clay with dense additives such as barite or hematite) that we've all heard so much about. Newswise: Latest News
  • Pseudomorphs of sphalerite after galena, tetrahedrite, barite, and calcite have been found; hemimorphite and smithsonite pseudomorphs after sphalerite are reported.
  • This is Naldhera perched way above sea level, with majestic views of the Shimla ridge, offering nature for the sybarite, hiking and rafting for the athlete and golf for those who are into handicaps and hole-in-ones.
  • The barite occurs as sheaves and clusters of tabular crystals, ranging from pale yellow to pale blue; exposure to sunlight is reliably reported to deepen the blue color.

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