How To Use Barbarity In A Sentence
Or if they have witnessed the cruelties of slavery, by remaining silent spectators they have naturally become callous - an insensibility has ensued which prepares them to apologize even for barbarity.
Instead of playing with the freedom and intensity of children, they play with the "blend of adolescence and barbarity" that Huizinga calls puerilism, investing games with patriotic and martial fervor while treating serious pursuits as if they were games.
The Corruption of Sports
The problem was not merely the barbarity and wilfulness of the native Irish, but that the initial grants to the original Anglo-Norman adventurers had been too generous.
This article holds that human nature is the combination of barbarity and humanity.
It is feared the two fanatical groups will try to outdo each other in barbarity to gain the upper hand.
The Sun

Well, we certainly will be mentioning the war - with its deceit, greed and murderous barbarity.
They could see nothing but the state of barbarity that pertained before the truths of God were revealed.
It has often been asked how barbarity could triumph so quickly in such a high culture.
On the other hand the Freedman's Bureau acted as his guardian and friend, looked after his interests in contracts, prohibited the law's barbarity, and insisted stubbornly that the freedman was a man, and must be treated as such.
Bricks without Straw A Novel
Culturally, Constance Garnett helped to dispel the image of barbarity with her translations of Tolstoy and other leading Russian writers.
They believe there is a war between right and wrong, faith and falsehood, civilisation and barbarity and that all tactics are justified in the last-ditch struggle to defend what they believe in.
They found the idea of female rulers outrageous but at the same time exciting and may have been seeking to emphasise the barbarity of the Britons by stressing female involvement in politics and warfare.
It allows recovery before the barbarity, the social invasion, of the family.
The National Trumpet, which was the Radical organ for the State, very naturally gave a different version of the affair, denounced it as a most outrageous political murder, and inveighed most bitterly against what it termed the inhuman barbarity of the opposition journals, which, not content with the death of Walters, sought to slay his good name by slanderous imputation, and to blast the reputation of the stricken widow with baseless hints of complicity in his death.
A Fool's Errand. By One of the Fools
Mandela said he hoped international tribunals dealing with conflicts in central Africa and Europe would make an example of those who had descended to what he described as the lowest levels of barbarity.
ANC Daily News Briefing
According to Prophecy the Messiah which the Goyim worship will reveil himself as the Anti-Christ plunging the remanence of the free world into a Satanic totalitarian one world government headed by an unaccountable extension of the UN bringing depths of exploitation and inhumane barbarity upon mankind for a millennium.
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The barbarity of the old regime was eventually exposed.
The use of visual illustrations is ostensibly intended to show that the very appearance of the Irish betrays their barbarity.
These therapeutic and cosmetic uses of waste persisted well into the sphere of our modern world, and Laporte refuses to mark a clear division between the barbarity of ancient civilization and the manufactured reality of our own.
But before I leave what I call the desponding epoch of my schoolboy days, I must not omit to mention a species of impious barbarity, that had well-nigh alienated my heart for ever from religion, and which made me for the time detest the very name of church.
Rattlin the Reefer
Thinking this barbarity over, I started to get indignant; but just in time I remembered what we ourselves have done to decimate the canvas-back duck and the wild pigeon and the ricebird and the red-worsted pulse-warmer, and other pleasing wild creatures of the earlier days in America, now practically or wholly extinct.
Europe Revised
He's trying to come to terms with the barbarity of the attack and is concerned that such scenes of violence are becoming more prevalent in cities.
The cases are medieval in their barbarity.
Times, Sunday Times
It had also regulated trade with Indians not residing within the jurisdiction of a State, and, by scattering its troops along the border, was attempting to protect the savage from the encroachments and debauchment of the white man, as well as to shield the white man from the barbarity of the savage.
The United States of America, Part 1
Here then I retreated, and lay down happy to have found a shelter, however miserable, from the inclemency of the season, and still more from the barbarity of man.
Chapter 11
They play a fundamental role in the capacity of colonizers to invent a rationale for their inexpiable barbarity.
Three years before I was engaged in the same manner, and had created a fiend whose unparalleled barbarity had desolated my heart, and filled it for ever with the bitterest remorse.
Chapter 3
Cannibalism was regarded as a sign of barbarity, the marker of an uncivilised people.
This is a story of continuing progress, from the barbarity of slavery to the enlightenment of the contemporary race relations industry.
This series, a darkish workplace comedy, was adapted for U.S. audiences from the British show of the same name—which means, as such adaptations always do, that its tone doesn't begin to approach the acid barbarity of the original.
Bunnies and Lovelorn Males
He was troubled by the barbarity of manners on the frontier.
This is a story of continuing progress, from the barbarity of slavery to the enlightenment of the contemporary race relations industry.
It was an act of unspeakable barbarity and cowardice.
The Sun
Felipe Calderon went on Twitter to express dismay over what he called an "aberrant act of terror and barbarity.
News -
The article expresses a horror at the 'barbarity' of the 'unmeaning mummeries, dishonest debt, profuse waste, and bad example in an utter oblivion of responsibility'.
This impertinent and malicious insinuation made some impression upon the bystanders, and furnished ample field for slander to asperse the morals of Trunnion, who was represented through the whole district as a monster of barbarity.
The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
Without the culture of the Public Service, there will only be barbarity in this place.
The barbarity of the old regime was eventually exposed.
Of course superstition is at the bottom of this barbarity; the same which a generation ago made the silly accoucheur refuse to give ether because of the divine (?) saying “In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
As France was at that time involved in the calamities of a religious war, this act of barbarity had remained unresented, had not a single man of Mont Marfan, named Dominique de
History of Louisisana Or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina: Containing
Plenty of modern film-makers have attempted to emulate the blithe barbarity that lent Ealing comedies their sharp aftertaste.
But upon his return to Europe he began to see the old continent with American eyes and from the alienating distance of his exile he noticed all the more strongly the barbarity of its remaining peculiarities.
According to Wong, the aestheticization of Chinese history makes it palatable, along with reinforcing the Orientalist binary opposition between eastern barbarity and western civility.
The use of force is appalling, indiscriminate barbarity unforgivable.
It was an act of unspeakable barbarity and cowardice.
The Sun
There has been a great deal of uninformed comment about how this work resurrects the medievalism - that is, supposedly, the barbarity - of Passion plays, but I wonder how many of these critics have actually seen a medieval Passion play.
This book was written in 1935, and since then many have raged at the barbarity of their government's behaviour abroad.
Even Scottish officials castigated Gaelic ('the Irish language') as 'one of the chief and principal causes of the continuance of barbarity and incivility amongst the inhabitants of the isles and highlands'.
It is feared the two fanatical groups will try to outdo each other in barbarity to gain the upper hand.
The Sun
Eleventh-century England is seen as intellectually isolated, rescued from barbarity only by Norman longships.
The loyalty is the barbarity for love.
Some contemporaries would have seen the confrontation of the two cultures as an out and out battle, in the case of the improvers a struggle between the forces of civilization and enlightenment, and those of barbarity and heathenism.
Burma, so beautiful and prosperous 50 years ago, has relapsed into barbarity.
Moreover, they are characters who have absorbed the English-speaking colonialist attribution of barbarity to the Irish language and are now steeped in a culture of patient acceptance over assertive action.
Many other English authors were inclined towards contrasting the barbarity of the Scots, Irish, and Welsh with the civility and polish of the English.
Just like Rousseau, Finlay has created an art which sets the notion of the Arcadian idyll against mankind's extreme barbarity.
If the use of animal food be, in consequence, subversive to the peace of human society, how unwarrantable is the injustice and barbarity which is exercised toward these miserable victims.
The initial imposition of a Bavarian administration soon after Independence, the effort to shed traces of 'obscurantism' and the 'barbarity' of Ottoman rule; the Western bourgeois invasion of local customs and traditions; the long-standing effort to reconcile the Ottoman past with the legacy of Greece as the centre of European civilisation; and the intense conflict between right and left visions of Greek society since the Second World War have all generated tensions about national identity that have often found expression through various treatments of the 'woman question'.
Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
This wicked young man (relying on Ahadee's protection) whilst the ceremonies were preparing at Xavier, to invest his brother with the regal dignity, had the audacity to murder him there, and the address to be appointed king in his place; and closed his atchievement, by devouring the heart of his unfortunate brother; which last act of unnatural barbarity was the proof required by Ahadee, of unlimited devotion to his commands.
Memoirs of the Reign of Bossa Ah�dee, King of Dahomy, an Inland Country of Guiney. To Which Are Added, the Author's Journey to Abomey, the Capital; and a Short Account of the African Slave Trade
He said: 'It is a scene of medieval barbarity.
The Sun
They have absorbed the English-speaking colonialist attribution of barbarity to the Irish language.
Even so, a life of barbarity devoid of all pleasure - where even coloured felt-tips are 'haram' - has niche appeal.
Times, Sunday Times
This is a story of continuing progress, from the barbarity of slavery to the enlightenment of the contemporary race relations industry.