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How To Use Barbed wire In A Sentence

  • A tall, impenetrable wall with barbed wire and sharp metal spikes on top surrounded the entire complex.
  • Looking out of the bus window, I saw tank traps, sandbagged trenches, tank emplacements, barbed wire, low flying copters.
  • Now, in this land the path of the transgressor is strewn with barbed wire, and so my mistress got entangled in some loose strands that had uncoiled from the fence. Janey Canuck in the West
  • I followed him inside the rambling barbed wire, shaking my head and muttering “Cayuse?” Silver Zombie
  • The balls would soar out over the sand bags and barbed wire protecting our position, and into the perimeter, which happened to be mined heavily.
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  • There were also artillery batteries and thousands of yards of interlocking systems of barbed wire defences.
  • You may not, however, top your wall with broken glass or barbed wire without the consent of your local authority.
  • Also watch for cuts and abrasions from things like barbed wire fence, old machinery left hidden under tall grass, stickweeds and burrs.
  • I once witnessed a 7 pt being sawed from a barbed wire fence when I was about 8. Video Report: Montana Ranchers Untangle Locked Bucks
  • Be careful not to snag your coat on the barbed wire.
  • They jumped over countless hedges and a myriad of small streams and barbed wire, all set up to prevent what was happening now.
  • His property is fenced with barbed wire.
  • I closed my mouth and felt as though I had gargled with barbed wire.
  • My parents put braces on me to straighten my teeth, and in those days that was like wearing barbed wire in your mouth.
  • Major Bethell, OC of the guard, ordered his men to clear away the barbed wire in front of the lifeboats. THE LONELY SEA
  • The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire.
  • Danny had just caught his shirt and a bit of the skin underneath on some barbed wire.
  • Her hair got all tangled up in the barbed wire fence.
  • US soldiers guarding the gate usually stand about 20 yards from the road behind coils of barbed wire and concrete barriers.
  • The New Forest had become virtually a fortress of barbed wire and road blocks.
  • In modern French, the term has come to be used for portable barbed wire entanglements.
  • Instead of barbed wire and endless gray mud, it was surrounded by apple orchards, gardens, rivers and lakes.
  • He used barbed wire to attach crossbeams to posts and bailing wire to lash ocotillo canes to the crossbeams.
  • Some of Payne's photos have shades of creepiness: the barbed wire surrounding a turreted building or the cold grandeur of a crumbling marble staircase. Where Patients Once Sought Asylum - Culture - The Atlantic
  • Below the trench is a lace negligee of barbed wire, all the barbed wire the kibbutz had in 1948, and beyond that are Egyptian tanks, just where they stopped when they could go no farther. Zion's Vital Signs
  • rows of barbed wire protected the trenches
  • Because their feet are not large or strong enough to hold prey, shrikes find a crotch in a tree, a thorn, or barbed wire to hang their prey on while they eat.
  • Sometimes they'll throw barbed wire and any other refuse into these ponds, and the diver can be entrapped in that substance.
  • Lancashire County Council has moved to ease concerns over a barbed wire fence adjoining a public footway in Mount Lane.
  • He had first caught sight of her riding in a ploughed field beyond the barbed wire perimeter of the air base.
  • The factory was surrounded by barbed wire.
  • His coat was torn to ribbons by the barbed wire fence.
  • The barbed wire encirclement of about 40 metres by 10 metres encloses a hutment of the usual type, a large shed, a small building which is the guard room, and a small place which serves as a laundry and has a bathroom and the latrines. Work Camp 11017 GW
  • They advanced yard by yard, imposing a strict blockade with barbed wire and blockhouses.
  • I can just envision the future debate when that ineffectuality becomes more glaringly apparent: "We'll have to authorize an additional $23 Billion to add barbed wire to the top of the fence [or any other favorite fence enhancement], because folks are climbing over [or tunneling under, or going around, da, da, da] it! See One-Man, One-Vote Questioned on National TV, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • After passing through a series of lines, we were gathered into a chain-link holding pen, crowned with barbed wire, adjacent to the men.
  • She had driven slowly forward to the yellow demarcation line and the frightening folds of barbed wire.
  • barbed wire
  • In an attempt to rescue the truck's occupants, several people waded out to a high point of land and improvised a lifeline from barbed wire cut from a nearby fence and a spare tire as a buoy.
  • The familiar sadness of the ceremony was multiplied by its setting: a tawdry tar-paper barrack surrounded by strips of barbed wire which denied the parents of the honored soldiers the very freedom for which their sons had died.
  • She walked down a gravel drive towards a gate in the chain-link and barbed wire fence.
  • The place was littered with barbed wire and rotting lumber and a dozen old boats in various stages of decay.
  • Because their feet are not large or strong enough to hold prey, shrikes find a crotch in a tree, a thorn, or barbed wire to hang their prey on while they eat.
  • A troika of small boys, cocky and nervous proto-new Russians, lean over the rusting barbed wire and drool gobbets of spit onto his head.
  • Approaches were obstructed by anti-tank and anti-personnel mines and barbed wire, and covered by anti-tank guns and machine-guns.
  • The side was covered with a wooden palisade fence, with barbed wire on the top.
  • I am a sucker for rusty stuff - ramshackle windmills, a rotting singletree hanging on that hook where grandpa put it the last time he unhitched the team, plows, skillets, barbed wire.
  • Youths were clambering over barbed wire fences, climbing through skylight windows and running amok in the dark.
  • His jacket had been torn to shreds by the barbed wire.
  • Branches, taken off nearby trees, were interwoven into the barbed wire to screen it off from the camp's other section.
  • Probably no historical image would be harder to dislodge from the collective memory than that of the teak-headed, red-faced, white-moustached general, his tactics derived from long-ago cavalry maneuvers, sitting in a château headquarters well behind the lines as he orders waves of infantry across minefields and through barbed wire, forcing them like the Light Brigade itself “into the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell,” and into the waiting German machine guns. The Pity of War
  • Instead, the birds strike with their beaks and hook their fresh meat on thorns or barbed wire.
  • And in the next second, or fraction of second, as Jerry lifted and soared through the air, over the barbed wire of the rail and overboard, while Sniders were being passed up overside from the canoes, Tambi fired his next hasty shot. CHAPTER XI
  • Barbed wire zigzagged in front of the small houses and large Alsatians snarled at strangers from behind steel fences.
  • There is also a yard where one could at one time sit and look at the adjacent buildings through the barbed wire.
  • Wrestling legend Paul Heyman has slammed Rihanna for allegedly ripping off his idea of being wrapped up in barbed wire for the single cover for her current comeback single “Russian Roulette.” Rihanna “Rated R” Cover Art Revealed
  • Given the ferocious imagination of his subconscious, it's hardly surprising that his celluloid output is laced with lethal barbed wire.
  • The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye.
  • The chateau on the northern outskirts is a strongpoint of bunkers connected by tunnels, surrounded by dense minefields and barbed wire.
  • Usually about six feet wide and seven feet deep, the trenches were guarded by barbed wire and machine-gun posts.
  • The roads are rutted, often marked by open sewers, and pass by homes surrounded by walls topped with barbed wire or embedded shards of glass to repel intruders. Richard North Patterson discusses Eclipse
  • One field skirted the edge of a primary school, which was fenced off with barbed wire and guard posts.
  • The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye.
  • She wears three POW/MIA bracelets; sharing her right wrist with the bracelets is a symoblic loop of barbed wire, made from plastic. Bennett, Thomas W. Jr.
  • He also specialised in selling nails, iron, barbed wire, enamelware, Royal Dalton china and silverware from places like New York, Liverpool and London.
  • Others again DID reach the upper decks, found their way to the nearest fore or aft lifeboat blocked by rolls of athwartships barbed wire, and went below again to find some passage which would bring them up to a lifeboat no further away than twenty yards from where they stood. The Lonely Sea
  • A high chain-link fence crowned with barbed wire surrounds them.
  • Inside, set back from the perimeter wall about fifteen feet, was another fence, a chainlink job with barbed wire on top. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • You may not, however, top your wall with broken glass or barbed wire without the consent of your local authority.
  • Despite the cactus, this is clearly rangeland, and we carefully evade the barbed wire as we cross into the field.
  • All he knew was that everyone wanted it, wanted it badly, and that he was having a hard time keeping it…The sense of personal safety it gave him, the awareness that here at last was one object which he could actually depend on, the almost positive knowledge that it would one day actually save him, all of these comforted him as he lay rolled up in his two blankets and one shelterhalf with the rocky ground jabbing him in the flanks or as he toiled backbreakingly all day long at the never-ending job of putting up barbed wire. Ecstatic Days » 2009 » June
  • Several civilian employees at Cu Chi were later found dead in the barbed wire set out around the perimeter.
  • Sometimes walks over farmland can be bothersome with beasts, barbed wire and all.
  • On the rim of the roof, there was an iron fence rimmed with barbed wire.
  • They advanced yard by yard, imposing a strict blockade with barbed wire and blockhouses.
  • A barbed wire fence marks the boundary between the two communities.
  • At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall.
  • A huge stockyard for which they have a vested financial interest in corraling with space based barbed wire and harvesting on behalf of their own greedy appetites.
  • She was angry and spoke to me in barbed wire German which left my ear ragged and bleeding. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Due to shortages of iron and steel barbed wire entanglements were erected using wood posts hammered into the ground.
  • They were delivered to tar paper barracks in barbed wire compounds patrolled by soldiers. November 2004
  • The logic behind this was so that the artillery guns would destroy the German trenches and barbed wire placed in front of the trenches.
  • Then electrified hurricane barbed wire was looped across the top of the fence, its barbs laced with deadly blowfish toxin.
  • In the allotments, paths overgrown with nettles and docks are littered with squashed cans and chocolate wrappers between walls of rusting corrugated iron topped with barbed wire.
  • Before we started next morning, a huge herd of blesbok suddenly appeared on the scene, wildly galloping about in every direction, being continually brought up by the barbed wire fences of the farms. The Second Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers in the South African War With a Description of the Operations in the Aden Hinterland
  • There is also a yard where one could at one time sit and look at the adjacent buildings through the barbed wire.
  • His land is fenced with barbed wire.
  • Lorries are scattered around and a barbed wire fence encircles a large area around the building.
  • Concentration camps and small forts or blockhouses, which were strung together by 3,700 square miles of barbed wire fencing, became the chief means of achieving this end.
  • It was surrounded by a high chain-link fence topped with barbed wire. FLOATING CITY
  • This boundary is also marked for much of the way by the ancient equivalent of a barbed wire fence - a ditch and bank thrown up to restrict cattle, with a quickthorn hedge planted on top, which quite rapidly reinforces the barrier.
  • Looking out of the bus window, I saw tank traps, sandbagged trenches, tank emplacements, barbed wire, low flying copters.
  • And going to the facility, he asked all the usual questions: Is the campus fenced in with barbed wire?
  • His land is fenced with barbed wire.
  • Whenever Declan woke, his anxiety was worse than the day before, as if acid seethed in his belly and barbed wire cinched around his heart. Dreams of a Dark Warrior
  • Odds-on the chain would get caught under a shed or in the barbed wire of a fence - and the dog would die of thirst, hunger or strangulation.
  • On the other side of the double row of barbed wire a guard was standing still holding his rifle at the ready.
  • Benenson died in 2005 and yesterday his daughter Manya, 35, lit the Amnesty candle, symbolically ringed by barbed wire, in his memory, along with Wai Hnin Pwint Thon, a Burmese refugee whose father is serving a 65-year jail sentence for organising peaceful protests against the military junta in 2007. Amnesty International marks 50 years of fighting for free speech
  • Barbed wire, a web of railroads throughout the Great Plains, and enforcement of federal land laws all put an end to the open-range cattle industry and the great trails.
  • A tiled bathroom in an old safari lodge contains a frightening arsenal of confiscated weaponry - machetes, knives, bows and arrows tipped with hammered barbed wire; buffalo-size snares; gin traps powered by car springs.
  • Those hoping to visit it are stopped by a granite wall topped with barbed wire.
  • The car stopped when it hit a telephone pole - wrapped in barbed wire and chain-link fence.
  • He said he saw a little girl crying outside the barbed wire fence by the front gate of the former palace where he works.
  • The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire and escaped.
  • The clouds were coiled in stars like barbed wire. Times, Sunday Times
  • This results in a smashing encounter with a stranded SUV, its tires blown out by a barbed wire trap.
  • Major Bethell, OC of the guard, ordered his men to clear away the barbed wire in front of the lifeboats. THE LONELY SEA
  • At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall.
  • Yes, the bolster is drawn across the bed, with barbed wire entanglements and snipe holes arranged.
  • At night sentries were doubled, and most men found themselves on carrying parties, going back along communication trenches to bring up barbed wire, sandbags, ammunition, or trench-mortar bombs.
  • At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall.
  • In the allotments, paths overgrown with nettles and docks are littered with squashed cans and chocolate wrappers between walls of rusting corrugated iron topped with barbed wire.
  • British gunfire should have destroyed the barbed wire defences in front of the German trenches, but it had not, as the men found out when they crawled and ran towards the German lines.
  • In later years, she encouraged a succession of admirers to scramble after her over barbed wire and through hedge bottoms to find picnic places and hidden bowers and dells and burrows. Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
  • Our countryside remains disfigured by barbed wire, locked gates and threatening signs.
  • The perimeter wall was topped with shards of broken glass and coils of rusted barbed wire. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • At its worst, it feels like someone has pounded a strip of barbed wire into the fleshiest part of the knee. Billings Blog
  • Ordinary galvanized barbed wire can be used between the tubes to provide reinforcement, and to make the structures resistant to earthquakes.
  • The next cluster of ugly barracks surrounded by barbed wire would be even bleaker because it was unfamiliar.
  • Small patrol helicopters hovered over the treetops beyond the barbed wire.
  • Uninitiated onlookers could be forgiven for thinking that maybe the wearer had crawled or climbed over a barbed wire fence that took its toll upon the rugged garment.
  • Nature is 'sheep's wool on barbed wire,' equipment such as a harrow pin, sledge-head, or trowel, as if its center were protrusive objects and not recessive vistas. Heaney Agonistes
  • It could have been the result of the considerable activity then going on along the coastline by defence preparations, with the laying of landmines and barbed wire entanglements.
  • There are many ways to misuse cowhide (especially that with the hair still in place), steer horns, and ‘decorative’ barbed wire.
  • Plots of land have been demarcated by barbed wire.
  • The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire.
  • In the months and years to follow, it would harden into a massive barrier of concrete blocks, barbed wire, machine gun towers, and minefields.
  • The barbed wire is, er, a piece of rusty barbed wire about 120 mm long - with one barb.
  • That opening stutter of the Mars theme is just a musical interpretation of machine guns; you can see the jerky film of the Tommies going over the top, tripping over the barbed wire and being cut down.
  • That ride into the blue did not encourage the cavalry to the belief that they would be of real value in a warfare of trench lines and barbed wire, but for a long time later they were kept moving backward and forward between the edge of the battlefields and the back areas, to the great incumbrance of the roads, until they were "guyed" by the infantry, and irritable, so their officers told me, to the verge of mutiny. Now It Can Be Told
  • Surrounding the entire perimeter of the fence was a long line of barbed wire, spiky and foreboding.
  • The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye.
  • His coat was torn to ribbons by the barbed wire fence.
  • Hardware such as nails, screws, tools, axes, mops, brooms, rakes, rope, tubs, mousetraps, flashlights, batteries, and barbed wire could be purchased.
  • As it was I was spared splatting straight into the ground by the fortuitous placement of a barbed wire fence.
  • He soon plans to spend a few grand on some shouse 4th hand ute for to carry barbed wire and star pickets in. The Road to Surfdom
  • There were no hills, only flat barren fields growing an excrescence of barbed wire between themselves and the enemy. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The Anston Center for Youth was a red brick former forge now yarded in barbed wire. The Worst Years of Your Life
  • At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall.
  • The barbed wire fence round the perimeter discouraged intruders.
  • I raced over, to find a young female boxer I would later learn she was called Evita struggling with some barbed wire. How to Speak Dog
  • I stood in a deep trench with members of various companies waiting for the whistle to jump out and low crawl to the barbed wire.
  • On the other side of the double row of barbed wire a guard was standing still holding his rifle at the ready.
  • The prisoner finally managed to disentangle himself from the barbed wire.
  • At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall.
  • Oscar Hansen has seen a lot of cars almost spin Out on the long turn and come up through his barbed wire.
  • The silent, malodorous site was surrounded by a corrugated tin fence topped with coils of barbed wire.
  • After several attempts, inventors developed the barbed wire that we know today.
  • In that film too, the Berlin I saw was a grim city, divided into east and west by a wall topped with barbed wire.
  • But after walking for about fifty yards we came to another thinner wall of barbed wire with a gate in it.
  • Barbed sutures are a bit like barbed wire that have little cuts in the side of the suture, allowing the barb to catch when it is passed through tissue.
  • Surrounded by a concrete rampart and a barbed wire fence, the settlers' caravans are parked between the wreckage of quarters used by Egyptian officers before the territory's capture in 1967.
  • On the pretext that the statue was about to be attacked, the army erected a barbed wire fence around the area on May 25 and posted soldiers to guard the edifice.
  • In modern French, the term has come to be used for portable barbed wire entanglements.
  • They forced their way through a wall of brush and then took wire cutters to a rusting barbed wire fence that stood in their way.
  • Both sides were closed off by large, steel mesh fences with barbed wire at the top, curling around the top support pole in a disarranged, uninviting pattern.
  • His land was fenced with barbed wire.
  • The barbed wire fence round the perimeter discouraged intruders.
  • On the pretext that the statue was about to be attacked, the army erected a barbed wire fence around the area on May 25 and posted soldiers to guard the edifice.
  • The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire.
  • But frequent notice-boards observing that when the red flag is flying it is dangerous to walk any further, barbed wire, excavations of gravel, and sand trampled by cavalry horses into a paste like wet coaldust may temper the warmest enthusiasm. Highways and Byways in Surrey
  • One was a rough mangy mut that looked like it had been caught in barbed wire or a fight. How many of you own private land and what do you do if you see a dog running around and you know that dog is chasing deer away f
  • His property is fenced with barbed wire.
  • The village and its fields were enclosed by barbed wire which separated their greenness from the bleakness of the enmity all around. Shimon Peres - Nobel Lecture
  • Or do we just have to invest in barbed wire and sit and wait for the anarchy to descend? on November 6, 2008 at 7: 59 am | Reply PC Disgruntled An Inspector Speaks Out « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Given the ferocious imagination of his subconscious, it's hardly surprising that his celluloid output is laced with lethal barbed wire.
  • A chair made entirely of nails, barbed wire, tacks, and sand paper would be more comfortable.
  • He had first caught sight of her riding in a ploughed field beyond the barbed wire perimeter of the air base.
  • And going to the facility, he asked all the usual questions: Is the campus fenced in with barbed wire?
  • After the Wall was laid out in barbed wire in 1961, she and her husband were denied permission to go to the West to obtain the medicine that was keeping him alive. Daimnation!: "Stasiland"
  • And yet, this is also a noise-pop band: Beneath the layers of instrumentation, the music is propped up on barbed wire, unsteady and ready to topple.
  • She had driven slowly forward to the yellow demarcation line and the frightening folds of barbed wire.
  • One was a rough mangy mut that looked like it had been caught in barbed wire or a fight. How many of you own private land and what do you do if you see a dog running around and you know that dog is chasing deer away f
  • This sun loving plant is well suited to grow on both barbed wire or other fences, arbours and trellises.
  • But surrounding him with threats, a kind of theological barbed wire, is another thing. Deepak Chopra: Making Muhammad Safe
  • His jacket had been torn to shreds by the barbed wire.
  • Given the ferocious imagination of his subconscious, it's hardly surprising that his celluloid output is laced with lethal barbed wire.
  • The van enters past a checkpoint manned 24/7 in a gate on a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire.
  • Halfway down a chain-link topped with barbed wire separated us from the south end of the grounds.
  • Corrected to reflect that the correct sadistic flesh gouging implement of the period was not barbed wire, but barbed whips.
  • We’ve no barbed wire compound at all here; and, within bounds, can wander about the environs pretty freely. Work Camp 1203 L
  • There is a minimum range which if the hoard was able to reach would require the artillery be either moved or abandoned, but the numbers destroyed up to that point would be huge Also, though a theoretical zombie hoard would be able to overcome conventional countermobility measures such as concertina wire or barbed wire entanglements by simply climbing over the zombies entangled in the obstacle, arranging such defenses in depth would deplete the horde as more and more of the zombies became part of the landscape.
  • Both Ceuta and Melilla are now surrounded by 10-foot fences studded with guard towers and movement sensors, topped with barbed wire and halogen searchlights.
  • The horned lizard Phrynosoma mcalli apparently uses the horns on its head to deter the shrike, a bird fond of impaling lizards on thorns or barbed wire for later consumption.
  • The latrine is within the barbed wire at a little distance from the quarters with two seats and a urinal (Pit-type). Work Camp Klein Kirchheim
  • Both sides were closed off by large, steel mesh fences with barbed wire at the top, curling around the top support pole in a disarranged, uninviting pattern.
  • The next cluster of ugly barracks surrounded by barbed wire would be even bleaker because it was unfamiliar.
  • Bougainvillea spills over long walls with barbed wire; a plain-clothes man packing a pistol questions visitors.
  • The barbed wire encirclement of about 40 metres by 10 metres encloses a hutment of the usual type, a large shed, a small building which is the guard room, and a small place which serves as a laundry and has a bathroom and the latrines. Work Camp 11017 GW
  • NOEL: Well, the car turned side ways in the road, and went kind of nosed down in the rushing water and the back was up in the air, and it was against a barbed wire fence. CNN Transcript Aug 17, 2007
  • A weeping father untangles the limbs of his dead son from the barbed wire that held him under the flood.
  • The prisoner finally managed to disentangle himself from the barbed wire.
  • Barbed wire zigzagged in front of the small houses and large Alsatians snarled at strangers from behind steel fences.
  • Barbed wire separates the houses from a caravan park on one side, and a tall steel perimeter fence clearly marks the area as separate from the rest of the street.
  • As a friend of both those gentlemen, I have to say that I find myself in the indelicate position of having a foot planted firmly on either side of a barbed wire fence.
  • The collapsible grapnel is a hand-thrown grapnel hook that is used for climbing, removing mines and other objects, and pulling concertina and barbed wire obstacles.
  • The grounds are fenced in by barbed wire.
  • He had to stop walking only to marvel at it for a moment or two, to just gaze in awe at the shaved rock wall extending ten feet into the air, complete with barbed wire sprinkling the top like menacing jimmies or candy pieces on some sort of delicious dessert.
  • Reportedly, the creature had leapt over the chain-link fence, topped with barbed wire, to get to the chickens inside.
  • Nightflame, for example, features an extravagantly rundown apartment - an infernal oil refinery visible through three windows - in which a meditative black woman stands wearing a ripped ball gown and a belt of barbed wire around her hips.

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