
How To Use Baric In A Sentence

  • This year has heralded the completion of a four year project to upgrade a hypobaric chamber to meet Australian Standards.
  • Hare hunting is a cruel and barbaric pastime carried out without respect for our wildlife.
  • The death and torture camps, barbaric prisons for political opponents and routine beatings for anyone suspected of disloyalty are well documented.
  • Such an act would be cruel and barbaric and inhuman. Times, Sunday Times
  • And here the conquered men of Ind, swarthy horsemen and sword wielders, fiercely barbaric, blazing in crimson and scarlet, Sikhs, Rajputs, Burmese, province by province, and caste by caste. CORONATION DAY
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  • Tsimbls used to be strung with thinner strings and less tension, in contrast to the Hungarian-Romanian cymbaloms of today, which use piano wire strung with a barbaric tension of 40-50 kilos per string.
  • He would replace a government that is instituted to protect our inalienable rights with one that enforces his own barbaric moral code and bigotry.
  • Describing the women's attackers as "insensate" ( 'Lacking sense or the power to reason;' 'Foolish; witless'), the traditional leaders said the actions of Ngcukana's attackers were not only "barbaric", but unconstitutional in that they violated gender discrimination provisions. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Mr. Reynolds 'opinions are in stark contrast to the core values of the Champaign County Republican Party and are personally offensive to me," party Chairman Jason Barickman told the News-Gazette. Al Reynolds, Tea Party Candidate For Illinois Senate, Says Black Men Prefer Drug Dealing To Education
  • The Son of Anak, otherwise Rufus the Blue-Eyed, and also plebeianly known as Tots, rioted with him from brier-rose path to farthest orchard, scalped him in the haymow with barbaric yells, and once, with pharisaic zeal, was near to crucifying him under the attic roof beams. Local Color
  • He spent many hours each week inside a $1,2000 hyperbaric chamber and sprawled on silver-lined "earthing" sheets that are purported to speed the recovery of tissues. Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • Prosecutors alleged that the coach Jason Stinson is responsible for running what they call a barbaric practice forcing players to run sprints with very little water. CNN Transcript Sep 8, 2009
  • No. To me the idea that words or taunts can enrage somebody to kill and act out of anger, and our judicial system says that's okay, is barbaric.
  • On Israel's current aerial invasion of Lebanon, Meris Lutz of The Daily Star Lebanon writes, 'Israeli attacks have been barbaric. Abstraction vs. murder
  • This mask is as barbaric as the chastity belt. The Sun
  • Why do we protect a country with barbaric laws and treatment of women? The Sun
  • Objective To discuss the apparatus of inspired oxygen in hyperbaric oxygen ( HBO ) chamber for patients after tracheotomy.
  • Amara found this imprisonment rather crude and barbaric.
  • Hunting with dogs is a cruel, barbaric and unnecessary pastime.
  • It was a gradual understanding of the sheer wrongness of my actions by my participation in such a cruel, barbaric industry.
  • On this was a small cabin constructed of slabs, of baric-covered wood. Ralestone Luck
  • My problem with the use of the word barbaric is that it was chosen to reassure Canadians rather than actually change unacceptable behaviours," he said. - Home Page
  • It's barbaric and unfitting of a young lady like you.
  • That is cruel and barbaric, not to mention uncaring.
  • The Weather Bureau at Washington relies greatly on these isobars for statements concerning local and distant weather forecasts, any shift in isobaric lines showing change in atmospheric pressure. General Science
  • The organizers must do everything they can to prevent barbaric, inhumane acts of violence from occurring there.
  • Britain in 1954 was not barbaric towards its prisoners and miscarriages of justice were hardly common.
  • Once he was steeped in the timeless and barbaric ways of public school, he never told, never blabbed. SEA MUSIC
  • In descending order, the most common side effects observed during hyperbaric treatment are barotrauma (2% incidence), sinus squeeze, serous otitis, claustrophobia, reversible myopia, and new onset seizure (which occurs in 1-3 per 10,000 treatments) [8]. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • For all simulations, isothermal and isobaric conditions were assumed.
  • There is no way that in our modern, civilised society that we can allow this barbaric, medieval practice to continue.
  • Two years of barbaric fighting in the most inhospitable mountain terrain left 1m soldiers and civilians dead. Times, Sunday Times
  • He rejects empiricism, reason and logic for a primitive bloodlust that can only be described as barbaric.
  • It shows how ideas that seem absurd and barbaric to most of us nowadays were the undisputed norm only a century ago.
  • Widespread as it may be, it is nevertheless a way of thinking that is profoundly amoral, unethical and indeed barbaric.
  • Sidney and Pepper were with him, but at his quiet word they sat down obediently just inside the door and they didn't baric. The Fateful Bargain
  • Especially Africa, because I think conquest and advertisement and television and religion has succeeded in manipulating the international African people into a pool of consumership and cheap labour, and in the process has divorced us from admiration of our heritage and relegated our heritage to being primitive and backward and pagan and barbaric; and we've come to believe as a society that fallacy. - Home Page
  • She found the idea of killing animals for pleasure barbaric.
  • Their marriage was celebrated with barbaric pomp and festivity, at his wooden palace beyond the Danube; and the monarch, oppressed with wine and sleep, retired at a late hour from the banquet to the nuptial bed.
  • This thermobaric warhead creates a blast wave equivalent to that produced by the detonation of 2kg of TNT.
  • As soon as the Castilians came in sight, the Tlascalans set up their yell of defiance, rising high above the wild barbaric minstrelsy of shell, atabal, and trumpet, with which they proclaimed their triumphant anticipations of victory over the paltry forces of the invaders. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes
  • People still mistake barbaric satanism for Wicca.
  • In Washington, State Department spokesman Mark Toner called the Syrian attacks "barbaric," adding, "We don't throw the word 'barbaric' around here very often. Syrian soldiers take up positions before protests
  • Hence the virginal Elizabeth, who was chaste and civilised where her queenly predecessor was promiscuous and barbaric.
  • In a satirical perspective, it may be blaming us for disregarding funerary rituals, for keeping death in an undomesticated, barbaric status.
  • He was beginning to get a bellyful once again of the civilities and courtesies of those who were, supposedly, the opposite of barbaric. Superhero Prose Fiction: Brak - Brak the Barbarian 03 The Courts Of the Conjurer
  • a craving for barbaric splendor, for savagery and color and the throb of drums
  • It is a country ripped in half by civil war and the victim of barbaric violence. The Sun
  • Baric chloride" required 20.0 c.c. 20.0 c.c. 19.5 c.c. _Calcic chloride_ added 0 gram 1 gram 2 grams 5 grams A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • It is seen as barbaric, irrational, primitive and sexist.
  • The river was despotic and barbaric, ruling over its subjects without mercy.
  • There is one man who bears overwhelming responsibility for this disaster ; a man whose barbaric military tactics have caused the vast majority of those 400,000 deaths. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of them were from the barbaric tribes nearer the frozen Hub, which had a sort of export trade in heroes.
  • “Military” theory of virtue: almost barbaric (ex mea sententia hgd.). Cyropaedia
  • Contrary to what many believe, student-athletes on the football team are not the bunch of muscle-bound, barbaric bimbos that we are so often perceived to be.
  • That's right, Randy McCloy, Jr. is here because this is the closest facility to where he was in West Virginia that has what's called a hyperbaric chamber. CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2006
  • Specifically, he will head the development of the company's industry-leading Pressure Exchanger ™ (PX ™) isobaric energy recovery devices, advanced liquid turbo solutions, cutting-edge ceramics applications and all other energy-transfer technologies. Business Wire Travel News
  • She found the idea of killing animals for pleasure barbaric.
  • ‘The attack at the yeshiva was a barbaric murder of eight children who were engaged in religious study,’ read an op-ed in the daily Al-Watan. Muslims put the west to shame
  • The death penalty being spoken of for both is a barbaric obscenity that achieves nothing - except diminish everyone involved in executing the sentence.
  • The fundamental ambiguity of the love/hate, attraction / repulsion toward the other ultimately reveals the barbaric and primitive side hidden behind the cultured and civilized mask.
  • This diagram is the same as the one above except that the major pressure and wind zones have been replaced by a typical isobaric weather map.
  • barbaric use of color or ornament
  • The problem with this phrasing is that "barbaric," on one level or another, seems to modify "cultural" as well as, or rather than, "practices. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Nic, what do you know about the thermobaric bomb, that new bomb they use to hit caves?
  • The French-speaking conquerors of 1066 found none of this intelligible: to their ears Anglo-Saxon was barbaric and uncouth.
  • The Quran does not mention the word stoning even once, yet we see the so-called Muslim scholars defending this barbaric practice. Faheem Younus: Getting Clear On Rep. King's Muslim Hearings
  • The term barbaric seem to have goodness of fit for the situation described above.
  • Erpetoichthys calabaricus is distributed solely in tropical Africa, where it occupies habitats ranging from flowing rivers to flood plains and internal river deltas.
  • An assault weapon the Marines were using had been armed with warheads containing ‘about 35 percent thermobaric novel explosive and 65 percent standard high explosive.’
  • And the senators make it clear that no useful information came as a result of this barbaric behaviour. The Sun
  • Ptolemy (iv. 8) to his anthropophagi of the Barbaricus Sinus: according to their own account, however, the practice is modern. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Prosecutors charge that Max's coach, Jason Stinson, is responsible for running what they call a barbaric practice, forcing players to run sprints with little water. CNN Transcript Sep 9, 2009
  • The French don't like the Irish; they think they're wild, barbaric, and terribly uncivilized.
  • May we change barbaric, vulgar, and amoral political behavior via the political aesthetic?
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber United Kingdom www. "The word hyperbaric 'literally means high pressure'. - Articles related to These old eyes
  • Objective:To study the effect of hyperbaric oxygen and angiectasis on treating injuries of optic nerve after brain trauma.
  • Cultural anthropology has shown the modern world, the presumed apex of progress, to be often more cruel than supposedly barbaric societies. Christianity Today
  • Whatever we do, they will still cling to their barbaric customs.
  • The new superbomb, as he described it, was "the most terrible and barbaric weapon that has ever come into the hand of man. Hoover and Truman - Introduction by Richard Norton Smith
  • Many aikidoka have been led to believe that Daito-ryu is barbaric, unrefined, and spiritually bankrupt.
  • His accent is a weird mixture of Robert De Niro and Jimmy Durante, radiating guignol menace and barbaric handsomeness, especially when called upon to make an exhibition of himself as the grotesque civic celebrity he has become.
  • This paper analyse the quantity of pharmacy about thermobaric projectile , in order to calculate the explode super-press about along with enters the small diameter thermoba.
  • A barbaric regime turned the country in on itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sounds like a barbaric form of neuro-proprioceptive taping that is becoming more popular these days for treating and preventing many types of injuries: Improve Your Posture With Duct Tape | Lifehacker Australia
  • The interior ministers saw no reason to stop this inhumane and barbaric practice, however.
  • As usual the hunters show complete disregard, even contempt for people who live in this village many of whom, like me, are totally opposed to this wicked and barbaric pastime.
  • The Emperor is thus uncouth and barbaric in his wealth.
  • a thermobaric bomb can create overpressures equal to an atomic bomb
  • The sati is the epitome of the obedient wife, but her burning is irredeemably barbaric.
  • Proteome Sciences and Thermo Fisher Scientific have already been working together following the licensing of Proteome Sciences' isobaric mass tagging reagents. Laboratorytalk - laboratory industry news
  • The move follows pressure from animal rights groups and many vets who claim it is barbaric to dock tails for cosmetic reasons.
  • Some professors, lawyers, judges and doctors are making barbaric and inhuman decisions.
  • Pakistan's government has condemned the Mumbai assault as a "barbaric act of terrorism" and denied involvement by any "state institutions".
  • I'm writing this from the 33rd level of my basement lair, 666 feet under the soil of Montana, where I've hyperbarically enclosed myself in my badgerproof vault. Sadly, No!
  • All my children have been engaged in this right now, though they are biased about it being primitive, barbaric and a bit too demanding.
  • His arrangements fascinate - wild, barbaric, absolutely unscholarly - and yet he has absorbed and extended the musical essence of the originals.
  • Two years of barbaric fighting in the most inhospitable mountain terrain left 1m soldiers and civilians dead. Times, Sunday Times
  • One is an ethical commonplace, that slavery is intrinsically barbaric, regardless of the particular identification of the slaveholders and the enslaved.
  • For the education of the senses in general, such as in the tactile, thermic, baric, and stereognostic exercises, we blindfold the child. The Montessori Method
  • Activists countered that the killings are barbaric – and that dolphin meat is laced with dangerous toxins. 'The Cove''s Ric O'Barry Boycotts Taiji, Japan Dolphin Hunt Negotiations Over Media Restrictions, Meeting Ends In Bitter Disagreement
  • Another small preclinical study demonstrated improved tumor response for human rectal-carcinoma xenografts treated with PDT under hyperbaric oxygen.
  • Offers included turning one into a restaurant and another into a hyperbaric chamber - to help scuba divers suffering from the bends.
  • Gao told one church member who had been detained in a raid. "But I warn you that if you are too timid to confront their barbaric behavior, you will be completely defeated.
  • It's a devastating and barbaric act that defies all comprehension.
  • A roast is a regular act of barbaric comedy where the person gets roasted by her family and friends. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their conduct was not only inhumane and barbaric, it was also plainly illegal.
  • In compressed-gas diving, respirable gas is supplied to the diver (from the surface, from a diving bell or hyperbaric chamber, or from a scuba.
  • Criminals and pirates populated the coast, while the inlands were full of barbaric clans—and of course the usual roster of goblins and trolls that plague this world. End of Time
  • On their screens they could see vast plumes of smoke and dust pouring out of the mouths of the caves and bunkers hit by the thermobaric bombs their commander had ordered deployed a few hours earlier.
  • He is going to be undergoing what they call hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and that is said by doctors to help his neurological recovery. CNN Transcript Jan 5, 2006
  • He will make over to the ignominy of ignorant and barbaric ages, -- 'for we call a nettle but a nettle,' he will turn into a forgotten pageant of the rude, early, instinctive ages, the yet brutal ages of an undeveloped humanity, that triumphant reception at home, of the Conqueror of Foreign States. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • As a girl of fourteen she had left Natal with her parents and had "trekked," with other families, through the wild waste of country, into the unknown and barbaric regions in which she was destined to spend her youth. The Petticoat Commando Boer Women in Secret Service
  • It's much too barbaric and such things are left to bar fights and street brawls.
  • These included 10 anti-personnel mines, 20 land mines, four light anti-tank weapons, automatic rifles and ammunition, explosives and related material, and thermobaric weapons.
  • Until recently, the great objective was to free the peasants from the barbaric constraints of Nature.
  • History will judge the actions of your government as cruel and barbaric.
  • Such an act would be cruel and barbaric and inhuman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cultural anthropology has shown the modern world, the presumed apex of progress, to be often more cruel than supposedly barbaric societies. Christianity Today
  • But perhaps it is fitting that such a scheme be adopted by the most barbaric regime in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Barbaric independence had followed Greek and Roman slavery, which in turn was succeeded by feudal servitude, to reappear once more in the affranchised communes. Women Wage-Earners Their Past, Their Present, and Their Future
  • And there was certainly plenty of noise yesterday, as the unsilenced engines capable of turning at 18,000 revs a minute produced an array of screams and yawps: a barbaric cacophony or the music of the cylinders, according to taste.
  • Gold bracelets and anklets, and rings on his fingers and toes thickly studded with gems completed the picture of barbaric splendour, ‘their piece exceeding that of a fine city’.
  • To claim that God engages in this same capricious and barbaric behavior is to blaspheme God.
  • Suddenly, with banging tampani and the crash of cymbals, rattle of tambourines and beating of tomtoms, the barbaric Ethiopians of the dancing orchestra began their syncopated outrages against every known law of harmony -- swinging weirdly into the bewitching, tickling, tingling rhythm of a maxixe. The Voice on the Wire
  • Rome tried in the third century to control its increasingly unwieldy and threatened empire by instituting a dynarchy with Constantinople, then later formed a tetrarchy with four farflung capitals, all on the fringe of the barbaric hordes. Archive 2006-03-01
  • It is an atmosphere of terror and bloodshed, a devilish scene of chaos, a barbaric game which is not governed by human discipline, rules and regulations of the sport.
  • Hunting is a barbaric remnant from our primitive past.
  • They considered it the raw product - still do, in fact - and the idea of imbibing it would have been and still is weird, and even a little barbaric, to them. My Vinegar & Hard Cider Experiment
  • Ravenna, with barbaric pride, built her round-cinctured towers to the glory of the Exarchate. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 27, January, 1860
  • He guillotined existentialism just when we needed most to hear its howl, its barbaric yawp that there is something in common between God and all of us.
  • Those who authorised the use of White Phophorus and also thermobaric explosives, must also face trial.
  • Hunting has nothing to do with pest control and everything to do with a cruel, barbaric pastime.
  • I also had occasion to read the Talmud where I found the answer to the age-old question of why everybody hates the jews: barbaric jewish anti-gentilism or anti-goyism if you prefer. One Cult For Another | Jewschool
  • But perhaps it is fitting that such a scheme be adopted by the most barbaric regime in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • I sent her an e-mail entitled in Arabic, Didi baric (ph), which means take care. CNN Transcript Jan 21, 2006
  • The dastardly act which has caused so much pain and misery to the American people and indeed all peace lovers around the globe, was barbaric and devilish.
  • After living in that atmosphere of nebulous cosmopolitanism which is what we hypercivilised people have created in the world, it is everything to get back to the barbaric simplicity of the old love for country. Gossamer 1915
  • They tried oxygen under pressure in a hyperbaric chamber.
  • A civilised society would clearly give better legal options and improve the present barbaric practice. Times, Sunday Times
  • They know it makes the state look like a bunch of Neanderthals, with such a barbaric method.
  • The relations of the missionaries, who visited Tartary in the thirteenth century, (see the seventh volume of the Histoire des Voyages,) express the popular language and opinions; Zingis is styled the son of God, &c. &c.] [Footnote 8: Nec templum apud eos visitur, aut delubrum, ne tugurium quidem culmo tectum cerni usquam potest; sed gladius Barbarico ritu humi figitur nudus, eumque ut Martem regionum quas circumcircant praesulem verecundius colunt. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 3
  • A phase transition produced by isothermally increasing surface pressure can often be reversed during isobaric heating.
  • I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man.
  • I suspect that most rational New Zealanders would argue that this is not ethical development at all, but barbaric and uncivilised, and that these beliefs have no place with a State broadcaster.
  • For though the harpooneers, with the great body of the crew, were a far more barbaric, heathenish, and motley set than any of the tame merchant-ship companies which my previous experiences had made me acquainted with, still I ascribed this — and rightly ascribed it — to the fierce uniqueness of the very nature of that wild Scandinavian vocation in which I had so abandonedly embarked. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • Last week, as I was minding my own business, grazing and tending to my beloved little fawn, I was cut down in the prime of my life, pierced through my heart by a razor-sharp arrow delivered by a barbaric human. Anti-Deer-Hunting Billboard Goes Up in Kansas City
  • What draws regret and deploration is the fact that the secretary-general submitted this draft resolution on the same day the United States and Britain committed their corely (ph) colonial, barbaric attack on the people of Iraq on 19 March 2003. CNN Transcript Mar 21, 2003
  • Beethoven managed to put an end to this noble tradition by inaugurating a barbaric U-turn away from an other-directed music to an inward-directed, narcissistic focus on the composer himself and his own tortured soul.
  • (The Vandals were so barbaric and destructive that the modern term "vandalize" is derived from their name.) The Real Truth
  • They were convicted and executed, despite a massive outcry from all over the world against this barbaric treatment.
  • First, will this new society ever stop the cruel, barbaric treatment of farm animals that suffer from their birth to their horrific death?
  • A barbaric yawp of celebration might be in order.
  • I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man.
  • This guy defended his actions with these extremely lame statements that show how clueless he really is to how cruel and barbaric his actions were.
  • Those who don't like boys-only schools would say they are barbaric and uncivilised.
  • Now a hyperbaric is a long case, like a long glass case, into which they slide in the patient, and the turn up the atmospheric pressure in there, and the body is infused with pure oxygen. CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2006
  • Hence the virginal Elizabeth, who was chaste and civilised where her queenly predecessor was promiscuous and barbaric.
  • This barbaric practice should be banned immediately.
  • Another piece, "Musique Barbare (Barbaric Music)," an 1893 work in pencil, ink and watercolor, has never been publicly displayed in the United States, while "Pape Moe (Mysterious Water)," an oak bas-relief carved by Gauguin in 1894, has not been seen by the American public since the 1920s. 'Gauguin: Maker of Myth' at National Gallery showcases late-19th-century artwork
  • British psychiatrists viewed manacles and leg irons as barbaric symbols of the asylum's dubious past.
  • Attack and reprisal-increasingly barbaric and brutal by turn-have marked the conflict since then.
  • Burning of carcasses on pyres was described as ‘barbaric and medieval’.
  • His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre.
  • Supplemental oxygen or pressurized portable hyperbaric chambers should be used if descent is delayed.
  • Increasingly zoos look like relics of our barbaric past. The Sun
  • A high incidence of middle ear complications from hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been described in patients with artificial airways.
  • There is something barbaric, I suppose, in the British customs still -- something that reminds one of their ancient condition when the Romans conquered them -- when their supreme idea of enjoyment was to have an ox roasted whole before them while they drank "wassail" till they groveled under their own tables in a worse condition than overfed swine. Vendetta: a story of one forgotten
  • Perhaps she has forgotten that every year, millions of animals, including rabbits, minks, foxes, and raccoons, are trapped in the wild in barbaric steel-jaw leghold traps.
  • That would have been a cruel, barbaric and completely unnecessary level of violence, wouldn't it?
  • Libyan TV broadcast live pictures of what it called "barbaric crusader bombing" and warned citizens to keep away from ordnance, saying it could contain illegal chemical or biological substances. Is Muammar Gaddafi a target? PM and military split over war aims
  • They think our attempts to legislate morality are barbaric, puritanical and doomed to failure.
  • It uplifts the human spirit from the barbaric and thrusts it towards the numinous. Jason Silva: On Creativity, Marijuana and "a Butterfly Effect in Thought"
  • ‘We intend to eradicate this cruel, barbaric practice’, said a civil leader.
  • History will judge the actions of your government as cruel and barbaric.
  • Now, as he stood within the hyperbaric chamber of the minisub, he watched as Clark went about dogging the hatches.
  • This barbaric treatment of animals has no place in any decent society.
  • There isno coincidence when it comes to their barbaric schemes. 2009 is Starting Off with a Shameful and Criminal Bang
  • Objective To observe the effect of hyperbaric oxygen, rehabilitation training or acupuncture at Fengchi acupoint on pseudobulbar paralysis after stroke.
  • We too are firmly of the view that a line needs to be drawn on the barbaric and cruel country pursuits steeped in the feudal values of an age gone by.
  • In addition to the manifestly barbaric practice of home demolitions, the Israelis really 'excelled' in the widespread practice of physical and psychological torture, especially in the first few years of the Occupation. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • In that speech, the Russian president said policies based on what he called baric room principles are extremely dangerous. CNN Transcript Dec 7, 2004
  • I also hope now more than I ever did during my life that people wake up to what a barbaric punishment this is.
  • Now if it is barbaric to flog in school where it really should start, how can licks be of any help to a hard-back criminal?
  • During his specialist training he helped in the complex hyperbaric oxygen treatments and developed his lifelong interest in radiobiology and cancer research.
  • However, the nature of this isobaric degassing is fundamentally different from that which occurs during decompression.
  • The bottom line is there is some pretty barbaric treatment being handed out by both sides and very little love lost between the two. The Sun
  • The PX energy recovery device uses the principle of positive displacement and isobaric chambers to achieve extremely efficient transfer of energy from a high pressure waste stream, such as the brine stream from a reverse osmosis desalination unit, to a low-pressure incoming feed stream. Home Page
  • This barbaric act is indescribable and inexcusable. The Sun
  • This diagram is the same as the one above except that the major pressure and wind zones have been replaced by a typical isobaric weather map.
  • After marching solemnly round the idol three times this individual seated himself tailor-fashion before it, laid the instrument on his knees, and began to hammer upon it with a couple of sticks; whereupon we became aware that he was playing upon a rude imitation of a child's harmonicon, the keys of which appeared to be constructed of hard wood, out of which he managed to beat a very fair specimen of barbaric music. The Congo Rovers A Story of the Slave Squadron
  • Lobby your MP, otherwise our silence will allow this barbaric practice to carry on.
  • April 29th, 2008 3: 59 pm ET jiminy frickin christmas, i just looked at that picture!!! healthcare should be McBush's NUMBER ONE PRIORITY, that is a VERY sick, unhealthy looking man!!! his skin is always gray, he has serious issues with anger and self-control ... forget 3: 00 a.m. phone calls, this guy should be sleeping in a frickin hyperbaric chamber!!!!!!!!! McCain health care plan emphasizes personal responsibility
  • I saw that doco, it was awesome. well worth checking out because I agree that boxing is a horrible form of entertainment but what made Ali the greatest was that he transcended its barbaric nature. Cheeseburger Gothic » Gettin paid to watch TV…
  • State Department spokesman Mark Toner called the Syrian attacks "barbaric," adding, "We don't throw the word 'barbaric' around here very often. Syrian troops shell residential areas, kill 18
  • Baric chloride" required 20.0 c.c. 20.0 c.c. 19.7 c.c. _Ammonic chloride_ added 0 gram 5 grams 10 grams A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man.
  • These on analysis proved to consist of baric pentathionate with three molecules of water. Scientific American Supplement, No. 275, April 9, 1881
  • Past studies failed to show a therapeutic difference between hyperbaric and unpressurized oxygen therapy.
  • But true to form, there is no mention of any person being arrested and charged over this barbaric practice. The Sun

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